Go to Henry Drug Store, Chapin, s S. C., to have your eyes teitod for glasses. Examination free.' We also hardle a full line of drugs, patent medicines, jewelry, paints, etc. PENCIL AND SCISSOES. Peaches are ripe. Say, send nst hat dollar. Ootton blossoms are plentiful. Vegetables are mighty scarce in thesediggings. <. Oh, yon wedding bells; Ring loud and long next Wednesday.., Miss Hattio'Shealy is on a visit to friends in New Brookl&nd. Mr. AJvin M. Jones spent the weekend with relatives in Colombia. Bay your fishing tackle at The Basaar if yoa want to have good lack. 6 or 6 doses "666" will care any case of Chills and Fever. Price 25c. 38 HKtvittagene Ward, of Colombia, is the gn?|ifc^tor^stiflt,l4r8.0. MvBfird. . Th ere will be no home-grown melons ' On this market on the glorious fourth. Do net swear falsely when yon go to get yonr marriage license?tell yotr exact age. Miss Anna Brown left on Monday j - - ? - ? "?-T S^i l. ? 3 lor tier nome in ueorge, n. v., w?pcuu the Summer. Mr. Robt A. Marks has accepted a position with the Stricland Publishing Oo, of cheraw. - For ladies and children's hats call on Mrs. Elizabeth Hall, lower Main str eeb Lexington, S. 0. Miss Jodie Caugbman, of Columbia, ia the orntfcv end facinating guest of Mrs. S. J. Leaphart. After next Friday yon will have to -- cal1 on Judge of Probate Drafts before yon can legally marry. Mr. Jef Wessinger of Route 5, was in town Saturday and gave ns a pleasant and profitable call. Pineules cores Kidney and ladder diseases. Thirty days treatment 75c tf Kaufmann Drag Co. Camp life is mighty fine on the banks of cedar creek. Just ask Mayor Sam r? r j T t ?4. _ r. xvuoi auu ouu urapuaii>, ur ucuigc LeFevor. Misses Alma Long and Annie Lou Harmau, two of Lexington's most popnlar young ladies, spent the week-end in Columbia. Miss Jesse Mack, a charming yonng lady of Leesville, is visiting the Misses May and Annie Lou Taylor on north Main street. 1 Furniture, "Furniture, cash or credit. Three piece suits $18, $20, $25, $30, $35. Rockers, $1.50 to $5.C0. See us before you buy. P. M. Frick. . Misses Bertha and Sndella Kleckley aud Miss Effie Roof are attending the State summer school fop teachers at Wiatbrop College, Rock Rill, "Mr. Willie Dooley brought to fchi* office yesterday three fine cucumbers? all of them maturing from one blossom. Mr. Dooley is a fine truck grower. Mr. Ma-ion Schwartz, of Blackville, is spending his vacation with his mother here. Mr. G. B. Taylor, a leading citizen of R ;ute 5, has our appreciative thanks for his dollar through Carrier Q. E. Caughman. We have received &o many cotton blossoms of late that it is impossible for us to give a list of all those who have sent them duriDg the last week. We want YOU to be one of 20C0 V sitors to THE LAND OF WATERFALLS ; write for Booklet BOARD of TRADE; Brevard, N. C. 41p. -x Miss. Mary C. Wingard, one of tin popular teachers of the *>- ? i-i.- _i-~ T? JfcUOJCl/tU V/UUC^iatC xxjBLibutc, uao *Dturned from a pleasant visit to friends in Batesburg. The Show has come and gone. After delighting our .'people for an entire week, the moving picture electric show has gone to Cbapin for a week's engagement. Good show it is. Mr. W. D. Rikard and family, of ananf tkn TrrnnV nr)^ of. fVm OaupDWuxg) ajAJiiu i'uc nsva-Kuu uu v?v home of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Cook near Lexijgtoa. Mr. Eikard is one of the leading merchants of Batesburg. .=. Bring ns your job work. All work executed in a skillful manner on siort notice. Mail orders receive prompt-and careful attention. . The Dispatch. Mrs. J. B* Wingard and Miss Lucey Daniel Wingsrd have returned fronc an extended visit'to Washington. Misses Pearle and Ruth Clarke left yesterday for SpfiDgfield, where they will visit their cousin, Mrs. Jumper. Wanted ? 500 doz. Eggs, 1000 chicken's within 10 days. Call before you sell, will pay best prices. P. M. Frick. The friends of Mrs. James Caughman, and they are legion, will be pained to learn that she has been quite ill at her homa near Wyse's ferry since Monday noon. 5 or 6 doses "666" will cure any case of Chills and Fever. Price 25c. 36 Mes.-rs. Julian P. Meetze and H. (i. Welcome leave tomorrow for an extended trip, seeking pleasure and re- ^ creation. They will visit Yellowstone Park, passing through Canada into J?. Mexico, the Rocky Mountains, and California going uf the coast to Frisco. They will be gone for several weeks. rj ' Red Meat" tobacco, manufactured CJ by the Liipfert-Scalea Company of ja Winston?Salem, N. C., is certainly all that is claimed. It is an extri good p* - -. % n, piece of goods. We have tried it. Ast o' your grocer for "Red Meat'' the next time you buy. tv Car Table Talk Flour just received g( at bottom prices. See me before you fr, buy. P. M. Frick. Mrs. R. T. Williams, of Atlanta, who has been very ill in an infirmary in gc that city, is now very much improved, el which will be glad news to her many friends. ^ Many barbecues are advertised for July 4th. There will be a big time at Sumerland springs on that day, Gov. M Bleaae, Congressman Lever and Con- io gressman Byrnes having been invited to speak. We find ourselves overstocked -with summer suits and to clean out this stock will sell them at, and even be- ^ low cost. If you are going to need a ^ light weight suit any time soon don't ag fail to get one of these bargains. ^ E. G. Dreher & Co. aD Hon. George Bell Timmerman will P8 address Dixie Lodge Odd Fellows on ?' fn Thursday night. eh We will sell you a summer suit almost at your own price. These bar- pr ! gains will not last long as they are all wi this seasons goods and the very best pr style and workmanship. - Come get C1* yours while they last. E. G. Dreher & Co. Le If rou are hard to please and fit in a suit of clothes, why not let us measnre you for a good light weight suit ? We have some special bargains jast now in ^ blue serges, grays and the new brown _ Q <1" woolens. We have lots of experience in this kind of work and guarantee to ^ please you. E. G. Dreher & Co. _ 1 for The new directories of the Citizens wil Telephone Company will be issued m. from The Dispatch presses this week. be V\ r It is planned to start at least a few brass hands over the conntv this sum mer. Several towns and* hamlets are already selecting the men for the various instruments. J. W. Pepper & 2w' Son, Box 1322, Philadelphia, Pa., will supply any information desired. * Blc l3r. C C Craft, of Washington, D. .as* C., is spending a few days with his "J, J relatives at Swansea.' Dr. Craft is rec now a full fledged M. D., and located I n in Washington for the practice of his profession. Dr. James P. Drafts has returned from the hospital, much improved. In a few days Dr. Drafts will go to Springs for a stay of several weeks. Mr. Will D. George, general electrician of the Buffalo Cotton Mills, Union county, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. George, at Laurel Falls. Mr. George's many Lexington friends are glad to see him. Mrs. J. Sol Hendrix, one of the most highly esteemed women of tbisection , is desperately ill at her home near town, much to the regret and sorrow of her family and friends. Two June Weddinos r Jane 25, Mr. John \Ve9singer, of Chapin, and Miss Mittie Amick, of Irmo, were married at the residence of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. Westley Amick, Rev. J. B. Haigler of White Rock officiating. l June 25, by Rev. J. B. Haigler, at the residence of Mr. Charley H. Bauk- J night, Mr. James W. Chapman and f Mi38 "Birdie" Davi9, both of Irmo, Route 1. Still Burned. The turpentine still of Mr. W. A. Goodwin at Gaston, together with a h lot of turpentine and ro9in, were ' burned between 2 and 3 o'clock Saturday morning. Tne loss aggregates several hundred dollars. The fire is thought to have been of incendiary origin. Praying For Rain. | There was a prayer meeting held at JL St Mathews church, near Barr, yes- ft terday afternoon at 5 o'clock, the pur- | pose of which was to pray for rain. Similar meetings were held every ^ afternoon last week, at Nazareth church. In these sections no rain of ^ consequence ha3 fallen in several jjj weeks and the situation is becoming H serious. May their prayers be an- IJ swered. ?/, m - #/ As to Barbecue Notices. | Hereafter The Disp itch will not in- ^ oort KokKomiio rntinoo ovnDTlt. llnHpr //' oti t Wlfi. U\J HUUV/VO v. MWV4V* I//.V the following terms: One cent a word uU for each and every insertion, and cash W, must accompany the notice. Count lj| your word9 and send one cent for' wXjr e/ery word and there will be 110 mis- W//, understanding. N |p THE lemson Agricultural College orollment Over 700?Value of Property Over a Million aida Quarter? Ninety Teachers and Officers. Seven full four years courses, in Agenlture, Engineering, etc. Cost per session of nine months, inuding all fees, board, heat, light, undry, and neceasaryuniforms$12.187 \ Students who are financially able, ly $40.00 tuition additional. 0HOLARSHIP AND ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS The College maintains 124 Agriculiral Scholarships, and 43 Textile jholarships, worth each $100.00 and ee tuition. (Students who have ettended Clem>n College <. r any other College or Diversity, are not eligible for the iholarships unless there are no other igible applicants). Scholarship and entrance examinaons will be held at the county seats ilv 14th, 9 a. m. NEXT SESSION OPENS SEPTEMBER 13, 1911. Write at once to W. M. Riggs, Present Ciemson college, S. CM for catague, scholarship blanks, etc. If you 3lay, yon may be crowded out. Notice Overseers! All overseers, both old and new in ch township, are requested to send e names of all haDds between the ;es of 18 and 55 who have paid the mmutation tax; and also the names d ages of all those who have not id in each of the several townships the county, and turn the same over the road inspectors of said townip. [t is impossible for the auditor to operly affix the amounts paid in thout this information. Your omptness will therefore be appre ited. Louis J. Langford, County Supervisor, xington, S. C., June 2u, 1911. fcf. Notice of Election. Sfotice is hereby given that an elecn will be held on Friday, the 7th y of July, 1911 at the school house Pond Branch School District No. , for the purpose of voting two mills school purposes therein. The polls 11 open at 9 a. m., and close at 4 p. All qualified electors will please present at said time and place for 5 purpose of voting. Luther HallmaD, E. P. Shealy, Job Smith, 35 Trustees. \ S. Rexford, 615 New York Life Lg., Kansas City, Mo., says: "I had evere attack of a cold which settled tny back and kidneys and I was in sat pain from my trouble. A friend ommended Foley Kidney Pills and end two bottles of them and tliev 7e d< ne me a world of g od." For Sale by All Druggists. PINEUIES a-iiife FOR THE KIDNEYS, JLADDER and LIVER DISEASES. RHEUMATISM, \CUTE BACKACHE, AND OTHER PAINS, MNEULES 30 Days Treatment For 75c. [AM DRUG GO. LEXINGTON, S. C. FINE TONIC , FOR WOMEN. ^CAkks|H|, PEAK ITEMS. ? To the Editor of The Dispatch: Fine rains have visited this section, and vegetation and crops in general are improving. Mrs. N. E. Hiller and son, Fred, of Chapin, are doing as well as coul 1 be expected, both being confiued t> the bed with typhoid fever. Miss Scott, a tni led nurse from the Columbia H >8pital, is in constant attendance upon the above cases. Thanks to Neal for correction reei"tAr?V.incr fnrinpr Vtn.aAhn.il rprtrtrVn frrtm ""h -w?*-^?" this correspondent. I would have reported results of last Saturday's game, but left it to Neal's discretion. Ho failing, however, I will report it: A clever game with Ohapin's generous boys at the bat against the "babies" of Peak, on the diamond just above the bend of the Broad, with its willowy banks playing with the gentle zephyrs as the visiting team (Chapin) closed the ninth inning, the score stood 8 to 5 in favor of Oha pin. Now in closing, as Neal claims that Peak's team cannot boast of being the baby team of the Dutch Fork, all the players, even Summerville and St. John, would appreciate it as a special favor from, the luminary of the hear-,,, ens of the baseball, to name the inostrU recently organized team of the Dutch 3 Fork. "Rix." Peak, June 24 k 7 (fnnmon a. L, oil uiuau, Real Estate and Life Insurance. o o FOB SALE: 125 acres of Land in Lexington co., 2 nr.les north of Woodford, S. C., situated on a public road. Mail by Rural Route. 70 acres under cultivation. This place can be rented another year for $250 00. If sold in 99 days I will take $2,500. 81 acres of highly improved land in Lexington county, 1 7-8 miles of Woodford, S. 0. 65 acres in high state of cultivation, clear of stumps, large barn, 2 tenants house all new, place under a woven wire fence, will produce 1 bale of Cotton per acre. Price I $3,500.00. 1-2 cash uaiance 1 and 2 M years. 1 vacant lot in the town of Woodford, S. C. 250x90. This lot is in the heart of town. It is a very desirable storehouse proposition, if interested it will pay you to investigate One storehouse and one lot in the town of Woodford, S. C., near dtpDt, lot measures 5C feet front by 24u feet deep, situated thereon is a single story frame building 24x110 feet, this property is placed on the market for a short time only, One store and dwelling combined in the town of Woodford, S. C. r Lot 110x110. This is a desirable location and is offered to a quick / purchaser for $425.00. j 400 acres of fine cotton land about 7 miles east of Woodford in Orangeburg Co,, 300 acres of this land is under cultivation. The location of this place makes it a i verv desirable, for a country store 1-3 cash, balance 1 and 2 years. 5 acres of land in the incorporation of Woodford, S. C., with im- I provements. This is an ideal place for a chicken farm or a lot proposition, it is offered for a sale tor a short time only. ; 72 acres of good cotton land 2 miles west of Woodford, S. C., in Orangeburg co., with improvements, within 1-2 mile of church and school honse. This is a very dpsiraMo intie farm, 1-3 cash Bai. 1 and 2 years. 93 acres of good farming land ( 1 mile we9t of Woodford, S. C., with improvements, thi9 could be <= made a very deidrable farm, if interested it will pay you to look it over, Terms 1-3 cash, balance 1 and 2 years. o o A. Z. Stroman. Woodford, S. C. Firstclass Barbecue. I will furnish a barbecue at Pelion, S. C., on July 4th, 1911. Everybody or anybody that wants a firstclass 'cue g dinner, be sure to come. The Pelion big brass band will furnish music for the occasion. Two match ball games pi will be an interesting feature to lovers of ball. Speaking in the morning and afternoon by Lever, if jossible,. Everyone has a cordial invitation to r attend. Respectfully, VJ 3w34 R. T. ZENKER. DIG DADDCflllC u i y uHiiuku v ki A. Taylor's Place, = GILBERT, S. C. SATURDAY AUG. 5. J( ! I to The quality and quanity j of ray barbecues need no ^ ! explanation. j _ p, . .. ' of Everyone knows that ^ when they come to Taylor's barbecues, they expect and get a treat. ar A.ZARIAH TAYLOR, S Gilbert, S. C. J3JRU J I ^ For -fcli And 1 To those suffering tion, Loss of Appetife the Lfver or Kidneys, of a bottle. Relief fs efficacy in these disoi and unquestionable, bear evidence of its n ulator of the whole j body, purifies the blo< smooth and clear, or, J remarked by those d smooth and fresh like men and children no n its mild and certain el For Sale at Your Druggist: t Dun nc Life Medi( COLUI )ry Goods and I wish to announce to have added to my line DRY GOODS and SHI 11 _x_1^ -J T 1.1 ill ail styies auu ueau cordially incited to < buying elsewhere. ] country produce?Chic will pay highest cash Joseph F. F; r ? C i uwsoar tsai Colui Sir A. ?. LEVER JOS. NO J H. M RRATY CI L. KI G. P. LOGAN J. W. NC E. 0. BLACK D. A. S i O'As.A'A , pet cent intete^t paid an t( lded Aemi-annua % S)?pa (Limmetciaf accounts fmpfe facifitied |ar fiandfinq ML appreciate?. Safety dej 9f: 0s. For Sale. One lot on Church street near t] >hn H. Meetze place in East Lcxin n, with seven room dwelling finis [ out and out. Barn, stables, tena )use, smokehouse, garden good w< water. Call on or write 7 Sheriff Corley, Lexington, S. < Furniture. There is no use to go elsewhere f lything in Furniture or Undertakii hen j'ou can be served always at lo ices, at Scott Hendrix's Furniture Store. ie Uiires? j lidneys j, J from Dyspepsia, Inalges- | or any derangement of r 1 we would urge the trial i fl Immediate and sure. Its | J rders is fully established 1 Hundreds of testimonials | lerits. It is a perfect reg- 2 fl system; it gives vigor of | od, and renders the skin , bis has been many times | ising it, "makes the skin | that of a child." For wo- J ' medicine can equal it for | [feels. $ _________ ^ s in 25c, 50c and $1.00 Bottles. $ pared By f sine Company 4 HBIA, S. C. I ty I>rug | I ?ny, Agts. | J leeeeeeeeoeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 1 1 L. n /\/\oa j a my friends and patrons that I I { of merchandise a full stock of I 3ES. I handle the "Morris" Shoe fl lers, at lowest prices. You are -I call and inspect my stock before^. m [ make a specialty of handling 9 jkens, Eggs, Corn, Peas, Etc,, and 9 prices for same, ' _ 9 allow, Gaston," S. C, u YLL AT f| rrOISAl. BANK J Dbia, S. C. I fT2* V f*k "f* -CS 9 II WOOD N. H. DRIGGERS fl ELER E.G.COOK - ; V )R\VOOD W. P HAMRICK PIVEY C. II. BARRON - '~-^===df M ten, (3^ Q3. -I S) * /Ti /5 *. j . ^ ms fmd Wfidwtded H 5,000.00 'I x^imj deposits/, interest &eincf cam--. sit A oj! $/,00 and a^ex received. afaa giCen Speciaf attention. ijQ 11 x iiusific^S, and ijaui account po?iit fioxes far lent, ?7.00 pe/i t^ea/t ' VI Flour'JMill Notice. I tie We will grind wheat only on the g- following days of eacn week?Mor^ h- days, Wednesdays and Fridays. nt B. L. Dreher & Bro. ?11 lw Irmo, S. C. ? . c- McCartha-Ivey. Miss Sallie McCartha, daughter of Mr. George McCartha of Lexington^, or and Mr. Pete Ivey of Black Creek, lg were quietly married at the residence^^M w of Rev. A. R. Taylor yesterday, morn- -^^B ing. The Dispatch extends congratu1