The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, November 22, 1911, Image 2

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I Have you strength for the up gaining, just holding your own, swept back by the current oi what you need?the strength th: You can bu Read these extracts from letters c My general health and strength have also improved and I attribute this to the use of Mliam.?'W. K. Griggs. Danville. Va. Gained <9 pounds of solid flesh. 1 ?Harvey Dingess. Ferrellsburs.. W. Va. Have taken only a few bottles of 5111am but feel stronger and i . better, more active and able to stand up under my i work.?Rev. H. D. Guerrant. Danville. Va. I gained j ; 81-2 pounds on 1 1-2 bottles of Milam.?T. B. Stalna- j ker. Charleston. W. Va. My strength has returned < and I feel better than I have in 20 years, thanks to j 1 Milam.?Bennie Jones. Newport News. Va. Took six ; bottles of Milam, feel tike a new inan.? Claude Curling. 549 E. Main St.. Norfolk. Va. Am on my fourth bottle of Milam and can now eat all I can get. and Ask your druggist about I j HBTk 9 farior ?te BEN DAVID, 5 1320 MAIN ST. Opp. Palmetto Hat i Best cooking and finest Restaurs Special Rates by the Week. Meal I ' N (KimwiiS thi great importance point to carry the best of every t< Ing art. Whether for the shop or ? to serve you. You will find our p S lowest reasonable figure on ever f Anvils $5.00 and up. Blacksm r | Lorick & L ** ! I > incoRPOi ? ; .COLUMBIA, -f WfWVfWWWVWWWWVWWUV J|g era silm m miiram ?.ii isszxa ]GOOD 5 ~j; | And best of work is th I:; Feature that has hel; |]j The State-wide - I I ' \ j; J and endorsen ; jj j -lj N .j > I si South Carolina M ? |! H All work in eith B Guaranteed to sati h Fence also. Write jM| See us and we wil | N ' i ! i Your interest is f J j jjj SOUTH CAROLINA N I N i* Phone 1558. : Si COLUMBIA, n i El R. V. STILLER, Manager, ? H mm Ror The Pull stream pun 01 me?are you or do you feel yourself being l circumstances? Strength is at comes from good r^d blood. iy strength f gratijtude from those who did: woigh inoro than lever did in my life.?T. M. Rcark Radford. Va. After using seven bottles I find myself In perfect health, fine appetite and feeling better than in 20 years.?Mrs. H. Reynolds, Critz. Va. I have taken six bottles of Milam and can truthfully say I am feeling better than I cverreniemher before, Myrtle I. Schorteid, with tVemple. Ellerson & Co.. Washington. D. C. Milam benefitted me in almost very way. It is a magnificent tonic.?Harnr W. Hoiland. Imp. Tobacco Co.. I>anv(fie, Va. I believe Milam to l>ethe greatest medicine yet discovered j lor nervous anu ran-down systems.?^T. Shop Brow?, Norfolk, Va. 151 I lie guaranteed remedy. rTWrillllMI ^ RS m CJCh S(L '55si wSsIf \slsJs <53&?s&idL Proprietor, ions! Bank COLUMBIA, S. C. I ? > nt in Columbia. For Ladies and Gentlemen 3 at all Hours?Night orJDay ? r(fj? Jl ,? ! ^^ ! of these tools, we make it a ? >ol known to the blacksmith- [ the farm, we are prepared *i?es hammered down fo the > y hing you need. [ lith's Vises $5.50 to $7.50. J owrance, SATED. v i S. C. ! > IWWPPiWWWWWWWVW ____________________________ I I c.xiixxsnaxxxmxir.mixiJiftj iTOCK 1 3 | N e strong jj; Dad to earn jj M ' reputation jj Dents of the j jj ,g [arble Works. !B H | H ' M isr marble or granite jfc isfy. We sell iron Ij; or call to 5 1 see that i 2 15 protected. ;? H ARBLE WORKS, $ i * 1707 Main Street, j J : S. C. I F. H. HYATT, Proprietor. 5 j mis XI z II i z mi ixi imnxB ???? Severe Arraignment Of The Social Clubs. To the Editor of The Dispatch. I am tryiug fco live for my maker, the one we all ought to serve; the master of all things, and yet there are so many who do serve the devil in so many ways. The greatest of all evil | is liquor, for it leads to all other sin. The men voted oat the dispensary and now we have what they call the social club. If they is auything social about them it will be in the future, for it haven't been in the past. It has been oae of the worst curses that has ever I been in Lexington. Some of the officers of the club are officers in the church. No wouder the churches are in such bad condition! Some of the men take their own boys to the so| called social club to drink and gamble. Ob, may they remember that the good i Lord giveth and that He can take | away! Ttey are training their boys for that awful place where there will be no rest for the weary and no pitvI ing eye to watch over them. You men who are pursueing these evil habits should think twice before you act. Have you a family at home needing that money you are giving to the devil and who need your protection? Or a dear ckl mother at home praying for you? It is time for people to realize that nnr blessed Saviour bled and di-d on the Cross that we might live. May G:d help them to realize how weak they are without- His great helping hand. The bible speaks of the guardian angel. How would a father i'eel if one of his dear little babes would app3ar before him while he is partaking of these, evil things; for most all of 119 have some loved gone before. I pray God to hasten the time when all the leading men of South Carolina will be God-loving and God-serving men. There are men in office today who took the obligation to fight against lawlessness, but instead they uphold it. There are people who say they don't believe in women being leaders; but if the women don't take hold and help the cause I don't know what will become of this.old world. There are men today upholding sin and' are causing their own wives and daughters ! to be murdered, and if people would gather together to worship God as they do to worship in sin there would not be as much trouble in our land as there is today. Citizen. LexiDgton, Nov. 13, 1911. Hi* FdiA/in Hall Pleases. JU& t ? - nr -y-r- . Dr. Edwin Hall, the famous New ' Ycrk and Atlanta lecturer, delivered two of his lectures in the court house last week?on Thursday night and again on Saturday night. Dr. Hall is one of the best platform orators of today and he was well received by the people cf Lexington. Mr. Lever to Hold Examination. I will hold a competitive examination on Saturday, December the 30th, at Columbia, S. C., beginning at 10 a. m., to fill a vacancy from the Seventh Congressional District at the United States Military Academy at West Point. The examination will be conducted by Prof. E. S. Dreher of Colombia, assisted by Profs. W. E. Black and S. H. Edmunds. Only actual residents of the district, between the ages of seventeen and twenty-two years, suffering from no deformity, j who have been vaccinated within one year, who are of good moral character and are unmarried, are eligible to take the examination. The mental examination will cover algebra, plane geometry, English grammar, English composition and English literature, geography, history of the United States and ancient history. Those who are interested in this examination may get fuller particulars by writing me at Lexington, S. C. Very truly, A. F. Lever, M. C. Seventh S. C. Ill a row near Saluda a few nights ago Cal Gillion was shot in the leg by a man named Carver, who was work , ing on the new railroad. Carver put ; up a cash bond, which he forfeited, and skipped to North Carolina. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF LEXINGTON. 1 By George S Drafts, Esquire, Probate Judge. WHEREAS, Annie S. Kinard made suit to rne, to grant her Letters of Administration of the Estate of and effects of .T. W. Kinard. THESE ARE THEREFORE to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and Creditors of the said J W. Kinard, dee'd, that they be and appear, before me, in the Court of Probate, to bp held ai I^exington, C. H., S. C., on 2:>d day November, 15)11, next after publication hereot at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should not he granted. GIVEN under my Hand, this Sfch dav of Nov. Anno Domini 1911. GEO. S. DRAFTS, (L. S.) Probate Judge, Lexington Co., S. C. Published on the loth day Noy , 1911, in the Lexington Dispatch. 2 Weeks.?o. ISJot the Only Place. This world is not the only place, and yet we ought to try To make it do until we've won our mansion in the sky. This world won't start and end it all There's something finer still; But let us be content with it As long as it's His will. 1 This world is not the only place, and t often we may wink, And stick our noses up at it when dreams of grace we drink. And yet we ought to try our best To make it do while here, With all its laughter and its song, Its heartache and its tear. This world is not the only place, beyond its confine lies The pleasant valley of the dreams that men call Paradise. Yet this should beg quite good enough, For us while here we stay? So beautiful its changingcharm, December unto May! Get School Books Here. Teachers from all over the county are reminded that The Bazaar is headquarters for school books?the new textbooks now being in stock. Teach-ers, when you come to the court house, don't forget to buy your hooks at The Bazaar. Uruguay in 1 DCS, latest official figures, had imports of^ $38,729,670 and exports of $46,230,311. "It is a pleasure .to tell you that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the best cough medicine I have ever used." | writes Mrs. Hugh Campbell, of L ivonia, Ga. "I have used it with all my children and the results have becm highly satisfactory." For sale by All Dealers. A company with N. B- Dial of Laurens as president have bought 17,000 acres of land at McBee, in ChesteiUold nrmnt.v and will colonize it. j ^ J. F. Parker, 2021 No. 10th St., Ft. Smith, Ark., says that lie had taken many kinds of kidnov medicine, but did not get better until lie took Foley Kidney Pills. No matter how long you have had kidney troub'e, you will find quick and permanent benefit by the use of Foley Kidney Pills. Starttaking I hem now. Kautmann Drug Co. Charley Zissett, who was connoted for murder in Bamberg county and sentenced to be hanged in 1898, and whose sentence was afterwards commuted has been paroled by the gover nor during good behavior. Svrt>?crib? to The Dispatsli and the Home and Farm. Only $1.25 a year. Money Saved We save you money on every pair of Shoes bought from us. :::::: WHY? Because they wear longer and cost you less. We +Vi A af aa!) t A c a1 A a4 i JUtt C IUC 31UI/& bU OUVVb from. ::::::: We invite our Lexington friends to come in and be convinced that we live up to just what we say. : Pleasure to wait on you and give you our prices. Harmon's Shoe St o re> 1725 Main St., COLUMBIA, - S. C. ! I ? j i f GAS IN THIi STOMACH come; mented. <^ct rid of this ba as possible if you won! 31 m f RE LIVER Rg (THE FOT; Is a cleansing and strengthening of all?and the liver is always afi It puts life in a torpid liver, helps the complexion of sallowness, rek fine, vigorous condition. OOLD BY nCALERS. PPI Ask for the sr-ncine with the Rc<l 7. on the It it hr mail, postpaid. Simmons Liver Regulator Price $1.00 per bottle. Look for the Red Z labc \ J. H. ZEILIN & CO., wwwwa BPBTOHWWWWW M [THE BEST IS NOT; I TOO 0009 FOB : i | OUR CUSTOMERS : ; J We are exclusive agents in Colum j \ bia for the Best Furniture Mann I facturers in America. | We show the largest and best as I sortment of high grade Furniture jg in the entire South. !A visit to our store will be ; treat for you because we wil show you all the new ideas ii Furniture. You are always welcome and yot | will not be asked to purchase. ! FUHEML SiRESTOR IEHBALMER, Columbia, S. C. I 1730 MAIN STREE x Is where you can find i ^PAI i | of al: DOORS, Si BLIND y r TTuri? a Tvri I UXJLf?JJA JOlJS* J | CABINET jlj Call or write for Prices. Leathers and Styles. We bought in I down, and we are going to save you or ter and can sell you for less than we C( Farmers5 Medium and Hea E. P. & F. 710 Main St. ?- - rt . . i!ie Palmetto COLTJM WE ARE A Depository for the of South Carolina th< of Columbia. WE OWN $400,000 CJuited State Carolina Bonds. WE SOLICIT Aocounts of Banks. V WE PAY Four Per Cent, on dej teresfc calculated quar WE PROMISE Our best elforts to tra satisfaction. PALMETTO NATIONAJ CAPITA I Wilie Jones. President. J from .dly digested matter as quickly d avoid a bilious attack. W O MS :d a "GULATOR 'DER FORM) medicine. It is a liver tonic first j :ected when the stomach goes wrong, digestion, sweetens the breath, clears ixes the bowls and puts the body in CE. LARGE PACKAGE. *1.00. j ibel. If rrnnot rrt it. romi* to n*. -*-?-rill nend 13 put biso ;a liquid form fur tlictfo vtfco prefer it. 8 Propo., St. Louis, Mo. Ji 1SJP.JI II ?I m?ii Ammwo?mm ? a We Are Distributers of llP^I I limbertsK 1 HOLLAND-DUTCH I"**'1] I | T, COLUMBIA, S. C. j| one of the best stocks of \ L KINDS \ SLSH, S & GLASS 3 CEMENT. 1 i{ MANTLES. I Fall and Winter =SHOES=: Yon want the BEST SITO'ES at the LOWEST PRICES is our reason for invitins: you to trade with n*. We now have a complete > Vr < k in al: >ebruary arid March, while leather was 1 your family's shoes thisEall and WinDuld last fall vy Work Shoes a Specialty, A. DAVIS Columbia, S- C. National flank, BIA, S. C. Un-ted States Government, the State i Ooatity ol Kichland and tin- City s Bonds and $100,000 State of Scuth irius, Corporations and Individuals. >os?rs in oar Savings Department, interiy. nsacf vour business to ronr frtirev 4 BANK, - - Columbia, S. C i $000,000.00 ,T. P. Mattiikws. Cashier