ILLINOIS CORN SRO > RAT tt * * * g' ?*** -f^U M<i&tfZ~ %? ?<* **r %v^ -- - r ^ : 7? : '** ^ I R. A, James of Cha | - ^ ^ }^| .stssv f tgjs ^Gmvs mm T oc t'n . j- . . M'-y i> fccsni 4&&I A RvHl jtaa i-fl'. era t-io? sJmr^ a^JcscsbfJ ?t;o^ fc??y uttszai I .W<51c hihi bzvoi ?-j2 2?2? stsi&q ? fcwiahxtJ 2?*c ^ chtj sfemff X H I ' ' ^ ^ ^%* " ^. v-' ^MM yiB BW^HMB^HBWB^HK^^gKa^-y^^sS^M '" -v.***'. ~ - Form 4 , - f r^S~?~'KrA; w:ic* | 36 - jlod the 1910 >% 1 JR. A. James, of Charfestoji. I;l., m 'tUffc prcl^W itfjnc&on of havinc ?rowrv * | 00 bssi;els/6? IJ st y Ekr&htu&ercrop.^ ; |At the National Corn Show ju9t .held | at Calumjmg, r^itv Ctwg???*leina? was" "^lawaroed the w. KTJ TTellot'^IS'^nofiaT * ? :^ Jp?rn Trophy, donated in Jy. v?f Kcilo?, president of th6 Eellop ftdfrirr"Trrr f The W. K.Keilog* National , ! Ccxrn Ttophy ^jJ' Tdastert Cor.i ?$tke t? sands of cats/Off ?;orji fn all I T3ar^ oi'thf^rm^fr^ 1 \ *" ?S ' . :i ? - --- - rni. ~ ' '> KeJeiti. >n o?^laiiacli^irrplo'u S*wpep . st^e6 afid-tlie-1 95ellf>cr | trcpby \?ere made tm -genera* pacts of j sujasrionty. ?t: rj ;1 .. r * - - ^ Tii? ear of corn grown by Mr. James : -* f -i ' 1 IT*? *. ' X '? / '.'.* : ~ ; ; ... ....... ? ? IB i SB wSMI'1 R A. James, Winner ofW. K. Kellogg National Corn Trophy for 1910 is of ^Reid's Yellow Dent variety. Itis 1 lODg, 7% -inches iD circumferi " . - .S -v"r WER WIHS7lit K. x x.' $ ! t8MLTRW?Y ^4 ?' i llpsal i thej ^ n i 'i>ax93 acs aot-Jocf ovr f J. BK^Bj l T^^^pBMp^-::'?^g^^|HB|^EHKSaEi WSSSmm rophy, ^dtfc the'Trophy vjy j Champion Ear ': 41 it - *..;, ?*? rr: %. f ' m tl.Jf to*,-a* r ' * v V : of kferi'eis, 6 to ! ike inch in tlie j*ow, ayerage % of an ?{?ch in depth, and 5-16 of an inch in ?#idth. It is indeed a very cOect I type of yellow dent corn. Sii^hifeiirrfis'k vijrofons ^farmer about 40 years of age and of plewsmg personality, a roan who fhaa ven^cS^pl^ncLv jj?^r^.p?lt nre^and \been wrested from tl ;e St ate of. jjoaiana... Lastyear s cl kmJSN 11 ear, the?r$i> winj)er{ of:.the,'KelJci'g trophy,, vf^sgrownj^V^r.^rc-d C.Pal-i of ^wtawut Iiidi... Itwas^lso of Reit ^ -^D^jMI'* riHfTWTOIIwTyi:i B^88wBI^BB5B^^SV^ivHBlHIHSwEc^ uhfj^^a^nnH nral ocCii v^ World's Best Ear of Corn for: 19X0 i-j^r.^ ; f, * f ? Yellow Dent variety,crossed with Alez ander Gold Standard. Last ycac.'s prize winner is the most perfectly formed ear | of the two, thopgn it requires a careful I jud?e to distinguish the- points of sa pcil vji I \jJ . ! ti?Dhe tropiiy awarded to Mr James was !inade by Tiffany, of New York, tor Mr. W. K. Kellogg, at a cost of $1,000. Ir i is made of Sterling silver, bronze and I enamels, and is a truly artistic creation | It stands 30 inches in height. Mr. Kellogg's interest in corn growing can be understood when it is stated that the Kellegg Toasted Corn Flake Co., of which he is president, has an output 1 requiring 10,000 bushels of com a day, raw product, ior its manufacture. A peculiar feature is that while the Kellogg product is made exclusively from selected white corn, the Kellog trophy has been won each time by yellow corn I exhibit. The trophy is offered for an! nual competition until won twice by ( the same grower. The National Corn Show at which the award was made, was an event of tremendous magnitude. At one of the sessions President Taft was present and delivered an address. ;:;i?^1P| w#|gp^; **"*?Makes rich*,- red; puol.' system clears -the b'raia ^-str^n ?h A positive specific for Blood ra Drives out Rheumatism and'51 a wonderful'tonib and Tbody-J)^ | ; ; f. yjjppman, i; ? '-V.. 'r US 8 w 5n5 I *' t,''if i;r : v;J?3'; .?Tyw ma :,i,mtv* ' Lucy Av,5rya- .;Waa feorn Fcbruary .:'P (9tb, 1&37, and died .April. ?27Lh?! 1911, T .taaking her sojourn in this world-of sorrow Z4 years,. 2 montl s and .1$ days.: She was hrst married to Albert Rik- i grandmother ^and'a- host of c relatives and friends to mcmrii ins',' tin- ;'fl timelydeparture... . ?heumpnia '/waS .the cause of his death.' : r; ; ip v Little Cleabdrn was a yeiry bright - b| ^ jjbti#.?i*i;y^';loyedjb?every one. Jjlp- n was always ?ullv.of glee.. The last - i->: ;wor4s-ffopa hia; swe,t.t. Kpdr he eallefi C tfor Oily and told .fcshlITi, Ti.'?May I God bless and;'comfort' these bereft .Qne3* ... . e In the solemn hour of evening, w : ! -t In the silence calm and deep; "i> Lying on his peaceful bed, ! . Oar little babe fell asleep. t In St. Thomas' churchyard Thprp. is nnw a ftpur-marlp montri. ^ . S /r' f * Ana our linie babe so'cherished, 1 1 Has been laid beneath the ground. But. up yonder in the porta's That is shining very fair; ^ Our little babe-is now sheltered IBy the Savior's, loving care. Dearest one, then hast left us, JLontiy are our hearts today ; r \ . .... Death has of him berelt Us, r Taken him so far away. i a rri.' isi ' i * i" tj *'r ;-f $e has -crossed: the cold dark river., ' c ' Angers hold liim by the hand; ; c He is safe from fitorms forever? j J . 1. . . J 1 . . -l _ , - aaie-witmn ine promise iana. ; 1 r How we miss his gentle footstep?, ; Miss each kind and gentle word j Isfp more in the Lohely household jg yr \ btodd * cleanses the entire S.. I gtb.ens digestion arid nerves: ' SB ; Poison >aiid skin diseases.: H b :ops the Pain; ends Malada; B Lilder/. Thousands endorse it. ? . SAVANNAH, GA. g 9PfcvlhgjZEiftSZB^BKDJ^H9^9KftH^HKRESBB^^^^^B o SUMMONS FO R RELIEF. HE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OP LEXINGTON. .In. Cpqrfc.of Common.P^eas. ? rder Directing Service by Publication 1 atesburg Gorton Oil Company,. Plff., against i German K^li Works, It appearing unto me by the- affidait ( f Geo. Bell Tmrmcrrnan, attorney )v ihe pijiinriff in the above entitled *6P, and heiero attached, and from >e Summon? and Complaint., which as been duly fi'ed in the cftlce of itrk of Court for Lexington county,; lowing a sufficient cause of action gainst the defendant, German Kali fork?, and t hat the. defendant is not a jsident of this. State but a corpora/\r? /-vtvVonirrii.'J ati'rl OV1 tKirvrr nnfipr and V7AJI MI1U y virtue of .the lriw>> .or the State of ew York, and ih&ving its principal lace of business, at: number 1)5 Nas.-au ^eet/i.iseu' Yor.k, iXi Y., .and that deindautiias property in the county .of >exir.?ton and Str.te of South; Carona and that. plaintiff has been and 'ill be unable by due dilligeneo, to mke personal service" of the summons n .said dtsfendapt \yitluu .this State, ow,on motion.of Geo. Bell. Timiner- . inn. attorney for plaintiff, ' 1 *TdS'OB$E?R-EDl fsteJ. I.-,;. Tii-abthe service of, liieffumrppiis l the above entitled .action upon )he aid defen'd&iit, German Kali' Worts, e made by publication thereof in the ,ex in gtou Dispatcher!: weekly news-' aper published at Ltxiu^ton, county ?'; Lexington, State of-?k\uSi Carolina, jiicc ayveck.i'oi; six-.s.ucoj^sivC : IT. .Xiat on" Yr'ybriarj the xpi publication, Jgjfo.'aiofegaicl.,j the t/iiutiip,ieas for Lexing*pncountv,. State of iciffch Carolina, this,the. 21st day of IpriJ, 1011. I ' FRANK! W. SHEALY, ! Jlerk of Court for Court of Common i deas for' Lexington county, South Carolina.v,May 1, 1911.?6w31 ' .. sumkojis. unF complaint, ckE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF LEXINGTON, In the Court of Common PJeas. Smmaline Drafts, Rose Surginer, Joseph Snrginer, Mitchell Surginer, Frank Surginer, Sarah Davis, Pliebe Am erson, Piffs. against landy Michen, George Michen, Maria Michen, Albert Michen, Harry Michen, Sarah Michen, Delts. Summons and Complaint lor Relief. To the Defendants above named: You are hereby summoned and rejuired to answer the complaint in this iction, a copy of which is hereby ierved upon you and to serve a 'copy )f your answer tc the said complaint >n the subscriber at hispfllce, No. 1316, ilain street, Columbia. S^ C-,' within ^efifcy d^rs iffer the service hereof, s'xclnsrv'e of the day of such service; md-iLyou fail to . answer the comilaiYifwittrin the time aforesaid, the ilairi'th'fs in'i this action will'apply to he^oiirt for the' relief demanded in ;he com plaint. ALBERT M. BOOZER, PiaiatiiVs Attorney. iJateci ft L'oiumpia, o. u. xVlti! (' ll lI3, I ' ) i J.. ' ' ' ; . . . . .. / y., . 4 i r . . . ? ' Tj the Defendant, Handy Michen: Aud if ho be dead his unknown l>eirs ib jaw or devises ami any and all perons who might claim through or un3er him or either of them-: ' i Take Notice that, the complaint in chis action was filed in the office of the ClerK of the Court of Common Pleas cor Lexington county, South Carolina, it Lexington, in the county of Lex-, ugton, in the State of South Carolina, >n the 27th dav of. April, A D. 1911. ALBERT Mr BOOZER, Plaintiff's Attorney. Lexington, S.. C., April 27; 1011.?31 11 fflllfJMI! Firin Sest and Healthiest Part ef Georgia I have 10,000 acres of farmland for sale in tracts from 100 to 1000 acres, rhe land is rich arid fertile, excellent jlimate, good water, and considered ;he healthiest portion of Georgia. Good schools and churches throughjut this section. Lands near Greensboro $-0 to $30 per icre. Country farms ?15 to $25 per acre, with easy terms. R. L. McCOMMOXS, Real Estate Agent, Greensboro, Ga Services at Gilbert. After considerable improvement 011 Grace Lutheran church, the building will be reconsecrated to the worship of God the coming Sunday- The sermon will be preached by/thip Rev. C. A$ Freed of "Columbia, "I'he hply communion wili be a-Ihii^isiered. worship the Lord wifeh us. Pastor. . .. r . J \^arM^To'.%ilNad Me^ %>&t{sL Me., senjJs,'. out to-'- iteifroad era: 1 ?,A -contt'tfcthr oh; J$?" fcaii'road, my wotfc) canfee^ a'cS^im?'5&lKlmmation of ti?e/% kidneysr4S"d j'Vpas miserable and 'aPplay&$outf. AMiuend advised Folegri! KidneyivPills aid the day I eoip-,. menced t&fcji^^hj^T), I began to *r'eilgain my st^gt^.TtThe inflammation) cleared and $:i%tti^,bettpr than I li^ye. been d'afr, twenty yeafW.: The weakrfesy ancldizzy sp.euls are a thing of the past and I highly recommend Foley Kidney Pills," .ForSale by All Druggists. *f-'v * % The Palmetto .Medical.. association, composed of colorbd doctors,fheld their ^ annual meeting iii Greenwood the 28th" and 27th. WE HOLI> up Red Meat cheiy for men. ;Alv. good?better novh t ever. < No ppic?^;ix^ke.ycur.t02i sore?no excess^orff|^eetepinj make you spit ycursVtf away anc your stomach. J'.::.; high-grade Carolina tob^c^3 a perfect prccrz.:, /.:>.r&2 tJ I it's ths'ri-'?i i g^th gohS -V":' ahc find out Cutout ;~:.s ah r.n:'. mail to p nanic :.o *?:: r .our FRH Nam e " " ' " fi ^ ^"V: " ^ 0 1704-1706 Malar SI g Spring Sale I ClothinfiForMci ; Set ro$dy and don't, del is full to overflowing with South Carolina. If you arc just drop in and see this fii your expectations. Grand lot of Fine Hats Hat- For this Sale we qffe Trimmed at $1.98 and $2. Eats for the Children 25c i - Clothfn 50 Fine all Wool Suits for ?11 W 1 Urri ft nioVv n r> r\ Iclil VV UUl ilfil VJ. UJLJIOIX C4.XJLV4. 50 fine Blue Imperial Berg ity. all wool, the SI7.00 1 100 pairs 84.00 all Wool P ; "They are extra fine. 100 Boys' Suits all Wool, 1 each Suit, the Suit at on. 100 Boys'Suits, extra fine 17 years, big value for I Boys' Sep 200 pairs Bloomer Pants, s at per pair apt?q?auBuiumwwiMnvrH iinnnrwurmiirda The best values and most < here. Our Jacquard and J i|the yard. 10 pes. Turkish Pongee th< ever sold, 26 inches wic out, regular price $1.00, See us for your wants in Rugs. Write for Samples 5060\yards of Fruit of the Long Cloth for this sale MMnMavnaumwwHMaaMaMUGiiBBnwHBMni Ready-to-Wes In Linen, Lingerie, Foulan i ? n i r~\ n , i I A tall line Dresses ror me at FITZMA 1704-1708 Mam Sfree Mesial Contest. The Woman's Temperance Society of New Brookland will give a mental contest at Hebron church on Thursday, evening, May 4th, at 3 o'clock. . The publiccordially invited. W* ) the Wake of the Measles :r The Utti.e .-scm of Mrs, Little Rock Ark., had the measles. -Th^j-efcuJ^vas &?eV;ew-*i6ouj;h which grew worse and vhe ,cphfdv not sleep. 4^ne;'\;b6&l&^f Foley's ? HftipkSj and (^L-Ogmpoupcl *o m pletely .'cured nini. a'n4= Ve ha\ jieyer been both-erfceP gtiiieA**'Whobj^ng cough, {;<3?gbf' all-, yjteldyto Foley's 'iJohOyL j^opij^ound. The ' 'gentHrw -Hiyellow- package f'tfi wa yp<)&efupft&tetitat&s. For Sale Simil %0i Dr. Harmes lo Preacfr. 3pr. John Henry Harmes, president of dewberry College, will hold communioaij^ervice at Nazareth Lutheran w ;c?urdji ;hec?t Siibday morning at 11 o'clock. Public cordially invited. fe Z let ;E offer; to chexyers only. ?;^.y|J1 ~G., Winston - C. dB&> ~?-"i -r? Columbia, $ C^::|:' ' 1 M Millinery.,If1 . is Boys and^ojaOi^^'- ^ H "^f^T" "" """" I lay. Come jp the stdre that I one of^ T^e Best Stocks in | 3 in Columbia at any time, | ie display at prices far below | from a 50c Sailor to a $10.00 I >r a Special Lot of Fine Hats | , ,98 each. * Grand display of | md up. I g Sale. - I +Vne ^solcknl LJLixo at y w# w ra worth $15.00. | es, a very fine qual- | dnd, only $12.50 | ants at only $2.75 I I pairs pants with | [y . r ? $3.98 I quality, sizes up to | $7.00, each'6ri!y . $5.50 1 arate Pants. f sizes' up to 17 years I 50 and 75c and $1.00 1 ?p?w? 1 arm ?? ? uajgp?uaui H ? and Silks. 1 dependable goods ever seen | "aponica Silks at only 25c e 'finest Dress Fabric ie, you can't wear it only 85c 1 Art Squares, Mattings and and Prices. Loom or Androscoggin g of 10 Trovrl Vr?r* <51 K cxc ^ at u iwi ^ i. w nm if Ladles Suits. | is and Wash Suits. | little Girls up to 16 years | 50c, and $1.00 to $3.00 | lUMCE'S t, . . Columbia, S. C. |