The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, May 01, 1912, Image 7

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jar? ??a?eg? i 11 iiim??? * BOARD and LODGING, 909 Gervais Street. I COLUMBIA, - S. C. I am prepared to accommodate my W Lexington friends and the public with | good meals and comfortable beds. I transient or regular boarders at reaf son able rates. NEAR SEA.BOARD DEPOT. ! . JOB SHUMPERT, Proprietor. 21tf i i UA watcn is 9 FValuable When it Keeps Time. If you want your watch to keep Correct Time, see M. WEISS, f Wateh Repairing a Speciafy j Also Dealer in Watches _ and Jewelry. J320"Main Street, Columbia, S. C. Opposite Palmetto Nation il Bank | ill MASTER OF THE I OPTICAL BOSKS ih T^ainKfealrincr conaci ? entious Optical service. I have one of the most completely equipped optical offices, in Colombia. Let me do your optii . - cal work and show yon how I r can serve yon. Spectacles and i v Eye-glasses repaired and lenses T matched in 30 minutes, i Three graduate opticians of many I ytaw experience to serve yon and > we can promise yon the highest del nee of accuracy, reliability and satisfaction in all cases entrusted to k me. Come and see us, we make no charge for oar examination. B. H. Berkman ESTABLISHED 1879. 1418 MAIN STREET, f COLUMBIA. S. C. i " IIL-WI <5u*"ty* i r"'' l k - V f WARRANTED FOR ALL TIME. IT yon purchase 4he NEW HOME you will fsave a life asset at the price yoa pay.* nd will oot have an endless chain of repairs. : rgj. " y Qualily i ^nfeere<3 If yon want a sewing iri: .eh!iv\vrrile for our latest cataiogue before you purchase. ? " " r\? n U?AK ^ 13) H8W KOBE 6eWGl? &iXSSK uu., uiaiiy;, wiaw. Foley's Kidney Pills What They Win Do for Yon They will cure your backachei btrengthen your kidneys, correct urinary irregularities, build Up the worn out tissues, and eliminate the excess uric acid that causes rheumatism. Prevent Bright's Disease and Diabates/ and restore health and strength. Refuse substitutes. For Sale By Kaufmans Drug Oo. For Sale. OneNei? Home Sewing Machine and one New Acme Sewing Machine, both drop heads and light runners; guaranteed to wort perfectly and wear for years. Apply to Rice B. Ilarman. Bring us your jod work. All work executed in a skillful manner on short notice. Mail orders receive prompt and careful attention. The Dispatch MBMMBBWWBg?aH?????? rstops I Neuralgia I Pains | Sloan's Liniment has a I soothing effect on the 9 nerves. It stops neural- I gia and sciatica pains in- I stantly. 9 Here's Proof I Mrs. C. M. Dowker of Johannesburg, H Mich., writet Sloan s liniment is the best medicine in the world. It has I relieved me of Neuralgia. Those pains H have all gone and I can truly say your H * Liniment did stop them." _ fl Mr. Andrew F. Lear ol OO Uay street, Cumberland. Md.; writes:? I have H used Sloan's Liniment for Neuralgia B and I certainly do praise it very much." 9 SLOAN'S I LINIMENT is the best remedy for rheu- 8 matism, backache, sore I throat and sprains. i At all dealers. R Price 2Sc.,50c.and $L OO R Two npgroes were killed suddenly, one was fatally hurt and another slightly, by a bolt of lightning while they were shucking corn in a barn on a farm five miles from Camden, in Kershaw comity. In Memoriam. Whereas, the beautiful spirit of our co-worker, Mrs. T. H. Williams, has departed from us, we desire to record this tribute of our love and esteem for her. Mrs. Williams, was a woman of estimable character; devoted to her family; zealous in every department of church work. She bore the many Bufferings of her long illness with Christian faith. We deeply sympathize wi h the sorrowing family, and commend them to the care of the loving Heavenly Father. We send a copy of this memorial to the bereaved family, and to the county papera, and Baptist Courier for publication. Mrs. W. A. Harman, W. F. Hioks, H. W. Powell, Committee. r \ I Shoes! Shoes! I Fa? Fvrnnv Mpmhpr I* v* A.. ?va j iMvauwk of the Family. j Our Standard Brands in Men's Shoes ar as follows:? W. L. Douglas, Alden, Walker & Wilde and Leonard, Shaw & Dean. Prices ranging from ?2.50 to $1.00. In our high grade line are the Torrey and Nettleton, which sell for $5.00, $5.50 and $6.00. I We also handle the very beat grades of Ladies Shoes that can K/Mirv'kt f/vr Q i"o?.ar*nahlft snm. UU UV/Uf^UV? iV* %v Come and seo our Fall and Winter Stock. T.A. BOYNE, 1736 Main St.,Columbia,S. C. j i Opposite Office. $ j V J Feared His Lawyer. A young lawyer had been appointed by the court to defend a man charged with larceny. In his argument lo the jury lie pleaded for the acquittal of his client. He told of his innocent boyhood days, of the good character of his father, mother and brothers. In short, he launched forth into family history. The prisoner, an old darkey, had listened with growing uneasiness to his counsel's plea and as the attorney went on without a hint of stopping, the negro was driven to desperation. J umping to his feet, he yelled to the court: 4 Pee guilty, yo' honoah, I'se guilty! De jury can't do moan dan sena me to jail fo' six months, bat if dat fool lawyer doan stop dey'll hang me, fo' suah."?Judge. John R. Staton, Joyce, Ky., had an exceptionally severe attack of whooping cough He says: ,4If it had not been for Foley's Honey and Tar Compound I would have been compelled to quit work. Instead, I neyer missed a day, and Foley's Honey and Tar Compound gave me instant relief and is the only cough medicine we ever use" Contains no opiates. Kaufmann Drug Co. Madame Stella Durant, clairvoyant, euchered W. P. Vaughn, a prominent farmer of Greenvillo county, out of $100 a few day9 ago. He paid her thatsum to find some twelve or fifteen thousand dollars that was said to be hidden on nis farm; then she left for parts unknown. ? ? Dr. J. T. R. Neal, Prop. Riverside Drug Co., Greenville, S. C., writes recently: "I haye been a practicing nhvsirian and druggist for over i'o years and have sold and administered many kidney medicines but none to equal Foley Kidney Pills. They are superior to any I ever used and gfiye the quickest permanent relief." Kaufmann Drug Co. Lee Bamberg and Raymond Marshall, young white men of Denmark, "of prominent families," have been committed to jail on the charge of attempting an assault upon a young married woman of Olar. The occurrence took place on Thursday night while the young woman was waiting for a train at the station at Denmark. > ^ n? Mrs. Rose A. Freeman, Clifford, Va, says they have long used Foley's Remedies and want to say a good word for them. She writes: "Foley Kidney Pills cured my husband of a long standing kidney trouble, after he bad taken other medicines without relief. We would not be without Foley & Co's medicines in our house for many times their cost." Kaufmann Drug Co. A man who needs the monev has no time to meddle in other people's affairs. Mrs. E. Brant. 11115 Paden St., Parkersburg, W. Va.t had an attack of lagrippe which left her bad kidney trouble, and she suffered mnch severe , pain and bkch&che. Then she heard of Foley Kidney Pills and says: "After taking them a short time the pain left my back and I am again able to do my own house work. Foley Kidney ! Pills helped me wonderfully." Kaufmann Drug Go. j Some men are so skeptical that they even refnse to believe half they say. H. A. Waggoner, Alvon, W. Va., says that Foley's Honey and Tar Compound is the best medicine for coughs and colds he has ever known. He says: "Everyman and woman tells me it is the best they haye ever used and whoever has used it once, always come back for it again." There are no opiate in Foley's Honey and Tar Compound and it is 8afest for chil- I dren. Kaufmann Drug Co. Subscribe to The Dispatch. There never was a time when people appreciated the real merits of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy more that now. This is shown by the increase in sales and voluntary testimonials from persons who have been cured by it. If you or your children are troubled with a cough or cold give it a trial and become acquainted with its good qualities. For sale by All Dealers. Sterling Goods _____ I Sterling silver, cut glass, fii.e \ china, clocks. A fine stock always on hand for you 1 select from. Keep us in mind when wanting anything in Jewelry or Silverware. Good watch work and best eye glasses. If you can't come, send for our catalogue or telephone your order to us. ! P. I LACHICOTTEI CO. i JEWELERS. 1424 Main Columbia, S. C Phoufi 9S4 Stemming His Eloquence. During a recent campaign meeting a speaker noted for his eloquent discourses, was expounding the praises of his fayorite candidate for mayor. "This man," he shouted, "is the one who can most fittingly govern this haven for the oppressed, with its countless myriads of happy homes, their verdant lawns and flowers scintillating in the sunlight." With outstretched arms and gazing fervently upward, he exclaimed in passionate voice: "If I had the pinions^ of a bird I would fly to every ward and precinct in this wonderful city and disseminate the glad tidings that"? Then a voice from the back of the room piped out: "You'd be shot for a goose before you bad flown a mile."?Kansas City Journal. ? ? It would surprise you to know of the great good that is being done by Chamberlain's Tablets. Darius 1- T l! "XT "n uowney, or rsewDerg junction, n. x>.. writes, "My wife has been using; Chamberlain's Tablets and finds them very effectual and doing her lots of good." If you have any trouble with your stomach or bowels give them a trial. For sale bv All Dealers. Cleaning, Pressing and Dyeing The Lexington Pressing Club is ready to do your fall cleaning, pressing, dyeing, etc. We have a competent force and all work promptly and neatly done. Let us fix up that old last year's suit foryc-u. We make a specialty of this class of work. Lexington Pressing Club. Lem Sox, Manager. Our best an< found. ^ er, Mite the differ Gregoi I ; 1 BUGGIES and we have all grades from the medium IMS** to the best that Mpe Jo marlp and the price is right. Caugh } | Columbia, X rflR GOffl Milam is guaranteed under the un. I pure food and drugs law to con tain no opium, morphine, strych- X^I B nine, mercury, potash or other offHI dangerous or habit forming Oj B drugs. Thus you take no chances 5^ ?~t B with your health when you take WkA -1^ Rheun Ml I will always take pleasure in recom mending Milam for Uric Acid troubles. 9 C. T. Barksdale, former U.S. Postmaster, Danville, Va. m For nearly eight years I suffered with H rheumatism?at times unable to walk. I W am taking Mi!.am with great benefit, as M I am now able to walk and suffer no pain. W Mrs. Ira R. Preston, Abingdon, Va. Bg Rheumatism affected my heart until I could not lie down without such pain that S I could hardly bear it Milam has made n me feel like a new woman. Mrs.*J. P. 99 Brown, 635 N. 8th St., Richmond, Va. Kj For 18 years I was confined to my bed Bn the greater part of the time with rheuma9 tism. Milam hat. been a Godsend to me. H I now walk about my farm?the swelling Kj has left my limbs and joints reduced to fl normal size. F. L. Gristie, R. F. D. 1, Hj Chocowinity, N. C. ?f It will do you no gcod gg to gain, ail to lo: || Your druggist has Milam or can got i - THE ItiiLAM MEDICINE ?Pf?H We haM j|lt?|| of extn mare mul shapes ai lUBUl farmers li Stock of Wagons d most complete 77e carry the Sti hell and Hackney ent sizes. ry-Conder Mul< COLUMBIA, S. C. ir Guarantee Means Something." [-0 See 0 ar Line of L WAGONS when I man Bro jjlDDrC You take no chances with your money either, for if you buy a H Lj course of six bottles and are M 39*" not benefitted you can get your M W money back for the asking. am)** No dispute no argument?you Q Pare the judge. w tl i at ism I have been a great sufferer with rheumatfsm and for several years un- WB able to attend to my duties continu- B ously. Six bottles of Milam made a new B man of me. Claude Curling, 549 ?. Main B SL, Norfolk,*Va. H I spent over $3,000 for rheumatism with B no benefit whatever until I tried Milam. B It has done all you claim for it in my B case. I. H. Wade, corner Church and Lee Sts., Norfolk, Va. B For a long-standing and aggravated H case of rheumatism I am glad to say I re- B ceived more benefit from the use of Milam B than all the other treatment extending B over a period of ten years. C. P. Barger. B with W. Id. Ritter Lumber Co., Hunting- B ton, \V. Va. *B Since taking 6 bottles of Milam my rheu- B matism is entirely gone, my complexion B and appetite improved?I wouldn't take fl $50 for the good it has done me. A. Mc B Bride, Danville, Va. to put it off?nothing m se. Act today. 1 t very quickly from any drug jobber. S CO., Inc., Danville) Va. 151 I re a car i good es-good ad the rington ike. I is the to be idebakin all i Co., i ??????????? :aii i&mi waa m ?sn ww you go to buy, thersj South Carolina. /