Money Saved c ' V*-: Ig We save you money oi every pair of Shoes bough from us. :::::: f WHY? > Because they wear longe: and cost you less. W< !hare the stock to selec from. ::::::: We invite our Lexington friends to come in an< be convinced that we liv< up to just what we sayPleasure to wait on yot and give you our prices. Harmon's Shoe Stores : 1725 Main St., COLUMBIA, - S. C Pay Up Please. r : We are greatly in need of monej just now to pay paper and other bills, will fV*prAfnrfi. creatlv aDoreciafce It if tli086 of our readers who are ir arrears will call or send by mail and renew their subscriptions at once. We don't want to stop anybody's paper. This is campaign year and you will need The Dispatch to keepyouposted mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmarnmmmmm S3? * ' * *? * * : " | Summerla ; i- . * ' V ' ' '. Avirt UV?1 THE L ' r* 1 SUMM] 0 i A most bean ough educatioi A high Literar courses in Mn l-i 4 _ pro Th e se VI UlVl -m. ^ _. For further inf< * ; S. P. K I Lees1 > ? i* -V - Of Interest to Farmers. w A few questions and answers taker from the Progressive Farmer, thai will be of interest. "What will stop the cotton caterpillar?7' Spraying the cotton, the grass and weeds with lead arsenate, one pound to 30 gallons of water. What is the best time to turn undei cowpeas so as to get the full nitrogen fixation that they will make?7' Jusi as the leaves fall. The crop is ther fully mature and has done all that it can in the way of getting nitrogen. Many complain of the red spider 01 mite in cotton. Thi9 is one of the troubles of a drouth. If heavy rains come, they will not spread. Spraying with strong soapsuds is as good as anything but rather costly. A. good rain will do as much good as anything. "Will oats that were grown where the Hessian fly attacked the crop be safe to use for seed?77 Yes, the insects are not carried by the seed, and in my experience I have never had the 1 fly attack oats, while they are pretty ^ sure to find wheat, if sown too early. U. A. Smith, Bridgeton, Ind., had kidney tronble for years, and was so crippled with rheumatism he conldnot dress without help. He started using - Foley Kidney Pills, and says: "I began to get better at once, and now all ^ my trouble has left me and 1 do not feel that 1 ever had rheumatism. I t rest well all night and tho' 59 years old can now do the work of a man ol 35 years. I would like to be the means of others getting benefit from Foley Kidney Pills." Refuse substitutes. Harmon Drug Co. i. 3 I Many a man is dissatisfied with his lot because it is too near his neigh: bor's. I State of Ohio, city of Toledo, \ Lncas County. \ Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he *~ no.fnci- r\f fVin firm r>f "F1 .T 19 lliv W? ? . w , cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and.that said firm will pay the sumofO^E HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that aannot be cured by the use of HALL'S- CATARRH CURE FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed , in my presence, this 6th day of Decem' be?, A. D. 18S6. (Seal) A. W. GLEASON, ! Notary Pubiic. ' Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern! ally and acts directly upon the blood and mucotts surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. r Sold by all Druggists, 75c. > Take Hall's Family Pills for consti* pation. t . L ' ) Many a man will let his wife train | the children, but will insist on trainl ing the dog himself. - nd College f< led and Controllei UTHERAN C: T 1 JLocatea at ERLAND, . itiful and safe home f( 1 under positive Chri; y course with the i isic, Art, etc. Exper ssion begins Tuesday ormation address the OON, Pr< (Summerland) ^ille, South Car swmmmmtmammammmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmMrnmammmm Card From Mr. Dent. i To the Editor of The Dispatch: fa I take this method to extend my sincere thanks to my many friends for their hearty support in re-electing me 1 to the office of county auditor. I shall > ever esteem the flattering vote given me as a mark of confidence in my ability in discharging the important i duties connected with the office. To 5 those who did not support me I have 1 the best of feelings and shall endeavor ' to labor in their behalf just as much as I would for my warmest supporters. Again thanking the people of ' the county for the many courtesies ex tended m6 during the campaign, and > for the handsome vote given me in the primary just held, I am, i Most gratefully, W. D. Dent. i i Notice A young lady of several years ex' perience wants a good school for the coming school term. Good references if desired. Address, Box 35, Chapin, S. C., R. F. D. 2. 1 $80,000,000.00 Lost Annually By Wage Earners Dr. Sadler estimates that about $80.i 000.000 00 in wages is lost annually to i the American people as a direct result of colds. Lost time means lost wages i and doctoring is expensive. Use Foley's Honey and Tar Compound i promptly. It will stop the cough, and heal and sooth the sore and inflamed air passages. Harmon Drug Co. A man's idea of a clever woman is i one who will listen to the silly things he says about himself. Mrs. J. N. Hill. Homer, Ga., has used Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for years, and says the always recommends it to her friends. "It never | fails to cure our coughs and colds and j prevents croup. We have five children j and always give them Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for a cold, and they are all soon well. We would not be without it in our house." j Harmon Drug Co. | Land For Sale. One piece of good clay subsoil and one of sandy land, one and a half and two mile from Wagener, S. C. All or a part can be bought. Address or call on M , Berlin, Aiken County, S. C. 4w-44 LEARN TELEGRAPHY and earn $50 to $150 per moDth. Thousands of operators needed. Most fascinating and educational work. Positions assured all graduates. Write immediately for catalogue. Spartanburg School of Telegraphy, Main St., Spartanburg, S. C. 40?46 >r Women J by HURCH . s. c. )r girls. Thorstian influence, asual subsidary lses very mod, October 1st. president. ssident. olina. BAD TASTE IN THE MOUTH, Dizziness, and a general "no account" feeling is a sure sign of a torpid liver. The remedy is Simmons Eed Z Liver Regulator (The Powder Form). It exercises its greatest restorative effect in the liver, yet it is effective in the stomach and bowels. Indigestion, constipation and their attendant evils disappear before its powerful, regulating influence. Try its wholesome purifying properties. It will give you a good appetite, sound digestion and make you feel well. Sold by Dealers. Price, large package, $1.00, Aakfortbe genuine with the Bed Z on the label. If yo? cannot get it, remit to ue, we will tend it by ] mail, poatpaid. Simmon* Liver Begulator ia alno pat < ep in liquid form (or tboae who prefer it. Price $1.00 j ,y per bottle. Look lor the Eed Z Label. ). H. ZBUM t CO. Props. St Louis, Mo. I I J Farmers' Union to Meet The third quarterly meeting of the Lexington county Farmers' Union will be held with Congaree local, near New Brookland, on the second Saturday in September at 10 a. m. Delegates wishing to come by rail will please notify D. M. Wilkins, Near Brookland, S. C. , T. H. Shull, Secretary. The Men Who Succeed as heads of large enterprises are men of great, energy. Succe3-, today, de. mand9 health. To ail is to fail. It's utter folly for a man to endure a weak, run-down, half alive condition when Electric Bitters will put him right; on j his feet in short order. "Four bottles did me more good than any other medicine I ever took," writes Chas. B. Al; len, Sylvania, Ga. "After years of suffering with rheumatism, liver troub'e, stomach disorders and deranged kidneys, I am again, thanks to Electric Bitters, sound and well." Try them. Only 50c at Harmon Drug Co. How fortuirrte that some automobiles are not so bad as they smell. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE May 26,1912 Arrivals and departures Lexington, South Carolina. (N. B. These schedule figures shown as information only and are not guaranteed.) 8:58 A. M.?No. 131 daily, from New York to Augusta. Pullman car. Dining car service. 11:21 A. M.?No. 8, daily from Augusta to Columbia. Arrive Columbia 11:55 a. m., Spartanburg 4:10., a. m.; Greenville 6:55 p m.; Asheville. 7:30 p. m.; Cincinnati, 0:55 a. m. 5:41 P. M.?No. 7, daily, from Columbia to Augusta. Connecting from Cincinnati, Asheville, Greenville, Sparta aburg and intermediate points. 6:02 P. M.?No. 182, daily, from Augusta to New York. Pullman sleeping car. Dining car service. Arrive Columbia 6:40p. m. Washington 8:53 a. m.; New York 2:31 p. m. For further information, call on ticket agent; or S. H. Hardwick,P. T. M.,Washington, D. 0 , H. F. Cary, G. P. A., Wasnington, D. C.; E. H. Coapman, V. P. & G. M., Washington, D. 0.; W. E. McGee, A. G. P. A., Columbia, S. C.; A. H. Acker, T. P. A., Augusta, Ga. Somebody said that the "D" in John D. Rockefeller's name stood for "Dough." .Many Driven From Home. Every year, in many parts of the country, thousands are driven from their homes by coughs and lung diseases. Friiends and business are left behind for other climates, but this is costly and not always snre. A better way?the way of multitudes?is to use Dr. King's New Discovery and cure yourself at home. Stav right there, with your friends, and take this safe medicine. Throat and lung troubles find quick relief and health returns. Its help iri coughs, colds, grip, croup, whooping-cough and sore lungs make it a positive blessing. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by the Harmon Drug Co. Accounts state that Nat Goodwin is getting better. Nat was always good at getting free advertising. Caught a had cold. "Last winter my son caught a very bad cold and the way he coughed was something dreadful," writes Mrs. Sarah E. Duncan, of Tipton, Iowa. "We thought sure he was going into consumption. "We bought just one bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and that cne bottle stoppej his cough and cured his cold completely." For sale by all dealers. case of the bines and a dark brown taste is generally the result of painting the town red. Despondency Is often caused by indigestion and constipation, and qnickly disappears when Chamberlain's Tablets are taken. For sale by all dealers. TOOL! I I I | I 1 ^ * " Knowing the great import i point to earry the best off e< | ing art. Whether for the s! i to serve you. You will find j lowest reasonable figure oi Anvils $5.00 and up. Bli Lorick & | INCOF COLUMBIA, i ii.nijii 1111 ?ro ?l*inHffWI fCTF I THE BEST IS NOT; T03 GOOD FOR : OUR CUSTOMERS i We are exclusive agents in Colura bia for the Best Furniture Manu facturers in America. We show the largest and best as sortment of high grade Furnitur in the entire South. A yisit to onr store will be j treat for you because we wil show you all the new ideas ir Furniture. You are always welcome and yo7 will not be asked to purchase. VANMETRE'S FUNERAL DIRECTOR EM6ALMER, Columbia, S.C. C. ft BRO I 1730 MAIN STRE * T -L _C_ !ls wnere you can um ?PAI of a: DOORS, S BLINI LIME AN CABINET Call or write for Prices era and Sfcylee to select from. \ eather Shoes for less than any one i vinced by seeing for yourself; that v ly, Men, Women ard Children. Farme rs' Medium and H? E. P. & T 1710 Main St. :ance of these tools, we make it a > very tool known to the blacksmith- | hop or the farm, we are prepared j our pHces hammered down fo the i n everything you need. J acksmith's Vises $5.50 to $7.50. > t1 Lowrance, PRORATED. [ - Si C. > ^pfftmvmvwvmvfwvvwen ISmBBfflBEafflBBBmBESSBBiMFg?! ILIMBEETSS | j HOLLAND-DITCH | .'! ARTS & CRAFTS I i ( Ijmwvwssst . ^ jj | I 11 : L0XUm?fflmW5iZES | BHBBHffiHMMMtfaBI wnTBRS.1 ET, COLUMBIA, S. C. II d one of the best stocks of | I INTS- I LL KINDS | I ASH, I )S & GLASS I D CEMENT. ! I tut a -at mT n n i< H ih. jx 1\ 1 jjij o. | i> h SPRING AND SUMMER I =SHOES= I V Yon want the BEST SHOES at the J LOWEST PRICES is why we invite |^H | you to trade with us. We have a full H| aod complete stock with all the Leath. HH Ye know that we can sell the beet solid HH n the shoe business. Gome in and be con- IH rill prove it.^We havejhem for.the fami?avy Work Shoes a SpedaHyl '. A. DAVIS I Columbia, S. C.H