The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, May 03, 1911, Image 4

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I he Lexington Dispatch ' ? i Wednesday, MAY 3,19H. ^ ^ ^ ^ ' 6 31. Harman, iscusor ana muuHuei D. R?. Haitiwanger , Assistant Editor. , ..J Buttered at the Post Office at Islington, ' -vf S. 0.", aS second class matter. CIRCULATION 2.327. Notics Subscribers, - A Bine X on your paper denotes you are in arrears. A Red X shows that your subscription expires in the issue crossed". -? , towrf cbtirebes, the iowhVbf schools, -the towhofelubs. ; ,H ' ?S'?N .V .. i ; ; -- .- 7 1? , -Thoelob women have eapturea Colombia. , J. . - . . >. ' ; V-.T?; ?~ .?*. . The Columbia baseball team aod the R^; Cocks are pl^ijD^4i}^:&a.4^lQC^. Thl^&tf both at the bottom. V X-Mrf'===== ' M / Aod the oardons and ^^Dies right on- j ^ P^BacTrio ^e^n cents Pi^t^^^iffe cptt^vtffis time of ;the n iarVfoes nt ^efp^fiose Of lis ^hojhav?11 ?^j?S|&StfeKr. fEe&e?-s Cdn^raiiszl artiocn to'ycro, Hngh Afeigfttfn. *"4S&y ^5?ou - 'aiior yours; uve cfcg-and : ; :. jSjfcfc SrnirtiT rrrvrii ? r Had sfext - ih*tSM2u Sue? ougL^.6 ?** ji$pd mon t? J for notaries^ atid^^r ^^iers. Itf jjyill eatteoJuly |. * | jLexingtoir ought ?a extend its? pity uutB so as to take in the suburbs fbe|(^re thene** cen^ns-taker cppies |$>im? f BS : * '' "S ' V* *,h. r-^.- f s ?2 . t&'j*? i f: 15Grotvem . J Me,L. please # has given 008 bund- i dollars for a T. M. 0. A.' Jbtiildir ^^CharlesCon.^ ' J ll . . < ... ===== .-'. { JWe to pot Brother Towill of ?arg Enterprise, on nptiqe that Rr0-&re going to be at the Memoriali ptserxiises at BatesSnr^oa'^e^neiday. ?fave your "jailer-leg chickens < and 6^ea-top tarts" ready. F /? A . 'jMiHMyMMHMlaakaMlwaMa* ^ C p OP ~ t f It will indeed be a disappointment to those who have been aeccistomed .. ^ A, ? { to attending the commencement exer^isesof the Palmetto Collegiate Institute for the past several years to learn all of the exercises this year will be held in the day time. There is a season. " ~ * n \ \tm ; l The dispensaries in Columbia broke all records for April when the total 1 reached $60,775 daring last month, i The best previous April was $7,500 be- < load this month.?Columbia Record. How many so-called social clubs , were raided and put out of business during the month? v Congressman Lever has accepted ^ the invitation of President Johnson of ^ Wiuthrop college, to ^eiiyer an ad- ( dress upon the occasion of *the State i rural life conference to be held in Rock Hill Jaly 11-13. IBy th: resignation of Dr. C. Fred "Williams, for several yeac3 chairman - of the State board of health, South Carolina Joses one oriicr most faithful, ' efficient and valued officers. A high 1 toned gentleman,, thoroughly aiive 10 foe importance of the duties of the office and a student of no mean ability, foe gteac work which he has started ' and the great good ha has accomplished will live on and od, and genera. tiona 3*et unborn will rise up and call him blessed. i At St Stephen's. St. Stephen's church having been , ' closed last Sunday on account of ab- ? > sence of the pastor at Conference, will be open for service May the 7th, xbelli forenoon and eveL ing. Col. and Mrs. Harman Back From Florida. Co2.and Mr?. M. D. Harman rocnn:xi last night from a five weeks' stay *rith their canghters, Mr3. Lee, Mrs. Sn eider, and Mrs. Dykes, at Tampa, and their son, Capt. Cm.s. B. ilarmaj., at Gaines v. lie. They also visited Plaat City, Lakeland and other important points along the F'orida coast. Thev were charmed and delighted with the trip, but, like all those who have ever lived iu Lexington, they are gkwl to get back to God's country. Home and Farm, best agricultural paper ever published, only 25c a year in connection with The Dispatch. STATjE NEWS. Annoriftc&menfc was mafie in Wcshngton oii-Thtrfidax, the'Sunday closing movement would begin at the Ooinmbia po'stMice oirM^ay'7th.-' frl^^ recgrdfer.of Columbia on, J&rfday &Wd the Union clhb, <a "Social club' on Assembly street* $40.75 for storing whiskey.; W. R. English, a Western Union lineman, was killed by coming in contact wi^il.a live wire while climbing a pole in Columbia on Friday. He came from Virginia, vwher& he JiAS'& tKife. Rumors are. current that the C. , C. & 0. road has been !a'h|brbe'd by -the Seaboard and the Chesapeake.& Ohio. .. Another miU.merger'K^.fake^plEit^ in the upcountry,' :SVp6<?s 1 . tjhe Fountain Imivm j&Wpaonvile mills joining together* under the name of the. ^WoO^tde Cotton Mills Company", their combined capital being three millions. Creecy McMillan, colored, was found dead[in her bed on Thursday morci g in B8nnett8Yiilef having. been shot in the back of the head during the night. Charley Heed, colored, is in jail charged wfth the crime. Two negroes, Henry Ford and Ben Johnson, were drowned in Pee Dee, Marlboro county, on Thursday, having been> knocked off a flat by some r.o?> that, were beint? carried across v/*?v *v ? the river. ; Mrs. Saxon, wife of' Will Saxon of I . ' # # - - ? 4 Waterloo, was awarded a verdict for $1,000 against the C. & W. C. read at Ijaurens ori Thursday for injuries received last winter' by falling, into an old abandoned scale pit at Cold Point.. A'"petition has been filed in the .TJnited: Statesjcourfc in Greenville reqairing the Jonesville cotton mills, of JonesV*jhv a receiver-should net bo appointed. The capital stock of the company is $3U0,OOO'and it operates 15,000 spindles. " H . > - ... ' At th? intercollegiate oratorical "CVirinT* l-wo-hf, in OrPPnWOCd v;v/zj.dop<j vu ... _ _ the medal was won by A. E. Merimon of Sumter, a student" of the Citadel academy^Jiis subject being, "Morals in Politics". The, second place was won by A. H. Williams of Lake City, a student in the, ?outh Carolina university. ' ?; * . Dr. C. F. Williams of Columbia La: 1 resigned the pcsition'of secretary cf the state board of health, and his successor wilt be appointed at a meetiDg of the executive committee of the state j board ib Columbia the 10th.The po-. sition pays $2,500. 'Baxter"Thomas and Charlie poster, i two young white men, were arrested Friday morning in Spartanburg on a warrant charging them with holding up and robbing Robert I. Whitener near the union station Thursday night about nine o^elock.- Whitener claims he was robbed of $250. . Smith Carried Back. ,v George 1\?. Smith, the white man w'.io was arrested and lodged in jaiJ a few days ago by Sheriff Corley, has Deen carried back to Franklin county, * " * ^ r* 1 nv\r\n tV*A Vl Q TO P creuigia, cu iduu men ~ 3f seduction. Foley's Kidney Remedy Acted Quickly M. N. George, Xroiicaie, Ala., was x>: h ,'ied with kidney trouble for many /ears. 4'I was persuaded to try Folev Sidney Remedy, and before taking it three davs 1 coald feel its beueficial itfects. * The pain left my back, my - -* .2 ...... iila.i rnf) mi itnfl T flin ?/? viUUCj duuu;i a ?uj nuch better. I dor.othesua^toreeomnend Foley Kidney Heme; y.'7 For toalcrny Ail jJruggi?U. One Sale Monday. 1 here was only one public sale Monday. Sheriff Corley sold KJ. Dsafts uteres; in his father's estate < t ?6 iCres of land, the purchaser b<-i:,<; Frank Drafts, price paid heing $111.00. i\he farmers are too busy to come u> town aii'! but few people were here. ? - ?? Mapleme With granulated sugar an?l water Added makes a delicious syrup, with a delightful maple fiayor, at 13c per nuart. Try mapleiue in candies, pud dings, sauces, case ci'igy, ice cream, etc. Ask your grocer f jr ir. 27 Mrs. Derrick in Hospital. The many friends cf Mrs. Dr. E. PDerrick will be pained to learn that she is in the Columbia hospital for treatment, and wid wish for her a speedy and permanent recovery. Do You Have the Right Hind of Help? Foi ?y Kidney Pills furnish you the right kimi oc help to neutralize and remove the poisons that cause back ache, headache, nervousness, and other kidney and bladder ailments. For Salo by Ail Druggists. Examination Friday. The county teachers' examination will be heicl on next Friday, May 5th. It is expected that many prospective teachers will take the examination. FINE TONIC ! mS FOR WOMEN. ; Ice Cream Festival i aj Chapin. An ice cream festival will be given at C iapin by the Chapin High school on Friday nig'it, M iy o_h. The public cordially invited. ?50 is Worth Saving Devce saved $10 or $50 for Mr. J. J. Hall, Sheffield, Fa; and didn't know it, and he didn't kuow it, till afterward. This is how. .Five years .ago, he * * "> - ? ? I A A ! bougiit leaa-ana-ou u> aiauf <?" K&nuua < of paint, and painted J c all on- two houses, one coat. t:r > Lasjt httinmtr he bought 40 gallons Devoe for The same, add ha.l 10gallons left. ? ::*< - 7 " } Devoe is worth ?4. or $5 a gallon, puton. . v.. ! The Kiiufmaun Drug Co. Final Discharge. This is .to - notify' all parties cor> cerned that we will ap^ly to Geo. S. Drafts, Judge of Probate for LexingI fcou county,,S. C., 011 the 1st day of June, 1011, for a Final Discharge as 1 Administrators of the estate of Joseph Shumpert, deceased. G. A. Shealy,, Daniel E. Shumpert, H. D. Shumpert May 2, 1911?lwL9 < v Winthrop College Scholarship and Entrance Examination. The examination for the award, of vacant scholarships in Winthrop college and lor the admission etur dents will be held at the county court house on Friday, July 7, at 9 a. m'J' Applicants must be not iess than fifteen years of age. When scholarships are vacant after July 7 they ' will be awarded to those making'the- highest VtJi." ifte.llli lias CAomiijai.ii/ii, piuYiuvu they meet the conditions governing the awa-d. Applicahtsr: for scholarships should write to President John| soil before the examination for scholarship examination blanks. The .scholarships are worth $100 and I'free tuition. The next session will open September 20, 1911. For farther information and catalogue address Pres. D. B. Johnson, Rock Hill, S. C. '?? 11 111 lining j REAL ESTATE MD INSURANCE j LEXINGTON, S. C. j 103 acres 5 miles from Gaston, j | SO acres in cultivation, gsay soil, some pine timber. 11 acres on the Augusta ro?d 2 | | | I mile-* from Lexington, 8 acres jj j j cleared, 3 room cottage. ? 2 lots in tbe town of Gaston, \ ! I S.C. [ j | 110 acres near Mace don, 22 j| i | a ;r?s open- land, lumber on c * ground to'build dwelling. ! j 100 acres near-Hoi leys Ferry, jj j ] SO acres open, -1 room house, barn ? j | and stables, plenty water. j j 1-2 acre lot, 3room dwelling in \ j j 3 Lexington?easy terms. ? J S One lot in Batesburg 81x200 feet, ti I j i 4 room cottage* j 125 acres 4 miles from Lexirg- r ton,-10 acres open; land, 4 room ? l house, good pasture and plenty jj i "water. , I have valuable lots in Cclum- ? bia for sale. | 300 acres on Black Creek about- 8 I 3 miles from Pelion,good quanti- jj tv of pine timber, plenty oak, I hickory and dogwood, land good 8 for cotton and ail kind of grains, B tvnf-Ar fi?-.(>. re. eoi-.ld B ! I get 3 horse farm on place. I j HO acres 5 miles from Lcxir.g: ton, 40 acres in cuhiyation, 7 r<uitn dwelling, barn and Mahles, plenty wat^r, near chr.reh and school, Iv. F. JO., telephone. : 96 acres 2 1-v pil'N from Lexington on the two north road. 97 acres near L xmgton. 71 acres 3 miles from Swansea., 40 acres in enjriva*'?>:i 4-ro??m * j tiwelling, p'caty water, lard Ji 1 good for ( ctcij ami grant. 5 j 162 acres 5 miles from Steed- " | man, 25 acres open land, 4-roorn j ! dwelling, a barn and stables, | plenty water, gray soil. I "Write or call to see me AT THE HOME NATIONAL BANK, Lexington, S. C. The Southern railway lias located an agricultural expert in Columbia "to help the farmers." . fv T 'f ? I Stioes! Shoes! I For Every Member | ol tbe Family, . . | ,V' I Our Standard Brands in Men's H Shoes are as follows:? ? W. L. Douglas, Alden, Walker E & Wilde and Leonard, Shaw & H Dean. Prices ranging from ?2.50 jjj IE In our bigli grade line are the |j Torrey and Nettletan, which sell 9 f-\ for ?5.00, ?5.50 and ?6.00. ? jl V/e als.o.handle, the very" best j? ^ grades of Ladies-Shoes that can [| be bought, for a reasonabl&sum. |9 $ Come and see our Spring and Summer Stock, . _ . jaj | T. A. BOYNeJ I 1736 Main St.,Columbia,S. C. | ? Opposite Pest Office. jg I COO KIN STUDEBA FARM I, V w "i**i ii?. mmik !VUiik_ | You are cordis | ! tion an.d exhibiti a 1 M p demonstrator he I plements. | We want 3 ou 1 exhibit, for we ai I as well as benefi( g Remember th< 1 best. mum I HARDWAR I ______ I 3 i * ! >; |k ##1. ! - SHjr / ' %' ! : Hi! ' /:/, / /. , jifl'J i wii //' / Mi ' '\\. / // 'Mm ' %A flRRMPi$Mra : * * ' - : - ?' ' * ' '-..ft}*. , : ' c. '-* : A ret\ 1 harp*ain in an O ? up-to-date Go-Cart of best material only i Made of best grade of . ;T. reed, Strong ?nd Du11 -< rable: Large lO" rub* ! ?- > * .. < ? . if - Der tired wneeis. i\v It's a Beauty.!'.; V r.j. f* vJft? ... ..... The Lion F? "THE HOME OF Ql I ! '7 t 1426 Ms j Columbia, ! f'umii niniiinwwr' n um\ wn??wm C DEMONS' KER WAGOr IMPLEMENT t . ." i;' '' f " ? . MM SB ^esstts. ? wm&m y l?.% . *^aie^..'ew:?iwxy-^wiitt??irtrw?*?^a<.at*ah;ki<w v.* \ : .. ? ' illy invited to attend at which time we wi re to explain our ran to come to our d< re endeavoring to m rial to all who attend s date and come the < ISPERITY S E, BUGGIES and I What do,you think of this Great Big Solid Oak Dresser, well made, best material, ^ all drawers without any catchV-ljjjIf you are -1'i - * ; '* ' r ' in need of a Dresser ] i this is your chance, , ; you cannot beat it. ? Mirror measures 28x22 - \ ! s inches, : best quality ] 'j of trench Plate, one inch bevelvy'i > ' %-y: ;-$> ;* > $. -v.- ..y -n. v , &? * i r- i ? ?p? REED ROCKERS Of best quality, for a Sacrifice, only | Tais Great j | Big Willow -Rocker |] I I we offer at a bargain. ;jj I Wei! worth twice the || I price we are asking. ' H? - . . - t. .... ? ifttitnre j IALITY FURNITURE." * . * ^ lin Street, - 5 f f" . *.? J ? -L? W W"Vr - - /- .? <.. ? rRATIQW 1 I EXHIBIT ? : f . . , EXHIBIT * ?kjg???? n?a??^ i\<iui?r<M.uigiiur<tc JBtfMWOMWu .?JYrnt Bx ^ I tr. '?-. C <-V MJJd* aJL. 9 this demonstra- ? II have a special | ges and farm im- 9 ;monstration and ake it instructive, ' '$ day that suits you 4 JOCKCO & \ HARNESS. | 1