I r ' I THE LEXINGTON DISPATCH. :|g? v^- ;- . .; ; ' A Representative Newspaper. Covers Lexington and the Borders of the SlurroundiSg Counties Like a Blanket B ? . YOL XUL ~" LEXINGTON, S. C.. WEDNESDAY, MAE H 6, 1912 18 r ============ \ * I iSf :&. _ _ ? e===? II The I Best I Recommendati< I Savings | Citizens Ban] II BATESBURG, 1 . Resources 1. OFFIUEK9 A ~ U. X. eUNTER, Pr%u. M. 0. BO ATW RIGHT, Viee-F CEO. BELL TIR t cacscseseseaesesssesesesi f BROOKL/ | New Bro< i TMni? 3 juiivjc> t J. 6. Guignard, E. "W - a R. N. Senn, Henr I A. D. Shall, L. S. ' * - ; am " ' ? k _o4 I * U1HIQN NA'l jj ? Colun II Dix?< a. f. levee jos. n01 j. h. m. beaty c. l. ki! || g. p. logan j. w. no || e. 0. black d. a. si smil Obituary. William Travis, infant of W. Perr Taylor and wife, departed this lif< March 2,1912; being 5 months and 2 daysof age* He was given to God i: , bap ism and has early gone to be wit! hit Savior. The Lord gave and th< Lord hath taken * way; blessed be tb< name of the Lord. Funeral services by the pastor a Grace chnrch, Gilbert. May God com fort the sorrowing B. D. W. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF LEXINGTON, By O. S. Drafts, Esq., Probate Judge WHEREAS, Laura E. Sharp mad< suit to me, to graot her Letters ot ad ministration of the Estate of and ef feet* of Tandy E. Sharp: THESE ARE THEREFORE to cit< and admonish all and singular tb< kindred and Creditors of the said Van dy E. Sharp, oeceased, that they b< and appear, before me, in the Court o Probate, to b^ held at Lexington, C H., S. O., on 20ib day of Marcb? 1912 next, after publication hereof at l: o'clock in the ft renoon, to 9how cause, if any they have, why the said Ad ministration should not be granted. GIVEN under my Hand, this 4ti diy of March, Anno Domini 1912. GEO S. DRAFTS, Probate Judge Lexington Co., S. C Published on the 6th day of March 1912> in the Lexington Dispatch. 3Weeks-19. County Union to Meet. The Lexington County Farmers' Ui i n will hold its first quarterly ineet?ug with the Ohap:n Local on the second Saturday in March. Delegates will please be prompt. T. H. SHULL, 2w *' Secretary. - m m m Joint Council Meeting* 1 11 * '">?.? ( 'Annf.il 7nppf. JLwin uc~ ci i v. v/uuva* M.vw. ing of Bethel Charge held at White Bock, S. C., on Stjiurd.ty before '1 4 2nd fc\nnray in March at 10 o'clock a. in., Hharpe. Member.** please n eet promptly. Jno. C. Swygerr, 2w Chairman. 61 *W. JEK. Irtao MAIN STREE ' Solicits a Share =n\] WE Pay Yourfo Save. I |i on || ; :an have is a c Bank Book I I in your pocket. It brings the p smile that stays. R . k of Batesburg, I J S. C. I c - - $175,000.00 I ti ND DIRE CTORS: a A. C. JONES, Cashier. " res. I.. W. FOX, Asst. Cashier g IMERMAN, Attorney. ? ? td 81 81 O nesesesesesesesesesesesasea 11 ^ND BANK | j >kland, S. C. 1 J t-~ .* < * dl re fi ti CTORS: | j V Shall, G. A. Guignard | ? - D"? 17 T I y llUUf A't Ul IJOUWV4 [M ....... 0Cj7>-. , ? , Hj Trotti, P. J. Wessinger $ -' : v ? ' r& m 06M9695969696969S9696S696S A 0] ^ s LL AT 8 .'IONAlt BANK ibia, S. C. E R WOODEN. H. DRIGGERS p BLER E. G! COOK ^ RWOOD W. P HAMRICK b< JIVEY C H. BARRON = bi I ?, - >-v-r I "" 7 " T 0 2 ! R tl 0 8 t ? a 9 9 , 3 ; t . 9 L j 5 i Pl 6 r ) I ; I ' ????M???WW??W?i 111 ll MKaBOaaBMHBHBMMnHBBnor'Tir: I \ jOBE MY 6 , MOITCETOl T, of Your Valued Pai Lexi gton Orgarizin-* Under Rock Hill Plan. Upon the recommendation of Mayor Jam P Roof, of Lexington, the folollowing committee has been named o direct the patting into execation he ,,Rock Hill Plan," for the reducion of cotton acreage in Lexington iAunty:Er. D M, Crosson,of Leesville, hairman; Dr. E. C. Ridgell, Bates urg; Hon. D. Frank Efird, Lexington; '. S. Wes inger,Chapin; Walter Hook, Jew Brookland; and R. L. Lybrand, f Swansea,. The co itions are indeed peculiar a this county now, dje to the severe winter which has causei a lo g and ontinued deJ y n the farm. From very quarter of the county comes the eports that the farmers are *oiug to urGail, nd in addition will cut own heir fertilizer hills. So far as i9 nown but little fertilizers hav be n \ old, and it is said that th merchants re s ow to place their contracts. It is lid, also, that the merchant are not oi gto "take heavy risks this year tr the fertiliz r busine s, and only ose farmers who areab e to give tie best security will be abie to get a apply, One gentleman who has been slhng fertilizers for ye ?rs in this ounty said yesterday that he did not itend ta sell a sack this year except n a real estate mortgage, experience avlng taught him that unless a farmr made a large crop the fertilizer bill sualty goes unpaid; that a fertilizer sbt is the hardest kind of an obligaon to collect and that he did nOt rrtrmoA rnrmtnnr onv nalr f.hifl votr .vrvwv ?--* / V"' ince the prospect for a crop at this age is gloomy; ^ I . iW* . teachersAssociation ' To Meet on Match 16. ; "T ? '? The Lexington County Teachers' ssociation will hold its next meeting ei March 16 at 11 o'clock at. Lexlng>n. The following attractive proramme has been arranged: Reading in the Grades?Miss Ooi tan. The Laggards in School?Prof. W. . Black. The Causes of Failure in School? rof. L. M. Banknight. It is most earnestly requested that .1 the white teachers of the county 3 present at this meeting. Mr. Eagene L. Hartley, of Batesirg, was in town yesterday. * t ;l * * 1892 2 tiex cent interest paid an SaA'u ded Semi-annua&ij. 2)epQ&ifA (lammeiciat accounts atti .mple j!acifitic6 |ar fiand&ncj lf( fie appreciated. &af!etif depadi Hord, it is said, Hord ran off immedi* 21y after making the attack, but ?later captured on a freight train by Sheriff Miller, who got bc:ty on the case as soon as he arrived from Colombia. The Sheriff had the condactor hold his train until a search conld be made. Hord was discoverd on top of a car, and when approached by the officer asserted that he was not the man wanted. Later, realizing that the Sheriff was on to his job, Hord conr fessed that he wa9 the man wanted, and he came to jail* Hord claims that h^> is from Virginia, aEd has only been in this section a few weeks. He is said to be a cotton mill operative. Dr. R. L. Hartley, of Harris Springs, was a business visitor to Lexington yesterda'. 1912 h &. <$. 4 trnt/ MztJehtj/et/ fJ,000.-00 icj, dcpaciiiy, mtercdt iieimj cam$/,Q0 and aJ&i received. 2 cjtCcn Apcciaf attention. qiw, &u&iftcAA, and ijaux account t (taxes |a/i lent, $7.00 pet i Apj i 19 4 0 You. j \ : sgin to save, DON'T ur first deposit to our 1 if it is small, it may. >rtune for you. C OF IT COME IN 1 sTGS ACCOUNT. *s Accouts Quarterly. Certificates of Deposit $220,000 00 IONAL BANK s. c. 2" i thoughtful man or woman to calendar, an arbitrary Bubal milepost in the jonrney of " is spontaneous with most ie death of a big life period, > passing many things have not and should have been. . i * ^ >j, \ fs and friends its most cort yet opened accounts with u* lappiness and prosperity an t year, NOW is the time to l are noc familiar with the y easy and systematic and jrn of omision to neglect it. CHAPEV 5. C. I P. HONEYOUTT, Cashiar. Interesting Statistics. Washington, D. C., March 1.?The wing importance of the Southeast* section of the United States as a k-producing region is shown by aa .lysis of the lire stock statistics of United States made by the SouthRailway Company. The estimates tie Agricultural Department show a .1 of 65,410,000 on farms and rangef he United States on Jannary 1, t, a decrease of 210,000 as compared i January 1,-19* 1. On January 1, , the number of hogs in the nine -Jieactern States traversed by the s of the Southern Railway Comr, with the increases in each State, 3 as follows: Virginia, 880,000, lcrease of 26,000; North Carolina, AAA : A - ~ ~ i,uw, an increase 01 oi.uou; SOUtii lina, 7->7,000. an increase of 54?,COO; gia, 2,098,000, an increase of 00; Florida, 051.0C0, an increase ,000; Alabama, 1,533,'?>00 an iu>e of 114,000; Mississippi, 1,577,in increase of 150,000; Kentucky, ,000, an increase of OS,000; and essee, 1,574,000, an increase of \ The total number of hogs in ine SUtes on January 1st, this was 12,512,000, an increase over ary Is:, last year, of 887,000. rge as theso figures are thev