* t : No man becomes a jailbird just for a lark. It is the doing, not the saying, that makes the hero. It is not necessarily true that the worst is yet to come. bUc Will Cure Any SKIN DISEASE . That's the prioeof HUNT'S CURE, I and it is absolutely Guaranteed. I Sold Bv i J. R. LANGFORD, Swansea, S. C. / i W. A. OXNER, Gilbert. S. C. KAUFMANN DRUG CO. A.-B. Richards Medicine Co., Sherman, Texas. \ ~ . .v -, ' "-i ' " || AS WELL AS | large ones are welcome here? . you need sot wait until your business has assumed great proportions before opening a Checking Account, DO SO TO-DAY. * v v. Our patrons regardless of the & amount of business done, receive i% s ? every courtesy in all matters of business entrusted to us?and t . there is nothing in safe banking y " we cannot perform. Talk it over with our cashier... CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK, COLUMBIA, S. C. :; \ WATCH : ID JEWELRY r REPAIRING ! > For Watch and Jewelry j Repairing go to Berkman where yon are guaranteed first-class work at reasonable prices. You can also safelv entrust /V vour eye troubles to ine, as more tban 30 years of practice in correcting all kinds of defective vision entitles me to your confidence, j B, H. Berkman -ESTABLISHED 1379. 1418 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C. 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE Apr. 2,1911 N. B. These schedule figures show the time that trains may he expected to arrive and depart, but the times stated are not guaranteed. DEPARTURES FROM LEXINGTON. NORTHBOUND. 10:18 A. M.?No. 8, daily for Columbia and intermediate points connecting at Columbia for Spartanburg and Asheville. Parlor cafe car Columbia to Asheville. Arrive Columbia 10:50 a. m., Spartanburg 4:15 p. m., Asbeville7:34 p. m. 5:44 P. M.?No. 132, daily for Columbia, Washington and the East also connects at Columbia for Ashe, ville. Through Pullman sleeping car u) New York. Pullman sleep* ing car Columbia to Asheville. Arrive Columbia 6.20 p. m., Washington 8:53 a. m.. New York. 2:31 p. In. SOUTHBOUND. 8:58 A.M.?No. 131 daily for Augusta and intermediate points. Arrive Augusta 11:35 a. m. Pullman car. 5:44 P. M.?No. 7, daily for Augusta * * A A wWTTU and mrerrneuitut! puimo. Augusta 8:35 p. m. Summer excursion tickets now on sale. For further information call on ticket agents, or E. H. Coapman, Washington, D. C, H. F. Cary, G. P. A.; Washington, D. C. J. L. Meek, A. G. P. A Atlartta, Ga. Alex. H. Acker, T. P. A Augusta, Ga. ^i A GAS IN THE STOMACH comes mented. Get rid of this bad] as possible if you would SIMM . REI LIVER RE mniTT* onxirr* V V X JLVITi/ Is a cleansing and strengthening r of all?and the liver is always affec It puts life in a torpid liver, helps di; the complexion of sail own ess, relax* fine, vigorous condition. OLD ?Y DEALERS. PRICE. Ask for the genuine with the Bed 7. on the label It by mail, postpaid. 8immons Liver Regulator is Price $1.00 per bottle. Look for the Bed Z label. I J. H. ZEILIN & CO.. PF B????WW?? Notice of Stockholders' Meeting of Middleburg Mills. A meeting of the stockholders of Middleburg Mills is hereby called for 12 o'clock noon on May 20th, 1911, at the office of the corporation at Batesburg, S. C., to consider a resolution passed by the directors at *a meeting: held on April 19th, 1911, suggesting an issu& of one thousand shares of common stock of the par value of one hundred dollars each, which will be an increase of the capital stock of one hundred thousand dollars. This increase would increase the capital stock to Three Hundred Thousand Dollars, being then Two Hundred Thousand Dollars of common stock and One Hundred Thousand Dollars as preferred stock. E. A. Smith. Rob't. Lassiter. Wm. C. Farber. Wm. P. Drewry. Heniy J. Farber. 4w29 t Board of Directors. A cablegram from Tai Chow, China, on Wednesday announces the death of Mrs. R. M. Stevenson, formerly Miss Ailene Gwinn, who married Dr. Stevenson last summer and went with him to China, where he went as a medical missionay. She was from Greenville. t RICHARD'S BUSINESS COLLEfiE SAVANNAH, 6A. Elements and Methods That Have Contributed to Its Success. Since it was established in 1882, the institution has found it necessary to imrjase its facilities Seyen Times by better accommoda tion of its patrons, and it is now one of the best equipped business training colleges in the country. The management has labored hard for the benefit of pupils entrusted to its care and feels that it#'efforts have been appreciated. During the years of the school's progress | it was never so prosperous as at present or j so deserving of prosperity. It believes in ! advancement and every year aims to make some improvement beneficial to its pupils. At no time in the history of the school have so many improvements been made as in the last year, and the course of study was never more complete. 51 Lyle L. DeLaney^a young traveling salesman for an Atlanta oil house, died in Columbia jon Tuesday from the effects of having his leg crushed by au automobile while standing in a garage a few days before. Leuco Gunter, assistant superintendent of education for South Carolina, * * ^ - ? - -i. 3 ? i. ^ r ^ j nas Deen eieciearmperinieuueuLui iuc Rock Hill city schools, to succeed J. C. Cork, who has resigned. Money to Loan On Improved Farming Land Long time, easy payments. Borrowers pay actual cost of perfecting Loans, No Commission Charged. ? John B. Palmer & Son, Sylvan Building. P. O. Box 282. COLUMBIA, S. C. Sterling Goods Sterling silver, cut glass, fi..e china, clocks. A fine stock T> All 4 > I tuwtiys uu uauu iui j via i select from. Keep us in mmd when wanting anything in Je*>elry or Silverware. Good watch work and best eye glasses. If you can't come, send for our catalogue or telephone your order to us. ^ iD u urmrftTTCrn 1 Hi UilUIlftl/V i 1 i!i UL/ t'Uce JEWELERS, 1424 Main Columbia, S.C Phone 934 i from food which has ferly digested matter as quickly avoid a bilious attack. IONS > Z GULATOR ER FORM) nedicine. It is a liver tonic first ted when the stomach eoes wrone. gestion, sweetens.the breath, clears is the bowls and puts the body in LAROK PACKAOC. ?1.00. I. If you cannot get It. remit to ?. wa will aend pat up also iu liquid form for thoss who prefer it. iops., St. Louis, mo. The State of Thursday said that about 125 patients have been sent by mayors of towns to Dr. Mckanna to be cured free of the liquor habit, in response to his proposition published a few eays ago. -T? HOWS THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- i ward for any case.of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure* F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transacions, and financially able to carrpout any obligations made by Li9 firm. Waldixg, Kinnax & Marvix, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. ^ ? ? Mrs. C. B, Ramsey, ayoung woman, died at the Monarch mills, in Union, on Wednesday from burns received while cooking dinner the day before. Saved Many From Death. W. L. Mock, of Mock, Ark., believes he has saved many lives in his 25 years of experience in the drug business. "What I always like to do," he writes, "is to recommend Dr. King's New Discovery for weak, sore lungs, hard colds, hoarseness, obstinate coughs, la grippe, croup, asthma or other bronchial affection, for I feel sure that a number of my neighbors are alive and well to-day because they took my advice to use it. I honestly believe its the best throat and lung medicine that's made." Easy to prove he's rjght. Get a trial bottle free, or . regular 50c or $1.00 bottle, (rnaranteed bv All Drnereists. * Dr. W. S. Dorsett, pastor of the Baptis church in Johnston, has pnrceased an automobile to be used in his pastoral visiting. ^ BSSBS fl So fired It may be from overwork, but 'the chances are its from an inactive LIVER ?. -With a well conducted LIVER one can do mountains of labor without fatigue. It adds ahundred per cent to ones earning capacity. it can be kept in healthful actios by, and only by TAKE NO SUSSliiTUSi^. J. Livy Wafc9on, a farmer of Bradley, Greenwood county, sold 125 bales of cotton in Greenwood, on Tuesday, at 15 cents. Notice, Road Overseers. Road overseers re hereby nofcifi0d to have tneir respective Sections of roads at once. All side di*ehes should be cleaned of trash, rubbish, eic. There has been no change in overseers, and the roads must be worked without delay. L. J. LANGFORD, tf Supervisor Lexington County. Town Lots For Sale. Desirable building lots in the town of Swansea, S. C., for sale on easy terms and at reasonable prices. Apply quick to D. H. Law9on, Gaston, S. C., R. F. D. 1. tf Cleaning, Pressing anil flvcJnrr. The Lexington Pressing Club is ready to do your spring cleauiug, pressing, dyeing, etc. We have a competent force and ail work promptly and neatly done. Let us fix up that old last year's Panama for you. We make a specialty of this clas9 of work. Lexington Pressing Club. Lem Sex, Manager. Subscribe to The Dispatch. [Erectile | Succeed when everything else fails. I | In nervous prostration and female | I weaknesses they are the supreme I remedy, as thousands have testified. g( IFOR KIDNEY, LIVER AMD | STOMACH TROUBLE ! it is the best medicine over sold g over a druggist's counter. i NOT UNDERSTOOD. Not understood, we move along asunder, Our paths grow wider as the seasons creep Along the years. We marvel and i wonder Whv life is life, and then we fall " " tJ ? ? ? ' asleep, Not understood. Not understood, we gather false impressions, And hug them closely as the years go by, Till virtues often seem trangressions; And thus men rise and fall and live and die, Not understood. Not understood! Poor souls witk stunted vision Oft measure giants by their narrow guage, The poisoned shafts of falsehood and derision Are oft launched 'gainst those who mold the age? Not understood. \ Not understood, the secret springs of action Which lie beneath the surface and the show Are disregarded. With dissatisfaction We judge our neighbors; and the}'' often go, Not understood. Not understood! How trifles often change us! The thoughtless sentence and the fancied slight Destroy long years of friendship and estrange us, And on our souls there falls a freezing blightNot understood. Not understood! How many hearts are aching ' For lack of sympathy! Ah! day by day How many cheerless, lonely hearts are breaking, Not understood! 0 God that men would see a little - clearer, Or judge less harshly what they cannot see! 0 God, that men would draw a little nearer To one another! They'd be nearer thee, Not understood. ?Author Unknown. The census gives Aiken a population of 3.911. The people were expecting five thousand. Is there anything in all this world that is or inure miportauce to } ou than gu? d digestion? hood must bo eat on ic sustain li,e and must be uigesttci and converted into biooa. \Vupu the digestion fails the whole bed} sulj^s. Unumberliin's Tab'eta aie laiionai and reliable cure tor indigestion. Tuev increase theflowoi bite, pur.fy the blood, strengthen the s uiiiacti, and tone up the wli-ie iliges ive ai'earatus 10 n natural and tu a.iiiy a.uUou. For sale by An Deal-Xd. Sick heaJaciio results from a disordered eendi ion Oi the s.0.111 h, a_id can be cured by the use of Chamber.'ain's St ?macli and Li er Table ls. Try it. For s^ie by All Dealers. When Mill May Slap WIEe A man is justifi )J in slappiog his Wife for going through hit pockeis, ii *4? ?' f r^f n T nn /\f U1U OpilUUU Ui Juauiii; o.:a. utv, v.* tlie Saperioe Court;, of New Jersey. Judge Lee m-ide tills ru'dug in a divorce suit brought by Eiiz ibeth Eagland aga'nsfc lice husband, John E. England. iobmm??CM?cms?UM^ 1'ini 3?am? AUT02V3ATJC NEW ACkVSE Drpenc'abJs BALL-BEARING Warranted for TO Years Against all Defects * A High Arm Dependable SEWING MACHINE In every respect a Good, Durable Family Machine. Every one Sold With an Unqualified Guarantee. Price: the lowest? Cash or Installments Rice B. Harman, ! Lexington, S. C. j good. I lllj-fcHSH frolMll rrnf cr? haH t.haf T JSM could not sleep day or night. While in tMs condition I read w9rM^ffir<$\ 1 L?dia E-Pmk wJfrfflvst] ham's Vegetable VviYi'rv Compound, and * * I began its use and wrote to Mrs. Pinkham for advice. In a short time I 1 I gained my average weight and am now strong and well." ?Mrs. Sallie Stevens, R. P. D., Eo. 3, Box 31, Waurika, Okla. Another Grateful Woman. I Huntington, Mass.?"I was in a nerI vous, run down condition and for three I years could find no help. "I owe my present good health to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Blood Purifier which I believe saved my life. "My doctor knows what helped me ^ coir rvno Trnrd n rrtn n CHJ VUV IIU1.IA .< ? Mts.^Mari Janette Bates, Box 134, Huntington, Mass. Because your case is a difficult one, doctors having done you no good, do not continue to suffer without giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. It surely has cured many cases of female ills, such as inflammation, ulceration, displacements, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling, and nervous prostration. Hog Eats $2,700. A Kansas hog that "on the hoof" was worth upward of $2,700, but dressed was worth only the comparatively insignificant amount represented by "upward" brought about the visit to ' * - ? ? -1 /N-? Washington or j eremian v^umu, a iarmer residing near Coffey ville. Quinn brought with him a mass that one might mistake for a handful of breakfast food. It is, he says, as a matter of fact, the "unearned increment" that was represented in the value of his hog "on the hoof " Qr.inn has his eye fixed on the Wash: ington "pork barrel," but, according to his story, with far more right than can be said of manv who view that L reeentacle for the public u us. Hi says he can prove that his hog pouncJ ed upon and dtvcured his $2,700 bank . roil when he dropped ic in the pen j while feeding the anima!. if r e can ' | do this to the satisfaction of the tre s| urydn>irtm3at, he doobtless will be k The man who lives twice as fast as . he should is apt to see double. i | First Oiass Beaial Werf : j ?? I ' .," ., ,,1 Or. L. L. TOOLE 1 CAmaa* _ O? Ij 8S5Vi3> *51 v.us COLUiVSE I New and Sea; Our stock of Goods, Dry C Shoes and Hats i; We want our Lex call and inspect 01 Iand make our st< while in the cit? buy or not. Ou ) WM. PILA1 LI804 MAIN ST. To Fight Boll Weevil, An appropriation of .$200,000 for the purpose of fighting the ravages or the cotton boll weevil is provided for iti a bill introduced by Representative Tribble, of Georgia. The Secretary of Agriculture is authorieed by the bill to direct the work. . t .T. M. Howell, a popular -druggist of Greensburg, Ky., says, "W* useCham-'' berlain'8 Cough Remedy in our own household aDd know it is excellent." For sale by All Dealers. ' v X Samuel B. Stone, a car repairer for ^he C. N. & L. died in Columbia on Tuesday; from injuries received in being struck by a box car oa Apri 12th. Tfiis. Particular Brand for Particular Dressers Wh3e*ft'u'Eu?tIiat fine clothes do not make fine men, the well-dressed man will always command attention. When you buy itm *ii Iff "dmeia Brana i Clothing I you are certain to get a cor- 9 rect fit, and plenty quality in I every garment Prices are 1 withm reach of afi. I $10.00 THE LOWEST 8 $20.00 THE HIGHEST IS I Give us^a trial and be II 8 convinced. 5| Ipilsj & Haigia? B:os,|| 1 I Swanna, S. 0, Ss I This Mark of Quality is on every 11 ; j coat collar, fl | i at Reasons Prises i ??11 ?????? ? ? ?0 Thase ars ?*ly Prioos: Plates (rubber base) $15.00 Crowns $5.00 ge Work (per tooth) $5.00 Lii Crowns (pivot; tret!.) $3.50 h Extracted (pfiinless) ? 25c. and 50c. h Cleaned.." 75c. and$1.00 >r Fillings 5Cc. to $1.00 -.81.00 to 82.00 r inline ' ~ , TREATING TEETII EXTRA. , - Surgeon Denlist, :posito Thomas' Drug StoreHA, S. C. Millinery, D r^s jf joods, Notions ? ~ ^ ^ *v? 1 /-v 4- Q S iiuw Luinjjicit. n ington friends to i ir line of Goods are headquarters I y, whether they i r prices are rig^ht, | COLUMBIA, S. C. f