' - ? * - <* - - - *9 - ? /, ^ir' . ' -? A I Mjfc J||^& Pen flj.j"* * lB(B^BHHBBBBB^S1035?'5s^^~"- " l?i in 11? n in i i ? i ..vu..-.'ji /..- .*' V:- Baldness h the e:?( To prevent the hair : ^ glWBMWIi11 ' " ^ TTrW "The Great est cf L Thi3 woncierlui now rcznecy i_j germs which cause the hair to fall o I antiseptic cyialities of YO-IAC-TO: | tobacco leaf and other beneficial inr i Hair Tonic. It contains no greas j fal odor. TO-BAC-TOM stimulates I baldness, cures dandruff and all ccalt Try a bottle at oar risk* If you ) your money. TO-BAC-TON is sold r $1.00 a bottle and used by first-cl; l* TOM-TON MANUFACTURING 0 James R, Thompson, M. D., Not Journal of Health, N. Y., R Dr. Hilton's Life for "We do not hesitate to bestow wo: as have shown on actnal trial before edies of undoubted therapeutic virtu most exacting uemauua iu mis rcspe justified in recommending to our rea neys.' It has demonstrated to as so doabt,even on the part of the most s agent in all cases of Dyspepsia, Ind Bright1 s Disease, Dropsy, Gravel, R . from a diseased condition of the Livt representative was sent from our off "Life for the Liver and Kidneys.,, tt maladies in which it claims to bring i the effect it had exercised in their o^ ited and questioned with respect to Kidneys," replied that he had found j fact was ascertained to De trne not o even in those instances which had si sicians as well as the curative power; "Dr, Hilton's Life for the Liver an which for over 30 years has been re most valuable remedy "of its kind. 1 abbve mentioned ills, begin taking } royal road to health. 5 Sold Fverywhere m 25 Prepared & Guaranteed by Lite I Disl A . | Kaufmann Drag Co., W. I We Ser feca At Oui Not "Dope"? True Fruits, Ju Make Sparkling / Try Our Lemona KAUFMANN The Old .' Question 0! JHUtS Let Us Answe VCtAX UU H.M. WING A < * ' Lexington, - - S. < We Sell the Best Groce At Right Prices. Your Job Work f HESS - -r nrf i- ?nn;M ! Hi irw ?UUP?n I ct result of Germs. ro::i failinj out, use i A v 7 r r T* * > J /Lii i^azr i ernes ; specially prepared to destir^r the at. The nourishing, stimulating and 14 are the results of the juice of the jreclients used in the preparation of ;e cr alcohol, and has a most delightihe growth of the hair, prevents ? diseases, are not entirely satisfied, we refund at ail drug stores at 25c,- 50c and ass barbers. OMPANY, WiiSten-Sairm, NJ. 1 ed Physician Writes in American egarding the'Great Merits of the Liver and Kidneys rds of commendation on such specifics onr hygienic staff that they are reme. A medicine which fulfiiled our ct and one which therefore we feel ders, is 'Life for the Liver and Kidconclusively as to leave no room for keptical that it is a thorough curative igestion, Constipation, Billiousness. heumatism and all Disorders arising 3r, Kidneys and Urinary Organs. A ice to collect testimony in regard to i03e who had used the remedy for the elief were interrogated in regard to vn cases. Evefy person who was vis"Dr. Hilton's Life for the Liver and in it a most efficacious c^re, This nly in cases of ordinary severity, bnt iccessfoliy withstood the skill of phys of other proprietary remedies." d Kidneys'' is a vegetable compound, cognised and recommended as the if yon are a sufferer from any of the t at onoe. You'll soon be on the c. 50c and $1.00 Bottles. Sedictae Company, Columbia,S. C. ;ributed by P. Roof, Harman's Bazaar. ve Real Fount "Just as Good" ices and Syrups ?Healthy Soda. I des and Limeades. I DRUG CO. I v? rlt Ju*. re showing the best line ot . Winter Shoes and Oxfords for men and Children, that we have ied. ) leading makes and Styles to seand the prices are bound to please 3 sell the famous Hunt Club Shoe id make an inspection today. ieatly Done Here Mr. Frank Clarke. Ware Shoals correspondence in The ^ - Greenwood Index. Mr. Frank Clark who has been as- 1 sistant superintendent of our mill for the last six years has resigned to accept a similar position with the Anderson mills. Mr. Clark was a good citizen and wa9 very well liked by all the workers and people generally. He win oe missed 111 our community wnere he was always willing to do everything in his power for the good of the town. Mr. Clark possesses a generous nature and the poor and needy lose in bis removal one of their best friends. Mr. and Mrs. Clark carry with them the | esteem and good will of all the operatives in the mill, as well as the rest of our people. Wo hope they will enjoy their new home, and that the prosperity they deserve may be theirs. It's Equal Don't Exist. No one has ever made a salve, oint- j ment or balm to compare with Buck- j len's Arnica Salve. It's the one perfect < healer of Cuts, Corns, Burns, Bruises, \ Sore9, Scalds, Boil9, Ulcers, Eczema, Salt Rheum. For Sore Eyes, Cold Sores, Chapped Hands or Sprains its supreme. Unrivaled for Piles. Try it. Only 25c at All Druggists. Ducks* (Composition written by a 12-yeari old school boy.) The duck is a low, heavy set bird composed mostly of meat, bill and feathers. His head sets on one end, he sets on the other. rrtu-._t l- I. xucrc aiii i uu ueiiween iu ins tue? and he carries a toy balloon in his ' stomach to keep him from sinking. The ducks has only two leg9 and they are set so far back on his running gear thay come durn near missing his body. Some ducks when they gifc big are called drakes. Drakes don't nave to ser. to hatch, just loaf, go swimming and eat. If I was to be a duck I'd rather be a drake every time. Duck does not give milk but eggs, but as for me give me liberty or give me death. Is The World Growing Better ? Many things go to prove that it is. The | way thousands are trying to help others | i9 proof. Among them is Mrs. W. W. Gould, of Pittsfield, N". H. Finding good health by taking'Electric Bitters, she dow advises other sufferers, everywhere, to take them. "For years I suffered with stomach and kidney trouble," she writes. "Every medicine I used failed till I took Electric Bitters. But this great Temedy helped me wonderfully," They'll help any woman. They're the best ronic and finest liver and kidney remedy that's made. Try them You'll see. 50c at All Druggists. * Fruit steamers in New Orleans and Mobile are now unloaded by mean9 of electric conveyors. t t , Town Lots For Sale, Desirable building lots in the town of Swansea, S. C., for sale on easy terms and at reasonable prices. Ap- tt ply quick to D. H. Lawson, Gaston, a S 0., R F. D. 1* tf jji ol The greatest, electrical development 01 in this country is now centered in the re south. hi c Gives Aid To Strikers. h< Sometimes liver, kidneys and bowels at seem to go on a strike and refuse to tt work right. Then j ou need those pleas- Y) ant little strike-breakers?Dr King's New Life Pills?to give them natural aid and gently compel proper action. Excellent health soon follows. Try them. 25c at All Druggists. , mm-* le A storage battery fed electric lamp, to be fastened to the hat or head by spring clips, ha9 been patented by a ei New Yorker for firemen or others who 8t work in dark places. ? cc . p J. W. Copeland, of Dayton, Oliio, purchased a botue of Chamberlain'9 ~ C ugh Remedy for his boy who had a co d, and before the bottle was all used I the bov's cold was gone. Is that not L better than to pay a five dollar doctor's bill? For sale by All Dealers. Merry winter to all of the baseball umpires. or Sterling Goods J ca Sterling silver, cut glass, fh.e N( chma, clocks. A fine stoc s N( always on hand for you t n select from. Keep us in mmd when want- N( ing anything in Jewelry oi n< Silverware. t 3 x _ 1. 1_ j l . uruuu waicii worx ana nesi eye glasses. If you can't come, send for our catalogue or telephone your order to us. P. H. liACBiCOTTB & CO." CD JKV EI f R8, 1424 Main Columbia, S.C Phoiie 9M ? w /' Our Salesmen Will 1 Themselves in the Pi The long experience of all the salesmen in o tently aid the young folks in their home-fur: and attentively. 'I ?MP???P**? I 1 HI I I EXTENSION TABLES ^S||g Made of solid Golden Oak, well finished, five legs, will extend six feet with leaves, top measures < 42 x 42, only . $5.98. The mark ( _________________ stove anc quality?fo ^ WHY NO SIDEBOARDS. Large and spacious well JHELlONFi made, fine finish, best - - 4 ?A/i m?_ ?_ 80 acres. o. 4, Tne Arnette tract, bottom m lands, 120 acres. || IbJ Ei d. 5, Tract of 192 acres bottom II I I I? lands, immediately below ^ . . Alston. ^ ^ 116G 6. Tract on the upper side of my SADDLER plantation, where Mr. A. t k Hors Rogers now resides, 1000 J acres. the greatest ?. 7. The Rice Tract, containing be8t, medilll about 500 acres. and employ >. 8. Sheppard tract, 500 acres. i These tracts may be out to suit pur- WOT K to lRSt asers. Wm. H. LYLES, JL&? 600 ^08 Natl. Loan & Ex. Bk. Bldg ? ca .7. Columbia, S. C. ? 15,7 Wa,? St grade mirror. A perfect mum beauty, Only . $14.63. Coliimbl Admiral Schley Dead. Rear Admiral Winfield Scott Schley, le hero of Santiago, dropped dead on street in New York city. He was a ative of Maryland and was 72 years d. He played the part of a real hero -^Hjl 1 two notable occasions: First, in iscuing Lieutenant A. W Greely and . Bfil is companions of arctic explorers at flRRflHfljflBBl ape Sabine in 1884, and again when 3 commanded the United States fleet ^BIlBWHi i Santiago de Cuba which destroyed le Spanish fleet under Admiral Cer- sra in 1893. r Fruit Trees. Anyone wishing to buy J. Van Lindy Nursery Co., Pomona, N. C , fruit f ees, nut trees, grape vines, straw- " 3rries, raspberries blackberry, dewv\1nnta fl ATTT DUCtUU piOUlO) X1UVT" I s and everything in the nursery ! ock. Call or write Geo. W. Miller, 1 ilbert, S. C.f Route 1, and I will >m6 and take your orders at once. ^-vl rices will please yon. 53 ItOIIIvI 1 hob The Golden 3nd For SsECi cook stove, n I offer for sale on easy terms, the fol- Panel, Oven Sh wing tracts of land situate in Fair- worker. ;ld County, along Broad Riyer, on _ near the line of the Southern Rail- No. t>U ay between Alston and Columbia, 8-20 22 in II of these tracts have good improve- 0 <)f) . ents and are all good lands; fuller in iscriptions will.be furniehod on appliition: o. 1. The McConnell tract, 600 " I | acres. ilk i o. 2. The Freshley tract, 450 acres, o. 3. The Arnette tract, uplands, 1519 W!/ - ? . - i 4 Y Personally Interest ieeds ol Your Home >ur employ particularly fits them to compenishing. They will aid you painstakingly nvv^iN r>r,uz>. Exactly like cut, best finrf known ish> brass knobs> sinSIe , or double size, complete range with rollers and slats r has Only $5.48. MURE CO. ^ CkaDLES, genuine solid! . ben* oak> strong and durable, 9 lets the baby sleep comfortaa, S. C. biGj only ... $1.73. s^E^Ih^^h(M^I^^^DBHHES^Hhb9^^^UI **<^ n^^HHHg^HHHaBBn^^HI |^HBnHH^H| 1 ^mjggv BSEB^P^ i Rod Cook Stoves. Rod is a new and beautifully designed: is finely finished with Nickel Oven Door ielf and Towel Rod. Large Flue, a perfect rns Oven Price ch wood 20 in. x 20 in. $16.00 [ch wood 22 in. x 22 in. $18.50 Every Stove Guaranteed. CK BROTHERS, ' UN STREET COLUMBIA, S. C. OLD REL I AS LI ET d of the very best in HARNESS and Y, selected by an old experienced "Keneman" call on us where you will find variety to select from of all grades, n and cheap. We use the Best Leather the best workmen. Guarantee our longer than any on the market. ivis <&& Co., reet Columbia, S. C>