a? - BAD TASTE IN THE MOUTH, Dizziness, and a general "no account'' feeling is a sure sign of a torpid liver. The remedy is Simmons Bed Z Liver Regit latnr f Tha Powder Form). It exercises its greatest restorative effect in the liver, yet it is effective in the stomach and bowels. Indigestion, constipation and their attendant evils disappear before its powerful, regulating influence. . Try its wholesome purifying InroDerties. It will give you a good appetite, sound digestion and make you feel well. Sold by Dealers. Price, large package, $1.00, -J Ait (or tbe genuine with the Bed Z on the label. It yoo cannot get it, remit to as. we will seed it by mail, postpaid. Simmons Li rer Regulator is also put op in liquid lorm for thoie who prefer it. Price $1.00 per bottle. Look for the Bed Z Label. < 'v , J. H. ZHUN & CO, Props, St Louis, Mo. Sheriff's Sa'e. By virtue of a decree out of the Court of Common Pleas, I will sell, on ??omi60j rtf "Xfrsr Lftssift Fort. IUO piViiiicvu v? . W ? , where the property ie situated, cn Thursday, July 27, 1911, at 10 o'clock a. m., the following personal property: One (1) Saw-mill, Engine, Boiler, \ and attachments. One (1) Dry-kiln and attachments. - Terms of Sale: Cash. P. H C^RLEY, Sheriff. Lexington, S. 0.. July 11,1911. 2w3 Take it from the oldest man i acco is the chew for men. No sp nothing to hprt your stomach?ju bacco, properly aged and perfect won't give you heartburn. It's our treat to put you on to Cut put this ad. and mail to us wit , attractive FREE offer to chewers LIIPFERT SCALES CO \ Name Address The Old /. , Question Of Spring Shoes Let Us Answe We ? H. M. WING A Lexington, - - S. We Sell the Best Groce At Right Prices. THE OLD If in need of the ve SADDLERY, selected bj tucky Horseman" call the greatest variety to se] best, medium and cheap, and employ the best v work to last longer than Davie 1817 Main Street + 'l. ;>_ Obituary. / Aroey Clemens, daughter of John and Carrie Dooley, born July 5. died July 6, buried July 7 at St. D ?vid's ^ cemetery. Go to thy rest, dear child, * t Go to thy dreamless bed, p Gentle and undefiled, b With blessings on thy head. C C. ^ - r Death In Jfcoaring Fire j ma.T not result from the work of fire- c bugs, but often severe burns are caused that make a quick need for Buck- a len's Arnica Salve, the quickest, sur- a est cure for burns, wounds, bruises, j boils, sores. It subdues inflammation. It kills pain. It soothes and heals. Drives off skin eruptions, ulcers or Piles. Only 85c at Kaufmann Drug Co. ] v . Oldest Engineer Dead. | Benjamin E. Robinson, the oldest j locomotive engineer on .the Southern * railway, and according to his brothers, the oldest in point of service of any locomotive engineer in the' United States, died in Charleston after an illness lasting about two weeks. At the ( time of his death Robinson was 72 \ years of age. He entered the employ . of the old South Carolina Railroad in 1852, and has run on it ever since. t Mr. Robinson was known to many < people between Columbia and Char- ( leston and Augusta Hay Fever And Summer Golds 1 Must be relieved quickly and Foley's Honev and Tar Compound will do "it. E M. Stewart, 1031 Wolfram St., Chicago, writes: "I have been greatly troubled during the hot summer months with Hay Fever and find that by using Foley's Honey and Tar Compound lget great relie^." Many others who suffer similarly will b* glad to benefit by Mr. Stewart's experience. Kaufmann Drug Oo. in the bunch, "Red Meat" tobice?no excessive sweetening? st good old North Carolina tody sweetened. That's why it . J the real thing in good chewing, h your name and address for only. Winston-Salem. N. C. 1 < ( ?? v I ?< rii I e showing the best line of ; id Summer Shoes and Oxfords for ( [nen and Children, that we have ed. 1 < ( i leading makes and Styles to se- : and the prices are bound to please i sell the famous Hunt Club Shoe id make an inspection today. RB ;ries \ RELIABLE ry best in HARNESS and ran old experienced "Kenon us where you will find iect from of all grades, We use the Best Leather rorkmen. Guarantee our any on the market. i&Co., Columbia, S. C. , Innual Reunion, Confederate Veterans. The Daily Record, Columbia, says: Councilman Shand, himself a veteran, ras Wednesday directed by Council to ake chargo of the city's end of the 'reparation for the annual reunion to >e held here August 9-10 by the South Carolina division, United Confederate Veterans. Mr. R. W. Shand has aleady had a consultation on the subect with Gen. B. H Teague, of Aiken, :ommander of the division, and with Jen. U. R. Brooks, of Columbia, also i division officer. There is a State appropriation of $1,500 toward defrayng the expense of the reunion. F. S. Rexford, 615 New York Life 31dg., Kansas City, Mo., says: "I had k severe attack of a cold which settled n my back and kidneys and 1 was in jreat pain from my trouble. A friend eoommended Foley Kidney Pills and [ used two bottles of them and they iaye done mo a world of good." For Sale by All Druggists. Inn XIC1IICUJ 1V1 A One of our subscribers having discovered a valuable remedy or cure for istula, old soars, scratches, etc., on animals requett us to publish same: A. very strong tea or solution boiled ind made of wild swamp Iva, applied three times ad ay, will be found a sure cure for the above mentioned diseases. Ee cured a inulo of his fifteen years ago and she is still living. This remedy has been used by others with best results. Try it. Saves Two Lives. "Neither my sister nor myself might be living today, if it had not been for Dr. King's New Discovery,'' writes A. D. McDonald of Fayetteville, N. C., R. F. D. No. 8, "for we both had frightful coughs that no other remedy could help. We were told my sister had consumption. She was very weak and had night sweats but your wonderful medicine completely cured ns both. It's the best I ever used or heard of." For sore lungs, coughs, colds, hemorrhage, lagrippe, asthma, hay fever, croup, whooping cough?all bronchial troubles?its supreme. Trial bottle free. 50c and $1.00. Guaranteed by t - A _ au arnggisHi. Accused of Selling Booze. The St. Matthews correspondent of bh i State says: "Quite a sensation was sprung here Monday afternoon when Sheriff Dantzler arrived in town with G. W^. Willard in custody, under the charge of selling liquor. Willard is intendant of the town of Fort Motte, having been elected to that office in January. He is a man of means and has a good mercantile business in his fcown. He has had considerable influence among the people of his community, He waived preliminary and sjave bond for his appearance at court." Never in the history of civilization has there been a gpeater premium on well trained minds" than at the present time. Never were business eutergrise9 conducted on a greater scale or required more skillful management. Mediocrity of indifferent service will no longer be tolerated. The young man or woman must be able to do the work required by this exacting age or give way to those who can. We have the facilities for supplying what the business world demands. Onr course of study is modern, our teachers are earnest, zealous and practical, and our appointments firstclassfl We cannot expect to secure nor deserve the patronage of the public unless we do thorough work, for the success of our school depends upon the sUCCBSS U I UUl ^muuauo.i. There 19 no time like the present. Improve the present and you assure the future. Address C. J. Richards, President. The Richards Business College Savanhah, Ga. J. H. Amick, Resting Well. Mr. J. H. Amick, who wa9 badly crushed while working between two cars on the Southern railway's tracks near the Carolina Glass factory, in Columbia, on Tuesday afternoon 11th, was resting as well last night as could be expected. Mr. Amick's injuries are very painful and are serious, but it was said last evening that if complica woa thnnfrht LIUlib wcic avuiuvu, ? they would not prove fatal. Mr. Amick is from Peak, Lexington county. He was employed by the Southern railway and it was while in discharge of his duty that he met with the accident.?State 14. | Succeed when everything else foils. T - 1 r.m.1. 1 in nervous piusuanuu auu i^iucuw 8 weaknesses they are the supreme I | remedy, as thousands have testified. I S FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND I | STOMACH TROUBLE I it is the best medicine ever sold J jj over a druggist's counter. I For Sale by Kaufmann Drug Co. HhairRbalsam Cleaasea and beautifies the hair.. Promote* a lvuriant growth. K?t? Fall* to Beatora Gray Hair to it* Toothful Color. Carta eealp'dieeweea * hair falling. I Hunt's Cure Guaranteed Cure For All Skin Diseases A. B. Richards Medicine Co., Sherman, Texas. Sold By J. R. LANGFORD, Swansea, S. C. W. A. OXNER, Gilbert, S. C. KAUFMANN DRUG CO. Notice of Election for High School Aid. Pursuant to an orcer issued by the County Board of Education granting an election for high school purposes for a levy of Two Mills, in Lexingtou School District No. 1, notice is hereby given that an election will be held in said district at the Cort House on Thursday, July 20, 1911, beginning at 8 a. m., and closing ai 4 p. m. Said election to be conducted in accordance with Section 120$ of the Civil Code of 1902. T. P. MEETZE, KARL OSWALD S. M. GROSS, Trustees Lexington School Dis. No 1 July 3, 1911. The Bride* f The orange blossom crowns her I The bridal satin gowns her The bappy anthems ring; I Girlhood's gay reign is over Sbe goes to meet her lover While Eden's voices sing. ^ The marriage vow is spoken, The wedding bread is broken With blessings and with tears; These two set out together, Through storm and sunny weather | To journey through the years. Fate, send your choicest dower Great joy and plenty 9hower From blue and kindly skies; j Earth's music and its laughter J And gladness everatter, i And love that never dies ! 1 So life goes on forever, Hands join no more to sever The roses crown the June ! And down the aisle a-swinging We hear the angels singing A joyous hymnal tune. ?K. JVf. Richmond News-Leader. Kidney Diseases Are Curable under certain conditions. Tin right I medicine mast be taken before thedis- g ease has nrogressed too far. Mr. Perry | A. Pitman, Dale, Tex., says: "I was 1 down in bed for four months with kidney and bladder trouble and gall stones | One bottle of Foley's Kidney Remedy cured me well and sound." Ask for it. Kaufmann Drug Co. Mr. Acker Promoted. Mr. A. H. Acker, the well known | traveling passenger agent of the Southern Railway located at Augusta, has been promoted to the Jacksonville office and his place in Augusta has been taken by Mr. Frank I. Jenkins. Mr. Acker's friends in his territory regret his departure. Mr. Jenkins will be cordially welcomed. For summer diarrhoea in children always five Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and casto r oil,iand a speedy cnre is certain. For sale by all dealers. Town Lots For Sale. Desirable building: lots in the town of Swansea, S. C.f for sale on easy terms and at reasonable prices. Apply quick to D. H. Lawson, Gaston, S. 0., R F. D. 1. tf Sterling Goods Sterling silver, cut glass, m-e china, clocks. A fine stork always on hand for you 1 select from. Keep us in mind when wanting anything in Jewelry 01 Silverware. Good watch work and best eye glasses. If you can't come, send for our catalogue or telephone your order to us. PJLACBICOTmCl JEWELERS, iioi Voin rf/titimhio an A SW m Hill VViHiMNMI) V?V Pbona 914 * i Arc You R< I How about Water Cool Picks and Shaven Doors and Windov and Alcohol Sto^ Sprinklers, Silvei Laundry Irons. THE NEW AND THE OLD: O But choose one of the Dev are wise. Don't ask ns w reaunn with the stoves a The New Perfection Wick Bit cood points of other stoves Simple Safe Reliable: and i 2 burners $7.50; 3 burners, $10.0 LORICK I SPORTING GOODS, 1519 MAIN STREE I PHI A -S42& m *B" jraxuor r BEN DAV 1320 MAISt ST. 0pp. Palmet Best cooking and finest Res Special Rates by the "V [ BUY YOUR g Harman's Shoe st V plete stock to select fro H A special invitation to: | Make my store & Columbia. Farmers he jg The man that sav IH A R !V1 A ST 1735 Main Street. a r?n mii i ??inMHiiiMaM ?1 I 91V CIARUCD9 V OAT9 rAnmcno i When you need anything in HARNESS, PLOW GEARS, HOES, COLLARS, PADS, Etc., THINK OF ME. HAND-MADE HARNESS A SPECIALTY. REPAIR WORK PROMPTLY DONE AT RIGHT PRICES.; E. A. FELLERS, THE HARNESS MAN . 929 Gervais Street, | COLUMBIA, S. U, Foley's Kidney Pills What They Will Do for Yoi They will cure your backac' ircngincn yuur ftiuu^di v rect urinary irregularities, bu up the worn out tissues, s eliminate the excess uric a that causes rheumatism. P rent Bright's Disease and D bates, and restore health s strength. Refuse substitut For Sale Bj Kaufmann Drug Oo jady 'or Summer? ers, Ice Cream Freezers, Ice 3, Keyless Fly Fans, Screen rs, Gas, Blue Flame Gasolene res, Garden Hose and Lawn :'s Fireless Cookers, Alcohol il Stoves are here for your choosing, v Perfection Wick Blue FJame if you hy. Come and we will show you the , n f le Fiame Oil Stoves, have all the and a lot more besides. *1 ways ready. Prices: 1 bonier $5.00; 0; single ovens, $2.50; double oyens $3. BROTHERS, , MANTELS, TILES, ETC. :T COLUMBIA, S. C. ' ^ OUR FIRS t have found favor with every body v --babes and men, the little girl in pinafores and her mother and her , grandmother. They are of the ' sweet, delicious, wholesome, I melt-in-your-mouth kind, anc | v^e're anxious to have vou try B them if you don't know the pro| ducts of our ovens. If you do I know we won't have to ask you. I REIDLINGER'S STEAM BAKERY ^ COLUMBIA, S. C. Restaurant X ID, Proprietor, to National Bank COLUMBIA, S. C. itaurant in Columbia. 4 For Ladies and Gentlemen Veek. Meals at all Honrs?Night or Day . SHOES FROM I ore and save money. A com- g m in all leathers and prices ? m rr mnwrr T ftTri n r?Fn*i A>. a*i ^ n UJLJ uiaujf ucAiag tun iiicuus. your headquarters while in B avy shoes a specialty. B es you money on shoes. B ' N'S SHOE I "ORE 1 . Columbia,S. C. JS B* rjyjjrAF^^^j&^^AVA^ II Farms I. i I P Lexington farms are in de- a a mand, and Lexingtonians are ? k buying'. Farms. If you have one K fe] for sale, or if you want to buy, ? |! let us know. ? g A nice residence with good or g |gi uxmru ana garaen, ana io lots; 3 ? also splendid store house and lob S ? |j in thriving town of Irmo. New E k negro college for the town. Prces k ? very reasonable. S $ DICKERT S EARGLE | I 1507 Main Street, |L I COLUMBIA, S. C. I bub . |m. d. iarmanI I DEALER IN ? 8 General Merchandise be# OJ r- Staple Line lid GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, HARDWARE, "e. ENAMEL WARE, TIN" 'ia- WARE, ETC. - ind e* Lexington, - S. C. N immmmmmmmmmmmmmJI