The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, October 11, 1911, Image 10

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1gg=! 1 f ?* 1" Go to Henry Drag Store, Ohapin, 8. 0., to have your eyes tested for glasses. Examination free. We also handle a full line of drugs, patent medicines, jewelry, paints, etc. rsxroiL and scissobs. 1 1 54-es /i?fw Kw onnH. JJOt UlttU UU11<U UV 1UO UUVJ K/J ovuviing it to help the printers. The Tri-County Fair opens at Batesbueg on next Tuesday. 'Hon. W. H. Sharpe was in town Monday on legal business. Mr. R. B. Shealy, of Bateaburg, spent Monday in Lexington. Mr. D. L. Epting, of Amick's ferry, was here on Monday, nftHnn T.nrlnrrfnn onH FARM?100 acres, one mile of Killians, on Southern Railway. No improvements; 85 acres in cultivation. Good stream, lot of fire wood. Price $650. DICKERT & EARGLE, J 49 Columbia, S. C. 1 WANTED: Men and Boys, take v f'i thirty days practical course in our Machine Shops; learn Automobile business, accept good positions. Char- > ] l6tte Aero School. Charlotte N. C., ] \ 4wpd 49. ( Mr. B. J. Wingard, the popular and efficient private secretary to Congressman Lever, is in Edgefield this week i acting a9 court stenographer for Mr. ( 0. B. Anderson, whose little son has ] been quite ill. Mr. Wingard spent last s week in Williamsburg on the same < mission. Brooks can "deliver the < goods. 1 II HIH.WJ,, ! "...U-J-.l?I ( 9 *i v j i Hi " *' >" H1 i n d US ? H I II ' ss^JPlliiif JSP j cB ^SPj^sb^n&^HHi n I I JSSf^ ( The above represents 9 of Lexington people who 9 Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hi I j. WUIg y UUi VVVWU W A^tAiugvv** U.*-Vk got the highest prices. Mr. Wm. M. Swartz, of Barnwell, spent a short while with his mother and friends in town Sunday. Bay goods of those who advertise in The Dispatch if you would save money. ' Dr. D. R. Kneece, the popular physician of Pelion, spent Monday in v Lexington on matters of business, ; - Fresh shredded cocoanut for cakes and pies, just received at The Bazaar. 100 Carolina and Georgia Farms 100 For Sale, ask for free list, Johnston Realty Co., Johnston, S.C. 51 z Mr. W. B. Taylor, the well known planter of Hollow creek, is in town today. A clever gentleman is he. We direct attention to the adver- I tisement of the Standard Warehouse Company, Columbia, elsewhere in this issue, who will loan you money at low rate of interest on your cotton. FOR RENT?Three room house ahd outbuildings, good pasture and land for two-horse farm. Terms reasonable. Apply to ALBERT R. TAYLOR. ?2p New Brookland, S. C. FOR RENT?My place, 2 miles west of the Town of Lexington; good duelling and out buildings; land for big 1horse farm; good for cotton and grain W. H. BALLENTINE, 50p R. F. D. 2, Columbia, S. C. Hook-Leaphart. Mr. and Mrs. G. 0. Hook have issued invitations to the marriage of their da ighter, Mima, and Mr. Charlton Eugene Leaphart on the afternoon of Wednesday, October 18, at half j after 5 c'clook, in Mt Hebron Methodist church near New Brookland. Miee Hook is one of the county's mo^t * arming young women. She is a f rmer student of Columbia College and is quite popular both in Columbia and Lexington. Mr. Leapbart is a son of the late Or. C. E. Leaphart and a brother of Postmaster Leaphart. He has been connected with the Lexington Savings Bank for a number of years and he numbers his friends by me score. Deva e Seven Gallons Less These facts from Leach man & Edelin, Grafton, W Va, will be useful to you. A customer painted his bouse last time with the paint they were selling then?they thought it first-rate; it cost them 5 cents a gallon more than Devoe ?took 18 gallons. They sold him 18 gallons of Devoe for same house; he used only 11: returned 7; saved about $30. If this is the wav Devoe is going to work, there oughtn't to be much difficulty in selling it. This is only half of the story The other half is the wear. A third halt i9 the reasons for both: all paint goes further and wears longer than part paint; true paint than false paint; fnllmeasure than short-measure. A fourth half is the cos* of painting, which goes by the gallon. It costs a third more to paint 18 gallons, than 11. The Kaufmann Drug Co. Estrayed?Two Mules. One blue mare mule, weighing about 1,000 pounds, with a light scar just below right hip; one dark bay mule, weighing about 900 pounds, blind in left eye but not easily detected. Find?? will nloaao pof.nrn t.n Saxp-Prntha Cotton Mills and get reward, or notify W. P. Koof, Lexington, S. C. Notice of Public Sale, On Tuesday, October 31, 1911, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, at my place three miles West of Pelion, one mule, wagon and harness. 150 barrels of corn, 1,500 bundles of fodder, farming tools,? household and kitchen furniture. Sale will begin at 9 o'clock. R. P. Settlemire. October 11?2wp._ For Sale One tract of land, 95 acres more or less, adjoining Mrs. Jane Ivey and W. W. Lucas. V. C. Ashford. Ten Day Sale. For next ten days I will sell at my place bureaus, bedsteads, washstands, bowls, pitchers, chairs, mattresses, jomfcrss and feather pillows. Jake Snelgrove. "Or. J. J. King, the Eye-sight Specialist of Columbia, will be at our bounty Fair, and those in need of Eye-glasse9 had better avail themselves of this opporouuity, Examinaion and consultation free. Dr. King's )ffice will be in the Exhibit Hall, on Pair Grounds, first floor. 1 ... COLUMBIA'S LI i the work of honest effort, from visit the Capital City from tim its, Millinery, Ladies' Suits, Ski L. MIM * * " - * 4 y COLUMBI FAWOLCOTTSMODELSHOWS Moral, High-Class Attractions?The Cleanest A ? unnofl rv-p ifo TTin/^ -?1.111 UZSClJ-LCllt JLJlltCl yxxo^ vi xto xvuiu in Existence. at THE TRf-COUNTY FAIR { Batesburg, S, C. October 17th to 20th, Inclusive. Sit BIO SHQffS-MERRY-GO-ROUND-FERBIS WHEEL Ten Concessions. FREE Brass Band and Balloon Ascension 'Each Day Weather Permitting \ ' ' SF ft ftATT y gj WW Vmw W B | I SOLE OWNER and MANAGER 5y?w OTH EJS'X'JBLBXJXS } A "nTATn T?T?D4DTWrWT CTr^'DT' VJt 1/Ul JL if I Jil JL w f vy JLWJU" early youth, of the prince merchant of the Carolinas?Mr. John e to time. Make it your home. Every conceivable class of Merc rts, Men's and Boys' Clothing Carpets, Mattings, Bugs, Etc. Ma NAUGH &, CC ,>,v. ^... . A, ; . . . . SOUTH CAR' I <|Q(|2 MFT7 I' 1 22 Horse Power Runabout | 5 The Greatest Hill Climber and Sand Puller J t Z 2 in the World, Regardless of Price or 5 ( Power or Your Money Back. 2 ? xs>*. S The Metz 22 Runabout, 2 Passenger Car is made up % ? on special features, making this one of the simplest operat- o J ed cars on the market today. It is geariess with no trans- ? A 9 ? mission and no Batteries or Spark Coil to Short Circuit. J It is Friction Drive with every Speed from 1 to 50 J miles per hour without changing your clutch, simply shift { vour Friction to the desired speed at an instant, wTith no a ? # ? noise. ' e This Car affords R. F. D. Carriers, Doctor?, Business J ? Men and Travelling Men the best means of Locomotion 2 ? A ) That can possibly be had. ' High Tension Magneto Ignition, 30x3" tires, best J . ? make, best equipment possible to obtain on any car, full 2 set of Tools, 5 Lamps, Top, Storm Curtains, Tire Repair 'I J Outfit, Duplex Pump, 7 Gallon Tank for Gasoline enough a | 2 for 200 miles. COMPLETE AT $600 FULLY GUARNTEED J One year against detective materials. J I -y A We have another carload of these carson the road now $ J but they wont be in our garage long. Better place your order soon as it takes 20 to 30 days to deliver your car. ? We are shipping cars to all parts of the State. ' | Give us your repair work, we guarantee expert ad- { J justments on cars and will appreciate your patronage. I INDEPENDENT AUTO SALES COMPANY, | to Z g Cor. Meeting and State Sis., New Breokland, S. C. iibujbm?mil nil riiTTTTBgmnrTnilll IIIHBII llll'IBIBI I IIIMaBBaMMDMaMBnOBflBW?1?BBUJUM UUJBMBtl \J ??8 / rat -MIMNAUGH& III L. Mimnaugh. This store is the home of thousands i | S ihandise in the Dry Goods line is found here?Dry 1 $3 I ke this store you Columbia headquarters. I g B jmranY A