Every Plec Our Floor This business has rec< every piece of furniti now coming in. Dressers from $5.00 u] Full Suite " 16.00 5 IRON BED " 1.50 ' Folding Springs " 1.50 ' Chairs " .50 ' Mattresses " 2.25 ' Ladies' Desks " 4.50 ' Stoves " 7.50 ' Hammocks " 2.00 ' Covers " 1.90 ' Our divided payment p and ask about it. Lion Fur A visit to our store will make a customer of you. PENCIL AND SCISSORS. I C ~ T Miss Iceoline Harman has returned frcm a fortnight's visit to relatives in P Columbia. b Have you paid for your paper ? ^ Mrs. Robert F. Bowe, of Boston, as J? pretty as the day she became a bride, j is on a visit to her parents, Hon. and ,. Mrs. 0. M. Efird. } RUB-MY-TISM will cure you. a: j Misses Marie Long and Ella Price, 11 of the State Hospital Training School, tl Columbia, are at home for a few days. C( o: Call at the Dispatch office and get . a red spider bulletin if your cotton is ^ affected. n Mr. William M. Swartz, of Uolum- ^ bia, spent Sunday and Monday with n , his mother in Lexington. n As the fall season draws near we g< hope that our subscribers in arrears el will remember us with their dues. 1< Mr. N. P. Shipp, stenographer for Efird & Dreher, has returned from an extended visit to his parents at Tifton, Ga. 5 or 6 dosss 666 will break any oaae of Chills and Fever: and if taken _ > [T then as a tonic ? the Fever will not return. Price 26c. Miss Valiria Krentzlen ha9 returned y to Washington, after a delightful visit g to relatives here. Daring her stay in v Lexington Mi9s Krentzlen was the recipient of much social attention. p FOR SALE?Homes in and around b Johnston, a9k for list. Y. May, Johnston, S. C. Mrs. Karl F. Oswald and children p have returned from a pleasaDt visit to n friends in St. Matthews. ^ RUB-MY-TISM will cure you. tl Mr. John Taylor, of Route 5, has ? gone to Jacksonville and Mims, Fla. q Handsome Miss Pauline Pierce, of Colombia, was the guest of Mrs. ? George LeFevre for several days last week. d When you sell your first new bale don't forget the printers. I DOh S We will give I Top Buggy Wedn< o'clock, in front of 01 Everybody invit the bug We carry in sto lowing Buggies, Cai H Jones, Chase City, R< B tieth Century. All gi B purchase. I THE :e of Furnltu Must Find a N< ;ntly changed hands?cha ire must move to make ro< P- CLIP THIS COUPON ! y BRING TO OUR STORE I We will refund 10 per cent ^ of your cash purchases, or al- t ' low you 10 per cent credit on f ? account for time purchases. ? Ian will help you furnish nlture G ABRAMS & WINSTEN ^1406 Main St., Colombia, . S. C. lard from Hon. W. H. Sharpe. o the Voters of Lexington county: As it will in the short time, be imos9ible to see tho voters personally efore the second primary election, irough the medium of the county aper I desire to thank you sincerely )7 the handsome vote I received in le first election, and I am satisfied j iat I would have bpen elected in that j ection, but for complications which rose during the campaign, which cost ie hundreds of votes because I had ie manhood not to dodge, but my Duntrymen whether you voted Blease r Jones, I say God bless you, you are 11 my people, and I shall know no ifferenee, in the language of that lagnanimous statesman Abraham lineoln, I say with malice toward one, with charity for all, with firmess in the right, as God gives me to 3e the right, I will do my duty if you lecfc me to the State Senate on the )th of September instant. V ery sincerely yours, W. H. SHARPE. Sept. 2, 1912. fflrd Frnm C. F.. fnrlcv. 'o the Democratic Voters of Lexington Connty: I take this method of expressing to on my sincere appreciation for the altering vote yon gave me for superior in the first primary. I am in 20 second race and will heartily apreciate your continued efforts in my ehalf. I wish also to denounce now a9 a nlfnl and malicious lie the many reorts that are being circulated against ij good name for the sole purpose of efeating me. I brand the author of iese statements, whoeyer he may be, liar and the father of lies, and an* rorthy of the name of a Lexingtoian. If I am elected I will be supervisor ? all the peopls and of every section f our grand old county. Again thanking you for your confience, I am, Yours sincerely, C. E. CORLEY. Lexington, Sept. 2,1912. sI'T F vay the $90.00 Tyson and i r t * *4 m. t jsaay, septemDer l/tn, ir Buggy Store. ed to be present anc gy given away. >ck, a complete line of th< rriages and Surreys, Tys >ck Hill, Virginia and 1 jaranteed one year from d; L. D. BATESBURG, re Now on ew Home. nged management?and om for enormous stock Mahogany, Birds-Eye Made and White Enamel Furniure at half price. One lot slightly damaged ..ibrary Tables in Mahogany nd Uak?worth irom $15.UU o $40.00, now being offered rom $7.00 up. Don c miss his?you will regret it your home?come in frmpany, MAIL ORDERS Promptly attended to Phone 580. To The Voters. Through the columns of The Dispatch I wish to express my sincere appreciation and heartfelt gratitude to the democrats of Lexington county for the handsome vote they gave me on August 27th for the office of coroner. I wish it were possible for me to thank each of you personally. The returns have placed me in the second race with Mr. Weed; and, owing to the very short period between the two elections, it will be a physical impossibility for me to make a thorough canvas of the county, and I trust that my friends will be kind enough 4-rv 1 /-vz-vIt- o Oh tv\xt An n ATrf iPn A o aitU J-HJ lUl&lCQl UU UCAl 1 UC3" day. While I have nothing to say against my opponent, and while the salary is very small, the office is nevertheless one of the most important within the gift of the people, and I ask that yon carefully weigh our qualifications before yon cast your ballots. Again thanking you and assuring you that if I am elected I will discharge the duties of the office with fidelity to every trust, I am, Most sincerely yours, Jos. M. Caughman. Lexington, Sept. 2, 1912. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Lexington, By Geo. S. Drafts, Esq., Probate Judge. Whereas, L. D. Cullum made suit to me to grant him letters of administration of the estate of and effects of Mrs. Callie B. Cullum. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said Mrs. Callie B, Cullum, deed , that they be and appear before me, in the Court of Probate, to be hbld at Lexington 0. H., S. C., on 18th Sept. 1912, next, after publication hereof at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said administration should not be granted, Given under my hand, this 3rd day of September, A. D., 1912. GEO. S. DRAFTS, (L.S.) Probate Judge Lex. Oor, S. C. Published on the 4th day of July, 1912, in the Lexington Dispatch 2w 45 AIL 1 EVenCULL C. ERNEST LIVlf> "Elopement ot Elleia." The "Elopement of Ellen," a most charming play, will be rendered by local talent in the high school building on Friday evening next, under the auspices of the Ladies' School Improvment League.. It is expected that a large crowd will attend. The tickets are now on sale at Derrick's Drug Store and Harmon Drug Store. Card From Mr. Smith. I wish to thank the good people of Lexington county for the splendid vote they gave me on August 27th, which re-elected me to the office of county commissioner on the first ballot. I r. assure you that I shall ever strive in the future as I have in the past to discharge the dutieti of the office faithfully and well. With a feeling of inexpressible gratitude, I am, John W. Smith. Sept. 2, 1912. A Good Place For Sale, I offer for gale my place, containing j 76 acres of land, 35 acres nnder culti- j vation, fonr miles from Lexington, j ten miles from Columbia, on Red Bank creek. Good 4-roora iionse and necessary out buildings. Apply to JESSE L. McCARTHA, 8w50p Lexington, R. F. D. 4. Eesult oi County Election For Congress?7th. District. A. F. Lever 4376 For Solicitor?1 1th Circuit Geo Bell Timmerman 4101 For State Senator D. M. Crosson 1003 E J Etheredge 857 W. H Sharpe 1S99 House of Representatives. Jas. B. Andy 2070 I. Edwards 1024 J. H. Frick U87 E. L. Lybrind 2297 Jesse M. Mai pass 1863 R. L. Shuler 1430 T2q11 rpAn,;il 1 in7 e %J \ J 1J 11 J.v/TT lii Jlivi J. Brooks Wingard 929 For Clerk of Court ,T<>hn E. Buff 368 Samuel B. George 1630 Frank W. Shealy 2288 Chalmers E Wessinger 287 For County Auditor W. D. Dent 2905 Ioor Hayes 824 Jes.-e O. Wingard 614 For Sheriff A. Sila9 Clark 229 Thos. L Harman 1511 Sim J. Miller 2742 For County Treasurer D. J. S. Derrick 1335 Tally R. Keisler 288 H. X). Lybrand 920 E. L. Wingard. 1788 For Supt. of Education Hollie L. Harman 1S39 D A. Kleekley 752 ? M. Picker s Lindler 857 A D Ma* tin 1106 For Countty Supervisor James Uaaghman 455 0. E. Corley 918 Hnb H. Dreher 776 John T. EAminer 232 L. J. Langford 761 T E. B. Price 244 Geo. A. Shealy 945 For County Commissioner W. L. Acldy 2298 B. D. Clarke 2268 Jno. W. Smith 2534 W. M. Sprires 1428 For Coroner Jos. M* Oaughman 1375 B. K. Kvzer 1263 W. 0. Weed 1707 The above is the official count declared by the Executive Committee on Thursday. Oros9on and Sharpe ran j over for the 3enate; Addy, Edwards, * Malpass and Shuler for the house; Derrick and Wingard for treasur; Harman and Martin for supt. of education ; Corley and Shealy for supervisor; Weed and Caughman for coroner. ? 1 We wish to remind the farmers that M Lexington has two of the best banking institutions in the State in which to "store" their surplus funds. ro Bt above f( you mo; ,UM C JGSTON, Manager S( the left of being directly in front of the The Only Reason for the needle bei dow Bounds ridiculous and inhuman isthat way, which resulted in the opera garded and their health protection bad Physicians have long recognized the of more nervous and bodidly disorders, tributed to any other single origin. The ordinary sewing machine is a most impossible to escape its danger a all. The remed}'?a Standard Central Scott Hendrlx's I Lexington, J. B. HOLMAN Ready For ' FJIIHPMSE H) | Is now ready wr ! stock of Hardware plements, Mowers, ons, Harness, Geai trade of this sectioi see us. We guan il with goods and pi compare with any Enterprise Hi Next to Dispj Lexington, New Crop Ti Harmon Drug Successors to Kaufrc Lexington, ' 1 ta t 11 /m 11 1 >ld Reliable StudebaK ory Wagons in all full line of Saddles, Robes, ht fresh and new from the fa rices right and special terr >r the next 60 days. 2 sure to see us before buyin ney. O M Pi w ifi i r ])UTH CAROLINA 1 ?^-j "The"Sewing Machine THE CAUSE! | Ml Factory Sewing Machines are J Placed right. They have the needle fl ight straight in front of the center of " ;he operator's body, Ml Family sewing Machines (except the "Standard" Central Needle) laye the needle placed 4 1-2 inches to a center of the operator. j ng 4 1-2 inches off center, which J -it was easier to build the machines M ctor's comfort being utterly disre- fl ly neglected. sj i sewing machine as the basic cause fl , peculiar to woman, than can be atnerve and health annoyer?it is alnd injurious influence if it be at J Needle Machine. M rurniture Store I Sooth Carolina. w W. J. McCARTHA, Manager S four Me I WARE CO. h th a complete | | Farming Im- . | I Buggies, Wag- 5 J rs, etc., for the I o. Come and m mtee to please ^ rices, that will 1 J irdwars Oo. N atch Office I J South Carolina Ifl iirnin Seed 1 Ruta Baga, White, Egg, j larly Purple Top (Strap Leaf) iAhite, Yellow and Purple op Globes. Radish Seed. j Valentine, Kentucky Won- I er and Sieva Beans for late^J| [anting. S lann Drag Oo. ??????Wl flfl snHM :er and Hick- Mj Harness, Whips, H 9 ictory. II 9 ns on any of the h Mk g. We can save S^Bfl \N Y |