- . t} y>- v . j Foley's Kidney Pills What They Will Do for You They will cure your backache, fctrenzthen vour kidneys, cor rect urinary irregularities, build op the worn out tissues, and eliminate the excess uric acid that causes rheumatism. Pre. ent Bright's Disease and Dia. bates, and restore health and Strength. Refuse substitutes. For Sale By K&ufmann Drug Oo. raT AND JEWELRY REPAIRING For Watch and Jewelry Repairing go to Bbrkman where you are guaranteed first-class work at reasonable prices. ' You can also safely entrust yonr eye troubles to me, as mnrft than 80 years of prac tice in correcting all kinds of defective vision entitles me to your confidence. B. H. Berkman ESTABLISHED 1879. 1418 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA S. C. 30 "^EARS EXPERIENCE. . feirtano and Organ Bargains 1 On? Hazleton Square Piano$57.00 One Steinway Square Piano $87.00 Both of the above pianos are in good order and can be exchanged in years to come towards new pianos, t One Upright used $350 Piano for only 1187. V ' One Brand New Manthushek |550 Piano for only $115. i Providence has smiled on you with refreshing showers. Parents should now smile on their children and supply them with a beautiful, sweet-toned Upright Piano which can be had from $225 up, on easy terms at the old established k'\ ' Ma tone's Music House 1428 Maif St., Columbia, S. C. Write us for catalogs, terms and prices on Pianos a A mad dog, a worthier yellow cur, bit four children in Gree vi it on Thursday. SAY, FiMtRS! j When yoa need anything in | HARNESS, PLOW GEARS, ? HOES, COLLARS, PADS, | Etc., I THINK OF ME. I HAND-MADE HARNESS 1 A SPECIALTY. I REPAIR WORK PROMPTLY | DONE AT RIGHT PRICES. I E. A. FELLERS, [ THE HARNESS MAN I ? 929 Gervais Street, 11 I COLUMBIA, S. C. ? REST AID HEALTH TO MOTHER AID CHILD. Hu WirfSLOw'i Soothing Syrup has been used for over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS oj MOTHERS tor their CHILDREN WHILE TEETHING. with PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS. ALLAYS ell PAIN; CURES WIND COLIC, an4 is the best remedy for DIA.RRHCEA. It is absolutely harmless. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winsfew's Soothing Syrup," and take bo other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND BRAND ; ladies i JUk your l>ntff*fet for CHI-CHES-TER'S A DIAMOND BRAND PILLS in Red and/^ Gold metallic boxes, sealed with Bluet O/ Ribbon. Takb no other. bwy of your v/ pra*gis* and Mk for CHI-CHE8-TEH 8 V Diamond brand pills, for twenty-five years regarded as Best, Safest, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE SSg I He Got the Medicine. The Doctor?Did you give your husband those sleeping powders that I prescribed? Mrs. Pusseley?Yes, I did, and each '? I ? - ? - X -1_1? i.. nnl.n him ume-i Qua qui It? a uruuuie iv watc uiui up to give them to him.?Chicago News. It Would Grow. Spectator?That hsb doesu't look as if it had its growth. Angler?No; it will be at least six j inches bigger by the time 1 tell about it in the cigar store.?Philadelphia Bulletin. Beginning Early. Caller (viewing new baby>?Do you think he is going to resemble his father? | Mother?I shouldn't be surprised. He keeps me up nights even now.? j | Boston Transcript Won't Leave Hubby. His wife is there At home. She does not care To roam. On summer trips she can but frown Provided hub must stay in town. She won't forsake Her mate; Prefers to bake And wait Why is she loath alone to rove? - Is it suspicion, or is it love? ?Louisville Courier-Journal. '' I Free! They're Free! We have a number of sample copies of Home & Farm for distribution. If vou are interested in your home or farm and you are not now a subscriber to this low-priced, valuable journal, call and get a copy. We would be glad to have your subscription. The price is only 25c. a year. The Dispatch. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE Apr. 2,1911 N. B. These schedule figures show the time that trains may be expected to arrive and depart, but the times stated are not guaranteed. DEPASTURES FROM LEXINGTON. NORTHBOUND. 10:18 A. M.?No. 8, daily for Columbia and intermedial e points conn eoting at Columbia for Spartanburg and Asheville. Parlor cafe car Colum- ] bia to Asheville._ Arrive Colum bia 10:50 a. m., Spartanburg 4:15 p. m., Asheville7:34 p. m. 5:44 P. M.?No. 132, daily for Colum-> bia, Washington and the East also oonnect3 at Columbia for Ashej ville. Through Pullman sleeping bar to New York. Pullman sleeping car Columbia to Asheville. Ar- ( rive Columbia 6.20 p. m., Washington 8:53 a. m., New York. 2:31 p. m. SOUTHBOUND. 8:58 A. M.?No. 131 daily for Augusta I and intermediate points. Arrive Augusta 11:35 a. m. Pullman car 5:44 P. M.?No. 7, daily for Augusta and intermediate points. Arrive Augusta 8:35 p. m. Summer excursion tickets now on sale. For further information call on ticket agents, or ' > E. H. Coajman, Washington, D. C, | H F. Cary, G. P. A., Washington, ^ ? * ** r V A /I T% A I l). u. j. li. meekt a. v*. r. a Atlanta, Ga. P. L. Jenkins T. P. -A Ansmsta. Ga. T t \ Shoes! Shoes! For Every Member of the Family. Our Standard Brands in Men'3 Shoes are as follows:? W..L. -ucugias, iuaea, waiKer & Wilde and Leonard, Shaw & Dean. Prices ranging from $3.50 to $i.00. , In onr high grade line are the Torrey andNettleton, which sell for $5.00, $5.50 and $6.00. I We a so handle tne very best grades of Ladies Shce9 that can be bought, for a reasonable sum. Come and see our Spring and Summer Stock. T. A. BOYNE, 1738 Main St.,Columbia,S. C. Opposite Post Office. Judge DeVore in the sessions court at Orangeburg on Tuesday fined ore blind tiger $2G0 and another $100. They were both white and had pleaded guilty. "U?ta.i vAr T.imif JJC1U1V J U U. icauu liXW JLJiiui? of physical endurance and while your condition is stil curaoie, take Foley Kidney Pills. Their quick action and positive results will delight you. For backache, nervousness, rheumatism, and all kidney, bladder and urinarj troubles. Kaulmarn Drug Co. Robert Chestnut was convicted on Saturday in Orangeburg of homicide in the killing of Will R. Sabin on April 25th of this year and was sentenced to 15 years in the state penitentiary. Chestnut's defense was that Sabin had been paying attention to his wife. The implicit confidence that many people have in Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is founded on their experience in the use of that remedy and their knowledge of the many remarkable cures of colic, diarrhoea and dysentery that it has effected For sale by All Dealers. J. B. Burdette, a blacksmith of Iva, Anderson county, died on Thursday from burns received when lighting his kitchen fire at his home. He poured the oil from a can on the kindling, and there was an explosion. A fierce Night Alarm is the hoarse, startling cough of a child, suddenly attacked by croup. Often it aroused Lewis Ohamblin, of Manchester, O., [R. R. No. 2] for their four children were greatly subject te croup. * 'Sometimes in severe attacks," ne wrote "we were afraid jhey wouid die, but since we proved wKata certain remedy Dr. King's New Discovery is, we have no fear. We rely on it for croup and for coughs, colds or any throat or lung trouble " So do thousands of others. So may you. Asthma, Hay Fever, LaGrippe, Whoopin^ Cough, Hemorrhages fly befoie it. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Sold by Kaufmann Drug Co. Pierce Allen, a white man, was convicted in a magistrate's court at Bingham, Florence county, on Thursday of stealing a dog from a farmer and was sentenced to the chaingang foi 30 days. A Great Advantage to Working Men. J. A. Maple, 125 S. 7th St.. Steuben ville, O., say9: "'For years I suffered from weak kidneys and a severe bladder trouble. I learned of Foley Kidney Pills aDd their wonderful cures so I negan taking tliem and sure enough I had as good results as any I heard about. My backache left me and to one of my business, expressman, (hat alone is a great advantage. My kidneys acted free and normal, and that saved me a lot of misery. It is now a pleasure to work where it used to be a misery. Foley Kidney Pills have cured me and have my highest praise." Kaofmann Drug Qo. S. H. McLean, tor the past three years passeng ?r and ticket agent for the Southern in Columbia, hap been promoted to the position of district passenger agent, with headquarters in Columbia. Common Colds Must Be Taken Seriously For unless cured they sap the vitality and lower the vital resistance to more serious infection. Protect your children and j ourself by the prompt use of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound and note its quick and decisive results. For coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, bronchitis and affections of the I throat chest and lungs it is an ever ready and valuable remedy. Kaufmann Drug Co. ; , ' ?? 1 Buford Young, a prominent young farmer of the Walnut Grove section < f Spartanburg county, was committed 'o jail orvThursday on the charge of attempted aesault en a 14-year-old giri of the neighborhood. Ho was j granted bail next day. ' i WE CARRY J(p EASTfl % KODAMSJFILMS, PAPER ? SHIPMENTS FREQ1 y INSURE ^ Send Us Your ^ THE R? E? BRYi || COLUMBJ John J. Cain is clearing: off the ground at the corner of Main and Lau el streets, Columbia, for a large f<.ur-8tory hotel, which is to cost from $90,000 to $100,000. Has Milli ins Of Friends. How would }ou like to number your friends by millions as Bucklen's Arnica Salve dots? Its astounding cures in the past forty years made them. Its the oest Salve in the world fnr sores, leers, eczema, burns, boils, scalds, cuts, corns, sore eyes, sprains, swelintrs, bruises, cold sores. Has no equal for piles. 2oe at Kautmann Drug Co. * J. P. Ouzts ha? been appointed by che president postmaster at Edgefield. Fruit Trees. Anyone wishing to buy J. Van Lindey Nursery Co., Pomona. N. C , fruit rees, nut trees, grape vines, straw>erries, raspberries blackberry, dewberry, shade trees, hedge plants, flow rs and everything in the nursery rock. Call or write Geo. W. Miller, Tilbert, S. C., Route 1, and I will -rw anH taVp vonr orders at once. Prices will please you. 53 Reports filed with the comptroller general by auditors of 24 counties show an increai-e of $3,500,000 in personal property for taxation and $1, ">00,000 in real property. Foley's Honey And Tar Compound Still retains its high place as the best naenoiQ renua) lur ail coughs and 0:ds, either for "hildren or grown persons. Prevents serious results from a old. Take only the genuine Foley's loney and Tar Compound, and refuse substitutes. Kaufmann Drug Co. The trouble with a lot of leaders is hat their crowds will not follow. Sterling Goods Sterling silver, cut glass, china, clocks. > A fine stoi k always on hand for you 1 select from. Keep us in mmd when wanting anything in Jewelry 03 Silverware. Good watch work and besi eye glasses. If you can't come, send foj our catalogue or telephoneyoui order to us. P. II. LACBICOTTB & CO.. JEWELEB8, , 1424 Main Columbia, S.C Phone 934 |M. D. HARMANl I DEALER IN | I General Merchandise j Staple Line 1 GROCERIES, CANNED 1 GOODS, HARDWARE, I ENAMEL WARE, TIN i WARE, ETC. - - i Lexington, - S. C. i n^BwaawwagaaHa?aa A FULL jf^ \ ^an m AND OTHER SUPPIES. || LJENT, j! iu rjtiLsn uuuua m* Order Today ^ AN COMPANY | [A, S. C. h p OUR PIES have found favor with everybody ?babes and men, the little girl in pinafores and her mother and her grandmother. They are of the :;fisweet, delicious, wholesome, sMjI\ melt-in-your-mouth kind, and 8 W$Jh we're anxious to have ^ou try 6 ?V3 a U ; r^j # them if vou don't know the pro ducts of" our ovens. If you do know we won't have to ask you. I REIOUNGEB'S STEAK BAKERY " COLUMBIA, S. C. ?^tnw??? ? MONOGRAM Flour Aclr Vahp Crn/>DP for "tfllTR IVfftlV r&iJXt A UUl VII V/VVX 1V/A. AVAVA'V OGRAM Flour. Insist on this brand Accept no Substitute. We guarantee Every Sack. T.B. Roach Provision Co. HEADQUARTERS FOR GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Plione 2446. 715 Gervais St. Columbia, S. C. COLOMBIA LUMBER m MFG. CO. MANUFACTURERS OF ? Sash, Doors and Blinds, Interior Finish, Pine, Cypress and Oak . . / t i Flooring, Ceiling, Weatherboarding, Moulding, Door / and Window Frames COLUMBIA : : SOUTH CAROLINA ' " ~ t \ 0 J. S. ROWELL, j Cotton Buyer, Lexington, S. C. I wish to announce to the farmers of Lexington County that I will buy cotton throughout the season, ] paying the highest market prices for same. Give me 1 a call before you sell. A call over phone No. 11 will | bring me down town. I j. o. numu, | LEXINGTON - S. C. | Parlor Restaurant, BEN DAVID, Proprietor, 1320 MAIN ST. 0pp. Palmetto National Bank COLUMBIA, S. C. Best cooking and finest Restaurant in Columbia. For Ladies and Gentlemen Special Rates by the Week. Keals at all Hours?Night or Bay A | II "Keystone" Reversible Ratchets B ffj 11 You'll make no mistake in buying this the best and onfy BBj ft COMBINATION made. Three Ratchets in one, taking: gfak Taper and Square Shank Drills?Long and Short Feed. NONE CHEAPER; ASK FOR PRICE. Wr COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO. Coiumb^S.C > \j? i?k w nn I# Klnnilir flnnn llnnn iuui juu iwfliij mm ncrc