The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, October 16, 1912, Image 1

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.y V * / r THE LEXINGTON DISPATCH. A Representative Newspaper Covers Lexington and the Borders of the Surrounding Counties Like a Blanket. " ' VOL. XLII. LEXINGTON, S. C., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1912 50 ?l"M?? | ^ i" w o shoe: stores i n o mt e:- . il Tan Caff Skin, Walt Sola, Button 2 Shoos, $2.95 I jf Gun Metal Cad, Welt Sole Blutchers S2.95 _ I ~ Gun Metal Calf, Double Sole, Bluchers, Welt Soles, $2.45 i Gun Metal and Tan calf Patent Colt, Button and Bluchers Welt Soles, $2.45 Gun Metal, Bluchers $1.95 and $2.45 T 3ST O V _a, flflMBBBHBBHBMBMBBani A New Dep LEVER. Th ilAi I MAll I = For Over two months we hav< CASH BARGAIN BASEME It is ready now and crowded wit The basement is well light ^ 11 rf * r* r 4 rl Ck f V"* rk dtaiid itau uuwn juai uidiut uic What This Cash E Mea It means first, that we have another shoe s cent for rent; it means that you save this i means that you can buy shoes in our CA $2.45 and $2.95 that you pay $2.50, $3.00 an day roast saved on a pair of shoes for y< quicker shoe sales and smaller profits; it m shoe business of Columbia and vicinity, g his shoes as well as the man who pays $7.1 Come and examine the shoe bargj you 15 per cent on the shoes you buy, an< ?? 1 ?? MEN'S WOI We want every man in Columbia and vici see the Work Shoes in onr Rasement Tt Shoes shown in Columbia. Tan Elco Calf Tan and DoubleSole,Welted Kangaroo Calf, E Bluchers. $2.95 g* Sole, plain Black Elco Calf Tqti . Single Welt Sole, Plain Toe _ lan B1 Bluchers, very flexible hot- Double Sole I toms, $2.95 Tan Elco Calf T,anand ] Bluchers, Double Sole Single Sole . $2.65 $1.8: Misses* Shoes Kid Button Bootees. Sizes 5 to 8, $1.15, 8 1-2 to 11, $1.35; 11 1-2 to 2, $1.65, 2 1-2 to 6, $1.95 Gun Metal and Kid Button School Shoes, Extra Quality, Sizes 6 to 8, $1.15, 8 1-2 to 11, $1-35, \ 1 1-2 to 2, $1.45 i ? I __ ?km ^MB H 1HH V^B H B^Mfl 1H 1 Hi HA ?H I B B HI B Bb U M *^ HBH The SHO COLUMBIA, - - . S MO E S T I i I I artment at ie Shoe Man's | e been working to get our iNT ready for Fall Business. :h shoe bargains, ed and well ventilated, easy front door. sargain Basement ns tore 22x48 feet that does not cost us a ent on the price you pay for shoes; it SH BARGAIN BASEMENT at $1.95, Ld $3.50 for; it means the price of a Sunmi: means more husiness for lis: means leans that we are going after ALL the oing after the man who pays $1.25 for )0. lins we have for you, we can save i sell you better shoes. tK SHOES nity that does an honest day's work to i ^ i i? . _ r itt i_ iere never nas Deen sucn a line 01 w orK Black Tan and Black [Juchers, Sin- Grain Bluchers. $1.45 l Toe $1.95 Bjac^ Ooze I ack Calf Bluchers, Cap Top. A very Dreedmore 80^? rough finished leather, 5 made for rough work, $1.45 Black Tan and Black Ooze Bluchers Biuchers, Plain Toe 5 $1.25 Boys' Shoes Box Calf and Gun Metal Calf, Bluchers and Button Shoes, $1.95 Gun Metal Calf, Bluchers and Button Shoes. $1.45 Gun Metal Calf. Bluchers, $1.25 >E MAN SOUTH CAROLINA ORES IN Tan Calf Skin, Button, Extra High Cut 52.45 Tan and Gun Metal Calf, Button, Welt Soles, $2.95 Glaze Kid and Gun M<fal, Button p and Bluchcr, S 1.45 Patent fcUr! Metal and d?e | 'XM Sutton, High Cut, SI.95 j Patent, Gun Me tat and Tan Calf, Cloth Top, $2.45 ONE |