The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, January 24, 1912, Image 2

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f:MALARIA^ A headache, biliousness, in- m \ digestion, rheumatism, m j I pimples, blotches, yellow g , I complexion, etc., are all R i signs of poisons in your I i blood. These poisons gj should be driven out, or M 1 seriou^ illness may result a To get rid of them, use 8 { *11 Black-Draughtl the old, reliable, purely 3 vegetable, liver medicine. S j * ? ? * T T-? . _ * vSk I i" | Mrs. j. n. nasier, or |g t i Spartanburg, S. C., says: H !r g " I had sick headache, for m ; g years. I felt bad most of If ! c B) the time, I tried Thed- if ! ? 1 ford's Black-Draught, and |? g now I feel better than II - 1 | when I was 16 years old." JB v | Your druggist sells it, in l| a n 25 cent packages. |j j IL Insist on Bedford's S 0 My nHBBaDHBBMOBran jgtS ' unit lilNBE i, , ; Y ^ . . . \ MANUfACTI \ /' Sash, Doors and Finish, Pine, Cj Flooring, Ceiling, Weatherb) and Windo' COLUMBIA : I ' ' .1 I IS IT PAIN! | WE W "u-v -w -r ' i The Very Bei 5 Rightly I | Webb's Ar i 1627iMaln Street j DECORATORS: In Burlap, Tut ^ Out of City WotSf The Old .' (Question Of Shoes, Shoes ' Let Us Answer an(^ ^ "r V MeD' Worm Hi i A ever carr^ec jji^yAtj Ail the li ' - Mi, rra^ *ect fr?m' a Call and H. M. WINGA1 Lexington, - - S. ?. 5Bg?K..v u?i m ? mmwn air ?1mmamnmcm.* mmr* We Sell the Best Grocer At Right Prices. Tour Job Work N Crosson Would End Dispensary Probes A joint resolution to wind up the affairs of the State dispensary wss introduced in the senate last night by Senator Crosson. The bill provides .hat the present State dispensary commission shall proceed with all convenient s^eed to wind up the affairs of the Siate dispensary, not later than May I, 1912, and prepare a report of ts doings, to be submitted to the general assembly at its next session. It provides that after May 3, this year, ;he act creating the dispensary com nission shall be repealed; that wnen ;he affairs have been wound up all 'urther proceedings and investigations ionnected with or growing out of the 5 ate dispensary or its management hall forthwith cease. A Hero In A. Lighthouse. For years J. S. Donahue, So. Haven, dich., a civil war captain, as a lighttouse keeper, averted awful wrecks, nit a queer fact is, he might have >een a wreck, himself, if Electric Biters had not prevented. "They cured at; of kidney trouble and chills," iie writes, "after I had taken other soalied cures for years, without benek and they also improved my sight. Sow, at seventy, I am feeling fine." | for dyspepsia, indigestion, all stom,cb, dver and kidney troubles, they're without eaual. Try them. Only 50c ,t all druggists. ! Camels hair brushes are not made j if the hair of c&mels, but of hairs from he tail? of Russian and Siberian squirels. i R 4ND MFG. CO; JRERS OF * | Blind, Interior! a wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrnwmammmmm "press and Oakj X I V. I ' warding, Moulding Door! sv Frames SOUTH CAROLINA ! r*o ^ e WE IT fill I ~~ - 4"^ ^W J st Goods and S! Priced, i t Store 1 Columbia, S. C. S 'estrio* and Wall Payers. J) Soliolted. J in M 1 hC showing the best line ol Winter Shoe3 and Oxfords for sn and Children, that we have ' I gading makes and Style, to send the prices are bound to please sell the famous Hunt Club Shoe make an inspection today. eatiy Done Here Corn Growers 01 Lexington County. What are they doing? At the last meeting of their association and show Prof. Ira W. Williams said: "Your quality of corn is 200 per cent better tuan it was three years ago; your show corn is not surpassed by any in the State, aud I like -your plan of awarding best prizes for the greatest yie.d per acre." One of our boys?Guy Taylor?has produced 102 bushels on an acre, while 1 nnoMfnurmmt?,T. A. Eleazer?pro daoed 117 bushels. Thus each year our yield grows higher, j What is the cause of so much inter) est in corn growing? Many, but I know of none greater than tno Corn Growers' Association, which constantly keeps it he lore the people, and the public spirited citizens who have so nobly given of their time, money and merchandise, to be awarded to those who excel. We are expecting the largest yields and greatest number oi' contestants this year we have ever had and this will necessitate more prizes than ever. We are now soliciting prizes and this is a call to you to let me know what you will do and I will acknowledge it in our papers. At Batesburg the following firms have already spoken: Batesourg Cotton Oil Co., one ton guano. ? i ttv *_ r\r\ .f irst i.\auonai uaua, $o.uu. Citizens Bank, ?3.00. The Enterprise, one years subscription. Paul Garber, $5.00 pair of shoes. W. H. Failaw, one rocking chair. /T. B. Kernaghan, $2.00. Holman-Cullum Hardware Co., one harrow. LEESVILLE. Matthews & Bouknight, two springtooth harrows. New9-Advocate, two years' subscription. LEXINGTON. The Lexington Dispatch, one years subscription. The 1911 corn crop in the United States is 354,772,000 bushels short of what it was in 1910, and yet the 1911 short crop sells for ?180,441,000 more than the 1910 big crop. Why can't oar cotton Growers see the significance of this fact and stop worrying about the cotton problem? Cut the acreage, grow foodstuffs and stock and yon are masters of the situation. The negroes are going to the farms to grow ootton; the whites are going to towns and mills. Who will raise food for them? The wise, intelligent white man who stioks to his farm. Does it not look so, reader? Then, let me know what you will give to encourage our white corn growers. Respectfully, B. C. RIDGELL, President Lexington County Corn Growers' Association. "Ba^esburg, S, 0., Jan. 22, 1912. ??# Mi You will find that druggists everywhere speak well of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. They know from long experience in the sale of it that in cases of coughs and colds it can al' ways be depended upon, and that it is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all dealers. The barbers of Europe collect a crop of 1,200,000 pounds of hais annually. Mnnfiv tri Loan. On Improved Farming Land. Time, three to eight years, easy payments. Borrowers pay actual cost of perfecting Loans. No commission charged. JOHN B. PALMER & SON, Sylvan Bldg., P. 0. Box 282, COLUMBIA rS. 0. Nov. 15-10 pd. | Sterling Goods Sterling silver, cut glass, fh.e china, clocks. A fine stock ? t j r i always on naau iur yuu i select from. Keep us in mind when wanting anything in Jewelry or Silverware. bood watch work and best eye glasses. I 11 you can't come, send for our catalogue or telephone your order to us. i'. II, IjACHIOOTTM & CO.. JKWE.LEKS, 1424 "Main Columbia, 8. C Phone 9S4 i, m1' | Oar Salesmer I Themselves Ii j The long experience of all the tently aid the young folks in t and attentively. . , ? Ml I IM I M I H " I EXTENSION TABLES Made of solid Golden Oak, well finished, five legs, will extend six feet with leaves, top measures 42 x 42, only . $5.98. 1 SIDEBOARbs. i ii T Large ana spacious wen | made, fine finish, best grade mirror. A perfect beauty, Only. $14.83. Dr. W. T. Hantof Townville, Anderson county, slipped on the iee on Saturday and broke his arm. ' A Girl's Wild Midnight Bide. To warn people of a fearful forest; J fire in the Uatskills a young girl rode horseback at midnight and saved many liyes. Her deed was glorious but lives are often saved by Dr. King's New Discovery in curing lung trouble, M coughs and colds, which might have ended in consumption or pneumonia. "It cured me of a dreadful cough and fl lung disease,,f writes W. R. Patterson, Wellington, Tex., "alter tonr in uur j family had died with consumption, and I gained 87 pounds." Nothing so sure and safe for all throat and lung troubles. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by all druggists. Nearly 5,000 miles of nets are set nightly in the North sea. $100 Per Plate was paid at a banquet to Henry Clay, in New Orleans in 1842. Mighty costly f for those with stomach trouble or indigestion. Today people every where us Dr. King's New Life Pills for these troubles as well as liver, kidney and bowel disorders. Ea*y, safe, sure. Only 25 cents at all druggists. C( It is said there are two million wornen smokers in the United States. W( If you are troubled with chronic constipation, the mild and gentle effect ot Chamberlain's Tablets makes them especially suited to your case. For sale by All Dealers. Foley's Kidney _ Vfc 11 J What They Will Do for Ycu T> ' They will cure youv t v.s. , Strengthen your kidneys, cor- j fri tect urinary irregularities, build J { ]] up the worn out tissues, and I eliminate the excess uric acid j that causes rheumatism. Pre- j vent Bright'3 Disease and Dia- ! bates, and restore health and j strength. Refuse substitutes, j For Sale By Knufmann Bros Co. IS f I 0 salesmen in our employ partic heir home-furnishing. They The mark of known stove and range quality?for it has proven such through a test of 60 years. The stove that always pleases. A comfort and delight for any housewife to cook on a "Buck" WHY NOT YOU. , BE LION FURNITURE CO. 1426 Mala Street, \ Colombia, S. C t S BWteMSfll lOiaen koo i The Golden Rod is a new )ok Stove. It is finely finish< inel, Oven Shelf and Towel I )rker. No. Burns 8-20 22 inch wood 20 i 8-22 25 inch wood 22 i Every Stove ( LORICK Si 1519 MAIN STREET THE OLD1 Having just rounded out v XT < T> X' 1?T 1 iends will and us in better s em in all grades of goods. Our aim is not uIIow ( ) run furnish our trade. >17 ?i3ain Street 1 w p 1A * ? ii. iii. ^Sl | / E Your Home 1 i 4 | jularly fits them to compewill aid you painstakingly iw MI iryAOJur/ .Ju:.ruii^?iw,.^u?ngtm?w?WB HI !< Exactly like cut, best fin ish, brass knobs, single or double size, complete I with rollers and slats 1 Only $5.48. CRADLES, genuine solid >ent oak, strong and durable, ets the baby sleep comfortalie, only . . . $1.73. , -SUHLI A Ale on HKScr* V . |B&Li'' Jlr*'' . ^ v^B ^R **$!&% y ' / / > ' .''' look Stoves, i T ' ' and beautifully designed J sd with Nickel Oven Door j ^od. Large Flue, a perfect J Oven * Price i n. x 20 in. $16.00 I in. x 22 in. $18.50 J Guaranteed. " ROTHERS, COLUMBIA, S. C. , RELIABLE i nine years in SADDLE- 1 J.1 A TTT'PTJ 1 shape than ever to supply m ?lieap" but HOW hOOD I Co?L??r;bias ?- C,