The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, February 21, 1912, Image 6

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Parlor I BEN DAV M20 Mill ST. Opp. Palrael Beet coking ana finest Res * Special States by the 1 ii???M?iiii?>innB ' TH/fM 1 IB NjjsntK i, nnsE^ Knowing the great impor point to earry the heat o* c ing art. Whether for the a i to serve you. You will ?h?<l ! lowest reasonable figure c Anvils 19*00 and up. M Lorick & i INCOI COLUMBIA, fWfWbvWflWWWiiWVV ??????? I COOP ; And best of work i Feature that ha * | j! The - Statej! " . and end j ! i - ? v7 ? * ^ 1 SoutH {Jaroun; [ * j All work i j: Guaranteed t ! Fence also. 1 : See us and w< I Your interest I SOUTH CAROLINi ! Phone 1558. : COLUMBIA ! R. V. STILLER, Manager. *?V y./ . y : I Am He Doors,. Sas High Grade See me before placing yc N. H. I COLU! E. OSCAR Fj (ifMonl ( fflHlM Door VXJP^K/ Povc On b< J. T. COLEMAN Mgr. Charleston, S. C THE PRUDENTIAL INSUI -Incorporated as a stock co John F. Dryden, President. I ou A rnvir I I 57 f OriMT i ll^V7 j | r < LOMBARD IRON WOE lestaurant, 'ID, Proprietor, to National Bank COLUMBIA, S. C. jtaurant m Columbia. For Ladies and Gentlemen tfeek. =Meals at all Honrs?Night or Day tanco of those, tools, we make it a > ivery tool known to the blacksmith- | hop or the farm, we are prepared I our p?ices hammered down to the > W) OTUryuiiiiy yv? ?iwv?. lacksmith's Vim $6.50 to $7?50. * * . ) Lowrdnce, tPORATED. . " Sa Ct I M im|r I 't ' jm mav mm W#mMi N N ? ? N M is the strong jj s helped to earn . !, " wide reputation jj orsements of the jj * . N 1_1 _ TT J _ R a iviarDie w oitks. N N M n either marble or granite 3 ;o satisfy. We sell iron jj Write or call to 3 M ; will see that 5 is protected. I N - N \ MARBLE WORKS, S N : 1707 Main Street, * > n. B : : F. H. HYATT, Proprietor, jj adquarters For h and Blinds. * and ow Prices. >ur order for building material)RIGGERS, VfBIA, S. C. \.LLAW, Sales Mgr. rhe Prudential thly Income Policy is the 1 separting Comfort From xty. whch side wil| your fam?after your death? ALFRED J. FOX, Special Agent, LEXINGTON, S. C. 3ANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA, mpariy by the State of New Jersey Home Office, Newark, N J ^ZMM?mmmmmm?mimmMM JLLEYS | | BELTS "1 !KS, AUGUSTA, GA. I II ! Wil-rifClLMLLB.IJLfll' IWJW1IHI.IB ICWOKHHBPWPiPMfc??P?M8WV Expert Study Of Red Spider to Continue. Congressman Lever has been successful in his efforts to have the red spider pest investigation continued in this county. About two years ago Mr. Lever's attention was called to the existence of the spider in this county and the damage threatened by its presence. Owing to its alarming increase in the vicinities of Batesburg, Leesville and Lexington, Mr. Lever was enabled to secure an appropriation for an investigation. The work has already covered a period of two years. During the past season the investigation was carried on by Mr. E. A. McGregor of the bureau of entomology. Owing to some doubt as to whether the bureau coald spare an expert to continue tne work, it was feared that nothing further would be done. However, through the continued efforts of Mr. Lever, assisted by testimonials of the splendid work already done, tfee bureau has returned Mr. McGregor with the intention of keeping him at Batesburg until the problem is entirely solved. During the winter months Mr. McGregor prepared a circular setting forth thp results of his investigations. which will soon be ready for distribution. As soon as it comes from the printer, copies can be procured either from the bureau of entomology in Washington or from Mr. McGregor at Batesburg. I contains much valuable information on the subject and should be read by all cotton planters, whether the pest has yet reached them or not. Do you know that more real danger lurks in a common cold than in any other of the minor ailments? The safe way is to take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, a thoroughly reliable preparation, and rid yourself of the cold as quickly as possible. This remedy is for sale by all dealers. In most cities milk sells at retail for eight cents a quart, and at that price iti9tbe cheapest and most valuable food known. Blamed A Good Worker. "I blamed my heart for severe distress in my left side for two years," writes W. Evans, Danville, Va*, "but I know now it was indigestion, as Dr. King's New Life Pills completely cored me.'' Best for stomach, liver ?j ^ [ ttLIU aiUUC(Y UUUI/1CO) ^uuouipaiiuu, headache or debility. 25c. at all druggists, < irm i A ? i ? The Chinese seem to think a great deal more of the new year than they do of the new regime. This is the season of the year when irothers feel very much concerned over the frequent colds contracted by tneir children, and have abundant reason for it as* every cold weakens the lungs, lowers the vitality and paves the way for the more serious diseases that so often follow. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is famous for its cures, and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all dealers. If you can hold your cotton you will find it cheaper than making a new crop. For a sprain you will find Chamberlain's Liniment excellent. It allays the pain, removes the soreness, and soon restores the parts to a healthy condition. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by all dealers. Cleaning, Pressing and Dyeing The Lexington Pressing Club is ready to do your fall cleaning, pressing, dyeing, etc. We have a competent force and all work promptly and neatly done. Let us fix np that old last year's suit for you. We make a specialty of this class of work. Lexington Pressing Club. Lem Sox, Manager. I Honesty I in Jewelry 1 "If it came from Seatz's, yon ^ know it's all right," is what one | of onr customers remarked to Ej another the other day. i !When you bay Jewelry, you I generally have to take the "Jew- I eler's word for it" whether it is H 5 good or not. | ? Tliat's just where our reputa- k 1 tion for honesty and fair dealing | H counts. I jg And furthermore, we will ah | K ways give you your money back jg | and ask no questions auy time p | you are dissatisfied with a pur- p 6 Special attention to mail orders, H I! CHARLES IIIH1 JEWELEE, 1 1439 Main, Columbia, S. C I i ISaved!I "I refused to be operated i| on, the morning I heard pi about Cardui," writes Mrs. 11 Elmer Sickler, of Terre H T T I T 4 Itw I ? ILSH Inaute, ma. " l tried Lar- m dui, and it helped me |g greatly. Now, I do my own 11 washing and ironing." || The Woman's Tonic 1 PS Cardui is a mild, tonic B1 H remedy, purely vegetable, Hi H and acts in a natural man- HI |1 neron the delicate, woman- ||J H ly constitution, building HI || up strength, and toning up hI m tlie nerves, In the past 50 [|| m years, Cardui has helped Kg H more than a million women, gg 3 You are urged to try it, H 11 because we are sure that El H it will do you good. f 1 m At all drag stores. |g SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE Dec. 3,1911 Arrivals and departures Lexington, ? South Carolina. (N. B. THese Bcneame ngures snown as information only and are not guaranteed.) .8:68 A M.?Mb. f^lvdaily, from New York to Augusta; Pullman car. Dining car servioe. 10:18 A. M.?No. 8, daily from Augusta to Columbia. Arrive Columbia 10:60 a. m., Spartanburg 4:10., a m.; Greenville 6:55 p m.; Asheville. 7:34 p. m ; Cincinnati, 10:00 a. m. 5:41 P. M.?No. 7, daily, from Columbia to Augusta. Connecting from Cincinnati, Asheville, Greenville, Spartanburg . and intermediate points. C:02 P. M.?No. 132, daily, from Augusta to New York. Pullman sleeping car.' Dining car service. Arrive Columbia 6:40 p. m. Washington a. m.; New York 2:31 p. m. For further information, call on ticket agent or E. H. Coapman, V. P. and G. M., Washington, D. 0, J. L. Meek, A. G. P. A., Atlanta, Georgia. F.L.Jenkins, T. P. A., Augusta, Georgia. Subscribe to The Dispatch^ Money Saved /? We save you money on every pair of Shoes bought from us. :::::: WHY? Because they wear longer and cost you less. We ha^e the stock to select from, ::::::: We invite our Lexington friends to come in and be convinced that we live up to just what we say. : Pleasure to wait on you and give ^ou our prices, Harmon's i Shoe C i. ? ? ^ , O Luro ! 1725 Main St., COLUMBIA, - S. C MTTTTB I I M I Ife FROST PROOF ? GUARANTEED TO ! |j FROM THE ORIGINAL < > znsrr w a eefi&b. ."cixjuxsrro* lI^s n"? 1 \ Tha Earlier! VAEZFIZLD. Oroirm. ja EariUrt. I TRADE HA Es tablished 1868- Paldl Welgrew the first FROST PROOF PLAN1 customers. We have grown and told more c States combined. WHY? Because our plan tsi It is time to set these plants in your section tnat sen lor xne mosB money. We sow three tons of Cabbag Fruit trees and ornamental!?. Write for free < and vegetable grrowintr. Prices on Cabbage P By express, bnyrr paying: exnress charges, wh to 4,000 $1.50 per thousand; 5.000 to 9,000 $1.25 p< Wm. C. Geraty Co., Bo: EffiaegBHBBHSBBEHaBBBgBBB THE BEST IS NOT i, TOO GOOD FOR i OUR CUSTOMERS : i m tt7~ ^ aj uc aic cauiudivc dgcuts iu ^uiuiuI bia for the Best Furniture Manu| facturers in America. | We show the largest and best as | sortment of high grade Furniture g in the entire South. A yi9it to our store will be a treat for you because we wil1 show you all the new ideas in Furniture. You are always welcome and yon will not be asked to purchase. VANMETRE'S FUNERAL DIRECTOR EMRALMER, Columbia, S.C. mHBHUnHHHi {To. BRO 1730 MAIN STREI ;* Is where you can fin( ?PAI I ft V A1 DOORS, S BLINI LIME AN ij CABINET Si Call or write for Prices Leathers and Styles. We bought i down, and we are going to save yon ter and can sell you for less than w* Farmers9 Medium and H< | E. P. I 710 Main St. i HC r ttliSlfct'5 it COLl WE ARE A Depository for t o: South Carolina of Columbia. WE OWN ? 10\ -TOO United St Caroi ia Bonds. WE SOLICIT , Accounts of BanKJ WE PAY Four Per Cent, on teres? calculated q WE PROMISE Oar best efforts to s;it isfaction. j PALMETTO NATION. oapii | Wilis Jo\es. President CABBAGE PUNTS M 1 SATISFY CUSTOMERS 1\ 1 ;abbage plant growers . \\ j ^ AWl STA TP^tSB? ~4 noEvtMrt A little Isur TUT DUTCH. / f J HtllUulVufet* ?tsa flua:?lo*. Larptt asd LawmI Otbbat* y | g RK COPYRIGHTED 8 1 n Capital Stock $30,000.00 ("?T it rs in 1868. Now hare over twenty thousand satisfied a abbage plants than all other persona In the Southern 2 nust please or we send your money back. Order now; a J to get extra early cabbage, and they are the ones 1 s Seed per season Strawberry Plants, u catalog containine valuable information about fruit v lants:?By mail Postage Paid 45 cents per 100 plants. 5 ich under special rate is very low: 500 tor $1.00; ?r thousand; 10,000 and over $LC0 per thousand. K 204, Yonges Island, S. C. ? I * \ I BBEBEEfflgTOSg^5gBgSBBBPBS5WK ptt?jnm i is?M&ia? museum^ . SjSI I U ! |WeAieD^n^' ^^ 8|88|M I * I HOLLAND-Dl. 11111 I J ,|^^&CRAFTSj J Ijj^ ^ \ LUXURI0U5iM?W?5_l \ ? ? m WN & BftO., || ET, COLUMBIA, S. C. fl i one of the best stocks of i | INTSLL KINDS i| ASH, )S & GLASS || D CEMENT. | b b MANTLES. | r I. I Fall and Winter =SHOES= You want the BEST SHOES at the LOWEST PRICES is our reason for inviting you to trade with us. We tnow have a complete stock in al "*"> '1 mVlilo lootlioi" TIT Q C .n i" eoruary miiu iuan-u, wunc icuhiqi i on your family's shoes this Fall and Win j could last fall n javy Work Shoes a Specialty. I r? A. DAVIS I CoSumbsa, S. C. I i i^iitlona! fek, I JMBIA, S. c. I he UiJ'fced State.4- Government, the State flj the County of Richland and the Oily |9 ates Bonne and $100,000 State of South Ifl Firm'-', Corporations and Individuals. deposits in our Saving's Department, in- jS narterly. transact yonr business to yonr entire Q| AL BAKK, - - Columbia, S. C fl ^AL 1250,000 00 m