vv> > rteoj? . . Tha Leiln gton Dispatch ? T Wednesday, Ocfobe? 25,1911. G Si. Ha Tim an, Editor sod Publisher D. R. Haltiwangef., Assistant Editor. ? Entered at the Post Office at Lexington, S. O., as second olass matter. CIRCULATION 2.300. "Lexington Court House vs. Lexington County? "Under the caption, "Lexington " - ?? r . rtrtr.nt.17 >? uonrc ?LOQH0 VS. VVUii j | the Leesvilie News in a recent issue took occasion to criticise the officials of Lexington county in a general way, without calling names, except in the case of the county treasurer, who it criticises because that official, in the discharge of his dn^y, some weeks ago drew oat the fands deposited in the Leesvilie banks?a very insignificant sum?-in favor of the Lexington Savings Bank, so that he might have the money at hand to pay off the railroad bonds of the three townships in the "Dutch Fork, which fell due on the first day of July. Is there anything wrong about that? As a matter of coarse, this money belonged to the people of the Dutch Fork, a ad if anybody?if any bank?had a right to kick it was the Bank of Chapin, located in the vicinity where this money belonged. Not a word of protest, however, has come from the officials of this bank, and, so far as we know, the banks of Leesvilie and Batesburg made no eom^ plaint. The greater amount of this money accrueiLg from the bonds, had been * - T?-?*? oil deposit in me .bexmgbuu mmu6s Bask for several weeks drawing inter e9t as the rate of five per cent., the interest being given to the people of the Pork by the county treasurer. The News beasts of the fact that Leesville "is the richest and most populous section of the county," which is well enough, and nc one rejoices over thewonderful prosperity of this section more than The Dispatch. The statement of The News that the "section south of Leesville wouldn't know the ehaingang if they / would see it and wouldn't k^ow the supervisor if it wouldn't oe for election years," is as ludiorort9 as it is absurd. The News knows, ?>r at least it should know if it kno?vs anything, that it is a physical impossibility for the ehaingang to work on all of the roads at the same time and that it would be a useless and extravagant expenditure of the people's money to attempt to move tbo ehaingang continuously from ojte section of the county to another. The New9 knows full well that it Is the intention of the supervisor to m^ve the chaiogi'fg * tbo snnthwAatorn Twrfc of the nonntv as boor as possible. Be patient, contemporary; all things come to those who wait. ';j . x . ' , V' r;' '' V, a . - x As D! Ill ?rw THE HMHHI yy /M-4 Van; N- * f. AT 1 WJ* k;S pThis Stock of Me: " up-to-date styles dies' Coat Suits S' enced buyer in th these advantages V to please you. ?- - i *n Tms saie wiu quarters wliethei M II 9 dm. FAMOUS DOCTOR'S O PRESCRIPTION. Kwlf mm for ii HpyspepsiI ^[^iarrhofstoha^I New Line of Jewelry. We have just received a large shipment of Jewelry, embracing everything that is pretty and cheap. Call in and make your selectiors now. Harmams Bazaar. Reap Captured By Sheriff Miller. Lewis Reap, a yonug white man, was captured at the Seaboard station in Columbia on Monday by Sheriff Miller as he was about to board a train for Ruby. Reap lias been wanted for some time by Magistrate Rish of Pelion, on the charge of larceny from a trunk. Being unable to effect his capture, the warrant was placed in the hands of Sheriff Miljer, yyho soon had his man behTnd the liars." Qehnnl Rnnks Here. Teachers from all over the county are reminded that The Bazaar is headquarters for school boohs?the new text books now being in stock. Teachers, when yon come to the court house, don't forget to buy your boobs at The Bazaar. . ? Final Discharge. Tfiis is to notify all parties concerned that I will apply to Geo. S. Drafts, Judge of Probate for Lexington countv, S. C., od the 24th day November, 1911, for a final discharge as adminitrator of the estate of Albert Sharps, deed. CORA SHARPE, Oct. 21, 1811?3 Admr. Notice to Creditors. All persons having demands against the estate of M. H. Witt, deceased, will render an account of the same, \ duly attested, to the undersigned, at New Btookland, S. O.. by Nov. 20,1911. Mrs. Ellen M. Witt, Oct. 23,1911.?2 Admrx.' X GREATEST M iLEX AYOUB'S ST, rchandise consists of the season. C kirts and Under-w e Northern Mark* Be sure to ca I be the greatest e * they buy or not. 19 Gervafs St., C< ??? Mr. C. M. Lide was a visitor to the fa r from Columbia on Wednesday. Alfred J. Fox, nra> rriTiTr aim IIIOHnilMr HtflL tSIMt flPHJ-lUMtutnuc I LEXINGTON, - S. 0. For Sale. Sn acres rear Matnias MiDeral Spring, 7 miles from Columbia. 1 acre let in Brookland, two 3 room cottages. 140 acres 2 miles south of Barr, 30 acres in cultivation, 50 acres Eine timber, 6 rcom dwelling, a arn and stables, plenty water, good pasture, near church and school. Price $2,000 00. 128 acres 3 miles from Steedman, land gray with clay subsoil, plenty oak and hickory, some pine. Land adjoining makes from 1 to 2 bale cotton per acre. % acre lot with 6 room Dwelling a barn and Stables, good well, on Depot Street, in Lexington, S. 0. 105 acres five miles South of Chapin, known as the "Billy Rish Place,''about25 acres open land, some timber, plenty water. This place must be sold quick. It's a bargain. Answer quick. [ 103 acres 5 miles from Gaston, 3 30 acres in cultivation, gray soil, j some pine timber. 11 acres on the Augusts road 2 miles from Lexington, 8 acres cleared, 3 room ,oo.ttage. 140 acres near Macedonn 22 , acres open land, Price $700. One lot in Batesburg 84x200 feet, 4 room cottage. 275 acre9 3 miles from Pelion, 50 acres in cultivation, 4 room dwelling, a barn and stables, plenty water, 110 acres 5 miles from Lexington, 40 acres in cultivation, 7 room dwelling, barn and stables, plenty water, near church and school, R. F. D., telephone. 96 acres 2 1-2 miles from Lexington on the two north road. 97 acres near Lexington. 71 acres 3 miles from Swansea, 40 acres in cultivation, 4-room : dwelling, plenty water, land good for cotton and grain. 162^acres 3 miles from Steedman, 25 acres open land, 4-room - dwelling, a barn and stables, I rOonfv watpr. frrav soil. " ? I p w Write or call to see me AT THE HOME NATIONAL BANK, Lexington, S. C. ? V A. * )? tf V * " ' - ' " * nBMOOHnHHH RGAINS EVER l IR STORE, . 5 of Mens* and Lad lothing, Gents Fn: rear. Such bargai *s for cash, we are 11 and see us and i xhibit during the So don't fail to ^ DlumMa, S. C., - ??IBM IWIIiMMW?W Jumi 101/: ioiu iviaiii out The reason we can sell goods so muc often been asked. The answer is: we a customers of every business pay the ex] pay less, because we have figured our e the same time are able to serve you in Give us a trial if these prices appeal to and colored, the 35c kind, our price 15 Outing, 7Jc value, our price 5c yard, value, our price 7|c yard. A limited quality, 8Jc value, our price 6?c yard, quality, 5c yard. One lot boys Sweate special, while lot lasts, 25ceach. RUGS?We have just received from 75c to $10.00: and if its a ru ' i i _ i quality ana price, Decause we douj about 50c on the dollar, and we are to take advantage of our good buj are only a few of our many good \ i. % Jumper 0 \ Com| 1816 Main Street % HNHnHBHOHRniniBi :jfl I BH H H H HI B] JL JL J^L .ML JH||HI ?MB?MMBMH M1WBM OFFERED WILL BE PUT ? ??i ?? vV f - /ii m gervais u lies' Furnishings of all descri rnishings, Shoes, Hats, Cap; ins were never heard of befo ! able to give our Lexington md take a look at this imm< Fair. We want our friends jive us a call. 3 Doors Above the S. A 1 ; " . * V. "|. I 'fc 'i ' JN a? B ' '* ser's ft " jl :et, Columbia. ? * h cheaper than our competitors has I re out of the high rent district. The oenses of the business: but our patrons i xpeuses down to the bottom and at i \ the best manner and save you money. you. Best Table Oil Cloth, white e yard. One case medium weight One case very best Bleaching. 10c ^ amount of 36-inch Sea Island, good 1 One lot of Dress Ginghams, good :r Coats, with two pockets, 50c value f, * ?j 11 + f; about 200 Rugs, ranging in price * g you want we can suit you in rht this lot of Ruo-s at a sacrifice, * 3 . => going to give you an opportunity ing. The above mentioned items -alues. Come and see. J V < Iry Goods pany, j i , Columbia, S. C. 1 W?B????MW?P??Mi ... \ / . . inHHHHHMBBBBHnBBHBHHHBi DN IN THE | flft iB JIHHBa MB1A, S. C. iptions the latest and most 5 and a big selection in Lare, bought by an experi. friends the benefit of all snse stock and we are sure to make this their head u L Depot