The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, September 04, 1912, Image 7

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WW?I? *|PaIcFkes| ffl Pale-faced,. weak, and B L B Shaky women?who suffer B fe B every day with womanly B f B weakness?need the help B B Qf a ?entle tonic, with B B a building action on the B ? B womanly system. Ifyouare B B weak?you need Cardui, B B die woman's tonic, because B B Cardui will act directly on R k B die cause of vour trouble, B m B Cardui has record of B L fl more than years of B I success. It must be good. &CARDUI r The Woman's Tonic L Mrs. Effle Graham, of B I I Willard, Ky., says: "I L B was so weak I could m B hardly go. I suffered, la W I nearly every month, for 3 J B years. When I began to H I I take Cardui, my back hurt B I B awfully, i only weighed B ft B 99 pounds. Not long after, r B I weighed 115. Now, I B B do all my work, and am n B in good health." Begin B B taking Cardui, today* B I Politics might not be so bad but for a some of the people in it. THE MOST COMPLETE LINE WE HAVE EVER SHOWN IN HARNESS, SADDLES, COLLARS, nnmiirc 'J ! ROBES, HORSE BLANKETS, ETC.We bare a special home-made slip Harness for one-horse wagon at $6.00. A 8et of Boggy Harness for $10.00. We bay Hides, Furs, Tallow, Beeswax l and pay highest market prices. [ Witsa W. Martin, W 1116-1118 Plain Street, ' OOLXJMBIA - . - S. 0. I ************************** | * * k No Royal Road. * IJ "Of co'se you kin learn by ex- * * * perience." said Uncle Eben, "but * i 'c remember, son, you kin learn * * fnnllshnpss dat wav de same as ^ mm out o' books."?Washington Star. J Sacking tn? Animals. B Spader Johnson. one of the principal I clowns with the Ringling circus, was [ spinning yarns in the pad room and k told this: b A visitor to the city had spent all of p the morning reading circus bills and I was just going to his hotel when he R saw a red painted United States mail P wagon going alcfag the street He sizft ed it up for a circus wagon and followV ed it four miles to the postoffice and L with wide open mouth watched the unW loading of the mail. F Late in the afternoon he met another f Bube and remarked: "Abner. I followed one of them circus wagons all the way downtown, ai/ L when they unloaded they took the var Ij^^nints out ip sacks,"?Chicago Post f Foley's i Hidney 1 Pills What They Will Do for You They will cure your backache, Strengthen your kidneys, correct urinary irregularities, build up the worn out tissues, and eliminate the excess uric acid that causes rheumatism. Pre* vent Bright'a Disease and Diahates, and restore health and trength. Refuse substitutes. For SsU By Htnrau Djur Oo What One Farmer's Wife Is Able To Do. Mrs. Dicea Hyder, wife of W. R. Hyder, who li .res in the Blue Ridge section, about six miles from Hendersonviile, N. C., maintains her record of being one of Henderson county's most industrious farmer-housewives. Mrs. Hyder is a well-known character in Hendersonville, where she markets all the products of her little farm. She * A nf/NQQ nf m arse tea toe arsu swbc? pvia bVWO | the season in Hendersonville more than a month ago and while in Hendersonville last week stated that her potato crop had already yielded her $50. She and her husband planted 15,000 potato plants, of which 13,000 lived, there being about a one-acre patch. She states that the crop is excellent and although she has been harvesting from it for a month the crop is by no means exhausted. From half an acre of tomato plants she says she has marketed $55 worth this season and has only harvested the early crop. In addition to this Mrs. Hyder has marketed several dollars worth of fruits and vegetables, prospects being bright for one of the richest harvests as a whole she and her husband have ever reaped. For Sale Three show cases, finished in Golden Oak, good as new, will be sold at a bargain. Harmon Drug Co. Fraternity teaches us to be on earth what good people hope to be in heaven. jHLirery THE JEWELER 1508 Main St, Columbia, S. C, REPAIRS^ WATCHES I AND JEWELRY Makes Them Good as New MEDALS AND BADGES MaaufactureiT in Our Own Shops for Schools and Other Purposes AVERY, The Jeweler 1508 Main St., Columbia, S. C. ii ruf ?s.e^c M* H| UU| MAonmc liLvV WARRANTED FOR ALL TIME. If you purchase the NEW HOME you "will have a life asset at the price you pay.* id will not have an er.dless chain of repairs. 1 iQuality -g Considered If yon want a sewing machine, write for our latest catalogue before you purchase. The New Home Sewing Machine Co., Orange, Mass. FARMS! FARMS! If you want to buy a good farm at right price anywhere in South Carolina, call on or write me. If you want to sell your farm quick for cash, make your price right and I will sell it for you, no matter where located. I sell choice city property, too. Hope A. Dickert, 1507 Main Street, Columbia, - South Carolina. "Always Hustling." THE SIMPLE LIFE. Q. Hope Jones on the High Cost of Living. THE FARE OF OUR FATHERS. Salt Pork and Johnnycake Have Given Place to Breakfast Foods and Lobsters?Where Are the Old Fashioned Farmers' Wives? By M. QUAD. [Copyrijh* 1S12. by Associated Literary Press.] Tr-i ti/lc. nf Pnnnmlinr Por MX X 1 I-jUUO VI. ners?It is seventeen miies back from this growing and intelligent metropolis to Pickles Hill, but I started from there at 8 o'clock this morning and made the journey without fatigue. A notice on the postoffice door had told you that I would speak here this evening, and I did not wish to disappoint you. By looking around you you will observe that there are only 'leven people in the hall, and how many of them are deadheads 1 cannot say until I have counted up the cash, but do not be anxious. What the audience lacks in numbers it makes up in fat, and I shall not cut my lecture short by an inch. This is no circus performance and 1 am not on the graft. My friends, what is the great question before the country today? Is it shall we have Roosevelt or Taft? Is It shall we have Dix or Harmon? Is it shall we go sailing through the air "DO WX ANTICIPATE WAB?" like so many geese when we want to get somewhere or take the Empire express in a placid way and get there without a wrinkle In onr trousers? Do we anticipate war? Do we fear an epidemic? Are the bulwarks of liberty totter* - ? -m? n 0k ng co a ian: la Wall street afraid the suckers are all dying off? The Supreme Issue. No, my friends, it is something greater than this. It' is the problem of the high cost of living. It has been 'coming for fifty years, and it is here now. We can't run away from it We've got to face it If things go on as they have for the last five years the man that can turn cornstalks into j breakfast food will be greater than the president of the United States. I can count up over thirty theories advanced for the high cost It's laid to this and to that but according to my way of thinking there isn't but one cause. My friends, go back with me fifty years. The oldest of you were young t'olks then, but you can remember all about it. When breakfast was ready what did we find ou the table? A big platter of fried salt pork, a dish of taters with the skins on, a plate of johnnycake and a pot of coffee?nothing eise. Why should there be anything else? Father and mother could work all day on that food and kick up their heels at night, and the children never felt hungry until lunchtime. The Boiled Dinner. For dinner at the good old fashioned hour of noon we had corned beef and cabbage, and there wasn't any j stinginess about it. You could pass your plate twice and not get a box od the ear. That boiled dinner went down to the spot and stayed there and made brawn and muscle. It made I the best men the country has ever ' seen. For supper, ^ohnnycake, tea and ap j pie sass. Nobody very hungry, you know. Everybody in bed by 9 o'clock. There were pork and beans, dried j apples to stew, preserves and now and Iben a mince pie. No indigestion. The aliment was rarely heard of. No stomachs sticking out like a feather bed tied in the middle. Never a case of appendicitis. No doctor at every corner. Folks died, of course. They had to die when a tree fell on them. The farmer was up with the coming of daylight. He had his breakfast and went to work, and it was dusk before he gave up. When his wife had time from the other housework she knit and sewed and made soft soap and kept the smudge going in the smokehnnoo Tho hnchnnd wasn't, too nroud to wear patches, and she knew just how to sew them on. Boys and girls out to cut wood and milk the cows an hour before sunrise. But Today! Now come down to today. Any johnnycake on the table? Why not? Any fried pork on the table? Why not? Given Away Free. With every ten dollars' worth of goods purchased at Wm. Piatt & Son's, Columbia, they will give as a premium a watch or a clock. A really effective kidney and bladder medicine must first stop the progress of the disease and then cure the conditions that cause it. Use Foley Kidney Pills for all kidney and bladder troubles and urinary irregularities. They help quickly and permanently. In the yellow package. Harmon Drug Co. Offering to bet that you are right is a poor kind of argument. Uncle Ezra Bays "It don't take more'n a gill uv effort to git folks into a peck of trouble," and a little neglect of constipation, biliousness, indigestion or other liver derangement "will do the same. If ailing, take Dr. King's New Life Pills for quick results. Easy, safe, sure, and only 2oc at Harmon Drug Co. A man with money to burn seldom starts a conflagration. iV * * r STALLIIS a NEW BR Tha house 4 Our new stock < jobs arrive every and styles Buggie We also have a sizes in Wagons r Hackney. We se prices are no high Gregoi "Oi WE HAVI I I a new line of Bugg | I ons and. Harnes i summer trade. O | prices will suit r [ I I one. Call to see ! wish to buy anytl i treat you right. Caugh ! Columbia, The chief end of man is the end his head is on. Cling with all your might to your own highest ideals and do not be led astray by the vulgar things of life. Be yourself. It's a wise man who doesn't repeat his own wisdom. (letting rich quick is as dangerous as it is difficult. Cultivate ideal friendship and gather into an intimate circle all your brothers who are hungering for true friendship. Remember that heaven itself can be nothing but the. intimacy of pure and noble souls. Bathe the face and hands of a person sick with a fever with DARBY'S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID in a little water It reduces the fever, allays irritation and revives the patient wonderfully. Apply the Fluid to a cut, sore or wound. It heals in half the time required by an ordinary liniment. Take it internally for cramps, colic or dysentery. It is a marvelous relieving remedv. Price 50 cts. per bottle. Sold by All Druggists. Apart from the lown and the decided sup the tailoring of on measure suits there ture that stands out others. It is this?In fabrics contain no c< soever?every three wool, thus assuring and square and horn Let us measure yo next suit and get worth while. R( ICS & ARK OOKLAND, thai sells MORE GOODS FOR SAM! SAME GOODS FOR LESi )f Buggies are ntyrc week. All of th s and Surries cari comnlete line of nade by Studebak 11 the best wagons er than the others y-Conder Mul COLUMBIA, S. C. ir Guarantee Means Somethinj E JUST I jies, Wag- ^ s for the ur special A UQL . /AVIS? nost, anv us if you ling in the vehicle man Brc A Card* To the Democratic Voters of Lexington County: I take this method of thanking yo* for the splendid vote given me on the 27th of August. It shall be a pleasure for me to support the nominee of the office for county auditor, as I obligated to do in my announcement. Respectfully yours, J. O. Wingard. Lexington, Sept. 2, 1912. Mother of Eighteen Children. "I am the mother of eighteen children and have the praise of doing more work than any young woman in my town,'' writes Mrs. C. J. Martin, Boone Mill, Va. "I suffered foi five years with stomach trouble and could not eat as much as a biscuit without suffering. I have taken three bottles of Chamberlain's Tablets and am now a well woman and weierh 168 Dounds. [ can eat anything I want to and as much as I want and feel better than I have at any time in ten years. I refer to anyone in Boone Mill or vicinity and they will vouch for what I say." Chamberlain's Tablets are for sale by | all dealers. ess of price )eriority in r made-tois one fea- i j above all j j iternational atton whatid is pure durability 3st values, u for your something |||| ^spectfully, llll flSTRONG, s. c. E MONEY 3 MONEY : i ;k ).! a* i * * f I r coming in. New e different sizes ied in stock, all the different er, Mitchell and 3 made and our 3 le Co., 5" RECEIVED line and we will >thers, W d U ij> ^ \?y .. -A. C4