' f " THE LEXINGTON DISPATCH, * * ? Representative newspaper. Savers Lexington and the Borders of the Surrounding Bounties Like a Blanket. VOL. XLI. LEXINGTON, S. C.. WEDNESDAY JUNE 21, 1911 33 . GLOBE DRY OOODS COMPANY, . AN* TXT. T3L.^OITCirXOILT, Tie., ^ ' - irtCO MAIN STREET, - -- -- -- - C OLUMBIA, 8, C. Solicits a Share of Your Valued Patronage. Polite and Prompt Attention. OpMtar 18tf afc* v: -*":w I Your Bank % Is Earnestly Invited, You Sound Banking M . United Stati supc Which guarantees the sa > At all times we stand i I on appn THE HOME P , LEXINGTON, Cash Capital Total Resources 0\ _______ / r (Bank ( : : : CHi The Bank Tli This bank aims to give you checks for you?furnish drai always ?lad to assist you in t with this bank, which makei positors. Our certificates of We cordially invite the fan their banking with us. J. 8. WESSINGER, Preside! ' * . iT. B. Roach! 1 I wish to inform m a in Lexington and ad 1 am now in the whc 1 prepared to sell full I Meal, Grits and Pro\ I. es and will appreciat I T R RA I* ? Phone 2446. 715 Gei Dry Goods and +_ I wish to announce t< have added to my lin DRY GOODS and SH in all styles and Leat cordially in^ted to buying elsewhere, country produce?Chi will pay highest cash Joseph F. F J. O. C Removed From the C Main Street t< "Common People" car People", good white folks ; Cockrell at his new stand Feed, Etc. Good Horses and Waj Cash or credit. Prices gin than anyone in the City. ( J. x>. c 1818 MAIN STREE1 Send Us Yo ing Business I . and in Return, We Offer | iethods, Together With The I | es Government j j Tvision, | EXaUDBBBBBOEaBHi |gjj | fety of your funds at all times. I ] *eady to help our depositors, 1 >ved securities. 1 i NATIONAL BANK ? * s. c* ii $ 25,00000 1 ; er $200,000.00 1 >f unapin i lPIN, S. C, I ' iat Accmomodafes I good services. We cash oat-of-town g fts for sending money away. We are . I rosiness matters. Make yonr deposits I i 3 a point of good treatment of its de- I deposit bear interest at 5 per cent. g cners as well as the business men to do m ' it. J. F. HONEYCUTT, Cashier I j mBBHRnRffiHunn/ i =============================== i i nBHHHHHIBHBII Provision Co. I V friends and customers | , joining counties that >lesale business and am ! i line of Grain, Flour, j isions at attractive pric- J e your trade. ACH, Pres. rvals St. Columbia, S. C. -J i 1 Shoes: ] > my friends and patrons that I e of merchandise a full stock of ! OES. I handle the "Morris" Shoe ; hers, at lowest prices. You are . call and inspect my stock before i I make a specialty of handling < ckens, Eggs, Corn, Peas, Etc,, and 1 prices for same, allaw, Gaston, S. C, ; I I OCKRELL, i t >ld Cockrell Corner, 1934 1 > 1818 Main Street. J i only be pleased by "Common ] and "Free Niggers". Ask J. D. i for prices *on Groceries, Grain, Tons second-hand and brand new. { iranteed to be 20 per cent, less f Uall and see me. 1 1 !ockpell9 ' T, - COLUMBIA, S. C. ur Job Printing. rAKE UP 11 HOSIERY MILL MATTER ro Consider Further An- f nulling of Contract. Columbia, June 18.?Speeial:Wedis the day set for the special meeting _ o Df the State board of Penitentiary ci- j rectory at which time the details of ? a the annulling of the hosiery mill contract will be arranged, according to ^ schedule. e Following a recent meeting of the c board, at which the agreement was j reached that the hosiery miil be abol- v ishcd, it was announced that at the [ t 3pecial session on the 21st, the method j, cf procedure would be outlined and ^ the matter taken up with Capt. John I, M. Graham, who has the contract | 0 with the Penitentiary directors in the j t matter of the labor in the hosiery mill. Nothing that has come up in recent months lias created so much comment, as the hosiery mill abolishment. The State board of health's report, coming r after Governor Blease had asked for k an investigation and the same time o had been directed by the Legislature, s stirred the state as to this form of la- t bor and at the meeting of the board v of directors it was decided to adopt <2 the state board of health's recommen- r elation s. What to do with the convicts has F e been generally discussed in this state. K There are abont 800 workers in the * hosiery mill and it will be quite a task D b) give them outdoor work. Most pa- ^ pers have favored the work on the c 3hain gangs. This will be impossible ^ svith some of the dangerous prisoners. 0 Safe-blowers and murderers work side P by side in this mill and there is here ^ " ' f the worst element of the state's criminals. In the list of suggestions is that of " ??!? Vn* tVio oamo roftflnn onmp I anil w Ul JL'V/JL. tuu kJUULLv vv^/vw k/v?A*w 5f those in the hosiery mill will not be ible to be placed on the farms of the Penitentiary. 11 The board of Penitentiary direc- ? :ors has made no official announce- 11 nenfc of what form of work will be c ;iven the men and women of the ho9i- n ?ry mill. Chairman Sanders, being ? isked by the News and Courier coire- 11 spondent for a suggestion along this P line, replied that this would be work- 9 3d out at the me eting here and in ad- ^ pance he did not care to make any statement for publication. P There are other suggestions of the P state board of health to be considered e it this meeting of rhe board. f Sheriff Corley \ Captured Still, s 0 On Thursday night about 1 o'clock CM- : ?t D XT nQnf.nr09ed of the Jersey, the red pole, as he medium class for home use, and he Holstein. The beef type is com ?09ed of the Hereford and the Pole ingU9. This part of the demonstra LUI1. AS TO STOCK RAISING. Two of the finest mares, representng the best type for breeding purposes ver brought to the State are shown a the exhibit. Dr Barnett, who is in barge of the horses, pointed out the ecessity of the farmers raising their wn mules and horses instead of buyag them from the West. This vital oint is being pushed by the demontrators, perhaps, more than any otfur eature. Exhibits of insects affecting corn ilants, showing the life history of the 'ants, together with the treatment, te, attr eted much attention. Pre f * J ? 1. ^ ~ ^ sarrow priues mmsbu uu dairying ?, a 'mer's library and in one car is found , large collection of book9 of vital inerest to farmers. Farmers, as a rule, ays Dr Barrow, have 110 library, while very other professional man ha3 his ibrary. Mr Napier gave a lecture on seed orn, selection etc, Two types of hogs re shown and they are among the inest ever seen in the State. A Tamirorth, one of the largest breeds mown, is 45 inches fall, and though in le9h, tips the scales at 050 pounds. LADLES VISIT WDNTHUUr V-aiv. The Winthrop car, in charge of Miss lyde, head of the practice home at he College, a woman of rare intellecnal talents and charm, was crowded pith ladies all during the stop here, i'his home wa9 the first of the kind ver established in the State, says Miss lyde, and she firmly believes that it pill be the means of bringing eventuiJy the rural districts into such a appy state that the towns and cities rill loose its charm for country boys nd country girls. In this home the iris are taught economical houseeeping, and ali through the Winthrop ar economy is the watchword. All manner of labor-saving cooking tensils are exhibited. This problem, rhich is intended to meet the problem f servant hire, is solved in the lecures given by Miss Hyde and Misses luff and Benton, two attractive members of the senior class. The idea of :eeping itemized accounts was stressed. ?wo cars are fitted up with laboraviug devices, the actual workings of vhich are shown to good effect. Miss lyde has organized at practically iver, point where the cars have been nown a Homemakers' Club. All members of the part}7 expressed hem-elves as being elated over the greeting they received in Lexington md the people, who came some for a lis mce of twenty miles, were amply epaid for the trip. I "How Great t When Tis Ti ?Mena Boyhood has a right to expect I him with knowledge and instil him to catch the big lisli of hi starting a savings account lor 1 The value of money and its ear , pride and responsibility ensue J Interest on savings in our banl ?1 ^5*5 .B, Ij UUZeilS Ddim BATESBURG, ! Resources Five per cent. Interest Paid IJ CALL It TTWTTrtlW TW A T'Tl V AB AVID Columbia Direc A. F. LEVER JOS. NORVV J. H.M.BEATY C. L. KIBLI G. P. LOGAN J. W. NORM E. 0. BLACK , D. A. SPIV ^ ? 1 BANK BY M 2 Just as Easy to Open ai 2 Though You Lb 5 DEPOSIT part of youi earnings TOI | BrookSan | New Brookl; r WE CARRY FIRE AND BURGLAR VcWU? 0ty$& $o - t L I ? t> pei cent mleieAl pa.d. an AaVtn puted. Aemt-aanua$4p ^TcpaAtiA Cammetciaf accounts afac (Jmple |acifit tei |ar fian?ftnq ?c appreciate?. ?a?ztif depart W: 0i 0lw/,0. V ' p You Can't Be Cor ?Id We make the finest qua approved hygienic me fully and shippe Palmetto 1 < COLUMBIA, . . l_??i he Small Gift I mely Given" I nripr. I assistance from others. Aid I the habits that will'prepare ^ 3 ambition in later life by ^ the boy in a bank. fe ning power is taught and just % i is compounded. |j of Bafesburg, | .*. .*. s. c. | - ?150,000.00 I on Certificates of Deposit. j? =S\ , AT DNAXj BANK , s. c. :tors 00D N. H. DRIGGERS ?R E. G. COOK IOOD W. P. HAMRICK EY G H. BARRON ? 'J IS969S9SSS969S9S9SSS9?969 ail: 1 i Account With Us as