The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, August 09, 1911, Image 8

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| 1 "> 2V*U Oo tb'Hshry Brag Store, Ohapin, S. C.,tohaveyour eyes tested for glasses. Examination free. We also handle a foil line of drugs, patent medicines, jewelry, paints, etc. - ,r-. - - -iv .. rssrciL and scxssqbs. Mise Annie Lon Taylor has returned from * very pleasant visit to Miss Lessie Hook and other acquaintances near Brookland. Misi Annie Sarah Griffith, of Ed mund, has accepted a position wicn the department store of W. P. Roof. . Mrs. W, P. Roof and Mr. W. P. Roof, Jr., have returned from a delightful stay on Sullivan's Island. Mr. and Mrs. Karl A. Roof, of Columbia, spent the week-end with relatives here. . Mr. J. G. Boozer, a popular merchant at Saxe-Gotha and as honest as 'the days are long, was in town yestertiay awiLgave us a pleasant and profitable call. Mr. J. S. Dooje^ a leading farmer of zoofe 4, and a^Sghty good citizen, has onr thanks for his dollar for another year's snbscription. Hon. W. H. Sbarpe, of Edmund' yraa in town Monday on legal business. TELEPHONES AND SUPPLIES? Wire and line material, latest and best equipped party lines for sale Ly 38 Sam'l. b. George 3Lj. W. Westmoreland, of Samaria, one .of the best men in the county, * spent Sunday night in Lexington, leaving Monday morning on a business trip to Columbia. / ? Miss Ella Berfoot, a charming young lady of Columbia, has been the ^gu esc of Miss Hattie Shealy for several days. Cakes and crackers, the best selec; tions, at the lowest prices, the Bazaar. Say, please don't forget us for we realljr do need that dollar for yonr paper. Mrs. W D. B'oom and Httle daugh, ter, of Wilmington, N. C., are visiting Mr. and M s. A. Mrrks. Buy your stati m< ry?box paper, ink and pencil tablets, pens, ink, etc., at : Harman's Bazaar. Complete stock. Fineules cures Kidney and Bladder diseases. Thirty days treatment 75c tf . . . Kaufman n Drug Co. * -1 A 11 l_ iJrmg us your joo wora. au wora executed in a skillful manner on short notice. Mail orders receive prompt and careful attention. The Dispatch. We want YOU to be one of 2000 visitors to THE LAND OF WATERFALLS; write fojf Booklet BOARD of TRADE; Brevard, N. 0. ilp. Jolly James Langford, of Leesville, a member of the county regristration. board, was here Monday. Mr. Hayes, of Summit, a member of the oouaty registration board, was in town Monday. M Yon Wish to Sell That farm, timber land, store or residence, write us at :? J a *-.11 J once ana Beau IUU uesunpnuu no wo have an attractive proposition to offer yon. 48 LIGON LAND CO., Srnnter, S. C. Mr. E. T. Raucb, a leading citizen of tbe Fork, was here Monday on business. Mr. W. L. Addy, for sixteen years the popular mail cariier on route three Gilbert, w> b in town yesterday and paid us a pleasant call. x Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bickley, of the Fork, spent Saturday and Sunday with friends here. Mr. Bennie Harman, one of the popular clerks at W. P. Roofs, together with his family, is spending his vacation with relatives in the Fork. J. O. Sharpe, of Pelion, has been awarded a scholarship in .Olemson College. Prof. O^rus L. Shealy spent last week in Waiterboro and Charleston. Ml. o <1 Mrs "R R Bar of Trmo. spent je?terday in Lexington. Mr? and Mrs. B .rre have recently returned from a delightful thirty cays' trip throagh the We , visiting Seattle, Wash., Minneappolia, San Francisco, Oakland, Chicago, Salt Lake City, the home of Brigham Young, and many other points of interest. The trip covWAA ofoffto ans? TFOQ an. Ct CU Itn CUIJ "UUioc OWVCO) uuu nao vu joyed greatly. Your Health is too precious to take any chances, and we hope for your own protection and benefit that you will indelibly fix in your mind tne advisability of seeing qui ikiy and considering seriously the purchase of a Standard Central Needlo Sewing Machine. As you know when buying a sewing machine health is of tenfold greater importance than a-1 other feat ores. The Standard Botary Central Needle is the only machine we know to be utte ly free from criticism by physicians. Ask your doctor about it and then call at Scott Hendrix'a Furniture Store and let me give yon reasons why yon should see and buy the world's best sewing machine. ? Ohas. B. Taylor I ...... V The best line of fishing tackle -eVerv'J shown in Lexington, including pi les, hooklines, bobs, and every 1 ing in the fishing tackle line, can be found at the lowest prices at Harman's Bazaar. Misses Martie Boyle, of Sumter and Mary Weets of Pinewooc, are the very attractive guests of Miss Ernestine Barre On College Hill. Miss Bertie Lucas, of Aiken, Miss i Louise Hohnan, of St. Mathews, and Misses Inez Reeder and Annie Sarah Griffith of Edmund, are the guests of Mrs. Karl F. Oswald. Mrs. Chas. A. Geiger and Mrs. .Pauline Hendrix are spending some time in Asheville, N. C. Mrs. J. C., Shepherd, of the Cross B>ads, spent the week-end with hi r relatives here. Mrs. B. D. Clarke and Miss Pearle Clarke spant the week-end with relatives in Leesville. Miss Eva Crews, the brilliant society editor of the Spartanburg Journal and one of tne most charming young women in the State, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. C. M. Efird, on South Main street. % OaDt. G. A. Lucas, of Aiken, has been a business visitor here this week. Mr. Julian P. Meetze has returned from an extended trip out west. Mr. Meetze wa9 very much pleased wiib his travels. If yon want to enjoy the best 'cue of the season, attend Iocr Hayes' big 'cue on August 12th. Everybody should join the merry crowd that will be at Ioor Hayes' cue on August 12th. Mr. Henry E. Harman, of Atlanta, epent a few days with his mother, Mrs. Frank Harm an, near Wyse's Ferry last week. Miss Hattie Harman was the guest of Miss Pearl Stuart last week. Miss Pearl Staart spent the week-end with Miss Hattie Harman in the Peter's section. Mr. J. W. Staart and Mr. P. L. Helms, of Columbia, were the guests of the Misses Stuarr Sunday. Miss Martha Hendrix Caughman is the guest of Mrs. J. T. Harth at H09 Taylor Street, Columbia. Mrs. T. P. Meetze, little Miss Sarah Meetze and Mrs. Lizzie Boozer left to day for a visit to relatives in the Piney Woods tection of the Fork. Postmaster and Mrs. S. J. Leaphart left this morning for 6lenn Springs, where Mr. Leaphart will preside over the 7th annual convention of the South Carolina Postmasters' association of which he is president. Little Sarah, Maria, Abram Stork Jr., of Columbia, has returned home after a visit of several days to Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Wingard. Miss Lola Roof, little sister Anna Lou, of Columbia, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. M S. Wingard last week. . SHE GOULD SHOUT Mrs. John W. Pitchford of Aspen, N. C. I will always use Hunt's Cure for itching trouble, and tell all I see about it. I could snout now to .know that we are all well of that dreadful trouble The first of last fail my little boy broke out with some kind of itching trouble. Thinking his blood was bad, I gave him a blood tonic, but he got worse and could not sleep at night. Some said he hdd itch and told me what was good for it. I used what people said was good for it but it did no good. My other two children and myself took the disease from him in January, 1911. I saw Hunt's Cure advertised and I purchased a 50c box. It helped . my little boy so much I got a box for each of the family, and now we are all well of that awful trouble. Hunt's Cure will cure itch in a short time if yon trin crr\ Kn>/1irQnfiAnQ Wa hofl it", in YV11X UJ V*AAVVV?VUO? TV V UMVk AW ? its worse form aDd used Hunt's Cure and are now all well. Thanks to A. P. Richards Medicine Co., of Sherman, Texas, manufacture ers of such healing medicine. Mrs. J. W. Pitchford, Aspen, N. C. Sold by, J. R. Langford, Swansea, S C W. A. O^ner, Gilbert, S. C. Kaufmann Drug Co. Lexington S. C. BARBECUE. I will furnish a first class barbecue at Irmo, August 12. Everybody come and get a good dinner. 40pd F. W. Derrick. New Victors A XTCiinnltr nf 4"V\ n T i^cw ouppij \ji uic juatcai and Most . Popular Double Faced Victor Records, Needles and Graphophones. Kaufmann Drug Co Lexington, S. C. Big Cleai lines you will fir and wonderful put off coming bi We will make y< E. G. Ore OUTFITTERS FC */> <* t.. Lexingi O $10.60 ROUND TRIP LEXII : ' Washing THE NATIO Aunual Summer Excur Southe Special Train consisting of firstclass thern Railway Dining Car Service, v without change as follows: Lv. Augusta 2.45 p. m. Wede Lv. Lexington 5.22 p. m. Lv. Columbia 6.05 p. m. Ar. Waningtun 8.30 a. m. Augui There will also be very 1 places, Health ai Tickets limited to reach original sf For detailed information, Pullman agent or write to J. S. ROWELL, T. A., Lexington E. H. COAPMAN, V. P. & G. M Washington, D. C. Columbi & Manu MANUKA Sash. Doors am C ) Finish, Pine, Flooring, Ceiling, Weath* and Win nATTTlinTA tiULUiVIDIA i ranee Sale i ' . Before we > open up our Fall line we will put on sale at prices that will move them our remaining stock of L Spring and Summer & C l'o t h i n g Shoes, Hats j^Jl and Underwear. "W In these Ld some fine values bargains. Do not nf. nnmft this week. Mi V w .1 - - ? our visit profitable her & Co. >R MEN AND BOYS 'ON, S. C. 17 Days LIMIT UCTON ?TO? ton, D. C. NAL CAPITAL sion Wednesday Aug. 16 x*n Ry? coache3, Pullman Sleeping Cars and Sourill be operated through to Washington >sday, Aug. 16 Round Trip Fare $12.75 10.60 at 17, 1911. low rates to other attractive ldl Pleasure Resorts. parting poiDt on or before September 2, 11. reservations, etc., all nearest So. ticket F. L. JENKINS, T. P. A., Augusta -r -r % rn nrr a n n a J. Li. jyiLiLjlL, A. VT. jr. A., Atlanta, Ga. i ?????? ^ T .. K a JL/uinuci fact'g Co. CTURERS OF I Blinds, Interior ? " _ W _ uypress ano uan jrboarding, Moulding, Door dow Frames : SOUTH CAROLINA fHHaaom 1704-1706 MAIN ST., < The Great Auaust I u Every Item in it than the Cost o This Sale gets ri< and Ends for u same time gives ers the greatest found : : r* A A TT" ^ TT /"I fTHT^ T\ A $Z/..">U AA MUNIS1J1K AH 18.50 BODY BRUSSELS / 7.00 INGRAIN ART S( 50 LADIES LINEN COAr REGULAR $1( 20 ODD SUITS WORTH GOLD L 50 PIECES COL'D SHEAF SOLD AT 10 C 20 PIECES SILKF FOULA] 50 FINE WHITE SPREA1 90-INCH LINEN SHEET] 50 Doz LARGE TOWEL5 SUITING 20 PIECES, ALL COLOR! 36 INCH, ALL WOOL, 20 Pieces 52-IN MOHAIR I SKIRTS! 50 FINE CHIFFONPANA NEW STYLES, WORTH EACH. FOR THIS S^ CLOTHING AN 50 FINE SUITS, REG. PB YOUR C H BT ~ wrnmmmmmKmm ^ ^ ! ' *" 1KB H 9 j Fox* tKe | Axxd Ki To those sutlerlng Iron Hon, Loss of Appetite, or 2 the Liver or Kidneys, we i J of a bottle. Relief is imm< efficacy in these disorders ? and unquestionable. Hunc 2 bear evidence of its merits ulatorof the whole syste nn.lltac fho hlnnirl 21 UUUJ) puiAUV^ UIV UMVTV/U) u 8 smooth and clear, or, as hs remarked by those using smooth and fresh like that 8 men and children no medic its mild and certain effects Cn? Coin of VnilP npiifinictQ In 95 I Ul UU10 Ul 1UUI Luuyyiuiu w mu 8 Prepared : Life Medicine 8 COLUMBIA,! | s Compai { Hee?leeHHeeeeeeeeeeetti COLUMBIA, S. C. I Clparanrp .Sale 1 IJlUUl U11UU uuiu | ie Store Less * I f Production. I A of the Odds *1 s and at the 4 I our Custom- I values to be I M MMaBHnBBMWMBMMBHBB lt squares $18.95 i 1rt squares 12.98 . i )uares 4.25 i r suits 5.00 | ) values m $5 & $6, only 2.00 i AWNS t FIGURED LAWNS ' I :ENTS, ONLY 5c RDsoldat 25conlyl2ic I OS $1, ONLY 89c I ING $1, ONLY 79c i $1.50 Doz only 98c^. j SERGES I A \TT\ 1\T A /ITT I^HH > AINU JtJLACilv VM 60c., ONLY 47 l-2c ' IS 65c Val. only 47 l-2c 8 I SKIRTS! II MA SKIRTS II [ $6 TO$7 || T I? nXTT V A OS B LJJJU VXlJLfl T./49 g D FURNI'CS I LICE $18, I HOICE AT 10.85 , I il/fcO;ML9S i| ' l^iirei* |l Ldneys jl _______________ i Dyspepsia, inoiges- jn any derangement ot ivould urge the trial, edlate and sure. Its { ! Is fully established ffl [reds ot testimonials 9 ; It is a perfect reg- ?HI m; it gives vigor o^ jH nd renders the skin ? is been many times ii, "makes the skin SH of a child." For woine can equal it for c, 50c and $1.00 ? Company 9 *?? ?* I my9 Agts.' ? i>mnB