FKOFSSSIONAL CASDS. DE.G. B. HAEDXNG, THE OLD AND TRIED UENTIST, is at his office doing good wors at moderate prices. Call to 9ee him don't wait. r Near Hyatt's Park, COLUMBIA, S. C k Y 1 DK. JT. U. UllxaiUiVfi, DENTIST lolO Main Street, COLUMBIA, S. 0. k Oitzos Ho?jbs: 9 a. m. to 2 p. m.t an hom k V. 3 tO 6 D. EL i \I7MVW. HA WES, | ?i Attorney and Counselor at Law. NEW BROOKLAND.S. C. Practice in all Courts. Business solicited. November 1.1905. 11 i * * taai r na?*?cw , ^ DENTIST. Edmund, Lexington County, S. C. Thurmond & timmerman, attorneys at law, will practice in all courts, Citizens' Bank B'ld'g, Batesburg, S.. 0. We will be pleased to meet those having ie^ jral business to be attended to at our office ta the Citizens' Bank Building at any time. Respectfully, >. Wm. THURMOND, (i. BJZUh TltfUEBMAN, { * ' I Albert m. boozer, attorney at law, columbia, s. 0. Omos: 1316 Main Street, upstairs, opposite . ? ; Van SLtre's Furniture Store., *special attention ?iven to business entrusty*?d tdhim by his fellow citizens of Lexington ? oountv. taw Offices, ( Residence, 1529 1909 Washington < Pendleton Street. Street. ( Offloe Telephone-No. 1872. Residence Telephone No. 1086. WBOYD EVANS, LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR. _ Columbia. S. 0. /?? n T. WATT. | in. xj , x*. V DENTIST COLUMBIA, S. 0. . Lutheran Publication Building, 162G Main St. Office hours 8 a. m.. to 5:30 p.'m Dec* 23. 1907- -6m 9 MtttL DRa Ca Ja 0L,VER0S? ^|k 1424 MARION ST., ' COLUMBIA, S. 0. Is prepared to treat all troubles of Sye, Ear, Nose, Throat and Lungs. The fit of Spectacles Guaranteed. ? ? 4 B. F. JONES, H. D. V. Graduate Veterinarian. Out-of-town calls promptly j attended to . /> j COLUMBIA, S. C. - A 22 _ ^ ?! I Honesty 2 I in Jewelry I ^ _ H another tire other day. 9 generally have to take the "Jew i? eler's word for it" whether it is g good 01 not. jg That's just where our reputa- 0 tion for honesty and fair dealing B counts. ? And furthermore, we will ?al- g ways give you your money back and ask no questions auy time ?? you are dissatisfied with a pur- fe attention to mailorders. ti M W VV? - CHARLES F. SBNTZ, 11 JEWELER, I gagggKM ui" lgB 1 gBEgacaga ca? i Hogs Killed by Lightning. Four fine thoroughbred hogs, weighing\on an average 175 pounds each, belonging to Col. T. Y. Williams, were killed by lightning Monday afternoon, on his plantation south of town. The hogs were under a tree, which was struck by the electric cur rent.?Lancaster News. Young Wile Kills Herself. A special dispatch tj The State from Bait.more savs: "Mrs. Mary Parker Mack, wife of Dr. Washington L. Mack, a prominent physician of Orai.geburg, S. C-, committed suicide by drinking a quantity of carbolic acid *n her husband's laboratory, and from an old bottle which she found which bore the label of an Orangeburg pharmacy. The tragedy occurred iu the home at 40U Edmondson avenue, which the husband had purchased and presented to his wife only three weeks ago. Dr. Mack left Baltimore for South Carolina the day prior to the tragedy and was apprised of the news through a telegram sent him shortly after the discovery of the act. The corcner gave a verdict of suicide." Barbecue. We will furnish a first-class Barbecue and refreshments on Saturday, July 1st, 1911, three and one-half miles south of Gilbert, on the Oid Charleston road. Able speakers will be on - - - - -A x t J hand to discus3 the issues 01 me ua..y. -Music will be furnished by band. The photographer will be ready to make your pictures. The meats will be cooked by the well known] cuist Mr. U. P. Taylor. Everybody invited to come and enjoy the day. J. J. CROUT. 3?34 P. S. CROUT. ; NOTICE! J.. Vi nt./^Vwrr flriron ftiaf. fi in ?7. -L^UiiVC 13 UCICI/J gl T VH VWV?V ?V, . is pronibited on the premises known as the late Geo. 0. Clarke, Black creek property. MJS3 BESSIE CLARK. , 35p ... Gilbert, April 7, 1911. % Airery THE JEWELER 1508 Main St., Colombia, S. C, REPAIRS WATCHES AND JEWELRY * ? - n? 4* _ _ I Makes mem uooa as new MEDALS AKD BADGES u *?1?.J" !_ A... A.... nanuiaciuren in uiir umi Shops for Schools and Other Purposes. AVERY, The Jeweler 1508 Main St., Columbia, S. C n;E WORLDS 8REATESTSEW1N3 MACHINE If von want either a Vibrating Shnttle. Rotary Shuttle or a Single Thread [Chain Stitch] Sewing Machine write to I HE NEW HOME SEWINQ MACHINE COMPANY Orange, Mass. ilar.y ^ewinsr machines are made to sell regardless ct *>ut the Aew Home is made to wear. I Our euarantr noverrans out. s^?l hj authorized dealers only. i F02 SALS SY I W. P. RD5F, Lsxnjton, S.C. i gg . "I know what is good fk g| for young and old pec- % [I* pie,'1 writes Mrs. Clara M m Dykstra, a trained nurse |? H of South Beilingham, |g gj Wash., "and will say that MS3 I consider Cardui the best nil I medicine for girls and 1| women. It makes them || feel like new persons, re- || lieves their pain and reg- || ulates womanly troubles. || "Both my daughter and I M received great benefit" M The Woman's Tonic B A? a mpriirinp for fp- 53 I male trouble, no inedi- ||| cine you can get has the S old established reputation, g that Cardui has. Fifty (50) years of sue- ? cess prove that it has ^ stood the greatest of all S tests?the test of TIME, p As a tonic for weak wo- 33 men, Cardui is the best, be- || cause it is a woman's tonic, g Pure, gentle, safe, re- IS liable. Try Cardui. If Barbecue at Gilbert. We will furnish our annual barbecue and refreshments at Gilbert, on July 4th. Firstclass dinner and plenty of refreshments and a good time' for everybody. H. N. OSWALD. 3w34 J. D. HALLMAN. Not Too Plump. All men should te square, but it's best for a woman to be plump.?Anderson Mail. A Conundrum. If Mr. Felder and Mr. Blease should \ meet on the field of honor, with pistols and coffee for two, who aud what Would be vindicated by such action? This is in the nature of a co_ undrum, which we would like to see answered. P rman' TTnmn film I r &AUViO y 144VM N/UAJ* | rrsii DEALER IN General Merchandise Staple Line GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, HARDWARE, w*T a **T1T *TT A T>T1 mTV.. IJ^XViUUXjlj W AAL, 1111 - | WARE, ETC. - I Lexington, - S. C. I DON'TDELAYEONGEB In providing your home with a good piano or crgan Doubtless, you have promised your family an instrument. No home is complete without music, and nothing is so inspiring and cultivating. Music helps to drown sorrows, and gives entertainment for the children, and keep9 them at home. This is our 27th year of uninterrupted success here hence we are better prepared than ever to supply the best pianos and organs and will save you money. Write us AT ONCE for catlogs and for our easy payment plan and prices. HONE'S MB USE 14 2P Main St. Columbia, S. C. Dealer in High Grade PIANOS AND ORGANS G.W. UNDLER, Chapin, S. C., ' Has an up-to-date line of COFFINS AND CASKETS On hand, at prices to suit everybody. Prices range from $1.50 up to $60.00. Oall on me and I will save you money. I am prepared to furnish a hearse whenever desired in connection with my und*r ak:rg business Jan. 1?ly Middle Aged and Elderly People, Use Foley Kidney Pills for quick and permanent results in all cases of kidney and bladder troubles, and for painful ; and annoying irregularities. For Sale by Ail Druggists, j Bolt Kills Boy and Mule. ! i Dick Tisdale, a negro boy about 16 | years of age, was tilled Monday af- ! tirnocn by a stroke of lightning while j ploughing in Shannontown, a suburb i situated south of Sumter. The mule ! that Tisdale was ploughing was torn j to pieces by the lightning. It is worse than useless to take any { medicines internally for muscular or | chronic rheumatism. All that is needed is a free application of Chamber- J Iain's Liniment. For sale by All Dealers. Notice? All parlies holding claims, either county or school are hereby notified L 1. I \ C IT I; ) present, u:e sauic iui LU ?j. L. Wingard County Treasurer oil or before June 30, 3911. 2w\ E. L. Wicgard. Avant Caught in Texas. A special dispatch tr im Camer; n, Texas, to The News and Courier says W. b. Avanr, alias William Benjimin, was arrested there Tuesday by Sheiiff I-Iooks, Avant is wanted in Georgetown. S. C., where he was tried for murder and convicted of manslaughter. Following his conviction, the case was appealed and the sentence was affirmed. Upon hearing of the affirming of his ca^c, Avant, accompnned by his wife, flecl to that State about a year ago. When arrested he was engaged in selling sewing machines and was located at a boarding hcuse, Upon his arrest by the sheriff he admitted that he was Avant, and said that he would go back to South Carolina without requisition papers. He is about 35 years of age audisot good appearance. REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AKD CHILD. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILR TEETHING, with PERFECT SUCCESS. If SOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS ILL AYS all PAIN; CURES WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy for DIARRHCEA. It is absolutely harmless. Be sure and ask for " Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," ar.d take BQ pthfT kind. Twenty-live cents a bottle. 0 mm i 1 iwri m umwn ju pi FOR SALE:?Cheap, one light spring' j wagon, newly repaired and painted. In good condition. Rice B. Harman I Farms 11 1 i ^ Lexington farms are in de- S & mand, and .^Lexingtonians are a k buying. Farms. If you have one 2 for sale, or if you want to buy, ^ S let us know. |! S A nice residence with good or g g chard and garden, and 15 lots; g 9 also splendid store house and lob j| in thriving town of Irmo. New s negro college for the town. Prces k 1 very reasonable. j? si mfkfrt & firm f l K VlUlllilll U LIAfilULL R I i p 1507 Main Street, . 1 I COLUMBIA, S. C. 1 OHIGHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND BRAND LADIES t Art your Dranlit for CHI-CHES TER'S A DIAMOND BRAND PILLS in Red and M Gold metallic boxes, sealed with Blue(0> Ribbon. Taeh no omer. BntrftoM W DraggUt and o*k for CHI-CllES-T^H 8 V DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for twentj-fivQ years regarded as Best, Safest, Always Reliable, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS 5!? EVERYWHERE SS iuuuuuu^ 5 juvuvnw i I r..n i if -... ^ ^ l ne tsest Maaef ^ Also Good Shipr J 5 Old Reliable Rock H i f RHEA LIV & aA 11AA M C4 ^ ^ < IIV9 ncfiiifjtvii wi i ^wwwvw-v* vwwvwvww Mm a&F Yrt^ b '?#\. ? M vm te v ^ rZ'A fo?* Vj&n fe-r'^TA ?T*5 R$ brs'i bc/i L^.- \ pjiM f3&J i m m Wk m N t fSM vM J?& fesy > 25 #D ?&& > f WZ CARRY /Te $ / LINE llpP E4STF * mvjr a 1 S3 KODAKS,FILMS, PAPER lif ' P SHIPMENTS FREQl H INSURIN' Jj| " Send Us Your < | THE R. L. BRY/ Sj COLUMBI. / 1( c New aau i \w { 1.1 I \ 17,0 ^ The /?'Monthly I Is, iftMwasatM _ Mife* Door sep | Poverty. ^^?2^ jiy be afi< J. T. COLEMAN Mgr. Al Charleston. S. O THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE Incorporated as a stock company John F. Dryden, President. FOR R< and DRESSEI Doors, Sash, Blii Etc., Write N. H. DRIC COLUMBIA, ' - S< ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FIGURED SHINGLES AND LUMBI Ge Cc -All Sizes and the Prices Suit ' nent of Columbus, and Rock ill Buggies, "A Little Higher 'E STOCK COI reet, Columbia, So 'WWWVWWWV* ^wvwvwvwwv k MW #, n, M m M.~M& tea m -V; t - .^l ' ^ ? J* i^v m, X *v A FULL (y^ \ ;; : S43 AND OTHER SUPPIES. g| IENT, 0 m G FRESH GOODS . 4 Order Today ^ ? 3 iN COMPANY | A, S. C. jj| * -1911- | | 3 and SUS3KER SHOES 9 ve a eamplete lir.e of all the > I d "Up-to-date" Oxfords, and < I trap Slippers, in every Mate- > 1 and widtn, to please our Lex- ) ier.ds for dress wear. For gen- s | l* we have substantial Oxfords / j s for Men, Women and Children < thai wiilplease you We "do" 5 ( b ^ IU of Intir. / ? inc iti. i\j ?. ? ! . Farmers strong work Shoes 5 g Ity. St-e ours before buying. ? | =>. & F. A. DAVIS, I am St., Columbians. C. j g a8EBBBagBBB?gaaH < miiMii Prudential Income Policy is the .4 arting Comfort From r f h side wil| your fam> 1 >r your death? "* .FRED J. FOX, Special Agent, LEXINGTON, S. C. COMPANY OF AMERICA, by the State of New Jersey Home Office, Newark, N J OUCH t > I 11 AMI BCD y kuiviBfan) nds, Shingles, or call on ^acdc OUTH CAROLINA. . MARKET PRICE8 PAID FOB !R OF ALL KINDS. flninc Armstrong Stocks aad Dies ITt? I/O ZTUl IIauuic iiwiaiiviu S/x Assortments Carried in Stock ircading Pipe % in. to 4 in. inclusive so Vises, Pipe Cutters, Wrenches, Bard Bushings tlumbia Supply CoColumbians. C. /VWWVtWW? ^wwwvw^ J Everybody. J ^ Hill Buggies, the ? # in Price, BUT--" * J =?11 MPANY, $ uth Carolina. ^ J l/VWWWWl> 5 >