Every Pie Our Floo This business has re every piece of furni now coming in. Dressers from $5.00 Full Suits " 16.UU IRON BED " 1.50 Folding Springs " 1.50 Chairs " .50 Mattresses " 2.25 Ladies' Desks " 4.50 Stoves " 7.50 Hammocks " 2.00 Covers " 1.90 Our divided payment and ask about it. Lion Fin A visit to our store will make a customer J UJ JUU. PENCIL AND SCISSORS. Have you paid for your paper ? The girls and boy9 will soon bo off to college. Now is the time to make your preparations for the county fair. RUB-MY-TISM will cure you. Call at the Dispatch office and get a red spider bulletin if yohr cotton i9 affectej. Heavy rain9 have fallen in some parts of the county during the last few days, i ? _ V 'mere are a numoer 01 aiso raws. Barret Jone3, Esq:, a leading attorney at Batesbnrg, was in town Monday on legal business. The big sale at Goldberg & Co.'s, Roof's old stand, continues to draw large crowds. Mr. D. B. Rawl, of Batesberg, that prince of good fellows, spent Monday in Lexington. The Enterprise Hardware Co., is opening up this week and will be ready for business by September 1. The season of the barbecues is about oyer, the county campaign having closed last Saturday. Mr. Lewis Roof, of Columbia, has been spending a few days in Lexington. Miss Lncile Gunter is the pretty guest of her cousin, Miss Ada Williams, during the week. Miss Maude Fulmer, of Little Mountain, is the attractive guest of her cousin, Miss Julia Bickley. Miss lcoline Harm an is on an extended visit to relatives and friends in Columbia. Mr. E. W. Burnett, a j opular attache of the R. L. Lybrand Company, of Swansea, spent the week-end with relatives here. As the tail season draws near we hope that our subscribers in arrears will remember us with their dues. Spe Buggies? If you are in ne our Line before yo We have just i bouts of different n line, get prices and Remember the hibition in our shoi the buggy will be g Our Manager ment. Our Mott THI ce of Furnitui r Must Find a Ne cently changed hands?chat ture must move to make roo up-; CLIP THIS COUPON BRING TO OUR )> ? STORE Lj We will refund 10 per cent ^ " of your cash purchases, or al- to " low you 10 per cent credit on fp ? account for time purchases. ^ plan will help you furnish rmture C( ABRAMS & WINSTEN 1406 Main St., Columbia, . S. C. i Mrs. Chas. A. Geiger is spending sunietime with relatives in Cross Hill. Congressman A. F. Lever arrived in town yesterday in time to cast his bailot. Congress adjourned on Monday night. RUB-MY-TISM will cure you. FOR SALE?Homes in and around Johnston, ask for list. Y_ Mjiv. Johnston. S. C. Lexington will continue to grow, and it behooves all of onr citizens to work together for the good of the town. Mr. R. L. Lybrand. one of the prince merchants of Swansea and as clever a gentleman as ever lived, was in town Monday. Some of the cotton fields are getting white with the fleecy staple. Who will be the first to send ns that dollar out of the proceeds out of the first new bale? For great bargains in dry goods, notions, shoes, hats, ladles' dress goods, fanoy millinery and pattern hats, go to Wm. Platfc &.Son, Colombia, S. 0. 5 oEi 6 doses 066 will break any case of Chills and Fever; and if taken then as a tonic ' the Fever will not. * a firm Prim* 9J?n i The Lexington High,, school ^Lill open the fall term in the magnificent new building on next Monday morn1 ing. Every child in the district should be present on the first day. . Mrs. L. I.. Ivaminer and daughter, Miss Josie, of Columbia, are visiting relatives and friends in r^.nbury, Conn., New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. The cotton crop will be short in most sections of the county. The .armers should market slowly, since it is estimated that the crop will be four million less than last year. The Kirkland Distributing Co., of Colombia, who suffered heavy losses by fire a few days ago, is now ready io fill all orders promptly, and they will appreciate ^our business. cial For Wagons? Harnes :ed of or thinking of buying : u purchase eceived and have open in Sti lakes, styles and prices, whi< your choice while the stock $90.00 Tyson & Jones Bugs v window. We only have i riven away immediately as st r 17rnocf T ivinorctnn w y ,ITAX JL/lUVUt T vvu ?? d (Quality Goods at reasonab E L. D BATESBl re Now on :w Home. iged management?and m for enormous stock Mahogany, Birds-Eye Male and White Enamel Furni ire at half price. One lot slightly damaged ibrary Tables in Mahogany id Oak?worth from $15.00 i $40.00, now being offered om $7.00 up. Don't miss lis?you will regret it. your home?come in >mpany, MAIL ORDERS Promptly attended to Phone 580. 1 Everybody in Lexington county should have an exhibit at the Lexington county Fair, and now i9 the time to begin. M. Wei9S, watchmaker and jeweler, ha9 moved from Main street to 1336 Assembly street, Columbia, where lie will serve you promptly at all times. ? Mr. R. D. Smith, the popular manager of the Bank of Western Carolina, spent Sunday with his parents in Leesville. Mr. Alfred J. Fox, cashier of the Home National Bank, has returned from a business and pleasure trip to New York, Washington, Baltimore and other points of interest. If you haye not already registered and you want to vote for Woodrow Wilson for president, you should register on the first Monday in September or the first Monday in October. The Elopement of Ellen," a most excellent play, will be rendered by local talent under the auspices of the Ladies' School Improvement League on Friday night, September 6th, beginning at 8:30 o'clock. The public cordially invited to attend. The Columbia Lumber and Mann* .factoring Co., will be pleased to serve the Lexington trade with anything in their line. They are honest, straightforward people and will treat you right on every deal. Prof. Cyrus L. Shealy, who has been spending the snmmer in Lexington with his brother, Hon. Frank W. Shealy, will leave in a few days for Walterboro, where he will again be at the head of the Walterboro High School. Thos L. Martin. Mr. Thos L. Martin, formerly of Swansea, is now in the mercantile business in Columbia at 916 Main St., and is receiving a good trade. He has recently added to his business an automobile transfer, and has two handsome new Ford cars. He will be pleased to serve his Lexington friends. Augusi s? Carriages? ] anything in the above line i Dck a nice lot of about 50 j< :h is for our special July an is complete. jy which is to be given awi 10 more Rawhide whips left ated. Come, buy a good v ill be glad to make you our ile prices with terms to suit . CUL CJRGr, ????????? Opening oi: Lexington's New .School Building The opening: exercises of the new school building at Lexington will be on the opening day of school, Monday, Sept. 2, at 9:30 a. m. The following is the programme: Presiding Ofiicer?Co. Snpt. A. D. Mari;n. Devotional Exercises?Ministers of town. "Reyiew of the progress of the school of district No. 1.?One of the tnistees or their representative. "Educated Christian Citizenship'*? Rev. J. E. Rushton. "The County High School'*?Prof W. H. Hand. "Tendencies in our Public Schools'' Hon. J. E. Swearingen. "The Outlook of the School for Coming year"?W. E. Black. Music by the music department will be interspersed throughout these ex ercises. The public generally, especially of the district, ie most cordially invited to be present. Every student should be present on the first day. Something Every Day. Something each day?a smile, It is not much to give, And the little gifts of life Make sweet the days we live. The world has weary hearts That we can bless and cheer, And a smile for every day. Makes sunshine all the year. Something each day?a word, We cannot know its power; It grows in fruitfulness As grows the gentle flower. What comfort it mav bring, Where all is dark and drear; For a kind word every day Makes blessed all the year. Something each day?a thought, Unselfish, good and true, That aids another's need, While we our way pursue; That seeks to lighten hearts, That leads to pathways clear; For a helpful thought each day Makes happy all the year. Something each day?a deed, Of kindness and of good, To link in closer bonds All human brotherhood. Oh, thus the heavenly will We all may do while here; For a good deed every day Makes blessed all the year. ?Selected. Notice of Incorporation Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will apply to the Hon. R. M. iu.cCown, secretary of state for South Carolina, on Saturday, the 7th day of September,, 1912, for a charter for the Irmo Presbyterian Church at Irmo, S. C., said corporation to hold and conduct such religions services, and to conduct such business only as is in keeping with religious corporations. , R. W. Boulman, H. A. Coleman, P. E. Wheeler, Trustees. Irmo, S. C., Aug. 26, 1912. Red Spider Bulletins I have a number of bulletins on the red spider and its remedies by Mr. E. A. McGregor, scientific assistant of the United States department of agriculture, which I will take pleasure in giving to all those who will call at the dispatch office. The bulletin contains the most valuable information, telling as it does, the preventative and the remedy. D. R. Haiti wanger. t Buyers itobes? Whips? I anytime this Summer be sure >bs of Buggies, Carriages am d August trade. Come, insp ay free. This buggy is now to be sold at $1.00 each, aftei rhip cheap and get a chance a best prices and show you thj .) Call and give us a trial. LUM ( SOUTH OA the left of being directly in front of 1 The Only Reason for the needle now Hounds ridiculous aDd inhnman that way, which resulted in the op> garded and their health protection I: Physicians have long recognized of more nervous and bodidly disordi; tribnted to any other single origin. The ordinary sewing machine is most impossible to escape its dangei all. The remedy?a Standard Centi iJVUK 11C1IU11A 9 Lexington, HHHMHHnS i J. B. HOLMIAN ENTERPRISE 1 WILL SEPTEIVI I With a complete ware, Farming 1 gies, Wagons, I manufactured. I We solicit a shar I age and will ce right. Prices alv Call and Enterprise I Next to DIi Lexington, New Crop 1 Harmon Dru Successors to Ks Lexington, 5? and see ect our /\\^| on exr which it this High Grade Buggy, rough our complete Buggy :omp/ ROLINA The Sewing Machine 1 THE CAUSE! All Factory Sewing Machines are , placed right. They have the needle 1 right straight in front of the center of 1 the operator's body, ,jl | All Family sewing Maohines (ex- 1 ^ cept the "Standard" Central Needle) ' haye the needle placed 4 1-2 inches to . ihe center of the operator. 1 being 4 1-2 inches off center, which 1 is?it was easier to build the machines *1 erator's comfort being ntterly disre- j >adly neglected. 1 the sewing machine as the basic cause 1 >rs, peculiar to woman, than can be at- ?jl ) a nerve and health annoyer?it is al- 11 * and injnrions influence if it be at 81 *al Needle Machine. Furniture Store I South Carolina. 1 W. J. MeCARTHA j| HARDWARE CO. 1 OPEN ' IBER 1st j Stock of Hard- i mplementsc Bug- 4 Vlowers, the best 1 e of your patron- 1 j rtainly treat you 1 1 rays right. * L See Us. hardware 09, J spatch Office 1 South Carolina 4 1 rurnip Seed I Ruta Baga, White, Egg, ^ Early Purple Top (Strap Leaf) J White, Yellow and Purple Top Globes. Radish Seed. 1 t r_i l: T7" l i___ iir vaienune, iveniucKy won- j der and Sieva Beans for late j planting. tm g Company, 1 tufmann Drug Oo. V , . S. C. 1 and Wagon Depart- flj WY I