i i I H7 THE LEXINGTON DISPATCH. * i +. * . * A Eepresentative Newspaper. Covers Lexington and the Borders of the Surrounding Counties Like a Blanket, p VOL. XLII. LEXINGTON, S. C.. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1911 2 : , GLOBE DBT GOODS COMPANY, . IffeiV AK TXT". S. IvdlOn^TCSZTOI^, JE., ^ .tJ . LOAJO MAIN STREET, - COLUMBIA, 8. C. fcJ Ja : , Solicits a Share of Your Valued Patronage. PoKteand Prompt Attention. October IStf ; 1 WE Fay You to Save. I 1 The I sS I Best I I Recommendation I Yoti can have is a g I Savings Bank Book I ' I in your pocket. It bricgs the | 1 smile that stays. i I rtttTouc Rank- nf Rafpshllfff. 8 VlUAVAlll^ VUftMli vm _ BATESBURG, % / S. C. I Resources ... $175,000.00 | OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: i U. X. CUNTER, Pres. A. C. JONES, Cashier. | M. U. BOATWRJCHT, Vice-Pres. L. W. FOX, Asst. Cashier i GEO. BELL TIMMERMAN, Attorney. | ??? 'A CALL AT . UlfflOIff Iff ATIOIVT ALB AWT K . . Columbia, S. C. * ' * H'G > ' A. F, LEVER JOS. NORWOOD N. H. DRIGGERS J. M. BEATY C. L. KIBLER , E. G. COOK G. P. LOGANa J. W. NORWOOD W. P HAMRICK E. 0. BLACK D. A. SPIVEY C H. BARRON ; JJ 1 Special at ? I J. L. HOPKINS I i For the Shoppers of Lexington 1 IB ' ? El IMtttiaaaathgaaiaiBBNaaiiaMaiRiaBBaaacBBaBBaBBai H 1 Yard Wide Bleaching . . . 5c. g i - See Our Outing only, yard . . 8c. I im __ | 1320 Main Sr*t, Columbia, S. 6. I 1 "I!" T" Parlor ResfanraaL , Bay from ttioM who adrerbM la tea ^ Btapatck. [> < , I Ladies'Bleach Fleece lined Underwear 29 c. 1 I 3 Paire good Hose, Children's, Ladies' | or Men's : 25c. | . 54 inch Broadcloth . . _. 44c. f See our Sweaters . 25c to $2.50 | Ladies' Coat Suits See them at $3.98, I $4.98, $6.98, $9.98 and on up. I One Table Outings, Gingham and ? J Calicoes at yard . : . . . 4c. 1 fYard wide Percales . . . 7c. | Cotton Blankets pr. . 4:8, 69 and 89c. p I Bet Brogan Shoe on earth at . 98 c. | j I J. L. HOPKINS. I 1616 Main Street, Columbia, S. C. I MB?B??MM?BBM?ipaa??Ba?fcr mnBBMWSBMBMBDI Hook & Lay ton, f ] Staple and Fancy M. WEISS, 6 r ocarla a, Hay, -WATCHMAKER? ^naiii if I ViRMini ?and? and all kinds ! mhr?d J E W ? L ? R tends s spssiaHr* Old Geld and Silver Bongbt. tfL?t Us Feed Your Stock.11 We Handle Watohes and j J Jewelry. All Work 1103 Gtrftit 8l?i Colu!iBWfl? Guaranteed. PHONE 241 s ?? j ' Court Proceedings. . When The Dispatch went to press last week the trial of the case of Mrs. Tilla Bacon Livingston, of Columbia, against the Southern Railway Company, was in progress. The case did not go to the jury until Friday at noon, having consumed practically four days. After remaining in the room for about two hours, the jury returned a verdict for the plaintiff in the j sum of $2,500. Mrs. Livingston sought I to recover $50,000 damages for the alleged killing of her husband, J. W* Livingston, by a passenger train on the 3rd of April, 1909. The feature of the case was the powerful presentation of the defend * i cn T.i. i. ant's case oy f If iu another bed room, and when the sheriff arrived on the scene and broke down the door, he was iound lying on the bed sound asleep with a shotgun by his side and on the fleer lay a half-pint bottle, j which had contained whiskey. McCall told the sheriff that after he fired the shot he crank the contents of '? | the bottle and immediately went to sleep. The old man declines to make a statement. He is known to have been drinking heavily for two or three days. The only words he uttered before he was confined in a cell at the jail after being told that his wife was dead, were: "Well, I'm d n glad of it, for she was mean as h- 1 to me.'' The couple are said to have rrelled during the afternoon about utiDg j a room to a couple of young men, the aged husband protesting. His action is attributed to the fact that he was crazed with drink. The dead woman and her nusoana h&a oeen meiong residents of Macon and the family is wpII known through Middle Georgia. Mrs McCall had been an invalid for twelve years and had been confiued to ver bed for several weeks. Two sons, C. L. and R. M. McCall, live in Macon. The other children are R. A. McCall, of Milledgeville, and R. N. McCail and ^ Mrs Irene Mangum, both of Jacksonville, Fla. Work Commenced on New School Building. Yesterday the contractor commenced work on Lexington's new ten thousand dollar school building i? appreciate*). ?a|ef^ depa&tt &oxe6 fox lent, $ 7.00 pet ^eat &*e