- THE LEXINGTON DISPATCH. 1?. .- I: A Bepresentative Newspaper Covers Lexington and the Borders of the Surrounding Counties Like a Blanket. VOL. XLIL ~^ LEXINGTON. S. C.. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 1912 33 *7 ^ ' / , ; 4^ ?* SSrs'^s - mmmmmmmmmammmmmmm?? I-???-????. 99 PEI OF THE SU00ESSFU1 WOMEN ABE BANE E : -*v ' > Rar?on cp Iii ft National Bank their mo: available; checks are returned i stabs form a convenient record f BEST OF ALL, When the bank depositor se money profitably, his acquaint* depositor make it possible for 1 THE HOME Nf ^ LEXINGTON, ; Resources We Pay Interest on Sai i 5 per cent Interest Paii - > * if ?<-/ -] 1 . . pi ( There is something impressive to in the coming of a new year. To them it is not simply a trick c * * stitntion of the next numeral, bat i life.v" The'desire to "tarn over a new 1 people, coming with a realization c - L- iV.L X_l and a keen sense or regret uiat w . been done and left undone that sho L This bank extends to all lis cn.3to r dial greetings. To those who hare weCJndade witii our good wishes fc invitation to do so. If yon have not saved daring the . "turnoveranewieaf." Perhaps ' facilities of a bank. They make sa . show yon in a few months that it i U NOW is the logical time to start. I BANK OF L GHAPIN, J. S. WESSINGEK, President. | PAinflria T.odcre to Meet. (A regular communication of Pomaria Lodge No. 151, A. F. M. will convene in Masonic Hall at Peak, S. C., I on Saturday, June 22nd, at 7 o'clock p. m. Second and third degrees. Visitors welcome. JOHN C. SWYGERT, Master. ??. ; 9 Barbecue at Felion. We will furnish a Firstclas9 Barbecue with refreshments at Pelion, on > I , Saturday, June 29. Candidates are invited to address the voters. Good dinner at a reasonable price. 34 ZENKER & HUTTO. El B I I $1.00 B! B 1 Long and best style o I High spliced heel, Sill | I Ladies' Lisle Vests, 25 | 1 Extra quality Vests a1 a I Silk and Linen Parasc r I Dresses, ai I I We offer Corduroy D f I latest style at L I Tailored Sijk waists u I I Sill j I Ladie's white and bla< " I sale at k I Florodora Waist $1.22 i I Extra good line of wh p- I Corner I _ G] "W. KC isao MAIN 8TREF Solicits a Share t cent i [j BUSINESS MEN AND j 'EPOSITOBS. I I ney is absolutely safe and always rod become receipts; checks and of income and outgo, and, es an opportunity of using some mce at the bank and record as a lim to procure a loan. LTIOJVAL BANK s. c. . . $250,000.00. rings Accounts Quarterly, i on Certificates of Deposit IOW "I XL the thoughtful man or woman >f the calendar, an arbitrary suba real milepost in the journey of eaf" is spontaneous with most f the death of a big life period, the passing many things have old not and should have been, mers and friends its most cor- , > not yet opened accounts with us >r happiness and prosperity an ^ I past year, NOW is the time to you are not familiar with the ving easy and systematic and s a sin of omision to neglect it. CHAPIN , S. C. J. F. HONEYOXJTT, Cashier. _ . ' Investigate Sanity ol Hyde At Colombia. Samuel N. Hyde, the Anderson county man under sentence of death for killing his wife, was examined Friday at the state penitentiary by Dr. J. W. Babcock, superintendent of the State Hospital for the Insane. Dr. Babcock is a member of the commission named by the governor to make an investigation as to the sanity of Hyde. The other members of the commission are Dr. Robert Wilson, Jr., of Charleston and Dr. W. G. Houseal of Newberry. The commission will make report to the governor. The governor has been re quested to commute Hyde's sentence to life imprisonment. i bargains [. C. Corsets n sale at . . 50c. t Lisle Hose, 50 value pr 25c. c values at each 12 l-2c. . t each . . 8 l-3c. >ls, All colors on sale at 89c. a Elegant Value resses in white, made in the . . . . $2.25 n dark shades at . $i.?o c Waists :k Silk Waists $3.50 value on $1.98 \ value, on sale at . 89c. ite Waists at . 50c.WiSiln and Richla LOBE DBT 01 . as/EOIfcTCIZTOlfl :t, of Your Valued Pat t Headqi For Flour, Meal, All Kinds "Pinnacle" Hoi Mak The Kirkland D Whole Just across the Congare< Writi tor Prices, Or Call an m _ Executive Committee Will Meet July 8th. The Lexington Oonnty Democratic "RrflnnfcivA Committee will meet this year on July 8, nearly three weeks off. On this date arrangements will be made for the county campaign and the assessments of candidates fixed. For the information of candidates,., and those who expect to seek the suffrage of the voters in the campaign this year, The Dispatch has been authorized to state that the assessments will be about the same as four years ago, when they were as follows: Senate, $15; House, $8; Supervisor, $12; Treasurer. $15; Auditor, $15; Superintendent of Education, $15; Clerk of Court, $30; Sheriff, $20; County Commissioner, $2; Coroner, $4; Magistrate, $5. Glbson-Shuler. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Gibson have issued invitations to the marriage of their daughter, Janie Louise, to Mr. Robert Lee Shuier on Thursday evening, June 27rh, at 8:30 o'clock, in the Brookland Methodist church. The bride-to-be i9 an accomplished young woman. Mr. Shuier is a leading business man of Brookland and a member of the House from this county *1 ^ Negro uoi id Walter Padgett, a negro charged with making an assault on Mr. J. D. Price, a farmer of Priceviile with a turpentine puller, was sentenced to the chaingang for 45 days by Magistrate E. H. Addv on Monday Padgett was captured by Sheriff Miller on Friday. Ice cold drinks, either in bottles or fresh from the fountain, at Harman's Basa^r. Ice cream everv Sa'nrday, \ EmHBHnMHBn Every Di Voil Skirts, Latest style, best grade, $ $7.50 Skirts on sale at Lots of Skirts on sale at Dry C 36-inch Bleaching, 64 clot! 40-inch Sea Island, 64 clot Baby 50c., 75c., and $1.00 Caps 25c. and 35c Caps on sale Ribbons, I An armful for nothing pri All kinds, all widths, all Don't miss this 9x12 Art J . md Sts., IODS COMPAH % jb., ronage. Polite and Pre larters Grits, Hay, and oi Feeds. lr es Good Bread listrltmting' Co., >saie. t Bridge on Lady Street. e Us id Inspect Our Stock. Chris. Wise is Dead Christopher Columbus Wise, Jr., died at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Wise, in Batesburg on Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock, after an illness of about a month with typhoid fev6r. "Chris." Wise was known and well liked by everyt>ody in Lexington, he having resided here for the past several weeks with Solicitor George Bell Timmerman for whom be drove the big Marmon automobile. "Chris"1 was devoted to Mr. Timmerman and the big-hearted solicitor did all in his power for the lad during his illness. He was in his 19th year?just blooming into manhood with a bright future before him, the idol of his parents and brothers and sisters?and his death is peculiarly sad. His remains were laid to rest at Providence church, near Batesburg, on Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock, the funeral being conducted by the Rev. S. O. Cantey, pastor of the Batesburg Methodist church, of which the deceased was a member. A number of Lexington people went down to attend the burial. The Ideal Theatre. "The Ideal" Columbia's newest theatre, opened last week under the management of Mr. Warner. Montgomery is at the head of The Ideal, and this alone would be sufficient to guarantee the best. T e morion pictures are excellent, the music is superb, the singing i9 fine and every feature is of th highest) class. ?tteud the Ideal when you are in the city. The new theatre. | WANTED AT ONCE?A few bushels of peas on subscription. Apply at the Dispatch Office, ly at W. Big Values 10 Skirts . ' $5.00 . $3.50 $1.89 roods i, no starch . 6 l-4c. h, in short lengths 5 c. Caps on sale at . 48c. at 10c. jaces, Etc. actically. See this lot. colors, lc, 2c, 3c, 5c. Squares on sale at $3.39 1 ' ?lis If Fc Y, ^.o-:SB, C OLUMBIA, H. C. >mpt Attention. October 18tf ff====^ The Best Recommendation You can have i Savings Ban in; sm Citizens Bank oi BATESBURG, Resources IOFFLCERS AND D U. X. CUNTER, Pres. M. U. BOATWRICHr, Vice-Pres. CEO. BELL YiMMERMi i?Baw?n?swjwjuu.iwny??iffggggM S9S9$9SSS9696S6S69$9tt9S9SS69S9( I BROOKLAN g New Brookland I DIRECT( | J. G. Guignard, E. W. Shu 5 R. N. Senn, Henry Buf X A. D. Shull, L. S. Trotl Ricliland Savings Trust Company A safe institution and one Banks in this community. The business of Lexington 1218 Washington St., j (r ? == j Call at This Ba: i And Let Us Present You Called "THINGS WORT is full of interesting and i erybody. UNION NATIOI Columbia, S ^ ? Men's Cloth We have some extra special It will pay you to see thes from ... $8 Summer Coats, Silk Sicilian Coats ues at 250 Pairs of Men's Pants to close c and $1.19 the Pair. Oxford Ties and See this line before buying. Ladies', Misses and Children's All Leathers and Latest Styles. Men's Low Cuts in Patent Coit anc Kid and Tans, Prices range $3.35. Children's Parasols, 25c value Columbia, # 4 yE Pay Yon to Save. is a k Book your pocket. It brings the ile that stays. Batesburg, s. c. - $175,000.00 h RECTORS: I A. C. JONES, Cashier. | L. W. FOX, Asst. Cashier j| AN, Attorney. jf r\ n A \TT7 I U DAI>JV 8 I, S. C. I 3RS: I II, G. A. Guignard | f, F. L. Sandel a i, P. J. Wessinger I iS69?96S6S6969S9S96SSS i Bank and i of the best Savings county people solicited. Columbia, S. C. ^ ak with a Handy Book H KNOWING." It iseful facts for evVTALi BANK Ji mmmammmmmmmmmmmammmmmmma ing | values to offer I ;e. Prices range I .50 Suit to $15. | , a beauty, $5.00 f $3.25 I iut at 89c, 98c, ? Pumps. I 48c up. i I Gun Metal, Vici I from -$1.98 to | 4 n Im IUC. | I s, c. I \ I