?B0F2S320tfAL CABDS. DE. G. E. HAEDING, THE OLD and tried dentist, iir-at his office doing good wors at moderate prices. Call to see him don't wait. Near Hyatt's Park, COLUMBIA, s. C Branch Office 1521, Main street, over Hinard's clothing store, Columbia, s. C. >. Db. p. o. gelmore, dentist., 1510 Main Street, COLUMBIA, S. 0. Qfrxos Houm: a a. m. to 2 p. m? an iiom f- 8 to o p. m. . . vWM. W. HAWBS, ] fr Attorney and Counselor at Law. StfW BBOOKLUSD. S. 0. ^fraodoe in all Courts.,. Business solicited. HoTwfter 1. wot. ? " DR. L. L. TOOLE, Dentist 6018 Main St. : Columbia, S. C, ' OFFICE HOURS: 0 A. M..5 P. M. * .?. L ? 0. X. SFXED. F. X. IMT4LV. EFIBD & DREHBR, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LEXINGTON 0. H.. S. C. Will practice in ail the Courts. Business solicited. One member of the Arm will al' wbe at office, Lexinsrton. 8.0. 3 . JH. FRIOK, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OHAPIN, & 0. r Office: Hotel Marion, 4th Boom, Second Floor, Will practice in all the Courts. Robert moorman. Attorney-at-Law, Admitted to Practice in all uoarcs ia4iiiia Carolina National Bank Building, COLUMBIA, S. C. i % | BAY F. SOX, Ly DENTIST. J HMroND, Lexington County, S. C. ,7 : I tzn ff^JRMOND & TIMMERMAN, | X ATTORNEYS AT LAW, PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS, Ritizens' Bank B'ld5g, Batesburg, S. 0. f We wW be pleased to meet those haying lei |?1 business to be attended to at our office w'Qhe Citizens' Bank Building at any time. Respectfully, >. Wm. THURMOND. Q. BELL TItfMEBMAN. [ - J Albert m. boozer, ATTORNEY AT LAW, I COLUMBIA, 8. 0. Oryxes: IK* Main Street, upstairs, opposite Van Metre's Furniture StoreEspecial attention riven to business entrust- . td to him by his fellow citizens of Lexington county. . ?? { t|r. d. l. hall, V dentist columbia, s. 0. Lutheran Publication Building,. 1626 Main St. / Office hours 8 a. m.. to 5:30 p.'m 060*23.1907--6m r ' * DR- C. J. QLiVERQS, 1424 marion ST., NUUjP? 'Columbia, s. o. \i Is prepared to treat all troubles of Eye. Ear, Nose, Throat and Langs. The fit of Spectacles Guaranteed. IV . J ? f B. F. JONES, a. D. V. # Graduate Veterinarian. Out-of-town calls promptly attended to i COLUMBIA, S. Cr ?^ lliaw Offices, ( Residence/1529 R i 209 Washington < Pendleton Street. I Street. ( i Office Telephone No. 1372. I Residence Telephone No. 1086. WBOYD EVANS, LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR. ; Columbia. S. 0. WSElTEiSFiLLI DIAMOND BRAND v* Jk jf %<, toadies t Ask yoor Drurrfrt for CHI-CHES-TSR'S A DIAMOND BRAND PILLS in Red and/j\ ( ?old metallic boxes, scaled with Blue\Oy r-Rfbbon. Taks XO other. Buyer your V/ ud ask tar CHI-CHES-TEIi 9 V iiMOND BRAN3 PILLS, for tweuty-nvQ * regarded as Best, Safest, Alwavs Reliable, ILD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ??, EVERYWHERE IT AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD. L Wxnslow's Soothing Sitlup has been or over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS o! IERS for their CHILDREN WHILE HING, with PERFECT SUCCESS. IT HES the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS. YS all PAIN; CURES WIND COLIC, and best remedy for DIARRHOEA. It is ably harmless. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. dw's Soothing Syrup," and take no other Twenty-five cents a bottle. rbecue at Pine Ridge, ill famish a Firstclass Barbecue Refreshments at Pine Ridge, on jcond Saturday in August, 12th. speakers will be present to dis;fce issues of the day. ubKc cordially incited. 0 T. F. SHEALY. en you are in need of Job Work figure with you. H writes Mrs. Ethel Newlin, 11 j i HJ of Liberty Center, Inc., || I j|| 4'that I began to take Car- 1| * g| dui, for it has cured me, || I J? and I will never forget it || i PI "I cannot praise Cardui i| f H too highly for what it did lg| I 53 for me. Before I besan $1 ) Ito take it, I was very Ig i bad color, suffered great || ^ pain and weighed only || \ 105 pounds. Now I have gg l a good color, do not suffer B i and weigh. 125 lbs." 9 j The Woman's'Tonic;: . \ I Beware of strong, nox- B * ious, mineral drugs, that fm z sink- into your system, H .J like lead to the bottom-of n 1 a basin of water. g| t Cardui is purely vege- ?1 t table and contains no || i minArqlp r\ f? HMB f I ^|| puidunuuo iiuti^iaiO} vi nra| , , WA dangerous drugs. |f| t & It is perfectly safe and 5| e || harmless, for use by old m * ||[ and young, and may be ||? [ 8?j taken, as a tonic, for Kg ^ SI months, without any possi- H e |g ble harmful effect Try it H ? ' I j0Li?ei?y j THE JEWELER e 6 1508 Main St., Columbia, S. C. 6 i REPAIRS j WATCHES I "5 AND ? 6 JEWELRY'{ C Hakes Them fieod as New ? 0 MEDALS I v ASD , j ninrim t 6 Manufactured In Our Own ? Shops for Schools and Other Purposes. ? I ? t AVERY, The Jeweler g 1508 Main St., Columbia, S. C g (5 i b 0 i nrru?ri?>i no f?BctTr?vi?rr.iTiii??c:amiiiifr ! c | icc(cu:iLUdOiiCHicdiOLninoir>Hi.'ninc " If rou want either a Vibrating Shut tie. Rotary 1 Shuttle or a Single Thread [Chain Stitch] 7 Sewing Machine write to 7 THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE COMPANY ? Orange* Mass. 7 Uar?r sewing machines are made to sell regard less cf 7 Quality, 'jvt the 3XCW Home is made t<> v/ear. r. Our guaranty never runs out. ? X?y authorized dealcra only. '?2 ^ " 7 G.W. LINDLER, ; Chapin, S. C.. j Has an up-to-date line of ' COFFINS AND CASKETS * " On hand* at prices to suit everybody. Prices range from $1.50 up to $50.0C, Oall on me and I will save you money. I am prepared to furnish a hearse whenever desired in connection with my undertaking business Jan. 1?ly Treasurers Report (Continued from Page 6) >62 Rosa Lukes " - 25 00 >63 Geo Butler 44 18 50 >64 Geo Taylor Rent 1 50 >65 W E Black . 352 00 >66 O K Bedenbaugh 44 16 10 .67 R Quattlbam 44 35 00 >68 44 44 29 75 ;69 Lei a Fulmer 11 30 00 >70 Carrie R Werts 44 40 00 >7l 44 44 44 40 00 >72 44 44 44 40 00 73 Richard Parker 44 75 00 74 Caroline Seabr'k 44 40 00 75 Daisy Hawes 44 40 00 76 Mem a R Riley " 40 00 77 Mrs May Kreps 44 40 00 78 Rebecca Gadsden 44 25 00 79 MrsSPHolladay 44 40 00 80 * 44 44 40 00 31 Ethel Eleazer 44 40 15 82 44 44 44 40 15 83 J F Bowman 44 9 00 84 Mae Amick " 40 00 85 C G Kibler 44 05 00 86 Olive Hatiwngr 44 40 00 87 Clora A Dukes 44 40 00 88 Nat Bnk Leesv scli bldg 12,500 00 89 J W Shcalj Tech 44 0 0 00 90 44 44 44 60 00 >91 Maggie Coclirane " 30 ?>0 >92 Mrs J C Counts 44 45 00 >93 Katie Shuler 44 70 CO >94 R G Able Libry & Bk case 40 00 >95 Ruth Taylor Teaching 40 00 >96 Mrs L Maynsrd 44 37 00 >97 W E Long 44 68 75 >98 P J Corley 44 25 00 >99 44 44 ' 44 *25 00 100 44 44 44 25 00 >01 Mary Gallman 44 30 (0 >02 Mary Gardener 44 1 5o >03 J W Drake 4* 65 00 >04 Gertrude Johnson4 4 4 5 00 >05 Susie Dunbar 44 50 00 >06 J P Harman 44 3 5 00 >07 44 44 44 6 92 >08 J E Pv Kyzer 44 42 50 >09 Edna L Atson >44 30 CO no " < " ,30 00 111 " 44 44 15 00 112 44 ?? ?< 25 00 113 Bertha Kleckley 44 50 00 114 44 41 44 50 00 115 41 " 44 40 65 116 Sudelia Kleckley 44 47 50 117 Sodella Kleckley 14 45 00 ;18 Sodella Kleckley 44 45 00 HO J Frank Kyzer 44 60 00 120 Carrie Morgan 44 40 00 121 W E Titley 44 12 50 ;22 W E Titley J4 25 00 123 W E Titley | 12 50 24 Sam I J Derrick " 60 00 125 Curtis Weimorts 50 00 126 T S Shealy 44 47 50 27 Dora Reamon 44 50 00 128 Dora Redmon 44 9 20 129 Doro Redmon fuel 1 50 >30 Q S Hutchinson teaching 40 00 ? "t (I |A Art kJi Jb&uie uromer ?v w 32 .Lot-tie Cromer 44 40 00 133 Hattie Cromer 44 40 00 134 Hattie Cromer " 40 00 135 H L Harman 11 60 00 >16 Walter R Bowman 44 39 00 37 RosaBFaliaw 44 40 00 38 Cape Holms rent 6 25 39 I) Luther Shealy teaching 33 00 10 P B Adams 44 50 00 41 LelaPulmer 4 4 30 00 42 Lela Fulmer 44 20 74 43 Estelle Harman 44 4 0 00 44 R E Shealy 44 75 00 45 H J Rains 44 57 70 45 Sarah E Quattlebaam " 10 50 47 Ella J Ly brand 44 ?. 30 00 48 Linnie C Baohman 44 75 00 40 E U Shealy 44 3 2 00 50 J RFuimer 44 25 00 51 Caroline E Seabrook 44 2 00 52 Richard Parker' 44 3 75 53 Mrs Mae Kreps * a uu 54 Merna R Riley 44 2 00 55 Harsy Hawes 44 2 00 58 Rebecca Gadsden 44 7 50 57 Natl Bank, LeesYille 44 65 00 58 J G Sharpe 44 75 00 59 J V Smith 44 40 00 60 OG Williams 44 70 00 61 Argent Skinner 44 50 00 62 Elvira L Julie 44 30 00 63 Onarlotte Singleton 44 50 00 64 J 0 Singley 44 60 00 65 T S Sease building 100 oo 66 S R Bates teaching 3o oo 67 S R Bates 44 15 oo 68 Sue H Corley 44 0o oo 69 R E Shealy furniture 12 98 To Lessie M Quatlebum teacli'g 93 oo 71 Mrs Lizzie ifoumans 44 35 oo 72 Curtis Weimorts 44 51 oo 73 Es telle Buster 44 io oo ' f < >. 11 UiiqIlik u rvnarohl J 1 7 A 4 1 iZ/3lCXiC JlJ UO j * v 75 MaeAmick teaching 4o oj 76 A.It Taylor fuel 6 o 77 Mincy R Pound teaching 42 < o 78 A D Martin trav ex 15 5o 79 Maggie Cochran teaching 42 oo 50 ? VV June 44 6 99 51 Llewellyn Zeigler (e 59 45 82 Jtt F Dayis fuel 7 5o S3 Mary Tiiompson teaching 22 5o 84 E&telle Cline 15 oo So J (J Reynolds fuel etc 18 8o 86 H K Williams teaching 43 25 37 Willie H Derrick 44 7o oo S3 G A1 Harmau advertising 1 oo 89 W E Black principi 44 152 5 j 90 Luther Haliman et al buldg 124 34 91 Annie Lou Taylor teaching 35 oo 92 Vatethea Oswalt 44 26 2 93 Kezzie R George 44 61 50 94 W E Black supt, 44 11? 99 95 Maude Farr 44 3a oo 96 Lucinda Haltiwanger 44 lo oo 97 Lucinda Haltiwanger 44 3 do 98 W B Williams buildings 65 89 99 Linna Woodward teaching 52 6.. \A l^nl/cc 44 4-:l Hfl UU WIO nL UUaLj .v 01 11L Addy fuel 1 5o 02 W L Kneece buildings 128 2j g3 J Luther Bmith 44 1<9 o3 o4 Emma Koon 44 35 oo c5 Emma Koon 44 35 oo oO Emma Koon repairs lo 7o o7 J Frank Kaiser teaching 45 oo c8 Maggie Shuler 44 35 oo 09 O G Kibler 44 65 oo 10 Danl Redmon 44 47 oo 11 Rosa B Failaw 44 4j oo 1- Gertrude Johnson 44 45 Oo 13 Busie Dunbar 44 45 oo 14 James W Drake 44 65 oo 15 James W Drake 44 16 25 16 G A Mills 44 86 17 Belva Brown 44 4o oo '18 Belva Brown 44 19 5o 119 feelva Brown 44 4o oo * v ?- 4 4 19 it, , 2j Susie juuDDar io w T21 Gertrude Joiinson 44 13 5o 122 Natl Bank, Leesville 44 55o oo f23 Maude Earr 44 35 oo f24 Maggie Shuler 44 35 oo (25 Ethel Cliiie ' 44 25 oo T2tJ Nina Henry 4* 65 oo 1*27 Nina Henry 44 65 oo i"^8 Nina Henry 44 46 55 (29 Hattie Hook 44 24 lo <*3o E W Bedenbaugh repairs 3 25 (31 (J G Williams teaching To oo f32 Rosa B Fallaw 44 13 4o (33 Noah E Derrick 44 5o oo ?34 W E Black princpl 44 99 53 (35 W E Black supt 44 2o8 5o 736 J C Reynolds repairs 25 9o 737 J W Shealy* teaching 60 oo 738 Ethel Eieazer 44 4o oo 739 Ethel Eieazer 44 27 co 740 J 0 Singley 41 54 oo 741 Carrie Morgan 44 4o oo 742 D A Quattlebaum Insurnc 14 oo 743 T E Derrick teaching 45 oo 744 T E Derrick 44 45 oo 745 T E Derrick Fuel 6 65 746 Linna Woodward Teaching 50 00 747 44 44 44 12 50 748 S E Roof Fuel 27 00 749 G B Burkett Building 11 00 750 Annie Taylor Teaching 26 25 751 Annie Taylor Apparatus 1 00 752 S E Quattlebaum Teaching 35 00 753 II L Harman Teaching 30 50 754 Hattie Cromer 44 40 00 755 44 44 44 40 00 756 44 44 44 40 00 757 44 44 44 8 00 758 C G Williams 44 70 00 750 WiUie Shull Repairs 1 00 760 Alice Kohn Teaching 12 00 761 Frances L Halsey Teaching 25 00 762 Frances L Halsey Teaching 12 50 763 Maude Farr Teaching 35 00 764 J W Shealy Teaching 44 70 765 W B Rast Repairs 9 34 766 0 C KiUler Teaching 54 20 767 W C Swaffield Insurance 26 00 768 G J Sox Rent 30 54 769 Shull & Wessinger Fuel 11 90 770 Jas F Shull Repairs 6 00 771 Joab Edwards Apparatus 3 00 702 " " " 2 00 763 Lorick & Lowrauce Repairs 13 25 774 G C Arekart Fuel 1 00 775 T S Sease Building 177 00 776 Paul A Smith Apparatus 130 65 777 Olen Lucas Fuel 1 50 Total Amount Disbursed $ 52,432 03 Respectfully Submitted, E. L. WIIsGARD, County Treas. , iillLLS S11U1 LfUWi^l FOR LACK OF POWER Drought Affects 152 Plants in North Carolina. Charlotte, N. O., July 31.?'As a climax to the unprecedented drought this section is experiencing, odb hundred and fifty-two cotton mills in North and South Carolina shut down today because the water in Catawba river is so low that the Southern Power company Annn/\f on nnlr tVifl nlajlfa Tl.? i f. H nr>wPr ^aUUUC OUp|/lJ 1XIV p*WUVW Vf *VM 1?V*. It is estimated that 7o,ooo operators are thrown out of employment. It is expected that work will be resumed in two days. It has been msny weekb since rain of afty 66ns?qti?K66 fallen, and local weather bureau rect rds dhow now a deficiency of 5o per, cent in precipi ation for thi9 section. Creeks which have not gor.e dry in 45 years are mud holes, and the distress *mong the rural population, dependent for water on wells, is great. Mountain streams to the west, upon which many flouring mills, tanneries, and cotton mills are dependent for power, have dwindled to more brooks in some instances, and many foreign enterprises have been forced to shut down. Crops in this immediate section are burning up in the fields. Many farmers in this and adjoining, connties, despairing of a corn crop, have chopped down the young corn and are using it for feed, while the hot winds are playing havoc with cotton. Cities and towns to the north and west of Charlotte are facing the ordeal of a water famine that this city is now experiencing. Concord, Wade9boro, Monroe and other towns are facing the water supply problem, and measures of economy are being enforced. The situation in Charlotte is not improved, although the authorities are working clay and night on the problem Feeling that the distress is not being relieved as promptly as was hoped for by mea is of tank cars, the offers of w iter from Shelbv. Lincolnton and Gastonia were tjday accepted, and tank cars brought in tonight 5o,ooo gallons from Gastonia. This was pumped into the mains of the city by means of fire engines. Special prayer services for rain were yesterday held in churches througnout the section. There was a brief shower today and rain is falling lightly tonight, with promising atmospheric conditions. ?'WWWWVW* I'i The Best Made # ? Also Good Ship ^ r Old Reliable Rock I RHEA Ll\ \ ^ 1109 Hampton S V ^wvww\vv< vwwwwvvv* WE CARRY LINE if KODAKS,FILMS, PAPER % SHIPMENTS FREQl I3< H INSURE Send Us Your | THE R. L. BRY C0LUMB1 m / y 1?1 | JHffif > We bi < New S tifl S 2 < JmBJ p?vertyN^ggfe/ OnwlK " ny oe am J. T. COLEMAN Mgf, A I Charleston, S. C THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCI Incorporated as a stock company John F. Dryden, President. FOR R and BRESSE Doors, Sash, B2? Etc., Write N. H. DRU COLUMBIA, - . S ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FIGUREI SHINGLES AND LUMB # ALBANY is the Best. Cheapest a For All Kind* ? Does Not Drip, Splas Put up in 1,5,10,25 ? to lb. Ti COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO. ?????? b^WWWW^VWV ?All Sizes and the Prices Suit rnent of Columbus, and Rock lill Buggies, "A Little Higher IE STOCK CO treet, Columbia, S< fc/WWVWWVWW WW U'HUU %%* / MANitSt AND OTHER SUPPIES. || [JENT, IG FRESH GOODS j|j Order Today jgte IP AN COMPANY | [A, S. C. j|| -1911- 11 >G and SUMMER SHOES | ive a camplete line of all the I ud "Up-to-date" Oxfords, and (\ I of^oT, ^ 1 ? r.ncfl in AT7PTV M a f - 1 I sua}/ J** v ? V*^ | 3 and widtn, to please onr Lex- <| riends for dres9 wear. For genir we have substantial OxfordB <[ ies for Men, Women and Children <[ s that will please yon We "do" \< a the best "Solid" Shoes at low- <| e?. Farmers strong work -Shoes j ilty. See ours before buying. P. & F. A. DAVIS,} i: ^ (lain St., olumbia,S. C.i; I. ? Prudential Income Policy is the >arting Comfort From ih side wil| your tamer your death? LFRED J. FOX, Special Agent, , LEXINGTON, S. C. i COMPANY OF AMERICA, f by the State of New Jersey Home Office, Newark, N Jf OUGH D LUMBER, nds, Shingles, or call on GGERS, ;OUTH CAROLINA. X MARKET PRICES PAID FOR ER OF ALL KINDS. GREASE I nd Safest Lubricant [^ 1 1 ^ ^ ?/very ouu y. w j Hill Buggies, the ? J in Price, BUT-" 5 J MPANY, I $ >uth Carolina. ^ \ w\uuu5 J