The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, January 24, 1912, Image 8

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. ' \ Go to Henry X>rog Store, Chapin, . 8. 0., to ha^ e your eyes tested for ' glasses. Examination free. We too handle a fall line of drags, patent medicines, jewelry, paints, etc. . rszrciL and scxssobs. Attend the closing oat sale at M. D. j Merman's and save money. 1088 Annie Martha Meetee is the gaeet of Miss Sadie Raysor, in St. Mathews. Mr. IJlmer Wingard, carrier on roate 1, is confined to his home with the measles. The sacrament of the Lord's Sapper be adminlsteied at St. Stephen's | eharch next Sand ay at li am. Mr. B. H. Barre, who received severe in j ones during the fire is ont mm the street again, (Boring ont sale at M. D. Harman^ begins today. Now is the time to save money 1 Mr. H. Newton Monts, a popular Lexingtonian who is "making, good'' in the city of Columbia spent the week end at his old home here. Misses Jesse Mack, Lucille Smith I and Ida Whetsell, three charming f yensg ladies of Colombia have been the guests of Miss Pearle Taylor at her attractive home on Main street. r M. D. Harman has sold his store building and is now offering his merchandise big reductions. Save money by going quick. Prof. Qyrns L. Shealy, principal of the Walterborcf High School's has been at the bedside of bis mother, Mrs. 9.L Shealy, at Summit, during the wBOk; *' ' Sheriff Sim J. Miller, who was injarbv a failing wal during the reoent fire is able to be out on crutches. ,14jr. S. J. Leaphart, Lexington's popular and efficient postmaster, is oonfined to his room with a esse of the measels. Attention is called to the advertisement of the sale of land of Mr. J M. Justice, at Sax?3 Gotha Mills. Thi9 land can be bought at a bargain, it / ' will pay yon to investigate. Mrs. Dr. Jas. J. Wingard and little daughter Beaulah, have retained from a pleasant visit to relatives and friends . in Snmter. Miss Eloise Cnmretnrned to Columbia on Sunday afternoon after a most delightful visit to Miss Iceoiine , Harman ' <s . F? E. Dreher, Esq. is able to be out U again, after having been confined to % his room by illness for several days. % There, will be preparatory services v << fceld on Saturday, the 27th, at 3 o'clock, > and Communion on Sunday, 28tb at . It o,dbck. iii Bt Davids Lutheran ) *' church, Near Arthurs. I \ v. ^ ^ ^ % . . r BB inflpflBB > B^k- B * ^B B ^B ^B- HH^|B B IB ^B |H KH^^B Wm t H - B B EB I B MBHBBBBBBBBBBHBBBBB B UTft A V?A /\1 HI YV OiX U u. partment-mi up before our CLEAN SW] SmSSSSSSSSSSSSSMSZ [ i \ f- J ?. IV , '" ' '* V You can have I have had a greal JI and untrimmed. Iv ing all cost priC< Loo ,P r If you want to s and to do this they a I These Suits are also ; B .material. Also offeri S offering some extraoi I I BBS 63 23. SS 1HM Bl Mr. W. Jt\ Horsey, of Andalusia, Ala., is on a visit to relatives at Gaston and vicinity. Like ail other Lexington folks, Mr. Harsey says be cannot u. hhu .uc tue **oau disputes?' and he is doing well in his adopte State. Mr Walter J. McOartoa, a leading fa mcr of near Batesburg, was in town Sa'nrriay on maf-tpr* business "Walt" has many jriends in Lexington who are always dalighted to see the light oi his benign countenance. Miss Ada Williams spent the week end with her parents near Peliou. her mothers condition remains practically j unchanged, she having been ill tor I 8*jOie Wet as. ' DARBY'S PROPHLAOTIO FLUID is a marvelon? household remedy It cores cramp oolio Instantly. Corrects nauseated stomach, heals cuts. won. ds and sores on the surface of the body and destroys eerm* in ih<- ciih n om. It is used internally and externally. Price 60et8. per bottle. Soict oy ail druggists, v Mrs. SheaiyllL Mrs, E. L Shealy, the venerable mother of Hon Frank W. Shealy, Lexington's popular Clerk of the Court, has been desperately ill at her home in Summit for the past several davs. Her many friends wish for her speedy and permanent restoration. SHE COULD SHOUT, SAYS ;? . MRS. JOHN W. PITCHFORD of A.spen, N. C. I will always use Hunt's Cure for itching trouble, and tell aU I see about it. I could snout now to know that we are all well of that dreadful trouble. The first of last fall my little boy broke out with some kind of itching trout ie. Thinking his blood was bad I ga^ e him a blood tonic, but he got wors.3, and could not slpep at nignt. Some said he had itch, and told me what was good for it. I used what people .said would cure it, but nothing did any good. My other two children and myself took the disease from him in January, 1911. I saw Hunt's Cure advertised and I purchased a 50c. box. It helped my little boy so much I got a box for each of the family, and, now we are all well of that awful trouble. Hunt's Cure will cure itch in a short time if you will go by directions. We - * J a 1 aa it in its; worse iarai, anu un^u Hunt's Cure, and we are now all well Thanks to A JB. Richards Medicine Co , of "herman, Texas, manufacturers of such healing medicine. Mrs. John W. Pitchford, Aspen, N. 0. Sold by: J. R. Langford, Swansea. S. C. ' "W A. Oxner, Gilbert, S. P. Kaufmann Drug Co., Lex. S. Q. 8 Dermozone, the great" hair ijrower, is, for sale at the Bazaar. : % L \ ffering one-half ofl scellaneous goods buyer goes to the 3EP clean up, all; ALL B i the choice of our huj t season in this depar We mean to clean i es. k at These Va! ave money on fine Cloaks, . re going at almost your ow going at cost. Ladies' Skirts ng tailored Linen Waists at dinary bargains here. Gre zmmummmmmmmmmmm?mmmmmmmmmmm?mmmxmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi COLUMI s Obituary George D. McOartha departed this life Dec. 21, 19 l at the age of 57 yrs. 6 mos, and 29 days, He was twice married first to Miss Zone Price, and after her death to Miss Eugenia Bickley. Both together with one daughter preceded him the Spiritland. He ieavf s five sons five daughter two protners ana rour sitters co mourn ais I death Having been a lifelong member of the Lutheran Church we laid his body to rest at q\ Matthews with appropriate set vices by the wrrer. Peace to hisashta. B. D. W. + In the course of champagne making the grappa are gqieezed six times. RECORD OF A GREAT MEDICINE Doctors Could Not Help Mrs. ? T empleton?Regained Health through Lydia EL Pinkham's Compound. \ Hooper, Nebraska.?"I am very glad ia ^a!1 UaittT n/li'o 171 Pinl/Vtom'o Vcrra+oKla W tOl 1 UV*V Lijruiuxjt^ mauoui o T vg^iiouiw Compound has helped me. For five years I suffered from female troubles so I was scarcely able to do my work. I took doctors' medicines and used local treatments but was not helped. I had such awful bearing down pains and my back was so weak I could hardly walk and could not ride. I often had to sit up nights to sleep and my friends thought I could not live long. At my request my husband got me a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and I commenced to take it By the time I had taken the seventh bottle my health had returned and I began doing my washing and was a well woman. At one time for three weeks I did all the work for eighteen boarders with no signs of my ol,d trouble returning. Many have taken your medicine after seeing what it did for me. I would not take $1000 and be where I was. You have my permission to use my name if it will aid anyone. "?Mrs. Susie Templeton, Hooper, Nebraska. ThePinkham record is a proud and peer less one. It is a record of constant victory over the obstinate ills of woman?ills that deal out despair. It is an established fact that Lydia E. //)/Jr Pinkham's Ve get a- ^ \ J ble Compound has re- | / y). I) stored health to thou- II J7 II sands of such suffer- Jn) ing women. Why don't you try it if you needsuch a medicine? . ' and in many lin( that are seasonal Northern marke profits have been < 1ILLINERY AT j I , 16 millinery departmei tment and there are ip, so the word has g I hoc in flur I ( IUUO 111 UUI Lai Ooat Suits, Skirts, etc., this i u price. We are getting in at one fourth their value. 98c to close them out. Our at reductions are offered in c 5IA, . . ' ? ' ? HHHHiiiBiHHHnnBmnnnw ? ^gHMC H V ^ IB BfiSjUt . jEbiiZ~?~ K First class seco Mules and Hor TO BUY. The ] is off. Now is tl I Gregorj Muli COLUMBIA, New Year Gr We wish to thank our frieni us during 1911; and respectf same during 1912. When y< Notions, Millinery, Shoes, store?the store that will sa t ft II OTAIIIlinC r. n. o i hllimuo, ??M??l MM?? M1?MM ?f?WH??W S _ ^ ? si 1 1 3S even more, on an oacts ai ble, but upon which we inte its for Spring goods. In discarded: come and make ' LESS THAN COST. it at a price that is actually less many odds and ends left in fine one up to milliners on the secon allies' Ready-to-wear Di s certainly your chance. We are determin new Coat Suits in order to fill in and that This lot consists of heavy winter skirts th Dress Goods Department has also felt the mr fntirp frnrkorvware department. SOUTH CAROLINA r T 1 i We * ; so nd hand young ses?THE KIND price on this stuff Le time to buy. ['Condor ! UO. - - s- c. eetings: s is for the liberal patronage given ally ask for a continuance of the )u need anything in Dry Goods, TTn.+s "Etc . fl.lwn.vs cnmfi to our w - ? ^ ? ? vn? J ^ -W ?- w " ,ve you money. i New Brookland, S. G. r~T - . i nmnrio I id ends in every De- 1 ind to make a clean E order to make this I us prove it. I than New York cost. We n headgear, both trimmed f| d floor to sell, disregard apartment. \ ] ed to clean up our ready-to-wear ; M i no one may be disappointed. a at are off in style but of good 8 price cutters knife and we are 8 ? !lSTORE j.