r; .V - * fl I I jpj 9 I Goods SI 9 I Calico, Neat for Waists \ I 36 in. Percales 12 l-2c I Linene for Skirts 15c \ | I 10c Bed Tick 7c. 25c ( r I 15c Quality Dimity, Lii m I Silk Messaline Drop S! Y I Black Satine Skirts j I Silk Stockings ' { f ik Silk Socks I All 15c Hose to go at i Umbrellas and Parasol V. ' V [I Prides risfruiM r Pay Up Please. | We are greatly in need of money L just now to pay paper and other bills, and will, therefore, greatly appreciate A it if those of onr readers who are in arrears will call or send by mail and ) renew their subscriptions at once. We 9 don't want to stop anybody's paper. ! ^ This is campaign year and yoa will i B need rue uispaica to seep you pujtcu. ' MEHIIIIC (WJiPPl New Treatment Drives Out Bheumatism; Pain Stops; . Soreness Disappears and ' Stiff Joints are Limbered. The remarkable manner in which the famous Root Juice medicine gets into the blood, drives out rheumatic poison, takes out soreness, stops the pains and limbers up the stiffened joints and muscles should interest every sufferer from this stubborn disease. Mr. Jas. Simpson, of Cordova. 111., says, "I felt the effects in a 9dort time. Ail symptoms of rheumatism left me.'' Mrs. J. Schoadeil, 610 Madison St., Fort Wayna, Indiana, says, "I was un< able to move. Had to be carried about Doctors had failed. Two bottles of Root Juice enabled me to walk with ?^ anno J? UUI> oosisiauv/^i h Mr. Geo. R. McConneli,(j02 Polk St., ? \ Griffin, Ga., suffered ten years. He said: "lam starting on my second bottle and my trouble is about all gone.7' Root Juice not only drives rheumatic poison from the blood, but it nou; rishes the stomach, strengthens the kidneys so that they can properly fil[_ ter the blood, and builds up the entire A ? ^ ^ 4-r\ r system, it creates a uu? d^uv^, stops indigestion, bolching, backaches and pmts new life, new vim and vigor into ran down or overworked bodies. A week's treatment will make a different person of you. H>on't let anyone talk von into fcryv ing uncertain, liit-or-miss remedies, j Stop experimenting. Go to some good j druggts* and get a bottle of the Root i Juice compound and begin taking it to- j day with the assurance that K has ? cured and is curing the worst cases when doctors, specialists and other medicine* failed. You'll be surprised to see how quickly you will feel its j good effects. Jh L / 1616 aughtered t< MMBMMVtaaMinMMaannHBMNnD > etc. 3 l-2c. $1.25 Shot value 8c. $1.50 Shoi ralue 9c. $2.00 Shoi Quality for 17c. $3.00 She ion, etc. 7c. $4.00 Shot kirts '$1.98 W 39c. I Curtain M 19c. colon 19c. Dollar Dri 10c. Shirts in s 39c. witho 4a DEMOCRATIC CLUBS. St Matthews. St. Matthews Democratic Club is requested to meet at the school house Saturday, April 27, at 4 o'clock p. m., to reorganize and elect delegates to the county convention. W. H. Keisler, Secy. Piacy Woods. Piney "W >ods Democratic club is called to meet at Piney Woods school house on Saturday, April 27, at 4 p. m., for the purpose of electing delegates to the county convention, and such other business as may come up for consideration. A. S. Frick. Rishton. Rishton Democratic Club will meet on Saturday, April 27th, at 3 p. m. Jb'uil attenlance aesirea B. F. Berry, Pres. Samaria. Samaria Democratic Club is called to meet Saturday, April 2i, at 3 p. m., to re-organize and elect delegates to County Convention. O. C. Boatwright, Secty. Milton Club The Hilton Democratic Club will meet at Hilton Saturday, April 27th, 1912, at 3 p. in., to reorganize and elect delegates to the county convention. J. C. Fulmer, President. Batesburg. Pursuant to a call of the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Democratic Party of Lexington County, I hereby call the members of the Batesburg Democratic Oiub, (Chincqaepin No. 1.) to meet at Batesburg, Saturday, 27th. of April, 1912, in Kami i"i 11 ; i J ? .. .-> _ 1 ? i L. "D A T ner nau jouauiug at o u uiuun. a. ha., for the purpose of reorganizing and to elect a member of tne County Democratic Executive Comririttee, delegates to the County Convention and to transact any other business pertaining to the coming primary. W. B. Hite, Chairman. J. M Maipass, Secretary. Ballentine Club. Ballentine Democratic Club will meet at Ballentine, an Saturday afternoon, next, at 2 o'clock, for the purpose ot , reorganizing and electing delegates to the county convention. There will be four precincts in the annexed portion of the Fork?Ballentine, Nates' School House, Folk's School House and Spring Hill A full attendance of members is, therefore, requested. E. T. Rauela, President. Jas. W. Shealy, Secretary. FINAL DISCHARGE. Notice is hereby given that I will apply to the Hon. George S. Dratts, Judge of Probate for Lexington county, South Carolina, on the 10th day ot May. 101*2, tor a final discharge :?< administrator of the estate of Charlie Jtookmau, dec-nsecl. O. M. iiOOKMAN, Admr. j April Jl, 1012 -27 I OF THE S I I . n Main Street, > Raise Mon es and Slippers 98c. es and Slippers $1.29 es and Slippers $1.69 es and Slippers $2.48 es and Slippers $2.98 hite, Patents, Tans, Etc. adras, 15c values, all s, at 9c. ess Shirts at only 69c. neat Colors with and mt Collar 44c. the Boi WHHHMHBwmm SICKLY CHILD Made Weil By Vinol?Letters from a Grateful Mother New Haven, Conn.?"My little girl, ever since her birth, was frail and sickly and nothing seemed to do her any good until we tried your cod liver and iron tonic, Vinol. As soon as she commenced to take it, I noticed an improvement in Ler health and appearance. She has now taken three bottles of Vinol, and from the good it has done her I xan say it will do all you claim for it in building up and strengthening frail and delicate children." (Name furnished on request.} Another mother of Chicago, 111., writes: "I can not say too much in praise of Vinol for delicate, ailing children." * "We ask every mother of a frail, sickly or ailing child in this vicinity to try Vinol on our agreement to re - - ? u J_?11 turn tneir money 11 it uue? nut uu we claim. THE KAUFM4NN DRUG CO. Lexington, S. C. Arthur N. Drelter Died In Minnessota* Arthur N. Dreher has entered into that ''bourne from whence no traveler ever returns.v Like a thunderclap from a cloudiess sky came the announcement of his death at Rochester, Minn., on Sunday morning at eight o'clock. Tne brief message stated that the cause of his death wa9 pneumonia, which he contracted from taking a long walk. Mr. Dreher left for Rochester a few weeks ago, accompanied by his brother, Dr. Thomas H. Dreher, of St. Matthews, to consult Mayo Brothers, the famous surgeons and specialists of that city, with the hope of having an operation performed for a serious nervous trouble. Upon arrival, however, his condition was not such that an operation could be performed, aDd he was advised to remain. Letters received by the family from the physicians a few days ago brought the glad news that Arthur was bright and cheerful, had made many friends, and was rapidly improving. Mr. Dreher was in his 47th year. That he should have been cut down by the "Grim Reaper" at thi9 time, when he had so much to live for; when the future seemed bright, prosperous and happy, is hard for us to understand; indeed? "God moves in a mysterious way "His wonders to perform." Mr. Dreher was a son of the late Jacob W. Dreher, of Selwood, and besides his venerable mother, who is heartbroken over his death, he is survived by the fallowing brothers and sisters: Dr. T. H. Dreher. John Dreher, Shuler Dreher, of St. Matthews; H. H. Dreher, of Selvroed; F. jtf. Dreher, a "leading attorney of Lexington; Dr. Lucius Dreher, of Leosville; Mrs. Dr. J. W. Wessinger, of Dallrntitie, and Miss Lizzie Dreher, of Selwood. Upsn arrival the body tail belaid to rest in St. Michael's churchyard, where rests the bodies of loved ones j gono before. I Many of life's so-calb d luxuries arc J | but base inutatijiis. j TOOK OF Columbia, S. C. ey?Hopkin's Loss Heavy Blue Work Shirts 39c. One Dollar Overalls 79c. ; 35c Table Damask 21c. Turkey Red 19c. Big \] Heavy Cheviot for Shirts Rompers Serin etc., 15c value for 8c- $2.00 Linene for Skirts 9c. $1.50 One lot 10 and 15c. Pique, Repp $2.00 and Madras 7c. $1 5( $2.00 Skirts, Navy and Black $1.19 LACE! Big lot at yard 3c. S rie?-Come a Patronize Horn Keep the Mo - TRI-COUNTYI g We desire you should hnow fu. I ||| COUNTY FERTILIZERS. To tb I N territory who have used our Ferti 1 and promise them our best efforts |?i such goods as will meet with the Ym patronage and good will. To thos IUa yet had the pleasure of forming b' III extend our cordial greeting and a: |L age. Our facilities for manufacturing |m surpassed. We have just compl 2 Factory and now have a capacity ( vite ycur inquiries when we can s pervision is given each ton of goi guarantee goes with each sack sol REMEMBER WE ARE MANE 10m Figure with us on yonr require or small. We are satisfied we | U ' I BATE StfURG, a! _ ' t is Your Cain. lot 15 20, and 25c Voiles and Marquisettes 10c. GOIN' SOME! lot 25c Ties 7c. a for Curtains 4c. 1 ) Lace Ourtains $1.48 ! l r\ _ m i rarasois, an uoiors yoc. I White Spreads - $1.39 ) White Spreads 98c. All Prices Dynamited, atisfaction or Your Money Back. ind Save. HHninBHHBHMnHHHHB . , : .11 i Industry and! nev at Home UTILIZERS. ? i ly of the merits of THE TRI- I e hundreds of friends in our % l| lizers we extend our thanks a* 1 4- aamItviiia win vnii-'fint-llU'tin' K i> iu uuiiiiiiuc iiicuiuiauiui mg | ir approval and merit their m B >e with whom we have not as I usiness relations, we desire to q I sk for a share of their patron- p* 1 . t eted a large and up-to-date ^ )f 250 tons a day. We in- ??2 erve you. Our personal suods manufactured, and our q g fFACTURERS?Not Jobbers. ments whether they are large I can make it to your inter- I 1 Pnttnn fill Pn I UUIIUII Ull UU. I . . s. c. I ~~ |