GHSCHESTER S PILLS DIAMOND BRAND ? LADIES t Ask your Drvckt for chi-chbs-tmr'8 A diamond BRAND pills in Rrd and/j\ Cold metallic boxes, sealed with Blnev #> JUbbon. Taxm no other. Inislit n4 Mk for CHI-CXTES-TEB B V DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, fo twentT-fifO years regarded as Best, Safest, Always Reliable* SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS time pvprywu ppf worth tried t f cn I ft n t n c testbp j ? j City Hotel and Gate, luroiniu /milium and EUROPEAN GOOD CLEAN ROOMS NEAR THEATRE AND STATE CAPITOL American Rates $1.25 to $2.00 European Rates,* Rooms, 50c and up. Mrs. L. I. KAMINER, Proprietress, 1218 Main Street Phone 851 COLUMBIA, IS. C. i vjy THE MOST COMPLETE LINE WE HAVE EVER SHOWN IN HARNESS, SADDLES, COLLARS, . BRIDLES, ROBES,' HORSE BLANKETS, ETC. We have a special home-made slip Harness for one-horse wagon at $5.00. A Set of Boggy Harness for $10.00. We buy Hides, Fore, Tallow, Beeswax and pay highest market prices, nisi lif vv use n. narim, 1116-1118 Plain Street, COLUMBIA - - S. 0. ' Foley's Kidney , Pills [ What They Will Do for You They will cure your backache! Strengthen your kidneys, correct urinary irregularities, build Bp the worn out tissues, and eliminate the excess uric acid Dated Sept. 17, A. D. 1912. MELTON & STITRKIE, Plaintiff's Attorney, To the Defendants ahc've hained: You will please take notice that the i original Summons and Complaint in the above-Damed case are now on file in the office of the Clerk of Court of Lexington County, said State, and have been since December 18, 1908. MELTON & STURKIE, Plaintiff's Attorney. September 17, 1912. summohs. STATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA, County of .Lexington. j In the Court of Commoo Pleas, Richard Poel, Plaintiff, against Ida. L. Burgess, C. F. Cooper, J. P. Cooper, Louisa Ray, John Cooper, Eratna Jofooat, Ruby Livingston, HolJie Cooper, Manse E. Kirkland, fitansel Kirkland. May Louisa Starns, f Grace Kirkland, Defendants. Summons for Relief--Complaint Servd To the Defendants above named: i You are hereby summoned and re- < quired to answer the complaint in this action, of which a copy is hereby serven upon you, and serve a copy of your *uswer to the stid complaint on the su >scribpr, at his office, in Chapin, S. C., within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of i 9uch service; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will , apply ro the < ou:*t for the relief demanded in the compi tint. ! To the defendants, S ancel Kirkland, ] Lonisa Starnes and Grace Kirkland: Yon will please take notice that uu- i less you have a guardian ad litem appointed to represent you h rein, with- i in twenty days after the se vice of thia summons and notice upon you, exclusive of the days of such service, the [ undersigned will then attvr move the ' Clerk of the Court for the appointment '< of some suitable person to act as guardian ad litem in said action. To the defendaut Stncel Kirkland. You will please take notice that the original summons and complaint in the above entitled action for partition is now on file in the cleric's omce, at Lexington, S. C , the same haviLg peen filed there on the 29th day ot November. 1911. J. H. FRICK, Plff's. Afcty. November 29, 1911. 51 FARMS! FARMS! If you want to buy a good * farm at ri^ht price anywhere in South Carolina, call on or write me. If you want to sell your farm quick for cash, make your price right and I will sell it for you, no matter where located. I sell choice city property, tooHope A. Dickert, 1507 Main Street, Columbia, - South Carolina. ! "Always Hurtling." \ BIG SWINE SNOW FOR FALL FAIR INDICATIONS POINT TO THE LARGEST COLLECTION OF SWINE EVER BROUGHT TO THIS SECTION. THE PRIZES OFFERED The Berkshire Quarterly Has Good Things to Say About the Local Fair?En trice Will Cfcaoo * ^ a iti i te* Tor me o?in? ? partmtnt #n October 26. Th# Georgia-Cafoifna Fair Jka&oeiati?n la planning to hare the largest swine exhibit this year that has ever been brought together in this aection. There will be at least 300 high grade j registered red swin?, that will be a j delight to see. j Special prizes have been offered for ! Poland Chinas, Berkshires and Tamworths. The owners of these highfrade swine promise to send some of Lhe finest specimens here that have sver been on exhibition in a show room in the South. In the last issue of the Berkshire Quarterly, the following appeared regarding the Iccal swine show; The Georgia Carolina Fair. This great fair will open at Augus- | :a, Ga., cn November 4. It has for | many years been a two-states fair, j out today ranks as cue of the real oig Southern fairs, equaled by few in luallty of exhibits and surpassed by lone in repuianou mi us.-**ng, promptness . in details and payment of premiums. You get every :ent promised and oftentimes much more in way of special premiums, rhey have for many years had one if the greatest fall poultry shows in America and for attractiveness and wide distribut:on of exhibits it has ecuals at any season of the year. They pay their premiums before the close of the show, which has gained for them an enviable reputation and the confidence of every exhibitor. The agricultural display has always been an attractive feature. The management will this year erect a new building for this purpose, and no doubt the display will be as complete as .the resources of the South can make it. Realizing the importance of the' live stock industry they are this year adding this new feature. For this purpose they will use the present agricultural building and I say without fear of successful contradiction that it is the best building for the* purpose in the South. Nothing better could be had. The classification and premiums are very liberal as will be seen on another page. SecretaryTreasurer Frank E. Beane writes that they propose to have the great est bog show in the South this tail and a bigger one each succeeding season and, when Mr. Beane says this, he means every word of it. He has always carried out his plans and expects for this to be no exception. Be sure and read their ad and write him for premium list. I- A number of cups will be offered in addition to the prizes listed and nothing will be left undone to make j this a gathering of animals, the quality of which cannot be duplicated in any show in the South. The fai* grounds will be very attractive, special effort will be put forth to make your stay ki Augusta a pleasant one; premiums will be most liberal and j will be paid at once. A winning in i Augusta will be worth a great deal to j your herd and a ribbon from this Bhow win carry with it prestige ! that you cannot afford to ignore. You will find Frank E. Beane a man after your own heart. Write him about it at once. The Georgia-Carolina Fair deserves your support. It is a chance that you cannot afford to miss if you have hogs to sell. It will be the final rounding up after the October fairs. Your hogs will already be in condition and eager buyers will be awaiting you. Opportunity knocks at your door. Will you accept? THE ONE GREAT EVENT. j I The State Fair Which Everyone Attends?The Dates, October 28 to November 1, Inclusive. There is one gala occasion on wh-ch all the people of South Carolina unite. One time when they all join In having a good time. It is at the State l'air. Thousands and thousands of South Carolinians agree from year to year to meet in Columbia during the State fair. This year they will be in Columbia, between October 2S and November 1, inclusive. Besides meeting their relatives, friends, acquaintances and sweethearts, if they have any, they willfind a better and greater State fair. South Carolina is progressing by leaps and bounds, her farmers want t the best, and it is to be shown at th?' fair. Never before have there been so many entries at this time nor such a demand for exhibit space. I'resident J. Arthur Banks, Secretary J. M. Cantey and Superintendent Watts are already in con stunt touch with the situation ar- | ranging for tin- details. The dates of the fair 'ctobor -8 t<> November 1. inclusive- are not in conflict with any otlu-r event in the State. Cheap railroad rates have already ! been seetir. d and special trains will i be operated for the eonvi nienec u.t 1 tb< thoti.salitis attending the State A HAPPY HOME . U one where health abocmde. With impure blood there cannot be good health. With a disordered LIVER there cannot be good blood. T..wPAn;ilA luiuniid revivify the torpid LIVER and restore I its natural action. j A healthy LtVgft meana pcr& blood. Pure Mood means health; Health means happiness. fake ao Substitute* All Druggists* Those who know'afld feel for Chairman Hilles say he really isn't tb blame for the Republican presidential chndi* j date's announcement that he "is otlt ! of politics." j They Make Yon Feel Good. The pleasant purgative effect proj duced by Chamberlain's Tablets and I the healthy condition of body and mind which they create make one feel j joyial. For sale by All Dealers. f i Lhv I ZSTALL 1ft NEW BRC Tha house 1 \ i We have them, Also a. la.rare 1 Gregor "Ou I * Cauahrr THEY \% j ! Columbia, i i MJHHwHaHlHBHBHanilHiBHBMHHHHadUiUiUHWI COTTON SEED 1 I am taking orders for a limited number of busbels of fine 9 cotton seed, this fall. 9 To introduce "UNCLE SAM'' seed I am allowed to make ex B ceptionally good prices this fall, and as I saw the cotton growing 9 ? J 1 4.U-* Mail mill nlooso T mntfi fh? fnllnwincr nrnrvnsit. 19 SOU JSilOW lliOb luno ddcu hju iuciuvj .? ........ ? r r ion: Plant this brand of cotton beside any other seed of the same I price, give them the same culture, the sa*?e fertilizer, and if in the 8 fall in the opinion of the Government Demonstrator, the seed B bought from me, do not produce a better grade of cotton and more 9 of it your money will be refunded, 8 According to the Government Reports, of which I will bo B glad to secure you a oopy on application, "UNCLE SAM" cotton ffi produced the largest yield of seed cotton, and the largest per cent, B of lint of thirty-five varieties tested at the station. S I will deliver at Lexington, single bushels for $2, five btish- 9 elSj for $8. and all over five bushels at $1.50 per bushel. Terms: One half cash with order and balance with^delivery 9 of Seed. ? i will be glad to show actual photographs of cotton grown P this year, and samples of this year's seed to any one who will call B on me In Lexington. B S M D Q U I P P 1 II V 1 W I I s g Lexington, - - South Carolina f! " " Buster Brown's I fi 8 H A r**ir I ? a ip T!LC U !! * ill leo Ever Ink Lstotslat whmi yon ^ot a pair of KO ERECT | All Weights ??u colors APS SHOES y?)U tji;ttina Jim bes. rfpL Boxof Four :P airs Guarit money can buy. A1! KOIiiiECT (&$> cctccd Four nicmhs [APE SHOES have lico-Cax Soles, . >Oak S >!?? leather is tanned by tin- s aoas Bart & Packard Cm and H freo j :h ^'urjo^c, find ut-lier ft* eap. wi^luy, cents I ii, iii'i'O'VJ b ilfS give renter ser- j Traity.triStpiivr-i upalf 9 and are the best wearing soles ii is 9 sih,e to ?et in shoes at it iy prion. I "Burrojaps" Paten-, and dull leathers i irau eeci t o last 'till sola wears I 0 ou^h. Ask for 'em, iv - ii UK vHTJV-n-Trr: ,. r. YouShould Wear This Hose 3 art ^ AMMCLTDftNft. . j 3 "2? C W H B 'A m m <<*&* j JOKLA^D, S. C. :hafc sells MORE GOODS FOR SAME MONEY SAME GOODS FOR LESS MONEY kb v w 4- Bf both Mules, Mares and Horses ine of the very best vehicles. y-Conder Male Co., COLUMBIA, S. C. r Guarantee Means Something." SEE ian Brothers YOUR ! MO WAGONS I Mill/ ii nww ii v FILL DO THE REST - Soutii Carolina.