PSVC2L AM? SCISSORS. MissLegsie Hook, of New Brookland, was the guest of Miss Annie Louise Taylor for the week-end. Mrs. MariahWingard's many friends will regret to learn that she has been quite indisposed for the past several days. Mr. Adam R. Meefcze, who has been ill for some time, is very much improved. Fine line of cakes and crackers always in stock at The Bazaar. Mrs. Wallace E. Lorick, of Irmo, soent the week-end with her sister, . Mrs. A. M. Harman. FOR SALE?30-horse Erie engine in good condition. Price $100.00. Apply to D. B. Bawl, Lexington, S. 0. Mrs. Melton Lorick of Irmo, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Gus Lorick. FOR SALE?Triumph Cotton Seed, 75 cents per bnshel, cash with^rder. W. J. McOartha, Batesburg, S. C. 18 Miss Annie Louise Taylor, of the Halfway school, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse D. Taylor. WANTED?To rent six acres of land in Lexington village and to sell one lot near court house. Address, C. J.iSox, Gibsonville, N. C. 2wp Master Rufns Daley Haiti wanger has the measles at the home of Mr. James Caughman, near Wyses's Fert . . V CABBAGE PLANTS?Select t'rcstproot Early Jersey and Charleston Wakefield cabbage plants 15c the hundred. ' t Kaufmann Drug 0). Mrs. G. T. Graham, of Crescent City, Fla., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Karl F. Oswald. ; - (For your truivs, apples, oranges, bananas, lemons, etc., come to The / 'Bazaar. . I I The roads continue bad and;-consequently bat few people are coming to town. Seed Potatoes?You will find Early Bed Bliss Triumph and Irish Gobbler, pure seed potatoes, at H. N. Kaminer A Go's. Ex-Mayor M. B. Edwards, of Batesburg, was a business visitor here on Monday. 8ee the beautiful pictures in great Variety, at leo each, at The Bazaar. Mr. E. U. Shealy, of the Fork, was in toWa Monday on matters of business. < '* Prtiaubt of Baker's Chocolate just I received at The Bazaar. ' ? ; ' r Mr. Heber R. Breher, of Selwood, was among the prominent men here Monday. Let us make your Spring Suit?100 samples of all-wool goods, only $15.00 Made to your measure by people who HJNUW nuw. js>. u. urener ? \x>. iet State Senator Crosson, of Leesville, was in town Monday shaking hands with his numerous friends and admirers. WANTED?Some of oar readers to send os a copy of The Dispatch of Jan. 10th, 1912. The Dispatch. # The condition of Mrs. Frank W. Shealy, mention of whose serious illness appeared in these columns last week, is slightly improved. FOR SALE?One Shingle Mill and otstfit, consisting of 1 10-horse engine and boiler and' other' accessories; in good condition; a bargain. Apply to P. 0. Shealy, New Brook* land, S. 01 P ; 19 At ntion is called to the advertise* meiit of the Witt property, in Brook' ' land', elsewhere hi this issue. The sale will take nlace on March 28. V ~ ' * Oroosett and Walk-Over Oxforda in all leathers and newest styles at E. G. 4 Dreher & Go's. Mr. Andrew Porfcb, one of the best trttck farmers, and citizens of the j- Peter's section, was in town Monday - and renewed bis paper? for another 'V year. v 'j I FOR SALE?Wagon, buggy and f Doan's Kidney Pills from the Kaufnann Drug Co. and since I used them, [ hat e improved wonderfully. I earnest y recommend this remedy to all kidley suffererers." (Statement given if arch 9, 1908.) THREE YEARS LATER. Mr. Hall was interviewed on March 13, 1911 and he said: "I still take loan's Kidney Pills occasionally and hey keep me well. This remedy is ail hat it is represented to be and I glady confirm my former endorsement of t." For sale by all dealers. Price ?0 ents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, Jew York, sole agents for the United Hates Remember the name?Doan's?and ake no other. , Fair Meeting. A meeting of the executive commitee and stockholders of the LexiDgton Jountv Fair is called to be held in the Jourt House at Lexington on Monday, larch 11th, at 11 o'clock a. m. A full meeting i9 requested, as business of tnportance will be considered. C. M. Efird, V. W. Barre, Sec. Pres. To Mothers?And Others. You can use BuckPn's Arnica Salve o cure children of eczema, rashes, teter, chafinge, scaly and crusted hnocrs, as well as their accidental intuit s,?cuts, burns, bruises, etc., with >erfect safefcv. Nothing else healB so [nickly For boils, ulcers, old, runling or fever sores or piles it has no iqual. 2~> cents ao all druggists. ; Married. Fe' rnarv 22, 1912, Mr. George C. Imich and Mis* Bt*'t'ia rl aylor were uietly m riie i at the Ln heran par3nage, Gilbert, by Rev. B. D. Wesinger. ; * " Mir CIIIES IE $11 Bf CURES New Root Juice Medicine Creates Wide Interest by Its Strange Power Over Disease. The startling rapidity with which the fame of the new Root Juice medicine has traveled seems little short of marvelous for although its strange power over disease has been known but a short time, reports from people in many cities praising it to the skies -1 1 i. _1 1 aDG aescriumg ine must pneuomeiiai cures, are coming from everywhere. Dozens of people here in town who were among the first to obtain the medicine at the drug stores, are now telling of benefits that have been derived from its use, On every hand one may hear stories that seem almost incredible and yet he persistency with which such reports are made seem to dispel any doubt concerning the remarkable merit of discovery. From all reports, the Root Juice exerts a powerful curative influence ujron the digestive and secretory organs and some of those who have tried it say they can scarcely get enough tu eat and that the 9tomach seems able to digest anything. It stop3 indigestion, belching, tlie formation of gas on the stomach and pains after meals, in a surprising manner and its continued use for a short time strengthens ai$d tones the stomach so that indigestion is soon forgotten. Rheumatic sufferers, too, declare that the effect of the medicine on sore, swollen, aching limb9 and joints is wonderful and that the pain 9imply seems to vanish. The following extracts from a few of the m^ny recent reports will convey a good idea of the great results that are being obtained by its use in many cities over the country. F. Abel Seymour, Ind., "I have used the medicine with fine results and know of many otners it nas neipea.'7 .