{indigestion^ I causes heartburn, sour m m stomach, nervousness, m 9 W nausea, impure blood, and m r more trouble than many M different kinds of diseases, m The food you eat ferments W W in your stomach, and the M fl poisons it forms are ab- m v sorbed into your whole m system, causing many dis- I tressing symptoms. At the first sign of Indigestion, try DM I Mori's I IBIack-Draughfl |. the old, reliable, vegetable I f . I liver powder, to quickly B - I cleanse your system from these undesirable poisons. BOD I B ' ' B . A Mrs. Riley Laramore, of B m Goodwater, Mo., says: "I A suffered for years from dyspep B sia and heartburn. Thedfora's B 8 Black-Draught, in small doses, L A cured my heartburn in a few f A days, and now 1 can eat without A distress." Try it 3 8 Insist on Thedford's J \ _ THE MOST COMPLETE LUTE WE HAYE EVER SHOWN IN HARNESS, SADDLES, COLLARS, BRIDLES, ROBES, I * HORSE r BLANKETS, i U/IU We have a special home-made slip [ Harness for one-horse wagon at r $5.00. A Set of Buggy, Harness for *10.00. I * We buy Hides, Furs, Tallow, Beeswax r and pay highest market prices. I Wilse W. Martin, A 1116-1118 Plain Street, IJ COLUMBIA - - - S. O. " / i ; ************************** - * * t No Royal Road. * I \ "Of co'se you kin learn by ex- 3 t perience." said Uncle Eben, "but J i * rpmpmhpr. son. vou kin learn a foolishness dat way de same as X out o' books."?Washington Star. * k Sacking the Animals. Spader Johnson, one of the principal * clowns with the Ringling circus, was spinning yarns in the pad room and told this: A visitor to the city had spent all of 1 the morning reading circus bills and was Just going to his hotel when he 1 saw a red painted U.nited States mail wagon going along the street He sized it up for a circus wagon and followed it four miles to the postoffice and with wide open mouth watched the unloading of the mail. < Late in the afternoon he met another i Rube and remarked: ?' A Knni> I IVvl IntvoH nrto rtf thom fif mm ai/uci? x l\j uvHtvi vmv v* v-w? -v*. A ens wagons all the way downtown, aiX I when they unloaded they took the var mints out ip sacks,'*?Chicago Post I Foley's I Kidney I Pills P What They Will Do for You I They will cure your backache, * Strengthen your kidneys, cor* I reet urinary irregularities, build op the worn out tissues, and I eliminate the excess uric acid that causes rheumatism. Pre* vent Bright's Disease and Dia* bates, and restore health and K itreagth. Refuse substitutes. For Sale By Harmon Drug Co. Tribute oi Respect. Whereas, the great head of the church has called from our midst our dear brother and co-laborer Joseph J. Lown, a loyal, liberal member, who always gave himself with his means to develop and bless the church; and, whereas also, in his last will he bequeathed the 9um of $1,500 to be held in trust by the church, the proceeds of which are to be used in the support of * - ?--o nnnrfi nn - tils pastor ana s^uuui^cu oyv*w? menfe; therefore be it resolved: 1. That we humbly submit to the Divine will, confident that our loss is our brother's gain. 2. That this congregation is painfully conscious of the great loss we sustain in the death of our beloved brother. 3. That we hereby record our sincere appreciation of the constant, faithful service rendered during his long life; and of the liberal bequest left Nazareth congregation by his will. 4. That a copy of these resolutions be presented to the bereaved son as an expression of our heartfelt sympathy with him in his sorrow and loss; also that a copy be furnished the Lexington Dispatch and The Lutheran Church Visitor for publication, and that a page of our record book be set aside 3acred to his memory. James L. Shealy, J. C. Ballington, J. S. Reeder, Committee. Obituary. Mary Leona, infant of J. C. Shirej and wife, passed away August 28 1912, having lived 1 month and 2t days. Funeral services were held ai ni.r,T-tt T.nfhpran nhnrch bv thf vcuax viiv ? v ^ writer. "A little child shall leac them. . B. D. W. Pain in Back, Liver and Kidneys all out of fix Dr. Hilton's Life Will Cure You WHOLESALEl BY THE MURRAY DRUG CO. COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA Many reputations blow up when i polit.cal campaign is in full blast. What We Never Forget according to science, are the things as sociabed with our early home life, sncl as Bncklen' s Arnica Salve, that moth er or giandmother used to cure on: burns, boils, scalds, sores, skin erup tlons, cuts, sprains or bruises. Fort: jears of cares prove its merit, unriv aled for piles, corns or cold sores. On ly 25c at Harmon Drag Co. It's well to pay as yon go and ala to save enough to pay your way bac ] A really effective kidney and bladde medicine most first stop the progres of the disease and then cure the con ditions that cause it. Use Foley Kid ney Pills for all kidney and bladde troubles and urinary irregularities . They help quickly and permanently In the yellow package. Harmon Drug Co. ; Early to bed and early to rise t . many a man would prove a surprise. Uncle Ezra Says "It don't take more'n a gill uv effor to git folks into a peck of trouble,' and a little neglect of constipation biliousness, indigestion or other live derangement will do the same. If ail ing, take Dr. King's New Life Pilli frki. ranip.ir roanlr.a. "Easv. safe. sure. an( only 25c at Harmon Drug Co. For Sale Three show cases, finished in Gold en Oak, good as new, will be sold at j bargain. Harmon Drug Co. % n m & the Ip sev/sKc $3 M|| K A O H 1 pi E .i'iitaWW <;UAU7Y* I warranted for all t:me. If y; .! ; .inse the XKW HOMII y-n a v 111 r - a life* asset at the price yon p:.;\*?>d will n'.i huvt an endless chain of repair*. *^>nS^Cre^ if you want a sewing machine, write for ? our latest catalogue before you purchase. The New Home Sswing Macbi.na Cu., Orange, Mass, ?B?????? Weds Fiancee In Jail. A short romantic courtship came to an nnusnal climax at Athens, Ga., whop A. W. Clower, once a local salesman, v. hose home is in Alabama, and Miss Edna Overton, a pretty blonde, of Dallas, Texas, were married in the county jail. The groom is in prison on a felony charge, awaiting the regular October term of court, having been brought to Athens from Texas two months ago. The bride came all th-3 way from Texas. Governor Blease has appointed Prof. ^ mil n LiDeCO VrUUier, vi xwua. uui, auu ^. S. Kinard members of the state board of education, to take places made vacant by the resignation of J. Lyle9 Glenn, of Chester, and Prof. Nathan Toms, of Darlington. 1 MASTER OF TOE OPTICAL BUSINESS My motto is painstaking conscientious Optical service. I havt ; one of the most completely equipped optical offices, in Co lumbia. Let me do your opti cal work and show you how ] can serve you. Spectacles anc Eye-glasses repaired and lensei matched in 30 minutes. Three gradu ite opticians of man] years experience to serve you anc we can promise you the highest de gree of accuracy, reliability and sat r isfaction in all cases entrusted t< me. Come and see us, we make n< j charge for our examination. i 6. H. Berkman ESTABLISHED 1S79. a 1418 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA. S. C. Diarrhoea Quickly Cured. "I was taken with diarrhoea an< Mr. Yorks, the merchant here, pei suaded me to try a bottle of Chamber Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoei Remedy. After taking one dose of i I was cured. It also cured others tha I gave it to," writes M. E. Gebhart Oriole, Pa. That is not at all unusual An ordinary attack of diarrhoea cai almost invariably be cured by one o two doses of this remedy. F_r sal = by all dealers. Union Picnic. There will be a picnic given at Hall way school honse, near Colombia, o . Saturday, September 14th, under th i auspices of the Farmers' Union. Th County Union will meet at Halfwa r school honse on the same da^e. Prom > j inent speakers will be present. Th - public cordially invited to attend an carry a well filled basket. ^ Mother of Eighteen Children k "I am the mother of eighteen cbil dren and have the praise of doing mor work than any young woman in m; town,'' writes Mrs. C. J. Martir Boone Mill, Ya. "I suffered for fiv years with stomach trouble and coul< ' not eat as much as a biscuit withou r suffering. I have taken three bottle of Chamberlain's Tablets and am nox a well woman and weigh 168 poundf I can eat anything 1 want to ana a much a9 I want and feel better than have at any time in ten years. I refe 0 to anyone in Boone Mill or vicinit and they will vouch for what I say. Chamberlain's Tablets are for sale b all dealers. ilizery ! THE JEWELER 1 1508 Main St, Columbia, S. C REPAIRS ? I ii/ A wfurra I* ill VllUJU AND JEWELRY Makes Them Good as New MEDALS AND BADGES Sm Alio AlU) flicsniiiciiiiuieii in uui uni Shops for Schools and Other Purposes AVERY, The Jeweler Y508 Main St., Columbia, S. C. Picken9 B. Holsenback, aged 7* died in Charleston last week fror heart failure, brought on by excessiv heat. He was stricken down in th trjtt. Advice to the Aged. Age brings infirmities, such as sluggish bowels, weak kidneys and bladder and TORPID LIVEJfc Tutt'sPills have a specific effect on l:heseorgansf stimulating the bowels, causing them to perform their natural functions aa in youth and , IMPARTING VIGOR ?, to the kidneys, bladder and LIVER. They are adapted to olid and young. ???1?^?1^? Obituary, Eliza Jane, wife of Lorenzo Crout, departed this life Aug. 27, 1912, aged 66 years, 9ix months and 22 days. She leaves her husband, one 9on and three daughters, one son having preceded her to the grave. In early life she united with St. Paul's (Hollow Creek) Lutheran church, and reniaiaed a consistent member until death. The body was laid to rest in the family cemetery amid a, large congregation, services being conducted by her pastor, assisted by student V. L. Fulmer. A good woman has passed away. May God sustain the bereaved. B. D. W. r j JJ ' N" . m m. . STALL11 NEW Bl 1 fc The hous t 5 D 0 f In e e y Le d Our new stock u jobs arrive ever3 e7 and styles Buggi i We also have ; t * sizes in Wagons 5. ^ U n rtlrn att txt A Q i i ULdUHii^/jf tv v ?j J hprices are no hig. Gregc ur special , J? most any- {-^gas us if you hing in the vehicle iman Brc Br & Manufaciompany rUKERS OF I Blind, Interior ^press and Oak boarding, Moulding Door >w Frames South Carolina ^njiwiii i in in iiim ii ! i ii a I "DarnlesS"! ! GUARANTEED HOSIERY jj | J For Men, Women and Children | \ All Weights ?.nd Colors ii /W, Bex of Tour Pairs Gusr|| aateed Four Months aw a pair | YouShould Wear This Hose With Burt & Packard Shoes. 1STRONC, s. c. E MONEY J MONEY r* i rooming in. New ie different sizes :ied in stock, all the different :er, Mitchell and 3 made and our 5 c le Co., i RECEIVED I line and we will r?i ivi South Carolina.