The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, November 29, 1911, Image 4

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Court of Common Pleas, J. P. Drafts in his own right and as administrator of the estate of T. J. Drafts and Mrs, Sallie M. Drafts, | deceased, and T. P. Drafts, D. F.. Drafts, and C. C. Drafts,~ ? Plaintiffs, against Pearl Drafts Moneyhan, Sarah W. Drafts, Mrs. Bwe ^Bhmche Moneyhan, Sarah Sanctis Drafts and" Jesse Drafts, defendants. Partition. In obedience to the decree of the herein siemftd bv his Honor, VW H A V-**va ^ Judge1R. W. Memminger, bearing dace the 13th day of November, 1911, I will sell before .the Court House door, to the highest bidder at public ewfcocy, on the first Monday, (the 4th day) of December, 1911, the following described property: All the 8*?wable timber on all that fsece^ parcel or body of sawable timber, ?taate and being in Lexington Ooanty, said State, containing two hundred and seventeen acres, more or less, by survey of J. F. Lyles, surveyor, on lands of the late T. J. Drafts, deoeased, back of his late residence, taring on the Hoi ley's Ferry roe4 to the right going from Holley's Ferry to Gilbert, 8. -O., which includes the round timber in this one body of timber back to the boxed timber, where a fence is built, as will more fuiiy appear :>y reference to a plat made by J. P. Lyles, now on file in Clerk's office, and known as Tract No. 1. AU the sawable timber on all that pieoe, parcel or body of sawable timber, being situate in Lexington Conn- , ty, said State, containing Twenty- j Sight Acres, more or itfp, by the snr- I Tey of J. P Lyles, sifHteyor, on the lands of T. J. Drafts, deceased, being ea the left hand side of the Leesville road going towards Leesville, lying on Horse Creek, as will more folly appear by reference to a plat made by J. I P. Lyles, surveyor, and known as | Tract No. 2. All the sawable timber on all that piece, parcel or body of sawable timber, being in Lexington County, said I State, on Fiffcy^Pive >Acres, more or less, by a sorvey of J. P. Lyle6, on lands of T. J. Drafts, deceased, lying | between the Holley's Perry Road and the Leesvllie road, down to Horse Obeek, as will more folly appear by reference to plat made by J. F. Lyles, sorveyor, and known as Tract No. 8. -- " ?' .11 All the sawaoie simper on au m?t piece, parcel or body of sawable timber, situate and being in Lexington Oonnty, said State, on Thirty-Six Acres, more or less, by survey of J. F. Lyles, surveyor, on the land of the late T. J. Drafts, on the right hand . side of the Holley's "Ferry road going toward said ferry, in front of the residence of the said T. J. Drafts, deceased, as will more fully appear by reference to the survey of J. F. Lyle3, surveyor, and known as Tract No. 4. TERMS OF SALE: One-third cash, and the balance in two equal annual installments, without interest secured by the bond of the purchaser or purchasers and a mortgage or mortgage? of the timber sold. No part of Laid sawable timber so sold can or is to be cut cown, sawed up or removed from said premises until all of said payments are folly paid. The purchasers have the privilege of paying all cash. The purchaser or purchasers to haye full privilege of ingress and egress tr said timber for turpentine and mill purposes, with full privilege to erect and maintain stills and saw-mills, and shall have six years from the date of sale of said timber to remove'-.the same. The sawable timber hereby . named does not include the laps or hmb9 or any portion of said timber, except that which can be boxed and sawed. FRANK W. SHEALY, Clerk of the Court. Lexington, S. C., Nov. 14, 1911. E. L. Asbill, Plaintiffs' Attorney. ; Clerk's Sale. State of South Carolina, J Connty of Lexington, \ Dla.a UUOTb Ul V/Hin i.iuu x leas. . Elizabeth F. McKiver, et. al., against W. Q. Jackson, et. al. Partition. la obedience to the decree of the eoart herein, signed by his Honor Judge R. W. Memminger, bearingdate the 7th day of November, 1911. I will sell at pnblic ontery before the court house door on th6 first Monday (the 4th day) of December, 19il, the following described tract of land: "All that piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in the county of Lexington and State afore said, containing three hundred acres, more or less, and adjoiniug lands ol; Mrs. S. R. Jackson and W. Q Jackson, the North Edisto River, Gantt lands, Williamson and J. G King, being tract No. 2 as shown on map or plat made by D. J. Knotts, Dupufcy Surveyor, dated the 24th day of July, l&W, will more fully show, reference being had thereto, and the lines form marks, battings an.i boundaries as shown on map aforesaid is accepted as final, being a part of the tract conveyed to said Mary E Jackson by M. Eh Hooker by her title dated the 13th September, i897, and iecorded 22 November, 1902, in Book V page 100 in County Records of said county of Lexington. Also, All that tract of land containing eighty and three-quarter acres (&0%) between Edisto Rive*- and Big Road leading from Harsey's Bridge to Witt's Mill, and bounded on west sids by other lands of Benjamin Redd and on the east side by other lands of ourselves, on north by same public road ? -* ? Pitro, iTrt. aca OU ttUUIOI UJ uuiaM/ i.M. MUU ov iog to main run of said>river and corners in the center of said stream and more fully described by a plat made by D. J. Knotts dated 18th January, 1996. The river swamp is not included in (80%) eighty and threc-qaarter acres." The above tracts of land are to be surveyed in four tracts, and plats will be exhibited on day of sale. Terms of Sale:?CASH. Purchaser to pay for papers. FRANK W. SHBALY, Clerk of Court. W. H. Sbarpe, Plaintiffs.' Attorney. Lexington, S. 0., November 10, 1911. i of -South Carolina, ! Coflhty of Lexington, j In the Uourt of Common Pleas. Mrs. M. C. Harsey, Administratrix in her own right, and as Guardian ad litem, et al., against Julia E. Sharpe. Partition. In obedience to the decree of the court herein, signed by Hi9 Honor Judge R. W. Memminger, bearing date the 7th dav of November, 1911, I wiS sell / at public outcry hetore the conrt house door, on the first Monday, the 4th day of December, 1911, the following described tract of land: "All that tract of Jand situated, lying and being in the county of Lexington and State aforesaid, said tract lying on Steer Branch, waters of Savannah creek, containing one hundred acres (100) of land, being part of the tract known as the Kilpatrick tract, j set apart to Mary Baker in the parti- j tion of estate of Wm. Baker, deceased, i and afterward sold by Mary Baker to Narcissa S. Beckham and Alexander ; Wolfe, all of the county and state aforesaid, the tract mentioned as sold to Wesley Harsey lying on Steer Branch, bounded on the south, west and north by lands belonging to Narcissa S. Beckham and Alexander Wolfe, and on the east by lands belonging to J. Kinsler Davis, ancLhav mg sncn metes ana.Douncs as are exhibited by a plac liereto annexed." also ' All that tract, piece or parcel of land known as Sprauler tract, containing one hundred acres, situated and lying on Steer Branch, a branch of Savannah creek, waters of Congaree river, in Lexington county, South Carolina, bounded on the north and west by lands belonging to Alexander H. Wolfe and Narcissa S. Frank, on the south by Wesley JIarsey's lands and on the east by lands formerly owned by Henry H. Geiger, having such other marks, metes, butting9 and boundaries as will more fully appear by reference to a plat drawn by L. W. Rasi sur., on the 15th day of December, 1870." Also . "All that plantation, piece or parcel of land known as the Gage Roberson tract of land, the same being a part of the tract- of land that A. H. Wolfe and N. S. Frank bought from Mrs. Mary Baker, said tract of land contains one hundred and forty-six and one half (116>^) acres, more or less, lying and being in Piatt Springs townT AvSnmfi i nnnntv Qrtnfh Plai-ru CUlpy JJCAlligtva Vvuuw^ } wvuvu v?*?w lina, on both sides of the Pine Plains road and on the hollows that lead to Sandy linn Creek, waters of Congaree river, adjoining lands owned by Frank Sturkie, Wesley Harsey and Wolfe & Frank, and has snch other marks, bnttings and boundaries as will more fully appear by reference to a plat of same, surveyed by L. W. Rast, sur., on the 6th day of January, A. D. 1885." Also, "All that part and parcel of land containing four (4) acres, more or less, situate and being in the county of Lexington, Sjate of South Carolina, bounded, on the north by G. A. Guigliard, east by Charleston State Road, 90uth and west by lauds belonging to the said John li. Shuler, said land being a portion of lands bought by the said John R. Shuler at sheriff's sale of the Arthur estate, and more fully shown and described in an annexed plat of J. H. Taylor, surveyor." Terms of Sale:?CASH. Purchaser to pay for papers. FRANK W. SHEALY, Clerk of Court. W. H. Sharpe, Plaintiffs' Attorney. L .'xingfcon, S. C., Nov. 10, 1911. Clerk's Sale. State of South Carolina, ) v County of Lexington. "/ In the Court of Common Pleas. D, M. and J. S. Hoover against Jackson A. Rawls. Partition. In obedience to the decree of the court herein, signed by his Honor Judge R. W. Memminger, bearing date the 6th day of November, 1911, I will sell at public outcry before the court house door, on the first Monday .the 4th day) of December, 1911, the folio wins described tract of land: "All that piece, parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being in Bull Swamp township, county of Lexing- j ton, and State of South Carolina, containing thirty-eight (38), acres, more or less, bounded on the north by estate lands of John Laird, W. B. Hoover on the east, D. L. Jefcoat on the south, anc4 Laura A. Mack on the west. Terms of Sale:?CASH. Purchaser to pay for papers. FRANK W. SHEALY, . * Clerk of Court. Efird & Drther, Piainuffss' Attorneys. W. H. Sharpe and Graham & Sturkie, Defendant's Attorneys. Lexington, S. C-, Noy. 10. 1911. Clerk's Sale. State of S uth Carolina, / Couuty of Lexington, ( In the Court of Common Pleas, Gregg Buff, versus J. P. Kutto. FORECLOSURE. In obedience to the decree of the Court herein, signed by His Honor, Judge R. W. Memminger, bearing date the 6th day of November, 1911, I will sell at public outcry before the Courthouse door on the first Monday (the 41m day) of December, 1911, the following described tract of land: "All my right, title and interest in and to all that certain piece, parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being in Sandy Run Township, in Lexington County, containing THREE HITtfDRBDA&D THIRTY (330) acres more or less; the same being one-half of one-tliird, and my portion of my deceased wife's, Lucinda Buff Bound on the North by Kirby Rucker, on the East by Hamp Wannamaker and others, on the South by land of Willie Whittaker, Sr., and on the West by V. and West Crim and others, and being the estate land of Henry Furtick, deceased ** Terms of Sale: Cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. FRANK W. SHEALY, Clerk of Court. A. D. Martin and T. C. Sturkie, Plaintiff's Attorneys. Lexington, 8. 0., > November 10, 1911. 3w4. 5?- % ' U * " ?? . -; State o? South Carolina, / ?*.v County of Lexington. } In the Court of Common Pleas. Annie S. Holland against R. L. Shuler. Foreclosure. In obedience to the decree of the court herein, signed by His Honor Judge R. W. Memmimger, and dated November 9th, 1911, I will sell before the court house door, to the highest bidder at public outcry, on the first , Monday (the 4th day) in December, j 1911. the following described tract of i land: "All that piece, parcel or lot of I laud, situate lvinir and being in the town of New Brookland, in the county and State aforesaid, containing fifteen (15) acres, more or less, being a part of lot 18, as shown on plat of the J. R. Shuler land made by J. G. Guignard, on December 23, 1903, and included within the dotted lines shown on said lot No. 18, measuring on the north and south sides ten chains, and on the east and west sides fifteen chains, and bounded on the north by lots of William Brinkley, John Sewell and John P. Sewell, on the east by part of lot No. 18, containing 583 acres. On south by lot of Annie S. Holland No. 19, on said Guignard plat and on the west by part of lot j No. 18, containing twenty acres." Terms of Sale:?CASH. Purchaser to pay for papers. FRANK W. SHEALY. Clerk of Court. Efird & Dreher, Plaintiff's Attorneys. Lexington, S. C., November 10,1911. Clerk's Sale. State of South Carolina, \ County of Lexington. ( In the Court of Common Pleas. Joseph Norwood against L. J. Frink. Foreclosure. In obedience to the decree of the court herein, signed by His Honor Judge R. W. Memminger, bearing date the 7th day of November, 1911, I will sell at public outcry before the court house door on. the first Monday ( (the 4th day) of December, 1*911, the following described tract of land: "Ali that lot of land situate at Cayce, Lexington county, South Carolina, measuring and fronting 160 feet on Frink Avenue and being 120 feet deep, more or less, the northern and southern boundary lines having the same course as Frink Avenue, and the eastern and western boundary lines as lot number 28, the said lot being a part of lot No. 29 as delineated on plat made by E. H. McCullough, Engineer, March 30, 1907, of the land of L. J. Frink, said plat being on record in Lexington county. The above lot is described as follows: North, south and west by lands of L. J. Frink, and east by lot No. 28 of said plat." Terms of Sale:?CASH. Purchaser to pay for papers. Efird & Dreher, Plaintiff's Attorneys. FRANK W. SHEALY, Clerk of Court. Lexington, S. C., November 10,1311. Clerk's Sale. State of South Carolina, \ Pnnntv of Lexington. / In Court of Common Pleas. Cornelia A. Joyner, et. al., against Mary Ann Tindall, et. al. Partition. In obedience to the decree of the court herein, signed by Hi9 Honor Judge R. W. Memminger, bearing date the 9th day of November, 1911, I will sell before the court house door at public outcry on the first Monday (the 4th day) in December, 1911, the following described tracts of land: "All that piece, parcel, or tract of land, situate, lying and being in Lexington county and State aforesaid, on the west side of Big Pond Branch, containing fifty (50) acres, more oi less, bounded on the north by Elzie Poole, on the east by R Collum, on the south by John Whitaker, on the west by estate of Martin." "All that piece, parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and. being in said county and State, containing twentyfour (24) acres, more or less, bounded [ on the north and east by lands of J. I F. Jefcoat, oil the south by lands of V. N. S. Jefcoat and on the west by lands of Elzie Poole.'' ! Terms of Sale*?CASH. Purchaser to pay for papers. FRANK W. SHE ALT, Clerk of Court. Graham & Sturkie. Plaintiffs' Attorneys. Efird & Dreher, Defendants' Attorneys. Lexington, S. C., Nov. 10, 1911. Sheriff's Sale. BY VIRTUE of a decretal order signed by His Honor Judge R. W. Memmenger in the case of Olga Hendrix George et. al., vs. JohnS Hendrix et. al., of date Nov; 7, 1912, I will sell at public outcry, before the court house door t Lexington, S. C., to the highest bidder, on the first Monday in December next, during the usual hours of sale: All that piece, parcel or tract of land, situate, lymg and being in Lexington township, in the county of i Lexington and State aforesaid, containing SEVENTY-SIX (76) ' acres, I more or less, and bounded as follows: On the north by lands of John A. Shealy, on the east by the Fox plantation, on the south by Paul F. and Jacob Schneider, and on the west by the | Counts' Ferry Road. I Terms of Sale:?CASH. Purchaser ! to pay for papers. | SIM J. MILLER, (L. S.) Sheriff Lexington County. W. H. Sharpe, Esq., Attorney for Plaintiffs. November 13, 1911. Fruit Cake Ingredients. The Bazaar has just received a foil snoply of fruit cake ingredients. Call n >w while the lot is fresh. You will find our prices just right. Stite of Scluth Carolina, 7 County of Orangeburg. ( Court of Commom Pleas Lilla E. Witt, Plaintiff, against ' Julia Bell Witt, et al., Defendants. By virtue of a judgment of the Court of Common Pleas in the above entitled auction, I will sell at Lexington Court House on the first Monday in December next, during the legal | Hours of sale, the following described 1 real estate: AH that certain tract or parcel of | land, situate lying and being in Bull I Swamp Township, County of Lexing- I ton, State aforosaid, containing seven- | ty (70) acres, more or less, and bound- 9 ed North by lands of Mrs. Cornelia E F. Witt; South by Lexington and Or- | angeburg County Line, and West by 5 land9 of Mrs. Cornelia F. Witt. 1 All of that right to pond, and dam H and the mill-pond and mill-yard privi- | leges of: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land containing thirty (30) acres more or less, situate, lying and being in the County of Lexington, State aforesaid, on Pond Branch, waters of the North Edisto River, bounded on the North by the land9 of Mety Strauss and church lands of Ebenezer Church; South by lands of Mrs. Cornelia F. Witt, and West by landa of Mrs. L. S. Hooper, formerly of Mrs. Cornelia F. Witt. TERMS: Cash. Purchasers to pay for all papers and all taxes payable after day of sale: and ir. case the purchaser shall fail to comply with the terms of sale, then the said premises will be resold on the same or some subsequent 9alesday, on the same term9 and at the risk of the former purchaser. ANDREW C. DIBBLE, Judge of Probate, as Special Referee. Orangeburg, S. C. Nov. 10, 1911. 3w4 PUBLIC SALE. On Thursday, December 14, 1911, at 11 o'clock a. m.. I will 9ell at the old Levi Nichols place, about 10 miles northwest of Lexington Court House, the following personal property, said property being a part of the personal. estate of the late Mrs. M. R. Nichols: Three Mules, two Horses, Cattle, Hogs, three Wagons, Buggies, Farming Implements, Harness, Etc.; Hay, Fodder, Com, Cotton Seed, Blacksmith Shop, Tools, and a part of the Household and Kitchen Furniture. FRED HARMAN, 4wG Administrator. FOR SALE. One tract of land cornering in the town of Irmo, S. C., containing 142 acres. Four tracts at Hope's Ferry, Lexington County, S. C., containing 125 acres each, or will sell the four tracts in one body if purchaser desires. Any one interested and desiring to look over this land will find us at j Hope's Ferry on Thanksgiving Day? . November 30th. Any one desiring to make an offer on the above mentioned land can address myself or Dr. L. M. Hook. Eastover, S. C. Also offers for the timber on the above mentioned land will be considered. J. A. BYRD, Eastover, S. C. November, 21s,t, 1911. For Rent or Lease. On Jan. 1st, 1912, mj place near Peiion, S. C., w'll be for rent or lease to a good party. There 19 about a I three horse farm, including grist m:!l run by water. Party can put in mo3t any kind of machinery. Any one wishing to rent or lease correspond with me. I will make it to their interest. D. W. HUTTO, Augusta, Ga., 5U Lincoln St. II Nov. 8-4. Notice. All persons are hereby notified not to hunt upon any of the lands of the undersigned,known as the Muller lands near Edmunds, S. C. Any one disregarding this notice will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Jos. Norwood, Trustee. November 18, 1911. Cleaning, Pressing and Dyeing The Lexington Pressing Club is ready to do your fall cleauing, pressing, dyeing, etc. We have a compe tont force 'and all work promptly and neatly done. Let us fix up that old last year's suit* foryou. We make a specialty of this class of work. Lexington Pressing Club, Lem Sox, Manager. FARMS! FARMS! If you want to buy a good farm at right price anywhere in South Carolina, call on or write us. If you want to sell your farm quick for cash, make your price right and we will sell it for you, no matter where located. We sell choice city property, too. Dickert & Eargle, 1 f*A7 Main Street. i Columbia, - South Carolina, "Always Hustling " Ginnery Notice. e & ' ? \ * <Ti?.? ?.' ;-;?. ?. . . .'vU. .-i-i. -}* ?? '--? m I THAT IS FEED! I . . . NAMELY: ... 1 3 per cent, ammonia, cot- 1 ton seed meal and hulls If for cows: fresh sound corn H I and cob ground together ? for hogs; and fresh corn I meal and grits for people. M We Make and Sell Them All and at the S RIGHT PRICE. I Out tnllq fr?r orrinrlino1 r?nrn Jq nnp.piorht.h frvr SH table meal and hog feed and one-sixth for 9 grinding and screening grits. We also carry a B good stock of pipe and pipe fittings, lime, ee- B ment, selected brick, etc., all at reasonable 9 prices. We also bny cotton seed and good, 9 sound corn. Call and see us. B LITTLE MOUNTAIN I Oil and Fertilizer Po THANKSGIVING. It i6 splendid to think of a great nation suspending: work for twenty-four hours in order that its people may offer thanks for the many blessings enjoyed. i _ _ \ Tlie measure of an individual's gratitude is not nece3sari- i ly in proportion to his bounty for some people are more ap- 1 preciative than others but almost invariably his satisfaction is effected by the consciousness of self-accornplishment. The man who can feel that his honest efforts have enabled him to take care of all of his current obligations and still have something left over, will give sincere thanks because his appreciation will be genuine. ' If your thankfulness this year is not flavored with th9 satisfaction of accomplishment, begin now to add this ze6t | to the enjoyment of next season. Saving?patiently and persistently Banking a small percentage of your earning? each week?will, before the next season of thanksgivng ; comes, add another element of gratitude to your feelings wl^ich will make a new man of yon. > / BANK OF CHAPIN CHAPIN, S. C. ^ J. S. WE3SINGER, President. J. F. HONEYOUTT, Cashier. IN NEW QUARTERS I have purchased the Sphaler Building in Gaston and have moved my stock of General Merchandise I Am hotter nrenared to serve mv mis tomers than ever. I have a full line of dry goods, notions, shoes, hats, caps, etc., hardware, , staple and fancy groeeries. I have just added a ^ full line of furniture, and am prepared to sell the same at Lowest Prices. I make a specialty of cotton seed meal and j hulls, also buy cotton seed in any quantity. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give me a call. JOSEPH C. FALLAW. "THE LEADER." CASTON, SOUTH CAROLINA. * I I