V Jefferson's Ten Rules. 1. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. 2. Never trouble another for what you can do yourself. ' >.T 3. Never fpend your money before you have it. - J 4. Never-buy what you do not want because it is cheap. 5. Pride*; costs us more than hunger. thirst and cold 6. We seldom repent of having eaten too little. 7. Nothing is troublesome that vre do willingly. 8. How much pain the evils have cost us that have never happened. 9. Take things always by the smooth handle. ' 10. When angry, count ten before you speak; if very angry, count a hundred. If yoo-haVe young children you have perhape noticed that disorders of the . stomach are their most common ailment. To correct this you will find Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets excellent. They are easy and pleasant to j take, and mild and gentle in effect, j J rw oaic uj ajj A 242-acre farm in York county was 4 sold a few days ago for $100 an acre. BEST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AMD 6H1L9. Mrs. Willow's Soothing Sratrp has bees tised for over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS o! MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE TEETHING, with PERFECT SUCCESS. II SOOTHES the CHILD. SOFTENS the GUMS. 1LLAYS an PAIN; CURES WIND COLIC, and ft the best remedy for DIARRHOEA. It is ab- ? solutely harmless. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take so other i kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. ^ Foley's - Kirln av s . Pills' I: What They WH1 Do for You t They will cure your backache, Strengthen your kidneys, cor- l rect urinary irregularities, build up the worn out tissues, and eliminate the excess uric acid that causes rheumatism. Prevent Bright's Disease and Dia- 5 bates, and restore health and strength, Refuse substitutes. For Sale By Kaufmann Drug Oo. WATCH AND JEWELRY ' REPAIRING : I For Watch and Jewelry & Repairing go to Berkman ^ where yon are guaranteed first-class work at reasonable prices. i Yon can also safely entrust your eye troubles to me, as more than 30 years of practice in correcting all kinds of defective vision entitles me - - o J TO your cunnueuue. B. H. Berkman ESTABLISHED 1879. 1418 MAIN STBEET, . COLUMBIA. S. C. SO YEARS EXPERIENCE. ; v - . . nflmnuHwanBorap SAY, FARMERS! When yon need anything in ? HARNESS, PLOW GEARS, g HOES, COLLARS, PADS, | Etc., I THINK OF ME. 1 HAND-MADE HARNESS i A SPECIALTY. | 1 REPAIR WORK PROMPTLY | DONE AT RIGHT PRICES. I E. A. FELLERS, I THE HARNESS MAN I 929 Gervais Street, | CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND BRAND INDIES I ""v^T JLik yonr Unmiit for CHI-CHKS-TER'S A DIAMOND BRAND PILLS in Red and AOy Gold metallic bores, scaled with Blue(%/> RiM>oa TlU no QTSBB. Bur of 70 a* V/ BraitrM ui Ilk for CHI-CUES-TtBS V DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for twenty-five years regarded as Best,Safest, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS . ?&. EVERYWHERE 5SSS , * OUT OF SORTS * When yen feel lazy, stretchy, halfsick, "blue" and discouraged, look to the liver.. It is torpid. SIMMONS RED g LIVER REGULATOR (THE POWDER FORM) IS THE REMEDY YOU NEED It is not only an invigorating tonic for a torpid liver, but it extends its cleansing and restorative influence to the stomach and bowels. Helps digestion and food assimulation, purifies the bowels and brings back the habit of regular daily bowel movements. When the stomach, liver and bowels are active, bilious impurities no longer obstruct functional processes, the result of which is renewed energy, mental activity and cheerful spirits. Sold by Dealers. Price, large package, $1.00 Ask for the genuine with the Red Z on the label. 1 f yon cannot get it, remit to ns, we will Bend by mail postpaid. Simmons Liver Regulator is also put up in liquid form for those who prefer it. Price, $1.00 per bottle. Look for the Bed Z label. J. H. ZE1UN ft CO., Props., St Louis, Mo. H aa Samuel Hyde, the young man who filled his wife and father-iD-law in Lnderson July 18th and is under senence to liang the 20?-h instant, has proessed conversion and will be baptized. SOUTHERN RAILWAY iCHEDULE EFFECTIVE Apr. 2,1911 N.B. These schedule figures shew he time that trains may be expected t< rrive and depart, but the times stated re not guaranteed. )EPARTURES FROM LEXINGTON NORTHBOUND. 0:18 A. M:?No. 8, daily for Columbia and intermediate points connecting at Columbia for Spartanburg and Abbeville. Parlor cafe car Columbia to Asheville. Arrive Columbia 10:50 a. m., Spartanburg 4:15 p. m., Asheville7:34 p. m. :44 P. M.?No. 132, daily for Colum bia, Washington and the East also connects at Columbia for Ashe ville. Through Pullman sleeping car to New York; Pullman sleeping car Columbia to Asheville. Arrive Columbia 6:20 p. m., Washington 8:53 a. m.. New York. 2:31 p. m. SOUTHBOUND. :58 A, M.?No. 131 daily for Augusta and intermediate points. Arrive Augusta 11:35 a. in. Pullman car :44 P. M.?No. 7, daily for Augusta and intermediate points. Arrive Augusta 8:35 p. m. Summer excursion tickets now on ale. For further information call on icket agents, or E. E. Ooapman, Washington, D. 0, I. F. Cary, G. P. A., Washington, ). O. J. L. Meek, A. G. P. A Ltlanta, Ga. F. L, Jenkins T. P. A Lugusta, Ga. V / Shoes! Shoes! For Every Member ol the Family. JUS i"?jk .?Mr : v^fk mm Our Standard Brands in Men's Shoes are as follows:? W. L. Douglas, AldeD, VTalker & Wilde and Lt-on-ird, Shaw {z Dean. Prices ranging from ?2.50 to $4.00. In our high grade line are the Torrejr and Nettlelon, which sell for $5.00, $5.50 and $6.00. M?MWhMBiBM?MM?MM ? nM *** MMm We ft so handle the very best grades of Ladies Shoes that can be bought, for a reasonable sum. Come ftnd see our Spring aDd Summer Stock. T. A. BOYNE, 1736 Main Si.,Columbia,S. C. Opposite Post Office. * Cats Taxed in Munich. The first city in the world to levy a tax upon the domestic cat is Munich, Bavaria. This municipality has fixed the tax at five marks ($1.20) a year. Manifold reasons are giv6n for the unpopular measure. It is considered that there are far too many cats in the city, and it is expected that the levying ol the tax will result in reducing the numbers kept. Every cat i9 to be provided with a special collar and a metal check such as the dogs wear, and those who are not thus equipped will be caught b% authorized persons. Here is a woman who speaks from personal knowledge and long experi ence, viz., Mrs P. H. Brogan, of Wilson, Pa., who says, "I know from ex perience that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is far superior to any other For croup there is nothing that exceh it." For sale by All Dealers. Union Stores In Texas. Within the past two years the Farmers' Union of Texas arid the trades unions in many of the cities and towns of that State have joined forces in * successful effort to reduce the "'higl cost of living." This has been accom plished'-by the opening of union stores There are now over two hundred sucl stores in Texas and all of them hav. passed beyond the experimental stagt-. When you have a bad cold you warn the best medicine obtainable so as t< &ure it wirh as little delay as possible Here is a druggist's opinion: "I liav< s??ld Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for fifteen years," says Enos Lollar o Saratoga, Ind., 1 'and consider it th? best on the market." For sale by A1 Dealers. Breaks All Records. At Savannah, Ga., all previous records for the receipt of cotton for on* day were broken with the total arriva 27,650 bales. This exceeds the for raer record, established October 19, 1909, by 1,639 bales. Take Your Common Colds Seriously Common colds, severe and freqneni, lay the foundation of chronic diseaser conditions of tli^ nose and throat, and may develop into ornnchitis, pneumonia, and consumption. For all coughs and colds in children and ii grown persons, take Foley's Honej and Tar Compound promptly. ii Kautmann Drug Co, Amarille, Texas, has one of the best water supplies in the west. Electric motors pump the water from 18 welis 300 feet deep. Foley's Kidney Remedy vs. a Hopeless Case Hon. Ark. J E. Freemar says: "I had a severe case ot kidney trouble and could cot wora and my case seem* d hopeless. One large bottle of Foley's Kidney Remedy cur. d me and I have never Deen Dotnerea since. 1 always recommend it." Kaufmann Drug Co. 1 ?? J. "W. Christopher, whose mother lives at Piedmont, S. C., committed suicide in Richmond on Saturday by swallowing carbolic acid in the presence" of his wife. He is said to have been crazed by drink. Foley Kidney Pills Supply just the ingredients needed to build up, strengthen and restore the natural action of the kidneys and bladder, Specially prepared for backache, headache, nervousness, rheumatism and all kidney, bladder and urinary lrreguarities. Kaufmann Drug Co. Those people who move here from other places feel that the portion of their life spent elsewhere was wasted. Cfoju) WE CARRY f\cJ LINE m EAST * EOUAiiS,FILMS, PAPEI m P SHIPMENTS FRE( H INSLR1 ^ Send Us Youi 1THE R. L. BR1 COLL'Ml I COME AND^BRING * g S S &S K I At Batebui October 17,11 EVERY DAY~ /-v i 1*1 r> T * f I Splendid features-Liber Railroad farmer: Wednesday, O I Addresses by E. J. Watson, Cornn Dabbs, President F; educatio Thursday, Oc Address by A. G. Smith, Agricultur by Schools for prizes. IanaHHOE For full information and ! ! m?B8B?gaBHMgaggEBgSBHB5BHBBS ???????I m iiiii i BW8BWWBtm.i)LJHJwaimumnai In 1909 the telegraph and telephone y-^-^jpgw companies, electric and power com- y panies ard steam and electric railways ?j s^E5 spent over ?7,000,000 for the purchase E 0j w j|j J In one Canadian iron mine the ore H M gj |j 3 is picked from the ground and loaded | jg B gj gLi into cars with the aid of powerful mag- ri neters. | IM. D. BARMAN j M a?d dealer in ? ; Something tc General Merchandise I e, , T. I much less. Staple Line 2 GBOCEB.IES, CANNED I forTher6 13 D? U GOODS, HABDWABE, I ENAMEL WAEE. TTN I I OUR ORES WAEE, JEWEL STOVES I AND EANGES, ETC. . I 1 Our Suit . . ..II Blanket, Art Lexington, S.C. | I clothing for 1 1 1 I all full to ov( M exnress offic r lll . i g ? x bm?a?sag MAN Ml I I p! Pf J Dont Experiment ^ BIBA> I at>ie roofing that RhhSBIB / I ard for 16 years. K AND OTHER SUPP1ES. || juent, I Parle [NG FRESH GOODS ? r Order Today $ 1320 MAIN ST. I ? a I ? gy .... 'AN COMPANY | Best cooking ant JIA, S. C ? 3? Special Rates TOR FRIENDS! | rg, S. C. I 1,19 and 20. | a mn. nav 1 al Premiums-Reduced ? Rates. I 5" day j ctober 18th. | lissioner of Agriculture, S. C.; E. W. % a armers' Union. NAL DAY I tober 19th. | al Department, Washington: Contest p Other Features. | Premium List, Write | Batesiiiirg, S. C. .mnuiiivii ui >UMBIA, - S. C. I Winter Groods here at this Store are I > be admired as the Quantity and I surpasses anything we have ever | the prices in many instances are I ncertainty about getting what you are looking B S GOODS & SILK DEPARTMENT I and Millinery Departments, Our | Squares and Rug Departments, Our g Men and Boys Department and | c and Dry Goods Departments are | srflowing of the best and cheapest B 5 State. I in need of anything in our Line I ice to get full value for your money. | in Columbia. | y express on $4 and ove** to your i e. Prices Lower Than Any. | I 1KBBTO/^aa^ Weather-proof %J Fire-Resisting Trade Mark Hej. (J. 3. Pat. Off. WE gf 9 S9JI Will not melt, rot, K U W E I il VI crack or rust. 31A SUPPLY CO., COLUMBIA, S. C. >r Restaurant, SEN DAVID, Proprietor, 9pp. Palmstto National Bank COLUMBIA, S. 6. L finest Restaurant in Columbia. For Ladies and Gentlemen by the Week. Meals at all Honrs?Night or Day