! 1 wuu < ; 1 vvifflr ! Knowing the great impor -J point to carry the best ol ? i - un Ak,. m ing an. vrncincr iwr um i to serve you. You will fine ] lowest reasonable figure c j Anvils $5.00 and up. Bl i Lorick & INCOI COLUMBIA, < . V- * - . Sbi. v'. ;r * ?" e IWe Sell Ladit pg^gg^BSnSSHBSBOMnSBSSSnOSHi *9 5IJ Shopc k/iivvkr B I Since January 1st, w< I our line of shoes to I Ladies' Solid Leather WM 8 Thesauri Shoes we have be 8 and wbi.-a you will always 1 for we will sell to you for t I $1 I A Complete Line oi , Ladies' Trin TIT*> O?%A/%?A11XT inurifn a > WE HA J The Very $ Right) | Webb's \ 1S27 Main Street ^ DECORATORS: In BurJ; A Out of Citj iUUUUUV > a A--.!-. a.iA bmaI#a i if O k tance 01 tnese ioois, wc mane < . ivery tool known to the blacksmith- ] hop or the farm, we are prepared | I our pwices hammered down fo the > in everything you need. | iacksmith's Vises $5.50 to $7.50. 5 Lowrance, PRORATED. - - - S. C.e I >s$2.00 and 1 For $1.50 | ; have decided to contine | Shoes fa Retail At $1.50 I en selling foi ?2.00 and ?2.50 1 pay the other fellow high prices he low price of .50 : I)ry Goods, Notions, lined Hats, Etc. I Lexingtonians to visit 7 Goods Store, COLUMBIA, S. C. r . / \ xixxxxixxxixxmxixxxxxxxxixxxrj STOCK is the strong j ' i helped to earn jj In vide reputation S| >rsements of the * jjj . Marble Works, jjj i either marble or granite a! 1 T ) satisfy. We sell iron jjjj Tr>i4-cx r DeCOIDtJ a -LTULUillCJ. ; "In my mind.'' "Where next ?" "In a printing office adjoining a regular po9t of Drummers." "How were you prepared?" "By being divested of my last cent, my cheek rubbed dawn with a brick, a bunion piaster over each eye, and a heavy sample case in each hand. In this fix I was conducted to the door of the post." "How did you know it was the door, being blind ?" 'By first stepping into a coal scuttle and afterwards bumping my head against the door knob." "How gained you admission ?" "By the benefit of my cheek." "Had you the required eheek?" "I had not, but Jack Higgins had it for me." "On what were you received ?" "On the sharpe toe of a boot, applied to my natural trousers.'' "What did that teach you !" "Not to fool around too much." "What happened next ?" "I was put down on a cake of ice and asked if I put my trust in mercantile reports ?" "Your answer?" "Not if I know myself, I don't." "How were you next handled ?" "I was put astraddle of a goat made out of a 2x4, and trotted nine times abound the room by four worthy brothers; and then brought before the left bower for further instructions." "How did he instruct you ?" "To approach a customer by three upright regular steps, with my business card extended at right angles, my CL11JLAO XUi Ul \ U u "How were you then disposed of?" "I was again seated on a chunk of ico in front of a dry goods box, and made to take the following horrible and binding oath": "I, Cuas. S. Robbing, do hereby and herein mo?i everlastingly and diabolically sw^ar, by the great bobtail flush, that I will never reveal and always steal all the trade secrets I can lor the use and benefit of this most august order. 1 further swear by the baldheaded Jack of Clubs, that I will never give, carve, make, hold, take or cut prices below the regular ra es. And I further swear by the piper that played before Moses, to never have any dealings with a man, or his w?fe, sister, grandmother, eld maid, aunt, or uncle; unless they, he, she, or it is sound on the goose. Binding myself under no less a penalty than that of having my gripsack ?piio :rom top to bottom, iny cixty s.iirij and socks taken out, and my reputation removed and buried in tiic riyer just b?low the water works, where the Salvation Army ebbs and flows every two and a half hours. So help me Bob Ingersoll and keep me in backbone." "I was then asked what I most needed." "What was your reply ?" "Money." "What did you then behold :" "A copy of Dun & Co.'s reports open at Chapter Memphis. Upon the open book rested a pair of drug scales, in one pan of which reposed ten pounds of concentrated lye and in the other sat a small silver jackass." ''What did this emblem signify ?" "The scales indicated tne balance between debtor and creditor. The other emblem represented lie-abilities and assets of bankrupts." "Did this teach you any lesson ?" "You bet. It taught me the fact that the former are generally so almighty much better than the latter." "Shake, brother. * * * Willyou be off or from ?'' "Both, if I can borrow enough money to get out of town." "Have you any cigars ?" "I have several." "Give them to me." "I did not so receive them, neither will I so impart them." "How will you dispose of them !" "On sixty days time, at 2 per cent nff ff** c Vi f n h " "All right begin." "No, begin you." "No, you begin." "Up." "'Em." "Set." "Set 'em up." "The words and signs are correct. Brother Snooks, he is a yard wide and all wool and you can bet on him." So I loaned the chap $5, and he left with many thanks and good wishes. Now, you can see by this what a help it is to a fellow when he gets dead broke among strangers to have this little thing to fall back on. [Drummer's P. C.] Five to Hang. At Oklahoma City five negroes were sentenced to hang from the same scaffold on Jane 21, for the murder of W. H. Archie, who was robbed and killed March 9. Foley'? Kidney Pills What They Will Do for You They will cure your backache, strengthen your kidneys, cor tci;i uimaijr iiii^^uiaiiuwoi uunu op the worn out tissues, and eliminate the excess uric acid that causes rheumatism. Prevent Bright's Disease and Diabates, and restore health and strength. Refuse substitutes. sjFor Sale By All Druggis. Notice-Teachers Examination. The teachers of the county will please take notice that the Spring examination for 1911 will be held oil the first Friday in May, at Lexington, beginning at 9 o'clock a. m. Please be prompt. The examination will include subjects on "School Lessons on Corn" and "School Exercises in Plant Production" It is important that all teachers should have certifiestes. 1 xt v cxjr Mxuij, A. D. MARTIN' Co. Supt. Ed. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that fishing is prohibired on the premises known as the late Geo. C. Clarke, Black creek property. MISS BriSSIE CLARK. 26 Gilbert, S. C., April 7, 1911. FOR SALE:?Cheap, on J light spring wagon, newly repaired and painted. In good condition. Rice B. Karman ! WTv ? -T3 tr> vaamoiiu wyes "'Tisn't Ktzo?Ids Diamond-dyed Coior Over Your Oid Dresses, Jackets, Waists, Ribbons, with Diamond Dyes! We earn* a complete line of Diamont Dyes, and can recommend them as the strong est, simplest, and handsomest of all dyes. No experience is necessary to get good results. All Colors Fab tJSrrr.rai /r&n & VI 3 V Mixed Goods, Silk and Feathers. 10c a Package. KAUFMAMN DRUG CO. LEXINGTON, S. C. I BUY YOUR fl Harman's Shoe sto I plete stock to select fror A special invitation to n I Make my store y m Columbia. Farmers hea S The man that save I HARMAT I ST I 1735 Main Street. HMBIIHHPVra 9S9B9PSMnVHVUn99n THE BEST IS NOT:: TOO GOOD FOR , : OUR CUSTOMERS : : ???C??CM??BP?aiflT?aMSCO??? We are exclusive agents in C }]umbia for the Be9t Furniture Manufacturers in America. We show the largest and best as sortment of'high grade Furniture in the entire South. I A visit to our store will be be a treat for ycu because we \ i I show you all the new ideas in Furniture. You are always welcome and you will not be asked to purchase. VANMETRE'S FUNERAL DIRECTOR EMBALMER, Columbia, S.C. I J. J. RIKA I Lex Has one of t] State and is pref ENGINES, BOILER! on short Can bore any ton Gin Saws Fi perfect work. I Full line of M at reasonable pri Will answer a faction euarateec j. j. I C, Oi. BR01 jj 1730 HASH SIRE? ?| Ts where you can find | PAI jj OF AI I DOORS, a BLINE j LIME AN: I CABINET ^ Call or write for Prices. I The Cald 4 * 1552 Corner Main an< t Columbia Bank. Centra e TT ur vcmrvn W A TJ T) * IX. ? V . M tt ' $ American arc ? J Hates: American $2. and jj European, 75c am S Headquarters for the S CUISIHE I o * Proper and Careful Att * Now Under New Management SHOES FROM I re and eave money. A com- R a in all leathers and prices ly many Lexington friends: our headquarters while in vy shoes a specialty. M is you money on shoes. M M'S SHOE I ORE 1 Columbia,S. C. M mimwuiiWiium?.iimwwws? 11 WeAreDistributersof PSjSgffl LIMBERTSH ! HOLLAND-DUTCH WMS& ARTS & CRAFTS I I I LUXUR!0U5-Mi^OTIR^^^J^ l | HMHBHHHBD RDj I ingtcn, S. C. I :ie Finest Repair Shops in the H )ared to rebuild I 5 and COTTON GINS 9 notice. B size engine cylinder desired. Cot 0 * led by Machinery, which insures I also refill Gin Brushes. 9 ill Supplies,Piping, Fittings, etc., B 11 country cal^s promptly. Satis- fl \ 1 or your money back. Phone 412 B , RIKARD, I Lexington, S. C. | HmBaBnnnBBmaHaHi IT, GOLU85BIA, S. 0. I ; [ one of the best stocks of | nr^Ts I T trrivTTis i IJU JU. XAI ^ M J I ? & GLASS | D CEMENT. | ! MANTLES. I 'I 9 well Hotels J I Taylor Streets. Opposite % lly located. Columbia, S. C. 1 Proprietor and Manager. * L European Plan. * $2.50 per day. J i $1.00. Large, Cool Rooms | ' . U. C. T.'s and T. P. A.'s. S rNEXCELLED. % 9t ention Given to All Guests. * w * Watch us Grow. * **?* 1