The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, January 03, 1912, Image 2

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{ Are1 j A Wo HH ' H S w^m* HI mgm AI ! T * i Woman Slf??ttl#*9?l v f COLUMBIA LUMBI * MAXl'FA< ? ' ?<- \ . " " . k . / " Sash, Boors an Finish, Pine, i ;; . vt k Flooring, Ceiling, Weathe 3 and Win COLUMBIA : ' ; ' * . ' / ' ^vtvwvvwwt ] IS IT PAIP * WE | The Very I | Rightlj | Webb's / 5 162TRSain Street DECORATORS: In Burlap, Out of City V iWMVWtVM The Old Question Of I ?t Us Answt ^ CaI1 H. M. WING/ LcxlngXon, - - S, mmmmnajmmmmmmct?:a??f ? n-' i nm mmmmmmt urn We Sell the Best Groc At Right Prices. 1; 5 3 Si? f! vn%i" ffi'l s?/ftRs#r !i!Uf <jUif kWr HIIIIIMilil* i Ifou 9 j : man {I A d 1 l/ P ft c pmEi t _____ c m B m B H| IB ?83 SBb mm IBS ,iH HB hh IHHH I^B B H m( B Hb SB bb B i?sBF BRUt B i s Tonic i EL 1 4 ii##iitmmi i 1 ER and MFG. CO : i CTUKKIiS OF < < id Blind, Interior 1 t Cypress and Oak ! ^boarding, Moulding Door { ... *t t dow Frames j SOUTH CAROLINA j J -WWVWWWWJ * iT? ft *' HAVE IT Hp $ test Goods and ? r Priced, ? Vrt Store | Columbia, S. C. ^ , Tapestries and Wail Payers. $ Ifork Soli^ted. ^ # ^ ^ ?rit iLr . are showing the ihest line ol id Winter Shoes and Oxforus for ^ romen and Children, that we have rried. he leading makes and Stvles to se-1 O " | m,and the prices are bound to please We sell the famous Hunt Club Shoe i. and m ake an inspection today. \RD xrlcs I Neatly Done Here! " j i rhirty Christmas Pardons Issued by Blease. Thirty prisoners held in the Sooth Carolina penitentiary received their iberty on Saturday at t ie hands of he Governor of South Carolina, when > record for pardons and paroles was aade. Briefly stated, there were 11 life* iine prisoners freed, nine of whom vere convicted on a charge of murier. One was convicted on the charge >f burglary and arson. Seven were :onvicted on a charge of manslaughter, the sentence 4 ranging from five to wenty-six years. Several had been onvicted on minor charges and one vas pardoned to restore citizenship. Eliminating the question of the moril right to grant pardons promiscously, ind viewing the act of the Governor of south Carolina from an economic itandpoint and considering the pardon 'onr,r^ fnr a H,iv made DC9sibie bv the VV V * V4 *V* ? ? | - w institution of ihe State, it means hat tliis State was deprived of the service of convicts aggregating 239 years. Chi9 is for unexpired terms. The estinate is made upon an average of 20 fears for a life-time prisoner. The I iverage length of service is probably onger. A liberal estimate of the valle received t>y tlie State for the service of a convict for one year is $100, vhich would make a total of $23,900, ost in labor. There was clemency granted in 30 ;ases, legal statisticians have estimated that it costs about $300 to convict a prisoner in this State. This would mean an additional $15,000 as court expenses incurred. Taking the sum total of the expenses and value to State, the Governor of South Carolina on Friday expended $38,000 of the taxpayers' money. Of the eleven lifeiime prisoners to eceive clemency at the hand9 of the jovernor, Samuel Reefe, the Chester jounty wife slayer, is probably the post noted prisoner. He was confided in November, 1899, for killing lis wife while she slept in his home. Governor Blease assumed office on ;he 17th of la9t January, and siDce hat time he has granted clemency in ncre th^n 320 cases, Ends Winter's Troubles. To many, winter is a season of ^rouble. The frost-bitten toes and ingers, chapped hands and lips, chil 1 i ??u jianis, uwiu-nurco, iru auu xuu^n Diking, )rove this. But such troubles fly before Backlen's Arnica Salve. A trial sonvinces. Greatest healer of Burns, Boils, Piles, Cuts, Sores, Bruises, Ecsema and Sprains. Only 25c at The laufmann Drug Co. Subscribe to The Dispatch and Home fc Farm, only $125 a year, in advance. Fine lot of candies just received at rhe Bazaar. Advice to the Aged. Age brings infirmities, such as sluggish bowels, weak kidneys and Mad* der and TORPID LIVER. Tutt'sPills . bare a specific effect on these organs, stimulating the bowels, causing them to perform their natural functions as in youth and IMPARTING VIGOR to the kidneys, bladder and LIVER., They are adapted to old and young. Money to Loan. )n Improved Farming Land, rime, three to eight years, *asy payments. Borrowers ' - /? /? A ? . I my actual cost 01. periecung i Loans. No commission charg-1 2(1. JOHN B. PALMER & SON, Sylvan Bldg., P. 0. Box 2S2, COLUMBIA,S. C. Nov. 15-10 pd. Sterling Goods Sterling silver, cut glass, fii.e china, clocks. A fine stoe-K always on hand for you t select from. Keep us in mind when wanti ing anything in Jewelry o? Silverware. (>00(1 watch work and hesi eye glasses. [f yon can't pomus, send for our catalogue or Mephoneyom order to us. iJ. !i. liAflSCDTTI & f!l, | JK WKl.ICBR. 1424 Main Columbia, S. C ' ax-i ; i I m' //r Our Salesme Themselves The long experience of all tl tently aid the young folks in and attentively. I ?am pa??mm EXTENSION TABLES Made of solid Golden Oak, well finished, five legs, will extend six feet with leaves, top measures 42 x 42, only . $5.98. HHnamnnnmnKnMMHBMMBVBMnRn SIDEBOARDS. Large and spacious well i made, fine finish, best ' - grade mirror. A perfect I beauty, Only . $14.63. I Hangs Five Days by Arms j After falling into a c -evice between ! two ledges near South bridge, Mass., j James Leek hnng for fi> e days and j nights by his arms and with one leg ; suspended backward. Ho was uncon scious when found, but will recover. mm i? A Terrible Blunder to neglect liver trouble. Nevpr do it. Take Dr. King's New Liie Pills on che first sign of constipation, biliousness or inactive bowels and prevent virulent indigestion, jaundice or gall stones. They regulate liver, stomach and bowels and build up your health. Only 25c at Kaaftnann Drag Co. ? ? J in ~ w ^ 41, j SWailOWeu r aia>K leciii. Herman Keck, aged 24 years, a farmer living near Grand Rapid\ Wis., swallowed his artificial teeth while eating supper. He was hurried toa Milwaukee hospital, where he was operated on, but died-the next day. If .you are troubled with chronic constipation, the mild and gentle effect of Chamberlain's Tablets makes them especially suited to your case. For sale by Ali Dealer.-. ? -*ucn^ ? Trespass Notice. This is to notify all persons not to hunt, fish or in any manner trespass on our lands. Toe law will be rigidly i enforced against all persons who vio- j late this notice. 4w9p W. L. & S. M. Poriey. j Foley's j Kidney ! Pills What They WiH Do for You j They will cure your backache, > Strengthen your kidneys, cor- j rcct urinary irregularities, build | up the worn out tissues, and j eliminate the excess uric acid j that causes rheumatism. Pre- 1 vent Bright's Disease r.nd Dir. bates, and restore health and : strength. Refuse substitutes. ; r o ! it; Kisuftnann Drug . n Will Person in the Needs o ie salesmen in our employ part i their home-furnishing. The; The mark of known stove and range quality?for it has proven such through a test of 60 years. The stove that always pleases. A comfort and delight for any housewife to cook on a "Buck" WHY NOT YOU. t THE LION FURNITURE CO. i?t> Main sireei, i Columbia, S. C. i & Cash S Golden Rod < The Golden Rod is a ne Cook Stove. It is finely finis Panel, Oven Shelf and Towel worker. VT_ ID i\0. JDUiilO 8-20 22 inch wood 2( 8-22 25 inch wood 2[ Every Stove LORICK e 1519 MAIN STREET THE OLD If in need of the ver SADDLERY. sYected by nu-kv Horseman aall t rhe greatest rarit ty to selt host, modi am and cheap, ami miiioy rhe host w v,?.? \ '<? -?^r !m;L i<r than a ISIV u>s&<n Street ~ I g w .ally interest. I Your Home icularly fits them to compey will aid you painstakingly Exactly like cut, best finish, brass knobs, single or double size, complete with rollers and slats Only $5.48. i???rrf??t r * i" ' TTrmrTwri CRADLE^S, genuine solid 1 r ninAMor AM/] /IIIHAUIA UCJII u<m, aiiuii^aiiu uuiauic, lets the baby sleep comfortable, only . . . $1.73. >a;le on i Cook Stoves. w and beautifully designed ' bed with Nickel Oven Door Rod. Large Flue, a perfect d Oven Price m ) in. x 20 in. $16.00 ? I in. x 22 in. S1S.50 Guaranteed. BROTHERS, , COLUMBIA, S. C. 1 RFLIASLF * y best in HARXKSS and an eld experienced uKenlis where you will find from of all grades, We use the Best heather orkmen. Guarantee our ny on the marker. <&Ss>gj |i Columbia. c- C, ^