PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ? DR. G. R. HARDING, THE OLD AND TRIED DENTIST, & at tiis office doing good wore at moderate price?. Oall to see him ios't wait. (Hear Hyatt's Park, COLUMBIA, S. 0 f\B. F. 0. GILMORE, IT DENTIST., fflO Main Street, COLUMBIA, S. 0. vavxcK nouas.* v a. m. 10 x p. w.% au - u v*u 3 to 6 p. m WM. W. HA WES, Attorney and Counselor at Law. SEW BROOKLAND. S. O. ftactice In all Courts. Business solicited. Hovember 1.1906. DULL TOOLE, Dentist, 1008 Main St. s Columbia, S. C, OFFICE HOilRSt 0 A. M -6 P. M. a tL xribd. r. a. dbehxb EFIRD & DREHER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LEXINGTON 0 H 8 0 Will praetfee in all the Courts. Business ^ solicited. One member of the Arm will always be at office. Lexington. 13.0. JH. FRIOK, ATTORNEY AT LAW. CHAFIN s O. Office: Hotel Marlon, 4th Boom. Second I Floor. Will practice in all the Courts. ? ? I Robert moorman. i Attorney-at-L? w, j Admitted to Practice in all Courts in this State. ; Carolina National Bank Bnilding, COLUMBIA. S. 0. HAY F. SOX, DENTIST. Wdkund, Lexington County, S. 0. rUHMOND A CALLISON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WILL PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS, We will be pleased to meet those taring legal business to be attended tes at onr office at any time. Kaufmann Buildtng Lezingto C. J. WM THU oND. Sept 13,1911. T. C. CALL N. rjtHURMOND A TIMMERM N, 1 ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WILL PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS. Citizens' Bank B'ld'g, Batesburg, S. 0. We wID be pleased to meet those having lebusiness to be sttendel to at our offloa the Citizens' Bank Building at any time. Respectfully. >. W*. THURMOND. ' G. BELL TIMMERMAN. Albert m. boozer, ATTORNEY AT LAW. columbia, 8. a (tones:181$ Main Street, upstairs, opposite ? Van Metre's Furniture Store Especial attention given to business entrust* id to him by his .allow citizens of Lexington aonntv. IYB. D. L. HALL, 1/ DENTIST COLUMBIA, S. 0. Lutheran Publication Building, 1626 Main St. Office hours 8 a. m,., to 5:80 p.'.m ' Deo* 38, 1907?6m DR. G. J. OLIVEROS, . ^BjaSS^k 1434 MARION ST., COLUMBIA, S. 0. Is prepared to treat all troubles of Eva Ear. Nose. Throat and Lungs. ?+ The fit of Spectacles Guaranteed. ^ . p?--???????' BARNARD B. EVANS, Attorney at Law. MMXAUGH BLDG., COLUMBIA, 8. C. Practice in all Courts. . MONEY TO LOAN.-^-. L"'' " " * law Offices, ( Residence, lfc',9 1909 Washington < Pendleton Street. Street. ( Office Telephone No. 1872. Residence Telephone No. 1086. WBOYD EVANS, LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR. Columbia, S. 0. DR. A. J. ADAMS, DENTIST, SWANSEA, SO. CAROLINA. 59?6mp Lida Todd, aged, en; was so badly burned at her home in Greenville that she died. Her clothing caught while she was standing in front of the fire. He Wont Limp Now. "Vrv hrnoiTlST for Tom Moore Of Cv - a miu suic. oil my instep that nothing seemed to help till I used Kuckien's Arnica salve," hp writes, "but this wonderful healer soon cured v 95 at fhft TPS VII OU IUOJ, JL VU.UMJ ... . ... idence c* the bride in Pelion, Mrs. Leah Berry and Mr. J. H. Onpstid were qurefcly married, the Rev. J. J. Myers, pastor of the bride, performing the ceremony. Nineteen Miles a Second Without a jar, shock or disturbance, is the awful speed of our earth through space. We wonder at such ease of nature's movement, and so do those who take Dr King's New Life Pills. No griping, no distress, just thorough work that brings good health and fine feelings. 25c at all druggists. Ira B. Hurt, a young white mau, with a wife and one child, was shot and killed in Columbia by Robert O. Thackham, a magistrate's constable, while flying to escape on his way to jail, just after a plea of guilty of breach, of trust. THE JEWELER 1508 Main St, Columbia, S. C. REPAIRS WATCHES AKD JEWELRY Makes Them Goed as New MEDALS ~ AIN'T) T) h Dfl^ lixllJUIiO Manufactured in Our Own a - ? , . - I vXltijfc lUi dvilUVEd CtliU Other Purposes. AVEfJY, The JeweSer j 1508 Wain St., Columbia, SC. i From Gilbert No. 2. To the Editor of The Dispatch: The weat er seems to continue wet. The roads are no longer road9, but a mad puddle from one end to the other. ! Spring is making the little buds grow and soon the orchards will be beautiful with plum and peach bloom | Many haye been disappointed in the action of some of our leading men's setting aside the steel bridge over the SUuda. Quaroling does not benefit, nor saying bad things help the cause. Wnat we want is a good, substantial bridge across the Saluda some where near Amick's ferry. Rev. E. O. Witt preached us a fine sermon on the new birth last Sunda, at Mt. Pleasant. Rarely such a sermon is heard and those who missed hearing this one certainly missed a spiritual treat. We hope the committee whichf is to decide on the location of the female college on the 5th of March will find a suitable place in Lexington count}. Let us have a college for our girls and as the majority of the members of the committee is in the county and the question first sprang from Lexington, the c ounty is due it and will get it. We are very sorry to know of the } illness of Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Shealy and trust they may so >n be restored to their usual good health. We also regret very much that mea- I ales have taken such a stronghold in the Verona section. Several families are quiet ill therefrom. It is \ery pleasant to have a working arrangement between the Hollow Creek and Delmar Telephone lines. There are many who are deeply inter | ested in the matter and should, fore, be closely bound to/cr. .. March 2, 1912 v'l; Wh i^ of .--i Henry W -r oi Waterloo, li'dat" .so . >o Columbia a few 1 tvs a* ' cgfcd 18 years. Ton can say goodbye to constipation with a clear conscience if you nse Chamberlain's Tablets. Many have been permanently cured by their nse. For sale by all dealers. John Crump, foreman in the Hamer cotton mills in Dillon, shot and killed William Johnson, an operative, on Saturday. The trouble, it is said, arose because the foreman changed Johnson's wife from one kind of work to another, which Johnson did not like. City Hotel aod Gate, AMERICAN and EUROPEAN GOOD CLEAN ROOMS NEAR THEATRE AND STATE CAPITOL American Rates $1.25 to $2.00 European Rates, Rooms, 50c and up. Mrs. L. I. KAMINER, Proprietress, 1218 Main Street Phone 851 COLUMBIA, S. 0. TAX NOTICE Office of County Treasurer, Lexington County, Lexington, S. C., September 20, 1911, LETT. For State Purposes 5% Mills For Ordinary County Furposes ... 4 Mills For Past Indebtedness .... 2 Mills Special County . (bridges) . . 1 Mills For Roads . . 2 Mills For Constitutional School Tax... 3 Mills Total 17% Mills Special School Levy Dis No. l 4 Mills Special School Levy is. Wo. 15 8 Mills Special School Levy Dis. No. 18 ! 8 Mills Special School Levy Dis. No. 25 2 Mills Special School Levy Dis No. 34 2 Mills Special School Kovy Dis, No. 37 2 Mills Special School Levy Dis No. 42 2 Mills Special School Levy Dis. No. 75 2 Mills Special School Levy Dis. No. 68 6 Mills Special School Levy Dis. No. 83 2 Mills U?NAAinl AAI 1 ,DVV TllC MA V, O \1 i 1 1 a UVyUUWi 1 J i.w. *m\j M i.? I 11 jr? School Levy Dis. No. 35 2 Mills Special School L??vy Dis. No. 13 2 "Wlls Special School Levy I ?is. No. 2-3 2 Mills Special School Levy Dis. No. IT 2 Mills Special School Levy Pis. No. 63 2 Mills Special Scr ool Le^ y DP. No. 12 2 Mills Special School Levy Dis No. 7 2 Mills Special School Levy Dis No 48 2 Mills Special School Levy Dis. No. 50 2 Mills Special School Levy Dis. No. 84 2 Mills Special School Levy Dis. No. 85 2 Mills Special School Levy Dis. no. 71 2 Mills Special school Levy Dis. No. 16 2 Mills Poll Tax.. 1. .. $1.00 Commutation road tax for 1912, two dollars, i9 received at the same time as other State and,county taxes. Read instructions below before remitting: j ? . - T* i .. 11 . , ?... I .j'. w i:i &?>vj toe iuiivwiug penalties: I On January 1st, isi?, i per cent, j penalty will be acideu to who j have not paid. On February 1st, 1912, i an additional 1 per cent, will be added to those who have not paid, making 2 per cent, penalty lor February. r>tiiJ an additional 5 per oent. panalty will 1 Kn n -1 -*1 y,1 ^.Toi?oV> "1 c* * r- J ? *%?./ ** f > | cent, penalty to be paid by those who hnTo rot paid by Mareb 1 , I'd:'. I 'Pay ?'!'! riACi | * in1 ^ I When ivinittintf ?ivn each township : or sonool (lisitriot;?e.11r ptr< iutiiw VA V> A 14 i.^4. JLr \.l\J} ? *vV, V. dill Buggies, 4'A Little Highc Stock of Horses and Mules ; /? STOCK CO itreet, - Columbia, ? i* %%**%%%%%%%%* WITHOUT lUOU po^H returns for using the TSssSpIp' : ;r than does tobacco. PA SH id quality are improved by properly a rs containing- Potash in the form of j? : and Kainit will not do. The amount Lsh should be from 200 to 250 pounds j? would mean 1000 to 1250 pounds 9 0 guods. ? ed "tobacco fertilizers" are merely 9 1-purpose mixed goods, containing 9 injure the quality of the leaf. Insist a m chlorides and containing 10 to 12 9 , or supplement tlic manure with a ds acid phosphate and 200 to 250 9 f Potash. S r prices of Potash Salts and for fees |S S fertilizer formulas and directions. kN KALI WORKS, Inc. | Baltimore Monadsock Block, CLicaco 3 ectral Bank Bids., New Orleans ffl mf J Handy Heater 1 Erfection 1 Smokeix? pj CSH n J:H37 || >ften need some heat fig Fall, when you have m tarted the furnace. | ise you want it, you can get it if C I.J PJ II CUOI1 J1UU&QC9I V/U a aMiUi n Die heater on the market, aod yoo 1 i you dress in comfort on the cokat* & ad early breakfast becomes a pleasant ? and all is snug for the evening. ^ er is beautifully finished?an ornament idled in blue; nickel trimmings* ^ lolung impossible. Burner body cannot g Damper top. Cool handle. iptjre circular to acr agsacy of Aa $ i m [ Company | rated) \ onable Goods. Millinery, Dress oods, Notions i now complete, ngton friends to r line of Goods >re headquarters , whether they * prices are right, T & SON, COLUMBIA, S. C. \ t wwwwwwl* /vvvvvvvvvv^ | - f 6 t Everybody. % p k Hill Baggies, the ? ^ :r in Price, BUT-" J ? ill the Time. ^ ^ MPAMY, | $ >outh Carolina. ? ^