The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, August 30, 1911, Image 3

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Itll fiffliWEBSSBB AS WELL AS large ones are welcome here? you need not wait until your business has assumed great proportions before opening a* Checking Aocount^po SO TO-DAY. Our patrons regardless of the amount of business done, receive every courtesy in all matters of business entrusted to us?and there is nothing in safe banking we cannot perform. Talk it over with our cashier. i CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK, * COLUMBIA, S. C. | % WA1CH AND JEWELRY /N For Watch and Jewelry Repairing/go to Beikman where^rouNare guaranteed first-class work at reasonable prices, Yonca^also safely entrust your eye troubles to me, as more than 30 years of practice in correcting all kinds of * defective vision entitles me to jour confidence, B, H. Berkman ESTABLISHED 1879. 1418 MAIN STREET, r%r\T tTKJT'DT A Q r? V>UJUVi!Ui^JLA? KJ. V. .30 YEARS EXPERIENCE. NEW PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPING CAR LINE Between ATLANTA AND MEMPHIS \ VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY and Frisco System Effective July 1, 1911 4.10 p. m. Lv ATLANTA Ar 12 40 p m 7 30 a. m. Ar MEMPHIS Lv 9.00 pun Making direct connections at Memphis for points West and con nection at Atlanta for points East. For detailed informationcall on near est Southern Railway ticket agent, or J L. Meek, A. G. P. A. Atlanta, Ga., F. L. Jenkins, T. P. A. Augusta, Ga. When a man bets and loses his money he attributes it to ill luck, bnt when he wins he attributes it to his j smartness. Piano and Organ Bargains One Hazleton Square Piano $57.00 One Stein way Square Piano $87.00 Both of the above pianos are in good order and can be exchanged in years to come towards new pianos. One Upright used $350 Piano for only $187. One Brand New Manthushek $550 Piano for only $115. Providence ha9 smiled od you with refreshing showers. Parents should now smile on their children and supply them with a beautiful, sweet-toned Upright Piano which can be had from $225 up, on easy terms at the old established Malone's Music House 1428 Main St., ColumDia, s. u. Write us for catalogs, terms and prices on Pianos and Organs. Free! They're Free! We have a number of sample copies of Home & Farm for distribution. If yon are interested in your home or farm and yon are not now a subscriber to this low-priced, valuable journal, all and get a oopy. We would be glad to have your subscription.* The price is only 25c. a year. The Dispatch. -h rfWHEN YOU YAWN A GOOD DEAL la the day time, and feel dull, lazy and discouraged, you have every symptom of a torpid liver. Simmons Red Z Liver Regnlatftf ^Tfip Powder Form) is a fine tonic for a disordered liver. It acts promptly. The bilious impurities which have interfered with the free action of the liver are driven out, the stomach is cleansed and strengthened so that it can more thoroughly digest food. The bowels are purified and a regular habit re-established. It is a splendid medicine for the whole system, Promotes a feeling of energy, mental activity and cheerful spirits. Sold by Dealers. Price, large package, $1.00 Ask for the genuine with the Bed Z on the label. I! yoo cannot get it, remit to n?, we will tend by mai 1 postpaid. Simmons Liter Regulator is also pot op in iqoid form for those who prefer it. Price, $1.00 per bottle. Look for the Bed Z label. !. H. ZEIUN t CO., Prop&, St Louis, Mo. ? - 1 Ginnery Notice. The Lexington Ginnery upon notice will gin your cotton any day after August 23rd. H. D. Lybrand, Mgr. | > > A woman purre at being called a cat] i The man of the hour never has one minute to spare. - Town Lots For Sale. Desirable building lots in the town of Swansea, S. C., for sale on easy terms and at reasonable prices. Apr ply quick to D. H. ^awson, Gaston, S. 0., R. F. D. 1. tf ? SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHEDULE EFFE TlvE Apr. 2,1911 N. B. These schedule figures show the time that trains may be expected to arrive and depart, but the times stated are not guaranteed. DEPARTURES FROM LEXINGTON. NORTHBOUND. 10:18 A. M.?No. 8, daily for Columbia and intermediate points connecting at Columbia for Spartanburg and AsVifivillft. Parlor c&fe car Colnm bia to Asheville. Arrive Columbia 10:50 a. m.j' Spartanburg 4:15 p. el, Asheville7:34 p. m. 5:44 P.M.?No. 132, daily for Colum "bia, Washington and the East also connects at Columbia for Asheville. Through Pullman sleeping car to New York. Pullman sleeping car Columbia to Asheville. Arrive Columbia 6:20 p. m., Washington 8:63 a. m., New York. 2:31 p. m. SOUTHBOUND. % 8:58 A. M.?No. 131 daily foi* Augusta and intermediate points. Arrive Augusta 11:35 a. m. Pullman car. 5:44 P. M.?No. 7, daily for Augusta and intermediate points. Arrive Augusta 8:55 p. m. Summer excursion tickets now on sale. For further information call on ticket agents, or E. H. Coapman, Washington, D. C, H. F. Cary, G. P. A., Washington, . D. 0. J. L. Meek, A. G. P. A Atlanta. Ga. F. L. Jenkins T. P. A Augusta, Ga. AUTOMATIC NEW ACME Dependable BALL-BEARING Warranted for 10 Years Against all Defects lv9B IBBttSSgi A High At ui Dependable SEWING MACHINE Ja every respect a Good, Durable i Family Machine. Every one Sold With an Unqualified Guarantee. Price: the lowest?Cash or Installments Rice B. Herman, Lexington, S. C. All 1_ _ T*_ 1 tiettiiiiiy, rrcssmy and Dyeing. The Lexington Pressing Clnb is ready to do your spring cleaning, pressing, dyeing, etc. We have# competent force and all work pronfptly and neatly done. Let ns fix np that old last year's Panama for yon. We make a specialty of this class of work. Lexington Pressing Clnb. Lem Sox, Manager. I Catches Fish with Nose. New Orleans, August 29.?Attei dants at the charity hospital here werconsiderably astonished ye t rdav, when J. H. Barr walked into that institution with a nice catfish hanging from his nose. Barr had been fishing in Lake Pontcbartrain. He felt a nibble and yanked his line so \igorou9ly that the hook with the fish attached hurled through the air and penetrated his nose. Unable to free himself, Barr Wu8 forced to board the train and go the seven miles before being relieved. Autumn Reflections. The days of the straw hat are numbered. It felt today as if that cool wave is coming yet. Green fields in winter mean prosperity to the farmer. It's up to the county fairs to decide about the success of the year's pumpkin crop. With congress and the Georgia legislature adjourned, cool weather should be here to stay. The last of the summer bats are going over the counter at midsummer reduction sales. $100 REWARD, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catairh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh beiDg a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereoy destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doin sr its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address: F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family'Pills for constipation. Obituary. Erney Georgy, daughter of Glover Day and wife, born October 23, 1909, and died September 27, 1911, making her age 1 year, 11 months and 4 days. Shall love with each embrace, Thy heavenward wiag detain; No angel seeK thy place, Amid heaven's cherub train. A. R. T. Never in the history of civilization has there been a gpeater premium on well trained minds than at the present time. Never were business entergrises conducted on a greater scale or required more skillful management. Mediocrity of indifferent service will no longer be tolerated. The young man or woman must be able to do the work required by this exacting age or give way to those who can. We have the facilities for supplying what the busin >ss world demands. Our course of study is modern, our teachers are earnest, zealous and practical, and our appointments firstclass We cannot expect to 9ecure nor deserve the patronage of the public unless we do thorough work, for the success of our school depends upon the success of our graduates. There is no time like the present. ImDrove the present and you assure the future. Address C. J. Richards, President. The Richards Business College Savanhah, Ga. * Notice, Bridge Builders SUPERVISOR'S OFFICE, Lexington, S. C., Aug. 8, 1911. The Legislature of South Carolina, at its last session, having authorized the Supervisor and County Commissioners of Lexington County, S. C., to contract for, and have erected, a free bridge ever Saluda River, near Amick's Ferry, with the necessary approaches and embankments, etc.; and at the same time levied a tax to pay for the same, NOTICE is hereby given that the various bridge builders are invited to send their engineers to the 9ite of the proposed bridge, and submit sealed bids for the erection of the same, to the County Board of Commissioners for Lexington County, S. 0., at Lexington, S. C., at before the first Monday fthe 4th day) of September, J 911, at which time said bids will be opened and considered. L. J. Langfora, Supervisor, James Canghman, J' o. W. Smith, County Commissioners. Land for Sale. I have one hundred and twentythree (123) acres of good, strong land that I will sell within a short time at $10 per acre Cash. This place ha? 23 acres open land that will rent for 700 or 800 lb9. of lint cotton, and the turpentine timber tints for $100.00 per year. This is the'cheapest piece of land ever offered for sale, and mast be sold, $10 per aore Cash, or $11 per acre; one-half cash, balance twelve months from date. Call to see me at onoe. A. B. SUMMER, Aug 23?4w45 Chipin, S. 0. SHE COULD SHOUT Mrs. John W. Pitchford of Aspen, N. C. I will alwpys u^e Hunt's Cure for j itching trouble, and tell all I see about it. I could shout now to know that we are ail well of that dreadful trouble I The first of last fail my little boy broke out with some kind of itching trouble. Thinbintr his hlnnrl wan had. T fi'ave him a blood tonic, but he got worse and could not sleep at night. Some said he had itch and told me what was good for it. I used what people said was good for it but it did no good. My other two children and myself touk the disease from him in January, 1911. J I saw Hunt's Cure advertised and I purchased a 50c box. It helped my little boy so much I got a box for each of the family, and now we are all well of that awful trouble. Hunt's Cure will cure itch in a short time if you will go by directions. We had it in its worse form and used Hunt's Cure and are now all well. Thanks to A. P. Richards Medicine Co., of Sherman, Texas, manufacturers of such healing medicine. Mrs. J. W. Pitchford, Aspen, N. C. Sold by, J. R. Langford, Swansea, S C W. A. Oxner, Gilbert, S. C. Kaufmann Drug Co. Lexingtoif S. C. Some women think they have poise when in reality it i- avoirdupoise. AN OLD ADAGE OAVO A light purse Is a heavy curse" Sickness makes a light purse. ! The LIVER is the seat of nine tenths of all disease. Wills go to the root of the whole matter, thoroughly, quickly safely and restore the action of the LIVER to normal condition. Give tone to the system and solid flesh to the body. Take No Substitute. Sterling Goods Sterling silver, cut glass, fi..e china, clocks.' A fine stoi k always on hand for you t select from. Keep us in mmd when wanting anything in Jenelry oj Silverware. Good watch work and best eye glasses. If you can't come, send foj our catalogue or telephoneyouj order to us. x n ii i \ ruiMTrrn ft rn i . n. u/iiiiiuui i iii OD uiFii JKWFLFR8. 1424 Main Columbia, S.C Phone 934 Blackberry Balsam Compound For Diarrhea, Dysentery, Cramps, Colic and other forms of Summer Complaints. Natures Remedy. 25 cents a bottle ?ATKAUFMANN DRUG CO. Lexington, S. C. This Is C.D.KennyCo's, Space / Think of them for good Coffee, Teas, Sugar Etc. Prices Always Right. 1639 Main Street, Phone 157. Columbia, S. C. k [CASE AUTOMOBILES I ' ^ B CASE AUTOMOBILES BUILT WITH FAMOUS PIERCE ENGINE ?The Silent Wonder.? | Write for Catalog and Specifications. The National Motor S Into Supply Company, I j Box 273, Aiken, South Carolina. ! i MONOGRAM - Jb lour Ask Youp Grocer Sor "OUR MONOGRAM Flour. Insist on this brand Accept no Substitute. We guar antee Every Saek. T. B. Roach Provision Co. HEADQUARTERS FOR GRAIN A NO PROVISIONS i ^Phone 2446. 715 Gervais St. Columbia, S. C. Columbia Lumber ' & Manufact'g Co. ? MANUFACTURERS OF O ? Sash, Poors and Blinds, Inferior Finish, Pine, Cypress and Oak Flooring, Ceiling, Weatherboarding, Moulding, Door and Window Frames COLUMBIA : : SOUTH CAROLINA ^ BBaBHManHBnMnaHHBanKHBnmnBnMHannBaDDBannnHHDnM J. S. ROWELL, Cotton Buyerg Lexingtons S. C. I wish to announce to the farmers of Lexington County that I will buy cotton throughout the season, paying the highest market prices for same. Give me a call before you sell. A call over phone No. 11 will > bring me down town. S. ROWELL, LEXINGTON - S. C. Parlor Restaurant, BEN DAVID, Proprietor, 1320 Mill ST. 0pp. Palmatto National Bank COLOMBIA, S. C. a Best cooking and finest Restaurant in Columbia. For Ladies and Gentlemen Special Rates by the Week. Heals at all Honrs?Night or Day