I' * " I and be convii I BUSINESS a best footwear f( " , ?. i The Lexington Dispatch Wednesday, Oct 9, 1912. ? ? ? M. Harman, Editor and Publisher D. R. Halttw anger, Assistant Editor. i Entered at trie Post Uf5.ee at Lexington. ! S. C.. as second class matter. CIRCULATION 3,300. _____ __ i i Notice, Trespassers. Xu persons are hereby notified that i fishing, buntin&r r trespassing in any' mannerwhatso?'.eron the lands of the j undersigned is positive1 v forbidden; j and that the law wilt b?> -ipplied to ail i persons who violate thi^. notice Laeronia Strickland. ! Luther Jefcoat. Y?nns Jefcoat. 4w51 F M. Martin. i 1 Everybody will ] S waffles, gems, cakes, eve | ing powder?you will a 1 fluffy and delicious if yo 'H I 1 Self-Rising | Never any trouble abc M proportions?for the flour co ft the finest salt and baking p m results every time?your bisi || etc., will always be a big sue 1 Fiddle 8c Bow Flour is fi of time and trouble. Recor 1 wives, because it is ready mi mistake with it. ? Tell your grocer tc send a 8 with your next order. ? Here's the simple recipe (printec jjS Sift flour once, add to eacl w tablespoonful of lard, make a tweet milk or cold water?* 8 Distributors: Murphe; I k Davis Milling Co., 8 Manufacturers o I Aunt Jemima's ???I fk ?? (mK ? g UAQMAM'Q i BiniEifinsi u iced that you a specialty for more )r your money. W . SHOE! aMPg?eraOMBBg? See our new top bugeies at $40.00 1 oa9h. Open buggies $3-; < 0. We niaki; the Driee. Gregorv-Co: der Mule Cj. J "? Notice, Debtors and Creditors. All persons holding claims against the estate of Martha A. Lewie, dec'd., will present the ??me, duly attested; and those indebted to said estate will please make payment to the undersigned on or before December 1, 1912. 51 , W. H. DONLEY, Admr. "Uncle Ike" S'nealy, one cf the best known citizens of the Dutch Fork accompanied his son, G. Holly Shealy, to the court house Monday. New Treasurer, Mr. Julian P. Meetze has hern appointed Treasurer of the Lexington County Fair Association, vice W. P. Roof resigned. John G. Darby, chief of police of Bate3burg, was among the prominent visitors here Monday. MILLING CO praise your biscuits, I sry thing requiring bak- 1 Iways get them light, i u use H flf Iplt? Ready Mixed | )ut getting just the right I ?mes already mixed with I owder. You get perfect 1 zuiiz, waffles, gems, calces, 1 cess. I CUUilUllJlUiU, ?LaMP-^ III'""1 lESSi : I s t ^ . ,|M | l H * HTTX7 VATTD Q DU I it. iSHOE STOBE I 3,11 save money 1] * than 20 years, < e invite our Lexington fr ? FOR EVERYBOI S * # 0pQrrn?sc; I iT">. / \ I ? .* ' 'VA /~?7 -c/v *. ;r ' ^-sI JL>a/?U/ i Ayer's Hair Vigor keeps the 1 jscaip clean and healthy, a destroys a!i dandruff, and I I greatly promotes the growth | I of the hair. You vili cer- jj | tainly be pleased with it as ] a dressing for your hair. It ii keeps the hair soft and smooth and promptly checks | any falling of the hair. It j does not color the hair, and j | cannot injure the haii or j j scalp. Consult your doctor i | about these hair problems. A -1 1 _? - 1 ./5 s ask mm wwdi ne uiiuks 01 j j Ayer's Hair Vigor. = | Wade by the J. C. AYEB. CO., Lowell? Mans, r f Hookworm Dispensary Largely Attended Here. The dispensary that was opened in the court house last Saturday for the examination and free treatment of those suffering from the Hookworm was largely attended and attracted a greatdeal of attention. Of "the forty persons examined, in the opinion of Dr L. A. Riser, the expert in charge, thirty-five were affectea with the dip- c ease. Most of those examined were J children, and nearly everyone, it is said wa? affected. The dispensary will be open in the court house again next Saturday and every Saturday following until the six weks are taken up. Dr. Ri?er wants to impress upon the t people that the examination snd treat- s ment is absolutely free, the county x and State bearing ail expenses. Dispensaries ere being operated at a four other point* in 6he county?Irmo, a Batrsburg, Steed man and Pelion. t s Mr. Walter H? ndrix, lost his barn, a food &c, yesterday. The fire caught from the engine while the threader was at work. The loss is several hun- f' ared dollars. Notice of Election To the members of the Lexington County Democratic Executive Committee: Oil acco'unt ot the shortness of time betore rhc prmarv to be held f on October 15th, tor tlie purpose ot nominating an Attorney General for ( South Caroliua the Executive ommit- e teemon will not send the names of me s managers of tneir lespeetive precincts 1: to the secretary for publication, but t will appoint and notify rhe manage)> c themselves. c Those members of the Executive Committee who find ir inconvenient to t be present at the meeting ot the Executive Committee on th" lSrh of October mav appoint some one to act as their proxy. The box***; for rViis election will be sent out the same as they were for the second primary. If those 0 t1 at w^re expressed at that time will be expressed again, and these wlio came after their boxes will be expect- ^ ed to do so again, unless they notify I the secretary in time for him to make . other disposition of the boxes D. F. Efird, County Chairman. Sewing Machine Bargains 5 Will sel1 one NEW HOME improved, light running, drop-head Sewing Ma- ^ chine, and one new NEW ACME, t rlmr* lioofl cm a run t.opfl for tern vourc' C service, at a bargain, either for cash J or easy payments, Rice B. Harmon. Cleaning, Pressing and Dyeing The Lexington Pressing Club is ready to do your fall cleaning, pressing, dyeing, etc. We have a competent force and all work promptly and * neatly aone. Let us fix up that old 8 last year's suit foryou. We make a a specialty of this class of work. 8 Lexington Pressing Club. Lem Box. Manager Ifr a nj-ft |p p f if fis I I It 3b 0 I t! Isl Itas I 1HOES FROM 7ou Rin;n ot nm nut ini mam oh) yyiuifii >y trading with them. I enables us to be in a positi Isolds to soma and be Osm?iiteed, &? AT RIGHT PRICES 1725 Main St. ' Col iMMBBWBBgtB???????? ? ? ? OH?? on*??ram?no? H iy w-rr" '.JCrUT}' D ervice; but, l, rlie future, if warrants special s-h *oi Levy f ,re turned ovjr to the Sheriff for ser- gonial s.-hr.oi Lerr T) Special M-hi" ) Levy 1) rice the pay for sueh service will be special Sea o; Levy Di [educted from c!ie Constables salary. sp'leiii Se'h.^' Levy^i L. J. LANGFORD. ! Neh..0j pvv Dj I speejal J*cuooi L>evy ?'i County Supervisor. I special Se- uo! L- y Pi Spp.S'*h"ol L'-vy Di * * I Sp"C'al s.-henl Lew ' M Alice I i>PH,'i .1 >?*hoo| L~v\ Dt i? VHiPC I L?-\ . L'l We will sell to the highest bidder | s.'lponi Lev/idor Jasn. at t.ie iate resrdeuce oi j 'sp?-.-;>/i -.-boo) Levy pi? Metts, d";C a-led, on tilj 24th da? of j Sr-een:! "Sehool L-vv j'i )'-tober. 11U2. mi] the personal prop- | sjill i i'L^vy I)! rtv ot wbic'i rue said deceased, died. ; sy.'? -i o s.-noei L**vyDi ejzed and possessed, coin-lsihig ot j >i i;d School Levy Di > - i l' : !?v louseftoid u..u KKcneii iurauiiri . - _ . arming irnpieuvmts. wagons, buggir- . mutation roa< orn. fnd !rr ':av arid also four mules, f5, V! received >np ni3r*\ hocr^% *** ofher and ( wi:i Of^ni urumpUv at -i> L Head lnstiuct /clack, a. m. " aiittmg: J. B. LATKAIn. ' AcCcruiBK to !w j. v.'tu;u:::c mktts. j wni ac.d t.-.efoi!! Att"a at i.atv tor nim. 1 Jju.W lstj , Oct (.) 10!??3;? penalty will be add have not paid. On - an .idauioual 1 per c FOR SALE?My place of 10(J acres-, lo these who have t ! miles of Lexingtou; 5 room house a i d per cent, penalty fc >arns. plenty of water: about 25 acres an additional 5 per i ipen; near electric plant and phone ' be added oil March ine. For terms &e.. apply to I cent, penalty to be V. H, BallentiDe, Columbia, S. 0., he.ve not paid by M; iOS, River Avenue 51 Tax Bocks will clc . . When remitting gi )pening Books of Subscription % S('iK,C)1 disrrict r " r Give one name in fu In pursuance nf a commisaion issued Very truly, ?y Hon. R M McCown, secretary ot * E. I >tate for tue South Caroiin, on the Treasurer Lexingb ifth da}* of October. l'J12, we, the un ler9igned. Board of Corporators, here)y give notice that Books of Subscrip- NCW Crop F ion to the Capital Stock of the Bank ?f Gilbert, will be opened at the st^re Winter turnip seer >f G. H. Hallman, Gilbert, S. C., on winter mustard see he 14th day of October, 1912. seed, rye seed, and i rF ?r sets? now in Plan' D. E. HAMMOND, in bulk or retailed, a W. O. TARVER. Ha Oct. 9. 1912?49 ^ ~ " For S Notic6j Trespassers. One portable six h All persons are hereby notified not and engine, ona timb o hunt at night upon my land9, as I ty fwe? 4-iy gaaby t trictly forbid anything of the kind, . . Uar.^Q,n i - c md the law will be enforced against a vc .11 trespassing at night. to w* JOE W. ROOF R. F. D. 4, I Sept. 14,1912?49p 2w50p M????i I '"nl I ^ 11 1 u 1 0\ ! a li H1 ! S ! 11 1 Jhj s I J rsxnuBu^rvx] | " I ' I ^| j sis, i 11 j laving made the SHOE 1 1 on to give you the very |f | 1 jprn p | jj|j| I '1 ' a \x> 3 a a s t* a a i&s ? Fnewmome i 'ompt and efficient ser- g ! stionable safety. i $270,100.00 292,600.00 g . 270,100.00 jj ng a total of $332,800 00 to | e lost before a depositor can loose 3 if a Bank that makes its Strength | a a # twt /\u a 7*% 1 j ill rtcwum rwww a [uarterly on Savings Accounts. I iasurer, Lexington A IfrOffl I CflV ,.8.0..September |H|||jU J| TUA| ?urp^"::fg e ESTATE AND IHI6E 1>i esfrom Lexington, 30 is'NoJi I Mi,l> I opor, r>0 cres pine timber, 6 is. 75 a Mills I i-potn d?c? '' l- a baria and sta- H is. V>. *? Mi 's I i<. N<> n. ? Mms ! K bloa. piee'v ing water. jp J- 'fc j *Vim's j a'-r-s 3 uuies west of Ga?- ] T"- :! ][jjjs j ton, ames open, 3 room dwell No.' ?i:i a 1 | ing, some pine timber, plenty f So. 1! : 31 iI Is j , _ > No. 14 2 3Ti!ls oak. I * v? -1 ^ ! 46 acres one mile from Edmund fl -. .No. .>< 2 J>liii8 aB >. No. s4 2 Mills ! 25 acres open land, 2 room dwel is. No. so ^ Nfills j .. V .NO.71 2 Mills ling- fl o-vfljls I 130*-' acres 4 miles from [Lex- 1 s No.y 33Iilis ington o the Augusta Road, 22 fl : -3 "Ills j acres open, some pine timber, 6 I ^ ' *i* oil 'I room dwelling. I fl 1 tax for 1612, ?3 j I 210 acres; 3 miles from Pelion, I fl at 'ho s-Mr-e time | 50 acres open land, dwelling, I fl onnty rax?-->. | plenrv water. Fine land for fl ions be.ow betore ! fl | Cotton ana grain. 2 the County Audi- ' J 162 acres 5 miles from Steed- fl jwing penalties: ; man, 25 acres open land, dwel- j ^ ' Hng: barn and Stables. fl ed to t-use who 1 fl February 1st. 1613, ! 104 acres 1 mile from Edmund, tent, will be added i 35 acres open land, 2 room dwel- fl ot^paid, making 2 \ ling, plenty water. I )r r uyiuiii v. ouu j cent. panalty will I 76 acres 6 miles from Columlst.. making 7 p^r j ^ia, oue n,jje from Arthur, pine paid bv those who i ,. , , . ^ irch ut, 191". I tinier, plenty water. ise March, 13, 1913. j 150 acres 7 miles Iron Lexing- i ive each township i tod, 50 acres in cultivation, 9 iir property is in. j ruom dwelling, 2 barns, tenant d, not initia s. house, blacksmith shoo, good i. WINGARD, water power, corn and wheat Dn County, S. C. mill, cotton, gin and press, tele phone, daily mail, near good 'all Sec ds. ,ch?o18nd chnrchEasy terms. 1, large Southern d, winter radish SURETY BONDS. Vhite Pearl onion ' , ting season, sold Write or call to see me s desired. ?at? I ?K c? THE HOME M1? NATIONAL BANK, er c irt and seven- ! Lexington, S. C. el ting. Will sell ? eld in lot. Apply t A. C EDR3E, | Apples, a fine lot, ai The Bazaar.