The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, December 06, 1911, Image 7

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?H F2B8 pin jF'fkS' MB fe WECARR ( J/fr EAS1 < fe KODAJj^FlLM^PAPi a^H B SHIPMENTS FRf 5gJ "~ H iNSUfi g SendUsYot * TOT TQ T DV LI JUJLi ?\* JLio 111 COLUM ^ginI Mm. Pim. Votes jnd fftta litId Sa Com Mitts is stock. LOMBARD Iff j, COMPANY, Angiirtt. Co. V I ALBANY 1 15 ^F^A^JOfa f Put up la 1, MO,? * tc p ^llIP^ COLUMBIA iwrti ' > > p-'-yj ^ ' IN MISTER Of THE HDTini RIIQIIUPQQ r Ul 1HML UUUI11LUU My motto is*'painstaking conscientious Optical service. I have ore of the most completely t equipped optical .offices, in Oo^ lambia. Let me do your opti' cal work and sbo** ^ on how I t can serve you. Spects^h s and By-glasses repaired and lenses I matched in 30 mmutea. | Three gradn te opticians of many [ years experience ;o serve yon and L we can promise yon the highest de ft gree of accuracy, reliability and satI refaction in all cases entrusted to I me. Come and see ns, w*- make no L charge for our examination. r B. H. Berkman [ ^ ESTABLISHED 1S79. 1418 MAIN STREET, f COLUMBIA. S. C. e ' ' ^ iy iKirr I I SAY, FiRi R?! t. 1 When >oa need hd\thii gin s-< ^ I HARNESS, PLOW GEARS, | f XiOifiS, COLLARS, J'AUS, J > Ktc. f f THINK OF ME. ' I .HAND-MADE HARNESS | r A SPECIALTY. ^ REPAIR WORE PROMPTLY | \P DONE AT RIGHT PRI- ES. g tr a f#"* i $? P K ? I Ea f-&a it g I THE HARNESS MAN I fc I 929 Gerv&is Street, ? M COMT!?B!^$. G. | r fc? ii i i i sggBCTB?mar f OMBIBSHLU r DIAMOND BRAND I **T (. js^Erjl^ 1 LADIES! Alk year UniKtrfnt for CITI-CHES-TE&'S DIAMOND BKAND PILLS in Rr.d and/^X Gold metallic bores, served Truh BluefCy/ Ribbon. Taxe no otltzr. B.u oF yonr v/ Drn*H?i and a?t for Cni-CHEVTLB 8 V DIAMOND 3UAND PILL8, lor tw< years retarded as Best,Safest, Alwavs Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS . ???> EVERYWHERE S New Pressing Clcb. The Poop Presing 0 nb is now open in the tiarman Bending, in roar <yf Ooart house hup will i:e glad to |ttttsre the patronag" of both t.he ladies ^^Kgpn:^. (i.'o! aid prompt service CiotK? r?7p m <nx a i*D' cialiy. J m*' Hilton, W #0*. 4 tf Proprietor. Y A FULL ly-xi \ PMAN ^jjlJl ir and other suppies. |jjj :quent, ling fresh goods ^ $ ' ir Order Today ^ AN COMPANY g sua, s. c. # hsss&sssssrssiii [E PAIRS IBS, Brittle Twiet, Babbit, ftc, far any osafca ENGINES, BOILERS and PRESSES tpaira for aame. Shafting, PvHeys, Betting, f? wr, fflhtli, aod l\th ML Gasoline Engine* ION WORKS AND SUPPLY f GREASE >est and Safest Lubricant dm of Ntmohlnmry^ Splash or Waste Away lib. Tins and Kegs, % Is. & Bis. ?A, Bent Prim" r CO.. Cslmabta. 8. C. 5gQarw | , f \ Shoes! Shoes! For Every Member oitbe Family. . . . . * Oar Standard Brands in Men's Shoes are as follows:? W. L. Dorglas, A1 ?-*,, Walker i & mi*? and Leonard, Shaw & Dean. Prices ranging from $2.50 to $i.00. In onr high grade lino are the Torrey and Nettleton, which sell for $5 Or. $5.50 nrd $6.00. I t We also handle the Tery best grades of Ladies Shoes that can be bought, for a reasonable sum. Come and see -i r Pall and Win tor Stock T A. BOYNE, , | !73^ ftain St.9Co!umbla,S. C. I r>pp<^irp P??8t Office. I ^ M M i jsammmssama jbbm? J us. rail 5 DEALER TN | | liewal Merchandise I Staple Line 11 *t>WV.vtva cattoed 11 TTA-^PWA'RE, '? Ttr& w., TTHgrI W V^T.. ^TO. | VES*nd *MV<>ES,ETC. | Lexington. 8. C 1 tariiffiw ?mm? 1 Catarrh Cannot be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach ih.- seat < 1 t.-.- dfcjJ&ase. Catarrh is a blood or c ; srifuTional disease, and in ordtr to Core it you must take internal remedies. HalPs Catarrh Cure is taken intern *1ly, and acts directly on the bio d and mncous surfa'e?. Kail's Catarrh Curis not a juaok medicine, I; *as p^escribed by one of the best ph sieiauiin this country for years and o i r- g ular prescriotion. If is composed ot the best touics known, combo cd wifl the best bio puritierrj, acting ..i?. ,-t ly on the mucous surfaces. The per feet combination of the iW" os^e-h ents is what pr,.duces sucti won iv.-tu. results in onnm> Catarrh. St- <; f r touUviniiiu). fn a ""f.XcHE vBY & CO., Pn.cs . To) ' , 0 Scxd by ail Druggists, 75c Take Hall's Family Fills f r c c.-fi pation. i We love o grow reminiscent ?hom the good old bur the boy s of n day seldom lmv? to wear troupermade out of dad's scards. If you are troubled with chronic constipation, the mild and gentle, etfect of Chamberlain's Tablets makes them especially pasted to your case. For sale by All Dealers. T e world i t looking for men who can do 1 ei.ouga" job*; it is lookiu ? r men who can do the '-very best" j 8. Without opiates or harmful drugs of any kind F >l*y's Honey and Tar Compound stops conghs and cures colds. Do not accept any substitute. Kaufmann Drug Co.* If yon are worryi ig about th-? c< Bfe of the Christmas gift you contemplate giving, you are foolish to give any. Foley Sidney Fills Tonic in action, qaick m results. Will cure any case of kidney or bladder dis(rder not beyond the reach of medicine. No need to *ay more. Kaufmann Drug Co. Tneodore^RooBe Bays he is not a candidate fbr Resident. Aslo'iras * man hopes he is not helpless. SOUTHERN RAILWAY " * SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE Apr.2,191i N. B. These schedule figures show the time that trains may be expected to arrive and depart, but the times stated are not guaranteed. DEPARTURES FROM LEXINGTON. NORTHBOUND. 10: IS A. M,~No. 8, daily for Columbia and ihtgfmediate points connecting at Columbia fof Spartanburg alid Asheville. Farfo? CUfe car Uoium bia to Asheville. Arrive Colum bia 10:50 a. m., Spart&fbfifg 4:15 / p.m., Asheville7:34 p. m; 5:44 P. M.?No. 182, daily for Colum\bia, Washington and the East also ; Connects at Columbia for Ashe ville. Through Pullman sleeping car to New York. Pullman sleeping car Columbia to Asheville?. Arrive Columbia 6 20 p. m., Washington 8:53 a. m., New York. 2:31 p. m. 8 tUTHBOUND. 8:58 A. M.?No. 131 daily for Augusts and intermediate points. Arrive Augusta 11:35 a. m. Pullman car 5:44 P. M. ?No. 7, daily for Augusta and intermediate points. Arrive Augusta 8:35 p. m Sammer excursion tickets now on sale For further information call on ticket agents, or trx tt n ytt i : t*v r\ >3 Kind oi music you want. i j Come in and hear some | I of the latest records; or 8 I write us for a descriptive | I fcufiiiann Drag Gi. | A Famous Kitchen. i "It was our good fortune to see at least one thing in Paris which the Tourist knows nothing about." writes an American woman from that city. "Every one knows about the Tuileries and sees what is Jeft of the historic pile, but not many tind their way to the kitchen from which the eteet of the third empire were served, as we did It lies under the Pavilion de Flora, its high arched ceiling resting i on massive col urns. It is divided into g m:eny sections, at the entrance to each of which there is a sign?gold on I ! marble. Here we see 'Rotisserie,' 'Patisserie,* *5>ection aux li&uces,' etc. ! The provisions for washing gold, sii! ver and porcelain services, the trej mendous roasting, boiling and broiling j arrangements, the extra roast beef oven, six meters high and seven meters 1 | broad; a roaster with a capacity for j j six sheep and four dozen chickens all g 1 '--J -- * m lit, fi lOOKeti eiira targe auu iv un. m who manage to worry along in a flat g kitchen, which has two things, how- Ej ever, which we could not tind in Na- | poleon's dinner factory?electric light | and a battery of wasbtubs." | Her Sound Advice. | The prominent citizen and favorite ja son sat at his desk, deeply Immersed E in the cares of his wide affairs. A I delegation of party leaders was ushered 9 in. ' | "Sir." said the spokesman, "you have I been unanimously cbosen as tbe party's I candidate for governor of the state. I Under present conditions a nomination 8 is tantamount to election, and we urge | your acceptance. Tbe office seeks the | man." g "Gentlemen," said the favorite son. I "I am profoundly impressed by tbe | honor done me. but before 1 accept 1 a must consult my wife. 1 never take a decisive step without consulting my wife." Tbe committee bowed and withdrew. At borne the favorite son confided the circumstances to hin wife, who listened with fond pride and wifely admiration. "And now" be said in conclusion, "what would you advise me to do?" "John," she said, "you must get your bair trimmed."?Bavunnab Newa. Unci* Sam's Eagle. Tbe eagle is tbe Icing of birds, the jci. xa. ooapmnu, was .lagwu, u. u, 3 F. Carv, G. P. A. Washington, D. 0. J. L. Meek, A. G. P. A Atlanta, Ga. F. L. Jenkins T. P. A Aufrusta, Ga. w Hfe fo^^ | your Victor I I Every Victor Record I 1 you buy puts new life into | I your Victor, brings new | 1 enjoyment to yourself and | | And there's enough va- | I riety in the new selections 1 I for you to pick out just the | to the right. I'm afraid. Obsequious Professor (who is instructing the Duchess)?Oh. not at all. your grace: the *= hole has been cut too much to the left.?Golf Illustrated. Variety. Blodds?1 never kue^; a woman sc changeable as Mrs. Dnshaway. Slobbs--f know It She never even wears the same complexion twice."? Philadelphia Record. One Way. Wigwag 1 nevei knew such a fellow as Bjories: fie Is always looking for trouble. llenjH'-ke men wh.7 doesn't he get married? There's nothing tin if so good ns ' uiurhlng. Never stgb when you can ^ug. Mackwanh Pnicd lord of the sky. the bravest, noblest | and most independent of the feathered | tribe, and probably that is the reason t why ho was adopted as our national S bird. His image holds its place upon ( our national coat of arms by sheer | merit and not merely from empty j sentiment The noble bird, loving | liberty, scorning confinement, at home I and at his best only when Invested I * with the wide freedom of the glorious | heavens, is fit cnblerr, of the "spirit of "'?(? and of the government jj that that spirit won r.Dd established | on the earth. Other peoples entertain 1 the same high opin.on of the eagle, g since from the time of the institution ? of the Roman standard straight dowu J to the present day be tins appeared as a conspicuous figure in the heraldry of the nations.?New York American. . . I Too Pretty a Lake For That. I "China gave me matfy a shook." said the' reiufTDed traveler, rbut the one that nearly carried me off was administered in the Fuenau district. Out in the country I came across a beautiful little lake drained by a beautiful little river The sceuer\ was marred somewhat, however, by signs stuck up every few | yards at the edge of the lake. 1 won- | dered what their import was, and on | one of my tries to the lake 1 rook a 0 missionary friend along to translate. 1 " 'Oh. that,' said he. 'There are not ^ many of them left in this district. That I is a warning that girls must not be $ uruwueu ju hijs lime. "Somehow I could never admire my 9 beautiful lake so much after that, al- ? though maybe I ought to have admired 8 it more " ?New York Tress. gj Ponies and Horses. I have t>eeu asked a great man? J times if ponies are really more intelligent than full sized horses. Tbey I certainly appear to be. But the in I telligeuce of any horse will develop g under pelting and human cotnpan 3 ions hi p. and there is no doubt tbat ? other horses, if given the same privi- S leges that ponies enjoy and if their S size admitted of their being handled | and managed in the same way, would | prove equally intelligent.?Outing. [3 Gheer Waste. j S Wife?John, is there any poison in |j the house? Husband- Yes. Rut why ? do you ask? Wife?I want to sprinkle !| some on this piece of angel cake ana 8 put It where the mice will get it. 61 Wouldn't that kill rhern? Husband? Sure, but it isn't necessary to waste 9 the poison. $ Stretches Politeness. H The Duchess of Blankshire (who has |j made a poor drive* - A little too much I I HA I I5> rHKLLU ? ...NAMELY:... 1 3 per cent, ammonia, cot- 1 I ton seed mea! and hulls I I for cows; fresh sound corn || and cob ground together S for hogs; and fresh corn 1 meal and grits for people. ' R I We Make ami Sett Then) All and at the K RIGHT PRICE. I Our toils for grinding eorn is one-eighth fo? fl table meal and hog feed and one-sixth foi B ? I grinding; and screening grits. We also carry a R* good stock of pipe and pipe fittings, lime, ee- B ^ meut, ^elected brickj. etc., ?)1 at feasonafele, B prices. We also bny eotton seed and good, Br sound com. Call and see us. , B. ! LITTLE MOUNTAIN I U OB ***" jOilaod Fertilizer Co} - -c * FITZMAURICE'Sl COLUMBIA, - S. C. I awiBCTwaiMBwgBW>c3K in * ? n wm?TmcmrmTPt rn?n jj^ Fall and Winter jroods here at this Store are 1 Something to be admired as the Quantity and 1 Quality far surpasses anything we have ever | shown while the prices in many instances are | much less. p There is no uncertainly about getting what you are looking B OUR DRESS GOODS & SILK DEPART1ENT ? Our Suit and Millinery Departments, Our | Blanket, Art Squares and Rug Departments, Our 8 Clothing for Men and Boys Department and 1 our Domestic and Dry Goods Departments are | ^ill rA??f 1 /MiirJnrr nl fliD .1 ftfl rhP'/ir\OSt Ira dii iun IVJ uvciuvrfing vi IIA\- u values in the State. . | If you are in need of anything; in our Line | this is the place to get full value for your money. 1 See us whil' in Columbia. | We prepay express on $4 and over to your | express office. Prices Lower Than Any. R. .111OTEJS^. 3PIUS have found favor with everybody | mmW/ -v y W Tl ?bates and men, the little girl in v ' Av/u pinafores and her mother and her i ,S|gafc:tf: a grandmother. They are of the ??^weet delicious, wholesome, I roelt-in-your-month kind, and Illlw/Jr ?rl"'1 we're anxious, to have ^ou try B i/vSIaN! U . v WW Vi nm ?f itatv t~r? i-mr tVi o ?1?A. tl- V? FA4 tfj H 11 y wu ii'vu b n.(iv*f vn? j; j *' ^?C? ducts of our ovens. If ^on do 1^ (^Xv* know we won't have to ask yon | "% REtOUNQEB'S STEW BAKERY -'& ' mmm, 5. c. f