The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, June 26, 1912, Image 6

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Millionaire And Bride Killed by Fast Train. E. A. Snyder, a millionaire manufacturer of Cincinnatti, and bis wife, who were on their honeymoon, were instantly killed when their antomobile was struck by a fast train at a crossing of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern railroad at Harbor Creek, near Erie, Pa. Miss Ethel Stanton, a daughter of Mia. Snyder, was seriously hurt, while the chauffeur, Harold Leeb, escaped with minor injuries. The bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Snyder were terribly m tilated. About three months ago Snyder married Mrs. Harry Stanton, the wid ? ^ A WAAIAM *V> ownfun. UW OA ?| f uitwiuipmo wwicu ujciuiuov^ turer. It was his second marriage. Snyder was 70 years old and his wife 40. i . I ' I ?\ J Knowing the great importanc i point to carry the best of every ] ing art. Whether for the shop j to serve you. You will find our iowest reasonable figure on ev Anvils $5.00 and{ up. Black* Lorick & I ; INCORPi COLUMBIA, ( t fvfwvfwvfvwwfvfffwwe (COOD? And best of work is t 13 Feature that has he | The State-widi | ' and endorse I South Carolina h J All work in eit | Guaranteed to sai ! Fence also. Writ See us and we wi f . Your interest is * SOUTH CAROLINA t fi Phone 1558. I COLUMBIA, I R. V. STILLER, Manager. ^ www WW%V* t i IT pahv $ WE K ^ The Very Be | .. '. Rightly: ? Webb's As f 1627iMain Street ^ DECORATORS: In Burlap, T J Out of City Wo; Th si/' Monthly n jpili' i D??r s? VM|p&3?^/ Poverty ^ ; y On wh 1 wc* " - i|y be af J.T.COLEMAN Mgr. . Charleston, S. 0 THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANC incorporated as a stock eompar John F. Dry den, President. State Borrows $400,000. The state last week borrowed $400,000 from the Palmetto National Bank of Columbia at the rate of three per cent. This is for current expenses, and is $100,000 less than wa9 borrowed for the same purpose in 1911. Three banks submitted bids, the People's National of Rock Hill at 3 1-2 per cent, the Germania Savings bank of Charleston at 3 1-2 per cent and the Palmetto bid was accepted. Governor Biease, State Treasurer R. H Jennings and General Wilie Jones, president of the Palmetto bank, met in the governor's office and perfected the loan.v WANTED AT ONCE?A few bushels of peas on subscription. Apply at the Dispatch Office. MiiiiaaiiiMiiiiiAiiAiiiiM " j i A /i 1 '! e of these tools, we make it a J 'tool known to the blacksmith- ? or the farm, we are prepared > 1 prices hammered down fo the" [ rerything you need. j smith's Vises S5.50 to S7.50. Lowrance, >RATED. Si Oa | STOCK 1 he strong ? , S lped to earn B e reputation jj ments of the | Garble Works. B her marble or granite jjj tisfy. We sell iron e or call to Bj ill see that jj protected. jjj GARBLE WUKKb, K 1707 Main Street, jj| : S. C. 3; : F. H. HYATT, Proprietor. || wirmrTyr^fTY^^n*** r? . $ AVE IT I t i * ^ i ;St uooas ana ^ Priced, * rt Store $ Columbia, S. C. J apestries and Wall Payers. J rk Solicited. J I e Prudential | ' Income Policy is the parting Comfort From ich side wiJj your fami?r your doath? ALFRED J< FOX, Special Agent, LEXINGTON, S. C. IE COMPANY OF AMERICA, ly by the State of New Jersey Home Office, Newark, N J HEALTH 8NSURANCE The man who insures his life Is wise for his family. The man who insures his health is wise both for his family and himself. You may insure health by guarding it. It is worth guarding. At t h e first attack of disease, which generally approaches through the LIVER and man! tests itself in lnnumeraoie ways TAKE ? Ms Pills And save your healths '< Stricken Down In Church. At Bennettsville Jackson Deas died of heart failure while attending services at the Baptist church. He was stricken daring the prayer, and was taken into the Sunday school room for attention, bnt died in a few minutes. ^ " rn I n% Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rum- I hlincr Rnnnri or imnerfeet hearinff. and I ?b X" OI . when il is entirely, closed, deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and thi9 tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh which is nothing but an inflamed con dition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness caused by catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Piiis for constipation. Fruit trees call for fresh air and sunshine. For thi9 it is necessary to have wide spaces between the trees. A. Card. This is to certify that Foley's Honey and Tar compound does not contain any opiates, any habit forming drugs, or any ingredients that could possibly harm its users. On the contrary, its great healing and soothing qualities make it a real remedy for coughs,colds and irritations of the throat, cheBt and lungs. The genuine is in a yellow package. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar Compound and accept no substitute. Kaufmann Drug Oo. The desertion of the Governor's army of Colonels reminds as of a South American revolution.Makes The Nation Gasp. The awful list of injuries on a Fourth of July staggers humanity. Set over against it, however, is the wonderful healing, by Bucklen's Arnica Salve, of thousands, who suffered from burns, cuts, bruises, bullet wounds or explosions. Its the quick healer of boils, ulcers, eczema, sore lips or piles. 25 cts at The Kaufmann Drug Co. If education should fail to make something out cf a man you need not try anything else except the grace of God. ? itH 4 They Put an End To It. Charles Sable, 30 Cook St., Rochester, N. Y., says he recommends Foley 1 Kidney Pills at every opportunity be- j rv.nco thev o-Mve him oroniDt relief ! from a bad case of kidney trouble that had long bothered him. Such a reeornmendution, coming from Mr Sable, is direct and convincing evidence of the grea1" curative qualities of Foley Kidney Pills./ Kaufinann Drug Co. /I f^\ | COLUMS1A S.C | THE MOST COMPLETE LINE WE HAVE EVER SHOWN IN HARNESS. SADDLES, COLLARS, BRIDLES, ROBES, HORSE BLANKETS, ETC. We have a special home-made slip Harness for one-horse wagon at $5.00. A Set of Buppy xJarness for $10.00. I j We bay Hides, Fnrs, Tallow, Beeswax aod pay highest market piices. HIIIh W Martin. TV 110V III ivimi iuf 1116-1118 Plain .Street, COLUMBIA - - - S. 0. , FRIENDSHIP. He may be six kinds of a liar, He may be ten kinds of a fool; Ho may be a blooming high flyer Without any reason or rule. There may be shadow above him Of ruin?and woes that impend; I may not respect?but I love him? I love him because he's my friend. i I know he has faults by the billion, But ais fault9 are a portion of him. I know that his record's vermillion, He's far from a sweet seraphim, r But he's ajways been square with "yours truly," Ever ready to give or to lend, And though he is wild and unruly j I love him because he's my friend. I knock him, I know: but I do it The same to hi9 face a9 away; And if other folks knock?well, they ! rue it, And wish they'd had nothing to say. I never make diagrams of him, No maps of his soul have I penned; For I don't analyize?I just love him, Because?well, because he's my friend. ?Roanoke Times. What has become of the call of the people that Teddy said he had to obey? There is no real need of anyone being troubled with constipation. Chamberlain's Tablets will cause an agreeable movement of the bowels without an> unpleasant effect. Give them a trial. For sale by all dealers. The Democrats will do the rest on the second Tuesday of next November. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE Dec. 3,1911 Arrivals and departures Lexington, South Carolina. (N. B. These schedule figures shown as information only and are not guaranteed.) 8:58 A M.?No. 131 daily, from New York to Augusta. Pullman car. Dining car service. 11:21 A. M.?No. 8, daily frofn Augusta to Columbia. Arrive Columbia 11:55 a. m., Spartanburg 4:10., a m.; Greenville 6:55 p m.; Asheviile. 7:34 p. m.; Cincinnati, 10:00 a. m. 5:41 P. M.?No. 7, daily, from Columbia to Augusta. Connecting from Cincinnati, ALheville, Greenville, Spartanburg and intermediate points. 6:02 P. M.?No. 132, daily, from Augusta to New York. Pullman sleeping car. Dining car service. Arrive Colionbia 6:40p. m. Washington 8:53 a. m.; New York 2:81 p. m. For further information, call on ticket agent or E. H. Coapman, V. P. and G. M., Washington, D. O, J. L. Meek, A. <3. P. A., Atlanta, Georgia. F. L. Jenkin3, T. P. A., Augusta, Georgia. Monev j Ws you iiiL.ii: 7 on I every pair of f hoes bought from us. .::::: WHY? ! Because they wear longer and cost you less. We j ha^e the stock to select from, ::::::: We invite our Lexing- | ton friends to come in and be convinced that we live up to just what we say. : Pleasure to wait on you and give you our prices. Harmon's Shoe S t o r ?a 1725 SVIain St., COLUMBIA, - S. C ^ ! COLUMBIA LUMB MANUFAC Sash, Doors an Finish, Pine, C Flooring, Ceiling, Weathei and Wim COLUMBIA : The Palmetto COLTTH TX7P A "DP TW AU rtHtfi A Depository for the of South Carolina th< of Columbia. WE OWN $400,000 United State Carolina Bonds. WE SOLICIT Accounts of Banks, E WE PAY Four Per Cent, on de] teres t calculated quai WE PBOMISE Onr best efforts to tra satisfaction. PALMETTO tf ATIONAI OAPITAI Wilie Jones. President | THE BEST IS NOT; :l I rrrn rnnn mn & IIUU UUUU run i Tor customers : J We are exclusive agents in Columbia for the Best Fr.rniture Manufacturers in America. ? We show the largest and best assortment of high grade Furniture in the entire South. A yisifc to our store will be a treat for you because we will show you all the new ideas in Furniture. You are always welcome and you I will not be asked t.o purchase. VANMETRE'S FUNERAL DIRECTOR EMBALMER, Columbia, S. C I C, a BROt 1730 MAIN STREE1 ijj Is where you can find < I OF ALI DOORS, Si | LIME ANI ; c: I CABINET $ - .. ? - . 1 v ur.-i ox "Hi'Ave xor rrxr-^s. i y ers and Styles to select from. We I eath?-r Shoes icr l.?ss than any one in t "inc*"l by set iiitr for yourneit; that win J iy, Men, Won en ar.d Children. ; Farmsrs5 F^ediurn and Hea^ j E. P. & F. j 1710 Rtfasn St. j fA y.i'.n.i 1;I;usi. with 1: liUFFAI 'i i:o iiloal porta | COLUMBIA SUPPLY iER and MFG. CO' :turers of d Blind, Interior ypress and Oak rboarding, Moulding Door low Frames SOUTH CAROLINA National Bank, :bia, s. c. United States Government, the State 3 County of Richland and the City a Bonds and $100,000 State of South Irms, Corporations and Individuals. Dosita in our Savings Department, fibterly. nsact your business to your entire ] i BANK, - - Columbia, S. C j 1250,000.00 J. P. Matthews, Cashier Wfe-AreDistributf rs-I . LIMBEFTSfej 3 KOLLAND-DL 7CH I I . LUXUM5W?W^Z[5' i | MHOnHMBHIHHHM KN & BR0? I j r, COLUMBIA, S. C. I one of the best stocks of | J , KINDS . I 1 kSH, ^ | .. S^fe | ) CEMENT. I MANTLES. ^ BBMBBKaJ. fj JL&&3S35*--7*-JXlWm SPRING AND SUMMER ^ =SH0ES 1 You want the BEST SHOES at tie fl LOWEST PRICES is why we .invite fl you to trade with us. We have a full I and complete stock with all the Leath- 1 know that we can sell the best solid he shoe business. Come in anci 1)9 conprove it. j We bave.them for the fami- A try Work Shoes a fpectaUy I IA.DAVIS 1 Columbia, S. C J 1 ittle effort, can he procured wit! a ? .0 625 FORGE j J .Lie forge for outdoor work ? Sj Write for pi ice-> s CO., Columbia, S. C. * 1