x * / The Lexington Dispatch < * " Wednesday, April 5,1911. G M. Harm an, Editor and Publisher D. B. Haltiw anger, Assistant Editor. - Entered at tne Post Office at liexmgton, S. U.| SS BWC11U KsLOOB liiuvvuii CIRCULATION 2.327. Notice Subscribers, A Blue X on your paper denotes vcu are in arrears. A Red X shows that your subscription expires in the isjue crossed. ============================== In another column we publish the resolutions adopted at the indignation meeting held at Caapin on the 25th. of T?hoa % !n=i sneak for illcUULI * wwwv*?.? -J themselves. Supervisor Langford is severely criticised and, to our mind, unduly so. While admitting tbat the Fork is justly entitled to its share of tne cilamgangs work, it must be remembered that tue supervisor is doing all iu his power to tarnish the reliet ' demanded. During the last eighteen months more than one hundred mile* of highways have been built and . reSaired by the chaingaDg besides the ve thousand dollar job recently completed at Wyse's Ferry. This is. we think, (and the records will bear us out) the best showing ever made by any official of this county. It is, therefore, to be regretted that these people have seen fit to take this step just at tnis particular time when the cnaingang is almost ready to move into that section of the county?ihertto remain for several week9. These resolutions, then, are entirely out of place and uncalled for. The people claim, however, that | atience 'has ceased to be a virtue; that their section has been, and is still being, undu lv neglected. What are the otner sec tions saying? Are they not putting up the ft&me howl? Indeed they are, and the supervisor is continually kepi "between the devil and the deep blut sea," so to i-peak. Can the chamgang work on all of the roads at the same time? We dare say not. In nearly every section where roade haye been bn.lt the pepple have shown ; their willingness to co-operate with the county <. Ocials, and many hun , dreds of dull ara have been paid by popular subscription in tddiuon to the tendering or the use of teams. We always believe in giving the 'devil his dues," and it cannot be denied that ' Old Louis," as he styles himself,, is doi k the best he can ti give the different sections the benefit ?\f f.hft ..r>viincra.ncr and u*? fpci V* WMV vvuu ' * '1 V safe in assu. *..><; the people of the Fork that he win f;y0 to them at the earliest possibled Be patient, gentlemen! / ~ Oopgr ?. man Lever has been made chairm i.? of the House committee on edncar. a and still retain his second place *<-> the committee of agriculture. Colombia, like the hospitable city that she is, has est jnded an invitation to the Veterans of the State U hold their annual reunion in that cit;,' this summer. It goes without saying that th8 invitation will be accepted; tor every old soldier who has tasted of OUnmbia'B lavish hand w!il be glad to return to the capital city. Yes; when . it cornea U> entertaining Columbia is great. - . .. i. ?*. jfope, ronner coxer justice 01 the State supreme coart sod one ot , the beet known and most highly eateetaed seen in the State, died at bis kofise is liew berry on Wednesday, iiriky?ri3? a bcm# and painful illness. A distinguish*#dtisen- bee gone to his reward. \ On last Wednesday LexiHjgtofiihade the first real progressive fctep-,- when, by a vote of 48 to 3, her citizens voted for electric lights. It is understood that the Lexington Electric Light A Power Co., will be ready to turn on the lights within four months. In behalf of the *'Hed Cocks." we hereby issue a challenge to the Colombia baseball club. Mrs. Eva C. Boozer. Mrs. Eva C. Boozer, widqw of the ?late Dr. J. N. Boozer, died at the Khome of her son-in-law, Hoc. <\ MV Ehrd, yesterday afcernnon at 2:2C dhstoek following an illness Of several days. The fdneicl services will be conducted from St. Siepnen's Lutberv an church at 4 o'clock xhis afternoon rbv her pastor, the Rev. T. S. Brown. :.and the interment will follow in the cemetery. Mrs. Boozer was in her 8ith year, and the greuter part of hoe life had been speut in this town, where bar xnuny act? of lovir.gkindness will live long in the hearts of those who knew he- best. / She was the mother of six children, two eons, W. >1 laid Jacob J. Boozer, I both of whom died several years ?>sro. Her oldest daughter, M v .1. . . *. >, a r'piv months tier*. Trwmft sur Tiring art: Mrs. W H. Gooding, of Cbbrtuc-ce; Mr*. Dr. 3. K. H. Kr?p>, o 1 Ool'Kiibia, and Mrs 0. M. K;h\i, oi Lssiagtoo. To Orqanize Boys* Corn Uuiv^ni srttSi. 4 ?r r2 tr.? Rot-'* Co:ti Ohih for chiocoritw will L?f> iielH At Lexingon Satu.cUy, Ci;** ?tb of Apni, at 11 a. in. Tbo objor- of tJi? ranting is P~i t.s?* in^ujv nr*': ddr?t,,i"s of- -ill bovv whA?wu?h> lo join.-, t<> o-t ganize and elect officers We wilt <.l'> en we o/u; to get) Pro!. ir?* W... Williams Co uo j pres ;iit a* a ??p:>5.tu r, and W;. hope to be able re gat oi-aerv. In all other counties of the S'.ate people are taking a great deal of iutert s') in farming and. there- is no reason why we shonJd rot do likewise. Matters pertaining to farming and to the raies of fciie club, as well as the benefits to be derived therefrom, will be discassed. A. D; MtPar,. (Jounty Supt. Edneati^n. G. A. Derri k, Farm Demonstration IT. 8. uoveiaaieUc, Lexiogton County. GWFFON f i ,i i I ;CTt ^ 1C ? Quality 1 Workmanshi These Three Essentials ^ in the Clothes We Sell the Very Best i and FURNIS1 . Our Special 1 Mfldp-tri-meflst E. G. Drehc ' t Lexington, . S winnowwnnonii^ i . , >19' ' "'' ' S hSHmj \ ^? i E j! This PartsdarErand j] ' | ForPaiticularDressers || | : IM vv iuK ii. a !uc utai (uic |e . r I clothes do not make fine fa J | l k men, the weft-dressed mail 1 fl j g v | wsl! ehvrys comsand atten- ? | ! 5 r don. When you buy ? 1 j I "Shield Bread" || j || Clothing | | 8 | you are certain to get a cor- |! jj * 11 rect fit, and pleat}' quality in * ' j J T 11 every garment. Prices are 5 | : I j 11 within read, of all. I! | ' ?2 A -A /v . Ttr J w Ijjjg JU1& aAjW&AZ jC4 I ! 8| $24.49 THE HIGHEST i| J J I Give us a trial and be g g j g convinced. Jj J j 4 1 hH'j & ihsjj / 8'a j] I S. C. 11 1 This Mark of Quality is on evaj | 3 "T ! A coat r'W, E K ? imMtMnPBmaxaBBgGttg 31 I 1 ' ; 11 ES' . in? n'TT -t ~ ~ aaa | ? ! * ? P : } are Embodied I We Sell. n SHOES, HATS 3INGS. Ity is ire Clothes |; 3 ; :r & Co., 011th Carolina. t Alfred J. Fox, REAL ESTATE HO 1RSURARCE LEXINGTOy, 8. C. For Sale. 103 acres 5 miles from Gaston, 10 acres in cultivation, gaay soil, ome pine timber. 11 acres on the Angnata road 2 niles from Lexington, 8 acres I :learcd, Z room cottage. j 2' lots in the town of Gaston, ; $. C. ' \ 140 acres near !}Macedon, 23 { teres open land, lumber on jrOTind to build dwelling. I ; TO acres near Hoileys Ferry, j| j !0 rt*s. r.Tipn. 4 rrinrri houBft. barn t uid stable*, plenty water. j i [ 1-2 acre lot, 2 room dwelling in j >xinRton?easy terms. ( )j?e lot in Bit esborg 81x200 feot, i [ ?coin cottage. ? 125 acres ! o.lles from Lcxirg- i ) on, 40 acres open land, 4 room f j uuMe, fco.>d pasture and plenty J j' v*iei\ I [ J; T. 1 at-3 ^r.lcaMc lot? in Colam- ? >ia for eale. f - J: 300 pi"f8 on Hlacfc Cre?-t a bent 5 f t O:)'.-::- 'r .irj r*ei;OIirgOCd Ol-aiil;- j ( y <>! pine timber, plenty oak. j J: ii'.'koi v and dogwood, lav.d g?.od jj ft or corron and ad. kind o: grains, * rer.yv va-tr. f,r c pasture, eon id 5 )' p.r I5 hires farm on place. S J1 110 acres 5 ciina from Letine- 8 ion, 10 acres iv* caJt-iruti.-vi, ? j ! V .om dweihng. barn and Sanies, \ j ^ .U.fjt.v w:C | ! J; f^od for ci'- >>:.. :'l ;riin. 8 j jl 102 % acres 5 miles from St.ned- I rj [jan. 20 ?.< res open lard, 4 roo/o. j | v wclliiivr, a barn and sta':ied. t ! tj i'o.wsiVy. ivrn> s;'i!. | j J<| ?7rite or caU to sea 12c j j ii tm Hi&m ! ii m, III LPxin?rtoi>, S. C. J j j! ! ? ) ~ . i rAX NOTICE, TOWN OF LEXINGTON. Taxpayers are hereby notified that | >y an oidinance duly enacted by the Town Council of the Town of Lexingon, S. C., a levy of Ten (10) mills has >een made on ail the taxable property vithin the corporate limits of said own for municipal purposes fcr the rear 1911. i lie tax books will be kept open by he undersigned, at his usual place of m^iness in said town, for the colleci.?n of the said taxes as leyied, from viay 1, 1911, to May 30, 1911, both inclusive, after which time a penalty of ive (5) per cent, will be added and he books kept open until June 15, 911, for the collection of delinquent ' n vps and Denalty. J Tax executions will be issued af ainst | ill defaulting taxpayers after June 15, . j 911. to enforce the payment of all mi- j paid taxes. C. E. LEAPHART, Treasurer of Town of Lexington, S. G. , March 21, 19X1. Town Lots For Sale. Desirable building lots in the town f Swansea, S. C., for sale on easy -^rms and at reasonable prices. Aptly quick to D. H. Law9on, Gaston, S 0., R P. D. 1. tf I Final Discharge. This is to notify all parties conerned that I will apply to Geo. S. >raft8, Judge of Probate for Lexingon county, S. C., on the 11th day of nril. 1911. for a Final Discharge as vdministratrix of tho estate of Paul 0 Lowman, deceased. Mrs. R. Malissft Lowmau, Mar. 8, 1911?22 i I Money to Loan i On Improved Farming Land j Long time, easy payments I Borrows*! pay actual cost of perfecting' Loans. No Commission Chafged. John B. Palmer & Sno, j Sylvan Building. P. 0. Box 282. COLUMBIA, S. C. ^Subscribe W The Dispatch. ' CAROLINA The. CANNING " ???', OUTFITS ritl . * - / *' . -r- " ? . . i i i ?! 4' l! Jt will pay you to | ca>;se we cany a large nil Ij jj can get more Mule or Ko f possibly get smaller I! si- We soil Mules thin go r | i~~ ?? ? V ' ! ; SB*?or us. If you intend buying h Boue9 or Market ( 0 Today. THARPE HARDWARE & MANliPAC Easter Sale ^ Our Stock Earttr Mil Shoes', Hats, Etc., hsH complete than pow, and very lowest. VWe can save you money P. II. SI NEW BRO ? to Columbia and buy your S mbcr of all grades of Mules an rse for tire same money from dealers. n r?5?rr^ of the Skate. KS " ' ~ rh M 81^ f 0^ > Hi Xvenuo - Co! fAflANXEE MEANS SOME THINI > *t~ ~? _t * ? . lor 'v. iiL: { \ccount With Us as ft I Next Door. ft {. Bring it, send it or mail it. Jj I Bank | ds S. C. g 5URANCE. I sses ^hapin 1 3. C. : : :, I icmomodates I rvice3. We cash out-of-town I ^ ending money away. Wo are & matters. Make your deposits I b of good treatment of its de- I 1 bear interest at 5 per cent. g| veil as the business men to do 5 J. F. HONEYCUTT, Cashier % \ ?? pagan?a??? No Play ' ! Doll Boy." i -y year Ihlf ill (roi-k Is | Body. I machine. It Beeps yon mm if work. W do brdifi wdrk, you ri 6?f { WK sooner or falfor you Will suffer iwn, you will 66 bttfer work * ... ' - i a ifi ?0me Clean, healthy &p?it: , !: Ifiakes ycu Self-reliant and e recreation, you will find the frCatfrS a doubling of your en- -j IVl&RGHANTS, OTHERS, ? COLUMBIA, & Cv u ?~~ America. Cannere with a capacity--' s are now entbusiatic walking adver-" Janner, our free booklet explains all TURING COMPANY; ELKIN, N. C. X Now On ' I Ifftery, Dry Goods, i never been more , (Zr r i.'"- \f Oar prices are the .j v Give as a call. fi at tr tr > 1/ILIj1^U99 I oklaM?, S. C. I \ ;! > v [r is * I;: ' |!i !f . 'it' II dules from" us,"- !?c- j i;!d Horses and yon ; j,[; y us than you could j k ' I ' i ? j :y twmwwm m in ? its?; ?' I , ;jmL'ia, S. 'C. &r w It 3- 11 ii ?