The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, November 29, 1911, Image 2

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fm -i * 1 '1 1 1 1 i _^ ~ ^ An Innovation in Oil Heaters I ' The Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater, with its drums enameled in turquoise, is an ornament to any room, whether in the country or city home. No home is quite complete without a Perfection 03 ! Heater. It is a necessity in the fall and spring, when it is too j r warm to start the regular heating apparatus, and too cool to be without heat In the midst of winter it is often convenient as an auxiliary heater, as there are always some cold corners ' in a house. 5 The enameled heater always presents a nice appearance, as the enamel will not tarnish or burn off. It is not an " enamel paint,** but it i is the same as the enamel of your cooking utensils. The Perfection is the most reliable and convenient portable heating - - mi i n i 4 device you can find. An automabcaUy-IocJong name spreader prevents die wick high enough to smoke. flvm m * Deafen twi wiwre, Ask ywm to Aov KFjbvl 11 l|L| yoa the Perfection Heater caanaefed; or writo Mm wr daajptiw circular to any agency at I Al. SwOKCtf \S>\i?jP Standard Oil Company (Ineorpotwted> HI1BU lilBER in MFG. CO. a MANUACTIHERS OF ( ' e . Sash, Doors and Blind, Interior t.? . , > /i JM A^l, fimsn, rinc, cypress oiiu ua? i i / 'j V . f Flooring, Ceiling, Weatherboarding, Moulding Dooi ^ | and Window Frames i' COLUMBIA : SOUTH CAROLINA # : rf ., , iivvvmmivm'mvmvm? | IS IT PAINT? ip| 5 | WE HAVE IT |g| * { The Very Best Goods and ? ^ Rightly Priced, 2 I; Webb's Art Store < 5 t627iMain Street - Columbia, S. C. 5 i DECORATORS: In Burlap, Tapeistries and Wall Payor*. A ^ Out of City Work Soiioited. A ?vvwwwvw%^wwwvwvw^ t The Old ^ Question 01 - s? / Shoes, Shoes OF ( Let Us Answer It iL V\ We are showing the best line ol ,I Fall and Winter Shoes and Oxfords for I M I ^eD? Women and Children, that we have I) i Mi ever carriech HUM Ail the leading makes and Styles to seML&W-P *ect fr?m> aD'^ P"ces arG hound to please jfiHHgl you. We sell the famous Hunt Club Shoe Call and make an inspection today. U.,M. WINGARD (X^ Lexington. - - S. C. We Sell the Best Groceries ^ \X^X At Right Prices. Ymir Job Work Neatly Done Here Typographical Error. I've come to lick the editor, By gosh! I want hie blood! I want to clnb His head and rab Hie whiskers in the mad! I want to knock his false teeth down His throat, an' mash his nose, An' break his neck, An' smash his specTacies, and tear his clothes! I've come to lick the editor, 'N I want his printer's life! I'm mad clean through? And dad is too, So likewise is my wife. We had a big reunion To oor house yesterday, An' all the Browns From forty towns Was there fr'm miles away'. A "Gatherin' of the Clans' it was An' so we writ it down, An' sent it to The News-Review? The weekly of our town. I've come to lick the editorNewspaper men are shams! He fixed that headLine so it read: 4'The Gathering of the Ciams!" I ?Toledo Blade. Balked At Cold Steel. "I wouldn't let a doctor cot my foot off," said H. D. Ely, Bantam, Ohio, "although a horrible ulcer had been the plague of my life for four years. Instead I used Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and my foot was soon completely cured" Heals Burns, Boils, Sores, , Bruises, Eczema, Pimples, Corns, Surest Pile cure 25o at Kaufmann Drug Co. i Farmer Killed In Gin. Mr. Wyatt H. Wiggins, a prosperous farmer and a prominent citizen of Coats, N. C., was killed instantly on Wednesday, when he was caught on the line-shaft of his gin. Mr. Wiggins > was working near the gin and In some manner his'clothing was canght in . tbe shafting and he was hurried to his , death before the machinery could be i stopped. Mr. Wiley Wiggins, a brother of the deceased, was killed in Georgia about twenty years ago in exactly the same manner. Bring us your job work. All work executed in a skillful manner on short notice. Mail orders receive no.ofnl a.ft#>ntjion. piUUl^'b nuu ? -? The Dispatch. i i Liquor Sales In Six "Wet" Counties* Two hundred and twenty thousand eight hundred and thirteen dollars and ninety-seven cents was the total sales i by the dispensaries in the six counties i in South Carolina during the montn of , October, according to a statement by Dispensary Auditor M. H. Mobley. So tired It may be from overwork, but the chances are its from an Inactive i ivpp With a well conducted LIVER one can do. mountains of labor without fatigue. It adds a hundred per cent to ones earning capacity. It can be kept in healthful action by( and only by TDtfsPilk TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. If we had made the world we would have left out a lot of the troublesome things, and quite likely overlooked making most of the good things. Sterling Goods Sterling silver, cut glass, fi.-e china, clocks. A fine stot * always on hand for yon I select from. Keep us in mind when wanting anything in Je?elry or Silverware. (>ood watch work and best eye glasses. If you can't come, send for our catalogue or telephone your ( order to us. 1 P.N. LACmCOTTE & CO.. JKW ELI RS, 1424 Main Columbia, S. C ! , ... ^ ' ? Our Salesmen Wil Themselves In the The long experience of all the salesmen i tently aid the young folks in their homeand attentively. EXTENSION TABLES Made of solid Golden Oak, well finished, five ?^<3 legs, will extend six feet with leaves, top measures 42 x 42, only . $5.98. The mai * st?ve quality 1 ?p=aai why SIDEBOARDS. Large and spacious well THFI I||U C made, fine finish, best ,,,LLIU111 grade mirror. a perfect 1426 M. beauty, Only . $14.63. Colon New Pressing Club. The People's Pressing Club is now ! open in the Harmau Building, in rear of Ooort house and will be glad to j share the patronage of both the ladies I jag and gents. Good and prompt service j ?||| given. Clothes repairing a specialty. g| James Hilton, K Oct. 4 fcf Proprietor. jl The undying love of an old toper for liquor goes to prove that famiiiarity doesn't always breed absolote ^^^aSsSBEfil contempt. "There could be no better medicine than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. My children were all sick with-whooping cough. One of them was in bed, had a high fever and was coughing up blood. Our doctor gave them Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and the first dose eased them, and three bottles cured them," says Mrs. R. A. Donaldson, of Lexington, Miss. For >ale by All Dealors. Ever notice how mnch time yon _ waste trying to do something that isn't worth while after it is done? Backache, Headache, r The Colder Nervousness Cook Stove. Donol Ottam L dilt-J, W V Cll and rheumatism, both in men and ? women, mean kidney trouble. Do not W0rK6I\ allow ir. to progress beyond the reach of medicine but stop it promptly with INO. Foley Kidney Pills. They regulate the oon OO action of the urinary organs. Tonic o-l\j Ali in action, quick in results. o 99 9g Kaiumann Dmg Co. i This i? the season of year when j _ everybody is advised to "do your j | f| Ef Christnia? shopping early,*y and no- j * body'1oel* . 15,9 | Notice, Debtors and Creditors. ~ All persons holdirc claims asainst. j THi the estate of Mrs. Martha A. Lewie, } deceased, will preseut them, properly ! if attested, to the undersigned on or be- O fore the 1st day of December, 15)11, SADDLE and all persons indebted to aaid estate will please make payment to eitb- tUCKy IlC er of the undersigned 011 or before 1 paid date. the ?reate W. H. DONLY, Adm'r. r / ? MT-:LTON & STURKIE, i nitdl :)'*?> Attorneys, Columbia, S. C. j and emp] ' " ' work to h So far we have managed to resist the ; temptation to purchase ouu of those j fuzzy hats?but we can ft . I ourselves ' ? 1 i t,ii, .ii a?m?ax/ jpa?w?g| 11 i?i ?j z L_ * ^|HHb% \MjwT<viwy JH H^HB^BB^BBm wS^^h'I k 1 Personally interest _ Needs of Your Home n our employ particularly fits them to compefurnishing. They will aid you painstakingly IRON BEDS Exactly like cut, best fin, ? , ish, brass knobs, single k or known or jo^ie siZ6j complete and range with rollers and slats -for it has Only $5.48, >uch through mm**"r^.. m flffih DRUE CO. CRADLES, ge luine solid! ?in ctroof bent oak, strong and durable, '' lets the baby sleep comforta- i ibia, S. C. hie, only . . $1.73. td&la. Sale on | n Rod Cook Stoves, j . - 'j i Rod is a new and beautifully designed J Tt is finplv finichpri with MinlrpI Ovpn TVv^r 1 ? ? * ** ^ AAAAAWAAWVA ?? A VA* A X/ f VIA JL/ W * ^ Shelf and Towel Rod. Large Flue, a perfect J Burns Oven Price ^1 inch wood ? 20 in. x 20 in. $16.00 A > inch wood 22 in. x 22 in. $18.50 ^ Every Stove Guaranteed. J !ICK BROTHERS, j MAIN STREET COLUMBIA, S. C. I : OLD RELIABLE 1 eed of the very best in HARNESS and IRY, selected by an old experienced "Kentrseman" call on us where you will find st variety to select from of all grades. turn and cheap. We use the Best Leather .ov the best workmen. Guarantee our ist longer than any on the market. O