f VROPBSSIONAL 3ABDS. DR. G. R. HARDING, the old and tried dentist, is at his office doing good worn at moderate prices. Call to see him j don't wait. * Near Hyatt's Park, COLUMBIA, 8. C j Dr. f. o. gilmore, dentist., 1510 Main Street, COLUMBIA, S. 0. ' Onzox Hours: 9 a. m. to 2 d. m? an from 3 to 6 d. m. WM. W. HA WES, Attorney and Counselor at Law. I NE^ BROOKLAND. 8. C. Practice in all Courts. Business solicited. November 1.1905. * * j DR. L. L. TOOLE, Dentist, 1608 Main St. : Columbia, S. C, OFFICE HOURS: 9 A. M.-5 P. M. * a M. EP2RD. P. S. DEEHKB. EFIRD & DREHER, ^ ATTORNEYS AT LAW, | LEXINGTON 0. H.. S. C Will practice in all the Courts. Business solicited. One member of the drm will always be at office, Lexirurton. S. 0. ' JH. FRICK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CHAPIN, & C. OfB.oe: Hotel MariOD, 4th Boom, Second Floor. Will practice in all the Courts. , *||OBERT MOORMAN, fl Attorney-at-Law, Admitted to Practice in all Courts in this State. ^ Carolina National Bank Building, r COLUMBIA. S. C. RAY F. SOX, ^ * DENTIST. f Edmund, Lexington County, S. C. - ? THURMOND & CALLISON, k ATTORNEYS AT LAW, t WILL PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS, We will be pleased to meet those ' having: legal business to be attended to, at our office at any time. Kaufmann Building, Lexington, S. C. J. WM THURMOND. Sept 13,1911. T. C. CALLISON. mHURMOND & TIMMERMAN, 1 ATTORNEYS AT LAW, r % WILL PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS, Citizens' Bank B'ld'g, Bates burg, S. C. I We w!H be pleased to meet those having ieL gal business to be attended to at our office A m theCitixans' Bank Building at &ay time. W Respectfully, U fWTTTTOlfnim J, YYM. inuiwuvjiii/. Q. BEL,L riJSilfillMAN, ' i T Albert m. boozer, ATTORNEY AT LAW. g columbia 8. 0. r Ownxm: 1816 Main 8*reet, upstairs, opposite Van Metre's Furniture Storei & pedal attention arlv#?n to business entrusted to him bj his fellow citizens of Lexington ftountvro. D. L. HALL, . ' V DENTIST | COLUMBIA, 8. 0. f Lathe ran Publication Building, i 1825 Main St. V Office hoars 8 a. m..to 5:80 p.>n | Dec* 23. 1907?to I jgntn DR. C. i. OLIVEROS, * 1434 MARION ST., ^Sg|||p^ COLUMBIA, S. 0. Is prepared to treat all troubles of Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat and Longs. The fit of Spectacles Guaranteed. f BARNARD B. EVANS, . Attorney at Law. | MOCNAUGH BLDG., COLUMBIA, S. C. r | Practice in all Courts. j f ^ ?M0NEY TQ LOAN. . j ^ Law Offioes, I Residence, 1529 U09 Washington < Pendleton Street. / Street. ( v Office Telephone No. 1872. Residence Telephone No. 1036. UT BOYD EVANS, IT LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR. I COLUMBIA. S. 0. ^ DR. A. J. ADAMS, , DENTIST, i* SWANSEA, SO. CAROLINA. * 50?6mp : 6. W. LINDLERj J * Chapin, S. C.. ( I Has an up-to-date line of ; COFFINS AND CASKETS On hand, at prices to suit everybody Prices range from $1.50 up to $60.00 Oall on me and I will save you money ? I am prepared to furnish a hearse when ever desired in connection with my undertaking business Jan. 1?y REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AMD OHIO. Mas. Wi-vslow's Soothing Syrup has been aseifc*'over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS ol JIDTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILR ^^^TEETIIING, with PERFECT SUCCESS. If SOOTHES the CHILD. SOFTENS the GUMS. * ILLATS all TAIN; CURES WIND COLIC, an* ro.the best remedy for DIARRHCEA. It is absolutely harmless. Be .sure and ask for "Mrs. AVinsJcWs Sooth ins: Syrup," and take no other kJivI. Ttrenti-five ccats a bottle. fMALARIA^ I headache, biliousness, In- ij I digestion, rheumatism, 3 m pimples, blotches, yellow |g: I complexion, etc., are all la ft signs of poisons in your Ej I blood. These poisons 3 m should be driven out, or M A cArmiic illness mav result. W IOVl A V MV -? ?B| To get rid of them, use ? Thedford'f J Black-Draughtc the old,, reliable, purely 3 vegetable, liver medicine. $ I Mrs. J. H. Easier, of il Spartanburg, S. C., says: jS " I had sick headache, for m years. I felt bad most of Eg the time, I tried Thed- g ; ford's Black-Draught, and || now I feel better than |? when I was 16 years old." p| Vr?tir Hrnrrnricf colic if in nk km i wui ut uggioi ovitg it, *** Is 25 cent packages. Jf I Insist on Thedford's 1 TAX NOTICE Office of County Treasurer, Lexington County, Lexington, S. C., September 20, 1911, j For the convenience of taxpayers, I ! will attend the following places for | the purpose of collecting taxes for the present year. Books will open at 8 o'clock in the' morning and close at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Leesville, Thursday, Nov. 16. Summit. Friday, morn,, Nov. 17. Gilbert. Priday, eve., Nov. 17. Irmo, Tuesday, morning Nov. 21. Ballentine, Tuesday evening Nov. 21. "White Rock, Wed. morn., Nov. 22. Hilton, Wednesday, eve. Nov. 22. Chapin, Thurs. and Friday, Nov. 23,24 Peak, Saturday morn. Nov. 25. Ed Addy's, Wednesday Nov. 29. Keisler's Store, Wed. eve. Nov. 29. . 1 3 C t 1 TV A urooKiana, oaiunmjr, ucv. *. LETT. For State Purposes 5?^ Mills For Ordinary County Purposes ... 4 Mills For Past Indebtedness .... 2 Mills Special County . (bridges) . . l Mills For Koads . . . 2 Mills For Constitutional School Tax-.. .8 Mills , ' , , ? ^ . Total lr^Mllls 3pecial School Levy Lis. No. 1 4 Mills Special School Levy His.No.15 8 Mills Special School Levy Dis. No. 18 8 Mills Special School Levy Dis. No. S6 * Mills Special School I^evy Dis No. 84 2 Mills Special School Sevy Dis. No. 57 2 Mills Special School Levy Dis No. 42 2 Mills Special School Levy Dis. No 75 2 Mills Special School Levy Dis. No. 66 6 Mills Special School Levy Dis. No. 83 2 Mills Special School Levy Dis. No. 26 2 Mills SpecW/School Levy Dis. No. 85 2 Mills 8pecial8ckod] Levy Dis. No. 13 2 Mills SpecUHfefcool Levy ids. No. 23 2 Mills 8peeupJroool Levy DJs. No. 17 2 Mills' ?pecf?Tfichocl Levy Pis. No. 88 2 Mills 8pecial Scrool .'Levy Die. No. 12 2 Mills Special School Levy BJ's. No. 7 2 Mills 8pecis. No. 18 2 Mills I Poll Tax. ; *1.00 Commat&tfft} tcmd tax for 1912, two dollars, is received At the same time as other State and county taxes. B0 Read instructions below before remitting: According to law the County Auditor will add the following penalties: On January 1st, 1912, 1 per cent, penalty will be added to those who have not paid. On February 1st, 1912, an additional 1 per cent, will be added to those who have not paid, making 2 1.? r? r?_t per cent. penalty ior r eoraary. own an additional 5 per cent, panalty will be added on March 1st., making 7 per cent, penalty to be paid by those who have not paid by March 1st, 1912. Tax Books will close March, 15,1912. When remitting give each township or school district your property is in. Giye one name in fall, not initials. Very truly, E. L. WINGARD, Treasurer Lexington County, S. C. I Honesty 1 in Jewelry I "If it came from Sentz's, yon S know it's all right," is what one g of our customers remarked to 5 another the other day. g I When yon bay Jewelry, yon | generally have to take the "Jew- I Seler's word for it" whether it is I (taa.1 nr n <"? H few" That's just where our reputa- a tion for honesty and fair dealing fj counts. s And furthermore, we will al- fe ways give you your money back 9 and ask no questions auy time g you are dissatisfied witn a pur- g chxse. gj S]>ecial attention to mail orders, B CHARLES F. SRNTZ, JEWELER, 8 1439 Main, Columbia, S. C 1 Patriarch Smith Passes. John Smith, for thirty years the presiding patriarch of the Mormon church, a nephew of its founder and first president, Joseph Smith, diedj;in Salt Lake City, Utah, on Tuesday of pneumonia. He was 79 years old. He was born at Kirkland, Lake county, Ohio, in 1832 and when 16 years went west with the "hand cart party,'' passed through Nauvoo, HI., the scene of the attack which resulted in the death of his father and his uncle, the preceding year. Patriarch Smith was the sixth to be chosen to his office, the only hereditary one in the church. "It is a pleasure, to tell yon that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the best cough medicine I have ever used," writes Mrs. Hugh Campbell, of L ivonia, Ga. "I have used it with all my children and the results have been highly satisfactory." For sale by All Dealers. Always Something Better Always something better just a little way ahead; Always sweeter roses where our feet may never tread: ' Always something finer in the house across the way Than in our hambie cottage with its quiet day-by-day, Always something brighter just beyond our narrow vale; Always something faster than our old host can sail; Always something higher than our humble means can reach, Bat love, its holy presence keeps within the grasp of each. For Rent. Four-horse farm four miles from Lexington?7-room dwelling, a barn and stable9. Apply to J. J. Fox, Lexington, S. C. 4w3 Grace Elected Mayor. John P. Grace was elected mayor of Charleston on Tuesday, defeating both of his opponents by 85 votes. J. F. Parker, 2021 No. 10th St., Ft. Smith, Ark., says that lie had taken many kinds of kidney medicine, but did not get better until he took Foley Kidney Pills. No matter how long you have had kidney trouble, you will find quick and permanent benefit by the ut>e of Foley Kidney Pills. Starttaking them now. Kauimann Drag Co. Negro Lynched In Mississippi. A negro named 1 'Judge'* Mosely ? Ktt ** mnK r\t was i?a&ou 11 uin um^cio uj ? uivu four hundred men at Lockhart, Mies., on Tuesday and shot to death. The crime for which he had been arrested was the striking of a white inhn, J. H Covington, and breaking his arm with a stick. A Household Medicine That stops coughs quickly and cures colds is Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. Mrs. Anna Pelzer, 2526 Jefferson St, Omaha, Neb., says: ' 'I can recommend Foley's Honey and Tar Compound as a sure core for coughs and colds. It cured my daughter of a bad cold and my neighbor, Mrs. Benson, cured herself and her whole family with Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. Everyone in our neighborhood speaks highly of it. Kaufinann Drug Co. Masons Lay Cornerstone. An event or tne greatest possiDie importance to Scottish Rite Masons throughout the United States was the laying of the corner stone of the new House of Temple in Washington on Wednesdaj7 of last week. The ancient ceremonial of laying the corner stone was participated in by the Grand Lodges of the District of Columbia, assisted by the Grand Lodges of Maryland and Virginia. Upwards of 6,000 Masons appeared in the parade previous to the laying of th3 stone, the largest body of Masons ever assembled in parade formation in the Capital City of the Nation since the grand conclave of the Knights Templar in 1894. The building will be two years in construction and will cost in the neighborhood of two million dollars. A Mail Carrier's Load Seems heavier when ho has a weak back and kidney trouble. Fred Due* ? r A fnkicAM TToc UrtJU, Jiail uaiijw C- 3 AIVIJIOUII, JJ.riiJ , says: 4'I have been bothered with kidney and bladder trouble and had a severe pain across my back. Whenever I carried a heavy load of mail, my kidney trouble increased. Some time ago, I started taking Foley Kidney Pills and since taking them I have gotten' entirely rid of all my kidney trouble and am as sound now as ever.*' Kaufmann Drug Co. Bob Davis, who is editor of Munsey's Magazine and the author of several plays, speaking of a man who had achieved some distinction as a killjoy, said: "That fellow^ is a great athlete. Ke can throw a wet blanket 200 yards in any gathering.'' Germany has the^boxing craze. Of every 100 pounds of food we cat 14 pounds consists of potatoes. General Wu Assassinated By 30 Manchu Soldiers General Wu, a brilliant young^military officer of China, who was appointed governor of Shan Si province recently, was assassinated on Tuesday morning. He was asleep in hi9 tent at the military encampment at Shi Kia Chuang, when thirty Manchu i?naV?o/^ "noof f hn mia wl o /I ouxuivio x uo^tu tiiv axiu murdered him. When officers of the general staff arrested the Manchusthe latter stated that Wu had gone over to the revolutionaries and was secretly betraying the Mar.chus, j Is your husband cross? An irritabL fault finding disposition is often due to a disordered stomach. man with good digestion is nearly always good natured. A great many have been permanently cured of stomach trouble by taking (Jhacuberlain s 1 ablets, for sale | by Ail Dealers. -O W. J. Stewart, a member of the board of education of Alberta, is oil his way to Ireland to engage 1,C0<) school teachers for Alberta and Saskatchewan. He says new districts have been opened so rapidly this year that teachers cannot be found to look after the school. THE JEWELEE 1508 Main St., Columbia, S. C. A3J> JEWELRY Makes Them Quod as Hew MEDALS A3D BADGES Manufactured in Our Own Shops for Schools and Other Purposes. AVERY, The Jeweler 1508 Main St., Columbia, S. C - I UV AT? TXT MTXm . JU.L>1?.AV iil AUiilV C. 0. Kenny Co. Is Headquarters for Sugar, Coffee, Teas, Rice, Etc. Fresh Coffee roasted daily. Don't put off buying your coffee and sugar. They're going Higher. C. D. KENNEY CO. 1639 Main Street, Phone 157. Columbia, S. C. 5 ^wwvw^vw ? * b? ? ^ The Best MadeJ ^ Also Good Shipn ^ 5 Old Reliable Rock Hi I } RHEA LIV \ ^ 1109 Hampton Sti SB&?3BBS5?BBEKSH9B?^BSHiB2 aWBagBMMWI ! IHOO?Bli?i . result of Germs. >m falling out, use #*1', / Y*.r j^^l BHeeeEHeBmeH0?$ssma? Baldness is the direct To prevent the hair frc 1 # "The Greatest cf A This wonderful now remedy is sj germs which cause the hair to fail out. antiseptic equalities of TC-3.AC-TOM ; tobacco leaf and other beneficial ingre this Hair Tonic. It contains no grease c ful odor; TO-BAC-TOW stimulates I. baldness, cures dandruff and ail scalp c Try a bottle at our risk. If you arc i your money. T0-8AC-T0N is sold at $1.GG a bottSe and used by first-class 1910-BAC-T0N MANUFACTURING CON For Sale by Derrick's Drug 1 I Am Headqu Doors, Sash . High Oracle a sic See me before plscing your or N. H. DR COLUMBIA E. OSCAR FALL' ttuuinoL-nj?v)wM< v The (?( fiflonthiy S [ i Bsi ) I Door ssp.\kMmJ p?vertyOn whc illy be afte J. T. COLEirfAN Mgr. AL Charleston, S. C THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE Incorporated as a stock company John F. Drydon, President. New and Seaso Our stock of ft Goods, Dry Gc Shoes and Hats is We want our Lexin call and inspect our and make our stor while in the city, buy or not. Our ] WM. PL ATI 1804 MAIN ST. AVVUV^U^UV wmuuuuu I.- Ill I 1 11 I ??. . ? -All Sizes and the Prices Suit I lent of Columbus, and Rock ] ill Buggies, "A Little Higher E STOCK cor eet, Columbia, Sou WV WWW WWW wwwwwwwv U Hair Tonics" 1 y Deciaily prepared to destity the The nourishing, stimulating and arc the results of the juice of the clients used in the preparation of >r alcohol, and has a most delight'13 grotvih of the hair, prevent* iseascc. ! not entirely satisfied, we refund all drug stores at 25c, 50c and , barbers. IPANY, WiRStQ.n-SsN, N. C. Store, Lexington. S. C. arters For * and IlilsidSa I Low Prices. der for building material. IGGERS, S. C. \W, Sales Mgr. Prudential ncome Policy is the artmg Comfort From h side wil| your famir your death? FRED J. FOX, Special Agent, LEXmCTOK, s. c. COMPANY OF AMERICA, by the State of New Jer&ey Home Office, Newark, N J ?????? naWe Goods. u-wn??i wim ii ?r-rawfci'-M^ IP Millinery, Dress i >ods, Notions now complete, gton friends to line of Goods e headquarters whether they :T prices are right, r jo. 43S ^Vi?j COLUMBIA, S. C. _"?? ??mw ?r and 11 =? ?; Hill Buggies, the ^ J in Price, BUT-" 5 J MPANY, I i itli Carolina. # J