The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, August 28, 1912, Image 2

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ANNOUNCEMENTS. For United States Senate. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the United States Senate, subject to the rules of the democratic party. Your support and influence will be apprecifced. N. B. DIAL, Laurens, S. 0. For Congress I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the nomination tor Congress from the Seventh Congressional District of South Carolina, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. A. F. Lever. n X or ouiivxtur* This is to announce to the Democratic voters of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit that I am a candidate for reelection to the office of Solicitor; and to express my appreciation of the support I h'ive received in the put. GEO. BELL TIMMERMAN. I For State Senate. Relvinc upon the judgment and patriotism of the voters of Lexington Count y to 6lect a man to the State Sen ate who has been born and reared in the County, and who has had considerable experience in legislative work, I hereby announce myself as a candidate for said position and I will be governed by the law, and abide by the mien* regulating Democratic Primary elections. W. H SHARPS. I hereby annonnoe myself a candidate f r the 8tate Senate from Lexington (Vunty, subject to the rules of the Democratic Partv. E. J. ETHBREDGE. Being requested by nnmerous voters throughout the county* I hereby anBounce myself as a candidate for rejection to the State Senate, subject to the ml?s of the primary election. D. M 0R0S80N For House Representatives. * Tleldiov to the withes of my friends hi all parts of Lexington connty, I have consented to beoome a candidate for re-election to the hot* e of representatives, and I hereby pledge myself to abide the result of the primary election ISAAC EDWARDS. The many friends of J H Prick, : hereby announce him as a candidate * for the house of represe ntatiyes from 5 Lexington county, and pledge him to J abide the resells or Uke oemocratic primary. X. Brooks WIdmA Ii hereby *anIggLft* ?? h dMljl tor the Houss w *tepret*nmtf?m rrom Lexington tox&v,*n<tU 10 ,*hide bj the nil * of the Democratic party ? 4H teinf primary|K& We hereby announce 8. L. Lybrand, rf Broekland, a candidate for the Sooaeat Representatives and'pledge lim to abide by tfaormaJt of the Dea, ? 96f?tie primary election. ~ SOShr^TRiroDB. ?-? The friends of 7' M. Kalpaaa hereby anncance hist a candidate for the Hooae.of Representatives and pledge him to abide the result of the Primary Election. Vht many friends of Capt. R. L. ?ka)er? recognizing hie faithful services ? a member of the Hooae from Islington oounty, hereby annoonoe him -at a candidate for re-election and pledge him to abide by the reeolt of the democratic primary. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the Honse of Representatives, - - - ? - -.j i.u _? object to toe ruies ana regumuuxiB ui the democratic party. JOHN BELL TO WILL. The many friends knowing the honesty and ability of J. B. Addy announce him as a candidate for the Hoooe of Representatives, and pledge him to abide the result of,'the primary election. Many Friends. For Clerk of Court I hereby annonnoe myself a candidate for clerk of court, subject to the rules of the democratic party. 0. E. Wessinger. - - ? 41? ' * ?m anc mv UP^n BillIC^MIUiV/u Vi iiugiij as* iiaj friends, I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Glerk of Court, and pledge myself to abide the result of the Democratic primary election. PRANK W. SHEALY. J. E. BUFF FOR CLERK OF COITRT a_aaaa?>-aaaBM?a__Subject to the Rules of the Primary. | r" | " " I The many friends of Sam'l B. George hereby announce him a candidate for clerk of cocrt of Lexington county , a*?d pledge nim to abide by the result of the democratic primarv election. Many Friends. For County Auditor. t am a candidate for re-election to the offioe of Auditor of Lexington oouoty, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. W. D. Dent. The many friends of Ioor Hayes do hereby announce bim a candidate for County Auditor of Lexington Crusty subject to the rules of the Demi cratio party. Many Friends. I At the request of many friends I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of County Auditor and will abide by the rules and regulations of the Democratic Primary Election. J. O. Wingard. For Sheriff. Upon the solicitation of many friends I hereby announce rryself a candidate for sheriff of Lexington County, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. If elected I shall endeavor to discharge the duties of the office to the best of my ability and without fear or favor. A. Silas Clarke. Sim J. Miller is hereby nominated a9 a candidate for election by the people of Lexington county to the office of Sheriff, which ? ffice he i9 now filling for an unexpired term by appointment of the Governor He will abide by the result of the democratic primary. Many Friends. Thos. L. Harman is herebj announc ed a Candidate for Sheriff of LexiDg ton County subject to the rules of the Democratic Primary. Fop County Treasurer. I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Treasurer of Lexington County, subject to the rules and regulations of the Democratic party. Henry D. Lybrand. Recognizing the efficient and faithful manner in which County Treasurer R. L. Wingard has conducted the office in the past, we hereby announce bim a candidate for re-election and pledge bim to abide bv the resnlb of I the Democratic primary. Many Friends. I hereby announce myself as a can! g id ate for Treasurer of Lexington ! County. If nominated I promise to be faithful to the trust imposed upon me bv the duties of the office and I ill abide by the rub s of toe Democratic party. D. J. 8 DERRICK. ; I m many friends of Tally R. Keis- , ' lar hereby annonnoe bim as a candidate for County Treasnrer and pledge bim to abide the result of the Dem ocratic Prfmsry. Supt of Education. 1 The friends of D. A. Kleckley, a 1 teacher of experience and well known 1 to many citizens of Lexington county. 4 announce him as a candidate for the office of County Superintendent of Bdocation for Lexington county, sab- , jectto the rules of the Democratic ? party. friend* * PICKRN8 , LI2TDLEH do hezeoy present o? Damn i, tefom the Democratic *oter? of Lex- L ingtoa ooBBtjr for the offioeof Comity I , ^npexintandeot of Rdnoation. Ht is J an experienced educator and a gad- t rate ofone of the leading deletes of i the State. ' VOTERS. | ; 4 Reoognitiog ^the ddmanda of nay ,. friend*. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Qp*dty> Superintendent J of Education of Lexingtonoouiiiy and pledge myself to abide by the reaolt of the democratic primary. HOLLTK t. HARMAN. The friends of A. D. Martin, rcoog- i nising hie efficient and faithful serticeaas Superintendent of Education, f take pleasure in announcing him as a 1 candidate tor re-election to said office, and pledge him to abide by the rules of 1 the democratic paity. For County Supervisor, Mr Hob. H. Dreher is hereby announced as a candidate for Oonnty Supervisor of Lexington county, subject to the rules of the Democratic 13a rty. . ( T. E. B. Prioe, the plow-boy of I Hollow creek, hereby announces him- j self a candidate for County Supervisor, j subject to the rules of the de nooratic party. The friends of George A. Shealy recognizing his ability and satisfactory i services as County Commissioner and Supervisor in Lexington conntv. here- j by announce htm as a candidate lor County Supervisor, and pledge him to abide the rales of the Democratic primary. . .. In. recognition of the eminent services rendered his county in the position of County Commissioner for ; ! two terms, we her-by nominate James : Canghman as a candidate for the office 1 | of Supervisor of Lexington county, and pledge him to abide by the result of the democratic primary. Many Voters. The many frien s of Mr. John T. Kaminer hereby announce bira as a candidate for the office of CouDty Supervisor of Lexington county, and pledge him to abide by the rules of the democratic party. i ? The many friends of Oharlt-y E. Corley, a contractor of many veers expe rience and well known to mau> citizens of Lexington county, announce him as a candidate for the office of county supervisor of Lexington county. and pledge him to abide by the result ox the Democratic primary. Many Friends. The friends in Chinqnepin Township hereby announce Mr. Louis J. Langford as a candidate for re-election to the office of Supervisor of Lexington County and pledge him to abide the result or the Democratic primary. For County Commissioner. The fri'-tj'i* of Mr. John W. Smith, raiding m ihe Black Creek section of this C? u-iiy do hereby announce him a candidate for the office of County Gi mmisfbuierand pledge bim to abide by the result of the Democratic Primary The friends of W. L. Addy hereby announce him a candidate for County Commissioner, and pledge him to abide by the rules of the Democratic party. I herebv a? nouce myself a candidate for County O.-mmisioner of Lexington eount\, subject to the rules of the democratic party. B. D. CLARKE. I W. M. Spire9, of Gaston, is hereby annooncd a candidate for County C -mmis-i ruir. subject to the rules of the democratic party. ' m.?*? -vk tf-frnm ! ??an??amammg? ? For Coroner. The friends of Warren C. Weed announce him a candidate for the office of Coroner of Lexington county, sub jeer to the rules of the democratic party. Upon the solicitation of many friends I hereby announce myself a candidare for Coroner of Lexington County, subjpcr. to the rules of the Oemcratic p imary. Joseph M. Caughman. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Ooronor of Lexington County, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. B. K. Kyzer. RICHLAND COUNTY. HOUSE OK REPRESENTATIVES Th ir\ev.U JOHN T. MILLER. r? -uo/nizrc* r is w,>rtb and ability, anhi.v *? a candidate for the H use of cv sentatives from Richie t i-Oixn-y. and ask rhe support of rb? ekiaesv* formerly of Lexington now Ri: h d. -rrhj cfc to tne rules of the'd.-moor*tic primary. " ..J flOUC^t i/euiviB iiuu visuiwtB This 13 t<- notify ad persons holding claims against the estate of J J Lown .it-oeased, to presr-nr the same duly uts-ted, to the undersigned; and all pet>o?s indebted to said t-state to make [>4\ m--nt to the underpinned executor, )a or be fere Octooer 1,1919. 41 JAMB8 F. LOWX, Kxr. Fine Farming Land For Sale, 176 acres, within one mile of Ohapin I horse farm in cultivation, 9 dwelling ViUcea and ample outbuildings, ?> ; teres original timber, located between wo public roads, well watered. An jpportacity for some one Wanting a food place. Offered at right fgoresv me half-half cash, batanee on easy *>rms. Oome quick as the place fa toBDd to soli. JU B. Suuaer, . LI Ohapin, 8. 0. - BOARD and LODGING, 990 C?rvait Sintt COLUMBIA, - S.C. I Am prepared to acoonmedate my Lexington friend* and the public with food, meals and comfortable beds. [Yansient or regular boarders at reasonable rates. NEAR SEABOARD DEPOT. MRS. L, S. JACOBS, Proprietor. Iltf Pain in Back, I Llvar and Kidfltys aH I a -i i?? 8 QUI 01 TIX Dr. Alton's Life Will Curt Yra WHOLESALE BY THE MURRAY DRUC CO. COlUMBtA, SOUTH CAROLINA AM MASTED OF THE OPTICAL BUSINESS Mv motto is painstaking conscientious Optical service. I have one of the most completely equipped optical offices, in Columbia Let me do your optical work and show yon how I can serve you. Spectacles and Eye-glasses repaired and lenses matched in 30 minutes. Three gradu te opticians of many years experience to serve you and we can promise you the highest degree of accuraoy, reliability and satisfaction in all cases entrusted to me. Come and see us, we make no charge for our examination. 8. H. Berkman ESTABLISHED 1879. 1418 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C. This is Democratic Year "This is a Democratic Year,'' said Governor Woodrow Wilson in adc're - < sing the Democratic League of Tren- ] ton, N. J., on Tnesday. t "It is not a Democratic year be- I cause we wish it to be, but because j America is responsive to the impnl- ] ses of the world. Privilege is giving f away in all countries to the pressure j of public opinion." \ The governor reiterated that he was under no obligation for his nomination to the presidency. I need not 1 tell you," he said, "that the nomination was received without promises to j anybody." ] "Not even to Jim Smith," inteirup- ( ted a voice, and there was a laagh. - . "I Dever made any premises to him j or anyone else," continued the gov- ^ ernor. "I have made no promises except to the people of the United , "Rtrprv man is under bond to the people of the United States. Yon cant serve one cla99 at a time and you must pick no favorites. 1 "The Democratic party as now con- i trolled is in a position to put itself at i the disposal of the rank and file of the American people." The governor was given an enthns- ^ iastic reception. ENDORSED AT HOWE. 1 Such Proof as This Should Convince Any Lexington Citizen. ^ The public endorsement of a local citizen is the best proof that can be produced. None better, none stronger # can be had. When a man comes forward and testifies to his fellow citizens, addresses bis friends and nelgbIx. "t, you may be sure he is thorough- j )y convinced or he wonut nor do so. | Telling one's experie :ot wfun it is for the public good is an am si. dness that should be apprecia- 1 he following statement given resident ^ of Lexington adds ?m* -:m e to the c many cases of Home ifind which are being pnolish-. u Dear.'* Kidney Pills. Read it Mrs. R. P. Powell, ba.^ory Hih, Lexington, 8. 0., says: "A member of my family used Doan's Kidney Pid? and the results were so satisfactory 1' * ? ? ? HIS ? ? I? Vl.tu ? IYIAHV S UUb WO WHlUlglJ cuuvir ?.? ?" t mvrV . Its use brought relief from o^ckach* end trouble with the idney seore* tlons." For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cent*). Foster Mil burn Co., Buffalo, ? Hew York, sole agents for the United * States . Remember the name?Doan'e?and take no other. Gtttoa News. ' i To the Editor of The Dispatch. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sturkie hare returned to their home near Batesburg, after a few days risk "t Jheir former borne at Qseton. Miss Pearl MoOiendon and Mrs. Lissie MeClendon, of Blaekviile, has been j risiting the letter's daughter, Mrs. O. A. Goodwin. Miss Loubelle Fallaw is risking her cousin, Mina Pansy Graft, at Hortn. Mits Lola Smith, a charming young lady of Ooward, has returned home after a few days visit to Mrs. G. A. Goodwin. I < > Mr. and Mrs. I?emnel Sigh tier, of Andalusia, Ala., paid a filing vi*it to J the former's mother, Mrs. Mary Sight* I ler. I f Mr. and Mrs. John Nelson, of I Charleston, spent last week at the j | home of Mr. W. N. Spires, near Ga*- . ton. Mr. Preston Pound, of Gilber t, made a flying visit to Gaston a few days ago to the delight of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. H. Pound. Misses Bertha and Minnie Eleckley, of IjAxinvton. sDent last Sun da nr. t?e home of Mr. and Mrs. Jan. H. P ?:ind On last Friday rafterno- - Gaston was visited by an electric 8to rn, which set the barn of Mr. G. A. Goodwin on fire Lightning also struck the dwell- ; { ing of Mrs Mary Sightler, bat lit! le- fc. damage was doDe. Oonntry Jay. Gaston, Aug. 24. J Pay Up Please* We are greatly in need of money just now to pay paper and other bills, and will, therefore, greatly appreciate I it if those of our readers who are in arrears will call or send by mail and renew their subscriptions touce. We don't want to stop anybody's paper. This is campaign year and yon will The Dispatch to keen y ODDOsted But the majority of young people ( who are engaged are not insane?even if they do act that way. Cleaning, Pressing and Dyeing ! The Lexingtoci Pressing Club is ready to do your fall cleaning, pressing, dyeing, eto. We have a competent force and all work promptly and neatly done. Let ub fix up t=hat old last year's suit foryou. We make a specialty of this class of work. Lexington Pressing Glob. Lem Sox, Manager. Made Fatal Mistake The mistaking of strychine for cal)mel resulted in the death of Mrs. T. Berryhill and her 12 year-old grandion, residing 12 miles from Gloster, SBiss. The boy died Saturday and his 'amily was at a loss to account for lis sudden demise. The grandmother 1 'uddenly succumbed and an investi- j ?ation was at once begun, revealing ;he deaths. I Killed in Sight of Mother Atlanta, Ga.?In the presence of his nother, who was too far away to aid lira, Fred A. Smith, aged 5, was run lown and killed by a street car this j ifternoon- The bov was fyingto folow his mother across the street and a l vagon prevented the motorman from seeing the child until too late. The j DOdy was badly mangled. Probably there is nothing more exDenuive than the thines we get for lorhing. Parlor R< BEN DAVID, 1218 MAIN ST. Opp. Columbia 0 es t cooking ana finest Sestaa Ipooial Sates by the Woe! Hei I Am Head( Doors, Sash MiaUi Grade ar D ** 5ee me before placing your N. H. DF COLUMBi E. OSCAR FAL1 JlfttuHoii IntMttbttt Sir Wo bow omrry in rtoek t'-e following i IRAN High flpeed Bearing B rem re?Ua* c midt \xK, 1%X%, 1 re 13" long And dimeneionit above are < Phone?Wire?Write?or (.'all. COLUMBIA SUP 121 W..? Oanmt* U~> Monthl] 1 jESSd*} D?W M XXJHBE/ P?*ertJ( Wrw ??wl l?w Ka mi "J ?? ? J. T. COLEMAN M*r. Charleston, 8_ 0 THE PftUDEHTtAk IttSOftAMi Incorporated ao 3 etoefc oompai John P. Dry dan, Preektent. jplumbia Lumbi tyring C MANUFACI Sash, Poors amj Finish, Pine, C3 flooring, Ceiling, Weatherl and Windc Columbia, I f SHAFTING \ | PULL LOMMBfl IRON WORKS, TotfsPills ' After eating, persons of a bilious habit will derive great benefit by taking one of these pills. If yon have been DRINKING TOO MUCH, 1 they will promptly relieve the nausea, J SICK HEADACHE ?and nervousness which follows, restore the appetite and remove gloomy feelings. Elegantly sugar coated. Take No Substitute. Lever Will Have New Job Washington, Aug 27 ?The dpfeat of Capt. John Lamb for renomination by former Governor Montague in the 3rd Virginia district means that Representative A. F. Lever, of South Carolina, will be chairman of the House committee on agriculture in the next Congress. ^ Subscribe to The Dispa ch and get all rhe oampaign iiewsstaurant, < i Manager, Ipera Houst, COLUMBIA, S. C. I rant in Colnmbia. For Ladies and Gentlemen lis at all Honrs?Nifcb* or Day juarters For and Blinds. id Low Prices order for building material ur.rrnc UUVJJDIVU, IA, S. C. LAW, Sales Mgr. fgts aad Nachiaa Shops ?ize Cored Bare of the famous XON> bmnze ased in all first clara eara %xh,2xl.3%xt%,I%x2% Ail Bar ratskle and inside diameter*. Orders Filled Immediately FLY COMPANY, OolwwMii S. C. e Prudential .V . ; .. f: tnoome Polley Is the ; parting Comfort From j old* uilb uAtie lem* PS#WO WW WO SP W R"J ?? ?Iter your death? ALFRED J. FOX, $ * ( I Agtnt. LEXINCTON, S. C. St COMPANY OF AMERICA, ft? by tbo State of Now Jersey Horns Office, Newark, N J ir & Manufacompany rUKKRS OF [ Blind, Interior ^press and Oak < hoarding, Moulding Door >w Frames South Carolina EYS | 1 BELTS H I M6HSTI, 8JL