fBOFSSSIO3JA2, CARDS. DR. G. R. EARRING, 5- the old and tkied dentist, is at bis office doing good wors at moderate prices. Call to see him don't wait. Near Hyatt's Park, COLUMBIA, S. C T\B. F. 0. GILMORE, 11 * DENTIST., 1510 Main Street, COLUMBIA, S. 0. 1 OmoE Houbs: 9 a. m. to 2 p. ta., an liora 3 to 6 d. m. "WM. W. HA WES, rr Attorney and Connselor at Law. NE\\ BBOOKLAND.S. 0. > Practice in all Courts. Business solicited. November 1.1905, DR. L. L. TOOLE, Dentist, wu. , 6018 Main St. : Columbia, S. C, V OFFICE HOURS: 9 A. M.-5 P. IW. 0. M. ?71 ED. 7. E. DBEHKB. EPIRD & DREHER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LEXINGTON C E.. S. C. > Will practice la all the Courts. Business - - - ~ . il- ~ TT-U1 o)_ soiieitea. une memoer in u:o IX LUJi Uil? Mi- | ways be at office, Lexington. 8. C. JH. FEICK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CEAPIN. S C. Office: .-Botel Marlon, 4tb Kcom, Second Fioor. Will practice ip all the Courts. Robert moorman. Attomey-at-Law, ' Admitted to Practice in all ! Courts matins stare. i Carolina National Bank Building, j COLUMBIA, S. C. HAY F. SOX, DENTIST. Edntnd, Lexington County, S. C. i > . I mHTTRMOND & TIMMERMAN, a attorneys at law, will PRACTICE in all couets, Citizens' Bank B'ld'g, Bateshorg, S. C. ; We will be pleased to meet those having iecalbnsiue&s to be attended to at our office In the Citizens' Bank Building at any time. , Respectfully, i J. Wu. THURMOND. a. BELL TIMMERMAN. Albert m. boozer, attorney at law, columbia, 8. 0. i Orrxcs; 1336 Main Street, upstairs, opposite Van Mftre's Furniture Store special attention ?iven to business entrusted to him by his fellow citizens of Lexington V oountv. taw Offices, L Residence, 1529 U09 Washington j Pendleton Street. oucou. . v, Offiob Telephone No. 1372. I Residence Telephone No. 1086. | WBOYD EVANS, LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR. Columbia. S. 0. f\B. D. L. HALL, V DENTIST j V " COLUMBIA, S. C. I C. ! Lutheran Publication Building, 1626 Main St. Office hours ? a. m., to o:ov p. m Deo* 23. 1907?6m DR. C. J. OLIYERQS, 1424 MARION ST., ! COLUMBIA, S. O. Is prepared to treat all troubles of Eye. Ear, No9e, Throat and Lungs, The fib of Spectacles Guaranteed. t B. F. JOHES, M. D. V, Graduate Veterinarian. Out-of-town calls promptly attended to i i COLUMBIA, S. C. P ^ l?l ? 111! ^ ~ I Honesty | v I in Jewelry 8 f " I "If it came from Sentz's, you ^ I know it's all right," is what one 8 a of our customers remarked to j| I another the other day, ? I When you bay Jewelry, you fe generally have to take the "Jew- g eler's word for it" whether it is j? igood or not. ? That's just where oor reputa- g tion for honesty and fair dealing g counts. $ And furthermore, we will Jal- I ways give you your money back g nsV no rmestions auv time 9 iyon are dissatisfied witii a pur- S Special attention to mail orders, B JEWELEE, S 1439 Main, Columbia, S. C a g^iW.UIWJ lwiuo imixjajmiKma & "I would like to guide p suffering women to a sure H cure for female troubles," : || writes Mrs. R. E. Mercer, ) \ U ?f Frozen Camp, w. Va. | H "I have found no med- g H icine equal to Cardui. I 1 H had suffered for about ? H four years. Would have g *^Sn 1*o \zTr~-' \r nf i S IHCdUctLlX IvJl U >V Wii Ul u in time, until I would be | nearly crazy. I took Car- 1 diii and new I never have 1 the headache any more," f The Woman's Tonic I I The pains from which 1 many women suffer every | month are unnecessary. | It's not safe to trust to | strong drugs, right at the | time of the pains. f. Belter to take Cardui | for a while, before and after, to strengthen the system and cure the cause. \ This is the sensible, | the scientific, the right way. j JLirei*y THE JEWELER 1508 Main St., Columbia, S. REPAIRS WATCHES i rrv AttJLJ JEWELR] Hakes Them Good as Ne MEDALS AKD BADGE! I Unaial*AinaAlT *M All* Au mansiawiuicv iki uw vn Shops for Schools and Ofher Purposes. AVERY, The Jeweler 1508 Main St., Columbia, S. Ut WORLDS 03 EATEST SEWiHS MACHII A LIGHT RUNNING ^ mlEtoofiiJI. Vyon want eithera VibrollngShuttle, Rota Shuttle or a Single Thread f Chain Stitch] Sowing Machine write to THE KEW KOIKE SCWIKC KACKiSE COYPA! Grange, Mas-s* Man? sevlnc mch'nes rrc made ta sellrejr'rdiers yualay, jut the 3icw 2I01UC is inaJ?r to went Our guaranty never i jus out. tsoiiS by authorized deaiers only pox sals: by Chapin, S. C., I Has an up-to-date line of ' COFFINS A fID CfiSKE' On hand, at prices to snit everybo ! Prices range from $1.50 up to |50 ! Call on me and I will save you inou j I am prepared to furnish a hearse wh I ever desired in connection with my i dcriaking business Jan. 1! FOR SALE:?Cheap, one light spr i wagon, newly repaired and paint i j n good condition. Rice B. Haim | Peanuts Instead of Cotton. ^ Certain sections of the South have ?> found ifc practically impossible, owing | to the ravages of the boll weeyil, to | j raise cotton for the past few }tars. A | j Mississippi man writing to the JM aimUS ! faAhirorV c-jvc 1 h a t, lli.i ffHItl Ity will have produced this year just coming to a close possib!}7 3,500 bales of cotton compared with 25,889 bales three \ ears ago. "Last year," writes the correspondent, "I took it upon myself to investigate the raising of peanuts as a substitute for cotton. My associates and myself began a public advocacy cf the peanut, and we succeeded* in having || about 2,500 acro9 of them planted in this section last }ear. The results I were so good that I was called upon to go to many points in tho boll weevil stricken districts to tell them about the peanut. "The result of these visits is that it is variously estimated that there will be anywhere from 100,000 to 150,000 aq acres planted in the white Spanish peanut in this State alone, the coming Sg season. And Louisiana, which last U year had something like 30,000 acres i unaer tue wop, win JUidivasc iici acreage the coming season to fully 100,000 acres. "That the peanut is a money crop 19 now no longer a doubt, and it will always be a fixture on the farms in this State and Louisiana. It is found that the hay made from the peanut vines is more nutritious t!;au timothy, and also that the hay will more than pay all expenses incurred in making the crop. "It his been proved through my _ own experiments that the oil from the peanuts is of a very much higher grade than cotton oil, and hence it is not at all a question of finding a market for the oil, but to get a tufficient Q supply of the raw material from w.;ich to make the oil. Tne market ii leady and waiting.'' Right in your busiest season when you have the least time to spare yon are most likely to take diarrhoea and lrvco eo-o-ornl rfn.es' t.imp nnlpss von have Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at hand and take a dOde on the first" appearance of the disease. For sale, by all dealers. REST ARB HEALTH TO MOTHER AND 6HIL0. -f Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been if used for over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS of If MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE L TEETHING, with EERFECT SUCCESS. If SOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS, ILL AYS all PAIN; CURES WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy for DIARRHOEA. It is absolutely harmless. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Ill Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other " kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Start \ Brass BandHv; |? ? Vj Mi I bipfier ?l*t U twbt.^ TbW'?atyattor? I , V |r"fl *t TiB icsd fr* c kudxae tat*, 'TV Tm But* Trih>*\ 'SV/ S{ kin itzteitibm ro7 *?* Ufcratl* ni fatly OhAWtt | 11 k I li. w. perm tmiLADIES! ^<~0?r Aclc your I>rnarg1*t for CHI-CHES-TER'S A k DIAMOND BRAND PILLS in Red and/AX r Gold metallic boxes, sealed with Blue< ?> Ribbon. Take no other. BnyoF yonr V/ Drng?rf?t and auk fop CIII.CI1ES.T?R 8 V DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for twenty-Sco years regarded as Best, Safest, Always Reliable. * SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS yy TRIED EVERYWHERE TESTED NY jgBEaBBSBB5BaBBBPBBEWBBW " IU n UADUAUI 1171. 11. 1M111TM11 1 DEALER IN | General Merchandise Staple Line j GBOCEHIES, CANNED 1 00. I GOODS, HARDWARE, I e? | ENAMEL WARE, TIN- i an- g -ly I WARE, ETC. - - - eil | Lexington, - S. C. | ttSSESZBESHffi raauMGrcv1- '.^TrrranrtwaoaBccro; THE MIND CURE. ' Dcn't Worry, Eat and Sleep Right and Live For a Century. Thousands of sick and afflicted are | daily told by their physicians to | change their diet and keep the stomach I free from indigestible food. This we I admit to be good advice, but far great- | er is the usefulness of advice to i change your thoughts, for out of a defiled mind proceeds a corrupt and diseased body. The body quickly responds to every impulse and impression of the mind, and one rarely if ever sees a person with a contented mind thin, anaemic and suffering with neurasthenia and its train of nervous and gastric symptoms. If it were not for the worry, discontent and abnormally strenuous life that characterize the people of n f Ka !?c?t At\ nnrf/tnc? Q n rl LUia ilgt l Lie S|'CV1I1I1OI uu ULI vuo anu mental diseases would have to discover ways to obtain a livelihood other than catering to the whims and fancies of a veritable army of perverts. As paradoxical as it may seem, I candidly and deliberately proclaim that 80 per cent of all the inhabitants of the world now living under fifteen years of age could live and enjoy better health until they have passed the century mark in age if it were possible to instruct them concerning the proper observance of those unchangeable laws of health, hygiene and physiology We are often admouished to give up alco bolic stimulants, tobacco and coffee ir we desire to become even octogenarians. While 1 admit that this is essential, yet I consider the observance of three other rules more conducive to longevity, as follows: Never worry and g never become angry; eat slowly and | regularly; obtain at least ten hours' j sleep out of every twenty-four, for in I this age of progress and achievement. | when every .one is making strenuous [ efforts to excel his neighbor in obtaining knowledge, wealth and influence, ten hours' sleep Is barely sufficient to restore equilibrium to an exhausted sensorium. And for the man that wandereth out J of the way of understanding and wor- j ries through a miserable existence, j never quite satisfied with any one or anything, we shall soon number him j with the congregation of the dead.?L. , Herbert Lanier in Medical Fortnightly. \ - j BONES OF THE EAR. The Little Stirrup When Displaced ' Causes Noises In the Head. Vibrations of the eardrum are com 1 municated to the inner ear by means of three exceedingly small bones, one of which is called the stirrup. WheD this particular little bone is displaced, however slightly, the patient hears Rnnnda whir?h are snblective. or. to use plainer terms, noises confined exclusively to the auditory apparatus and not heard by others. These sounds frequently seem like wind whistling through a crevice or a buzzing such as one hears when passing under a net work of wires on a windy day. Other sounds of similar subjective origin are classified as musical. They take the form of ringing bells, trumpet blasts, organ notes and the piping of birds. Still another form conveys to the patient sounds such as frogs make as they sit on logs and like the shouts of . a crowd at a baseball game. Dr. Marage, a famous French aurist, recently laid before the Academy of Sciences in Paris the results of his study of a thousand cases of this general sort. He has found that the nerves 1 of the ear in certain cases maintained the conducting position which they assumed when they transmitted the sound of a ringing bell or like sound, and, like an electric button out of position, kept the bell vibrations from being interrupted. Other sounds were produced by the persistent excitation of the auditory nerve centers. High frequency electrical currents and vibratory massage have been used by leading specialists in the treatment of , ear troubles in these several conditions, i and the results have been encouraging. ?New York World. ? + Pineules cures Kidney and Bladder diseasej. Thirty days treatment 75c tf Kaufmann Drug Co. ^ $ The Best Made? EAST? 'i! I':! P*l" o>iV,""V ?S|i!fe! ^ m KOlJAfiiSjr iiMs, FAFfcK I J SHIPMENTS FREQU i * INSURINC ^ r? a \jr f Ip aena us tout v 0 I THE R. L. BRY^ Pi 1 1"2 ( erai wear s TilSKflHi > and Shoe: ( 5 at prices > ? cive you \ MKBKr S est p^ce? < S a Special ! S1710 Jiff; urn fflMmiTi" i ne Monthly li ( ( JwotO Door sops \a4BK/ Poverty?n whcl ily be afte J. T. COLEMAN Mgr. AL Charleston, S. C THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE Incorporated as a stock company John F. Dryden, President. FOR R< and DRESSEI Doors. Sash. Biii Etc., Wnte < N. H. DRIG COLUMBIA, - S( ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FIGURED, SHINGLES AND LUMBE id Wafer ior City residences ! ITave sold dozens of 1 COLUMBIA SUPPLY COMPANY, 823 1 ?mw ?.?w?.?i>jb? ! ? i . itr huijjjuiiuju ihm gg \9 S S VB#* ? ??jr?cowe??awwc?www??** ?r , ?im??m?n?? -All Sizes and the Prices Suit ] lent of Columbus, and Rock ill Buggies, "A Little Higher ioaanBU3HnnaaDHUHUHBMMBBan?niaHaBaM E STOCK COI reet, - Columbia, So W %/% %>% 'VS. ^ I .vr sliJ '{JisriHV? .^880 eiqaiA*. I '2 rjnvxsxsm k Ml ^flPJP I #A MT ifet /};f V'V^l * ' *'-'/*" I || 4 r' \ A FULL ffr. . j V4* IL*? -VTT -; X *> C-J \N ? \ Mmff iND OTHER SUPPIES. || ENT, w j FRESH GOODS || )rder Today ^ IN COMPANY | ffim r c in Am ^9 aaigs&fc^iwhii i'l ?1911? | I 1 and SUMMER SHOES 'e a eamplete line of all the / | 1 "Up-to-date" Oxfords, and < | rap Slippers, in every Mate- 5 g and widtn, to please our Lex- ? g ends for dress wear. For ger- ? jj we have substantial uxtorcis / 3 for Men, Women and Children < J that will please yon We "do" 5 | the best "Solid" Shoes at low- < $ >. Farmers strong work Shoes i | ty. See ours before buying. ? I ===XX============X======, g & F. A. DAVIS,1 I air) St., Columbians. C. j | Prudential ncome Policy is the irting Comfort From fi side wii| your famr your death? FRED J. FOX, Special Agent, LEXINCTON, S. C. COMPANY OF AMERICA, by the State of New Jersey Home Offiee, Newark, N J NHHmnnMHHBHMMwmBvianavmwBPMmMne. * 5UC5H 3 LUMBER, nds, Shingles, or call on ICERS 3TJTH CAROLINA. . market prices paid for :r of all kinds. Instaaianeously $16.00; for country residences 1 ' 1 i ryiOflrDt ft! mplOSL llCcLLl'l Uli lUo jj-iai ah. ;hem, giving satisfaction. V. Gervstfs St., CcJmmbla, S. C. I1 Everybody. r } Hill Buggies, the J ^ in Price, BUT--" ? J MPANY, $ nth Carolina. i t 'vwk-w* . tuLti vf^lo. ; ?u\iA.?i 1 50 U*iAQ8 qCfc