r- T. U. VAUGHN SAWS WAY TO LIBERTY. Man Charged With Heinous Crimes a FugitiveEscapes From Greenville JaiL * Greenville, June 26.?T. U. Vaughn, former superintendent of the Odd Pel-^. lows* Orphan Home, located near Greenville, and a prisoner in the county jail since May 31, charged with the triple crime of "rape, living in adul tery and procuring an abortion," the alleged victim being an orphan girl fmder his care, sawed his way to liberty early today and tohight flees before the pursuing arm of the law, with the . odds greatly in his favor. At 2 o'clock this morning Jailor Phillips was aroused by a negro woman prisoner, who was confined in a cell on the second floor, above Vaughn's cell, telling him that some one was escaping from below. Before the jailor could reach "Vaughn's cell, the bird had flown. *- The alarm was quickly spread and a determine , but unsuccessful search hasbeen made throughout the day for the fleeing prisoner. It is practically certain that Vaughn was aided by one or more persons from the outside, and it is said that Jailor Phillips rushed out into the yard in time to see two men go over the jail yard fence. The prisoner made his escape by severing a section of one of the window bars with a hack saw. A short distance from the point where he tumbled over the jail yard fence, he stumbled and on the spot was found the saw frame, pieces of the blade, the prisoner's hat and a letter addressed to him. The hole through which the man went measured twelve by seven inches and only one bar was sawed in twain. In the vacant cell today was seen the section of the bar the man had sawed out. It had been wrapped in cloths to deaden the rasping sound of the hack saw. On the floor of the cell lay the prisoner's thumbed Bible, a * oopy of Whittier's poem3 and a copy of "Pilgrim's Progress." Some rather ugly looking evidence of carelessness on the part of somebody, and which throws suspicion on fhomaii'atwnthor in AQcififrirtcr Vancrhll VUVUXIUA q M* v w v* | *** wwww???0 ? ??Q to escape, has been brought to light today. It is reliably seated that the man's brother purchased thu hack taw and three blades from a local hardware concern a week ago today, and Chief of Police Holeombe, who learned of this purchase at that time, - stated today that he at onoe notified the deputy sheriff and the jailor to be on the alert, as Vaughn's brother had that da^ purchased a hack saw and blades. The fugitive is evidently well supplied with money, as the records in the office of the register of mesne cohveyance show that since he was placed in jail he mortgaged his home for the sum of $4,000. He is a man of rather keen intellect, is well informed, and the county authorities realize that they have a difficult task to perform if they capture liim. As to whether he is armed they do not kno^\. The Vaughn case created something of a sensation in Greenville when the warrant ior his arre9t was sworn out. The press, out of consideration for the Odd Fellows' Order and the orphan children at the home, and out tf respect for the sensibilities of the public, has suppressed a voiume of details of theheinousnessof the life of Vaughn is charged with having led at the time he was in charge of the Orphan Home. While the warrant against him charges him with wronging only one girl, a statement in writing has been seen by The News and Courier correspondent wherein this girl states that of her own knowledge Vaughn wronged six of the orphans in addition to herself. * ? 9 Qfinn Pnr Vnnnhn. VWV AWWVUft U A VA V %?% MarioD, June 27.?Replying to requests from Greenville today relative to tfae Governor's offer of a reward for the capture of T. U. Vaughn, who broke jail there, / Governor Blease "wired Sheriff J. P. Pool that the ?!iQ offer was increased to $000; that $500 of this was from the State aud ?100 from himself, personally as an Odd Fellow. The escape of Vaughn has excited ie little interest in this section of the State. j ? - For every purpose of a flesh healing liniment for man or beast there is no rem yd v more powerful than DARBY'S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. It is in addition to its effectiveness on the flesh a wonderful internal remedy. It Pramm. Colic. Dvsenterv. Sore Throat, Swollen Tonsils, and I Sick Stomach. As tr?e real facts. j i i Mall Carried By Dogs. Wall Street Journal. Not everybody knows that the United States has a 2,000-mile mail route operated by dog sleds during a good part of the year. But such is the fact, over the trail between Cordova and Nome, in Alaska. But for these mail facilities the dwellers of the bleak Northern Peninsular during the long winter months would be without mail service, owing to the close of navigation. Even as it is, the accumulation of Alaska mail in the Seattle postoffice, pending the first steamer's departure for Nome this season, weighed an entire ton. How soon the iron horse will take the place of the sled is a * 1 ^ TT~ ^ 10 1 ArvVt T-l ff CO ? question; dud uuuo oaui w iwaiu^ ^variously in that direction. And this may even be the last year for the sled, if congress gives him power to put his Panama digging outfit to account for railway braiding in Alaska. If you are a housewife you cannot reasonably hope to be healthy or beautiful by washing dishes, sweeping and doing Housework all day, and crawling into bed dead tired at night. You must get out into the open air and sunlight. If you do this every day and keep your stomach and bowels in good order by taking chamberlain's Tablets when needed, you should become both healthy and beautiful. For sale by all dealers. Subscribe to The Dispatch and get all the campaign news. Executive Committee Called For July 8th. The Lexington County Democratic Executive Committee will meet at Lexington Court House on Monday, July 8th, at 11 o'clock. D. F. EFIRD, Chairman. Pay Up Please. We are greatly in need of money just now to pay paper and other bills, and will, therefore, greatly appreciate it if those of our readers who are in arrears will call or send by mail and renew their subscriptions at once. We don't want to stop anybody's paper. Thi9 is campaign year and you will need The Dispatch to keep youposted Chas. W. Cromer. 0. O. Misenheimer. Cromer Misenheimer Agency Real Estate, Rents and Business Opportunities. FARM AT BARR, S. C. I Farm of 220 acres near Barr, high state of cultivation, 75 acres pasture, both winter and summer; 60 acres open, some -_1 ? l/MiUtJI", pj-ciitjr wauci cvuu. a good orchard. Price $15 the acre. Terms arranged to suit. Room 9, Mimnaugh Bnilding, Columbia, S. C. TO BUY, SELL OR RENT REAL ESTATE, SEE US. HB ' fttlAI 17V 1 mma f 1 ^A~!ikot g|j?% J! p tfm U NDC K j|gg | 1|j. OTHER 111111 SiL, KAsvIE. ygj ^ b? iJ tiS33 WARRANTED FOR ALL TiME. JfV'>yi_ purchase th" IIOM L y <'" v."ll h:iv< u lii' -ax- 1 at the price you p-:y.?'lu v/ii) iv>t.jui (aillcss chain of repairs. LMJ iLrl Cwndad it' toe ID? ? to buy. If ycl v -wit asovrjnff machine, v?*r:V .OT Our latest catalogue befo'v yon ].tir< !::;s?. Tt.. it,... ?>.^-, m_ ?!,;?>,* n. a. ..r-, W Shoes! Shoes! For Every Member of Stic Family. ! " I ? ..Si Our Standard Uriinris in I'eu'S jj j * Shoes are as follows | W. L. Douglas, Akleri, Walker | | I & Vvilde and Leonard, or I Dean. Prices ranging from j to $1.00. : In our high grade line are the I Torrey and Nettleton, which sell j for So.00, $5.50 audi $6.00. r" i I s>.\\\ N-? if * * \ * l|| J \:-k. *** Hi5""^-?.'...,' " I 1 We also handle the very best gradf s of Ladies Skeos that van | be bought, for a reasonable sum. Cone and see our Fall and j Winter Stock. j j T. A, BOj 1718 ft?ain Sf.,Cc?'wVn.s. C, ]' i Opposite Post Office. i 0BS^8EH88IBH81H^8H2^dMflEL^UH*Hi II It is so FRESH YOU USE ONE H than with other I J money. You get b I is packed right where soda factory in the II you in sealed, air-ti nBH ^ H oartons?fresh and p I 16 Full Ounce! Eg And no higher in I cori IOJT * For a Limite ! v> Cut out the top fr< ' packages and enc shown below and 5 expense, and we wit all charges prepaid. Guaranteed Silver Plated Teaspoons. These spoons are beauB 4-T-Fnl in rjficnrrn ortr? l* lirt I advertising. Retail value $2.00 per dozen. | AU good grocers carry our soda, zr-si^tsBBumsga.saeacaaa?a?sgag ^gsaEaeaaagaBnwBWBaMBgTO *7*r\ jt? r\-Ca i* 1 -i. O O Zj *J O liU&liliiS. and WAGC 1 j,.. , ^ 1M % y ?, 5 ,x. VL j ; !'. i v ! '' . . from the medium by HV N SV ; J to tiie best that ^ ? >*/* - '. >-V-. \\ !/ . ?.fc :? . 1-Q ) j>j (}if> I and PURE that' I -FOURTH LESS I jrands. You save I etter results. I , : it is made (the only 9 South), and comes to 9 ght, strength-keeping 9 ure. 9 i to the Pound. I pr^ce 9 niAL d Tiime Only. I om six Eagle-Thistle I / :lose with coupon B 8c to partially cover B > I send you promptly, B , one set (6) Rogers' | 1 THE MATHIESON ALKALI WORKS, Saltville, Va. I enclose the tops cut from 6 Eagle-Thistle packages, also Money Order (or stamps) for 58c. J Please send me, all charges prepaidone set (6) I Rogers' Guaranteed Genuine Silver Plated Tea- I spoons. A \ 5 / \-v I I 4j r-~-rr-y-v * ??in.inr: ~ wi_vrr.r-arr - /r v 11 nwi nui i it ! ! in ? i yiziztzF raas^iraseiasEa* sggsss saaaaBMH mAMugimiJu3cthbbbc? A ur Line of >NS when you go to buy. C. C> "> 9 "7 ^ '* 1 i ~ | H i ? #: -:?i y-^z/ < t_zir V-y ^''' * \\ m?sar!A^ $\\J Lv v \\ /V V'^N^II \// ., ? *' .- -- V v J' f i v? ,s v 1. ^ , _ , V> j ) J N^ar' '*** Mi So* -&i ^?2U>' *> i Oi/a^?b VC J Oi.*.vla?v