* |BANK*i7N I Just as Easy to Open ; * i /' . Though You Li ? DEPOSIT parfc of youi earnings Ti | Brooklai v ^ New Brook jg WE CARRY FIRE AND BURCLAF SSSSSSS?89CS8S8SS9?Si8S9i9 CHAMBER TO WORK FOR FREE BRIDGES - Question Generally Discussed Last Night. BONO ISSUE OF $75,090.00 r, J V Advantages to Columbia Shown By > the Speakers. The State of March 7. *?T > <%aF f V??? V rtf or* rriili in or t, n at. X VOU iiVU vuiwa v* uuj ??? would help Columbia more than free bridges." The statement was made last night bt fore the members of the Columbia Chamber of Commerce by B. W. Shand, a member of city cuunv oil, de ending the propos d bond issue of f75,000 to purchase or erect bridges across the Congaree river. "We want you to come here. We ;wsnt you to trade, but you must pay to come here." This Mr. Shand said is the welcome that is daily extended by the city of Columbia to the people j of Lexington and other counties in the J western section of the State, who would | spend thousands of dollars annually ^witih Columbia merohants.if there was ' ' not a a riff against their coming. He said the toll was like a Columbia merchant who woald be so foolish as to place a man at his door and charge hnstomers a fee to enter the store. The question of 41 free bridges"across the Cougaree river was thoroughly thrashed out before two score inem* bers of the Chamber of Commerce and it was decided that the Chamber would in a body work to carry the election . on the question of issuiDg $75,000 wortu of bonds. The election will be vnext Tuesday. There were discussions by many of the members. Each side " *** ? /- lv r? T"? AO frt T> rooon lt.Q YVilS j^lVCU Ck V/UOUVV bv j/ivgvi, tbe city should be made attractive so as to induce people to come here. He did not see "where Columbia would be benefited by the purchase of the bridges. There wai a spirited debate between Chas. Narey and F. S. Terry. Mr. Narev was another one of :he aggressive opponents to the bond issue. He did think that the city wculd be benefited by 'freeing" the bridges. He said that be owned considerable property and that it was not the taxes, bub t lat ||the city itself should be first improved. At the last session of the legislature an act was passed authorizing and directing the supervisor of Lexington --county to issue live notes of Lexington county for ?5,000 *?ach, payable one, two, three, four and five years from > date at 6 per cent interest, payable annually, for the purpose of paying one*third of the cost of purchasing the vw aiark/4 /%? tKn co try o UfiUgO UUH UBCU)U1 icpcunu^ bUV OHUiU *pr building a new bridge across the -Congaree river between Richland and Lexington counties and providing that v ? ** |v?w<*?? ?v be held after a petition bad been filed with the obunty board of commission)fen containing a majority of the freeholders of said township. This petition ha9 been filed, and the county board of commissioners have i. ordered the election for next Tnesday and have appointed managers of election. At this election only qualified electors can vote. ??? "Monday's Sales. Monday was salesday and a right good crowd was in town. Clerk of Court Shealy sold the 8. F. Roland land, 62 acres. 8. F, Roland was the purchases, the price being $1,125.00. Sheriff Oorley sold two tracts as follows: The Hook lands, 55 acres near Gaston, was bought by John A. Roberts, the purchase price being *oxa on | f^VVi VV ? The R. L. Shuler land, sold under executions, 100 acres, was bought by W. W. Hawea for $3,100. Mr. 8. P.' Shumpert sold ouly his y storehouse and lot at Cayoe. This / was bought by Wax. Cayce for $2,300., \ IAIL: I an Account With Us as ^ ived Next Door. ' >' ODAY. Bring it, send it or mail it. ? rid Bank s land, S. C. f l INSURANCE. . Obituary. John Patrick Corley, born May 15th, 1848, and died March 2nd, 1911, aged 62 years, 9 months and 17 days. He was united in holy wedlock to Miss Amanda Drafts, October 16,1873. To them were born 6 sons, 3 daughters, and 10 grand children; one son preceied him to the spirit land. He was a life long member of Providence Ev. Lutheran church, a good citizen, a kind neig2bor, an affectionate busbf nd and father, and has left a host of relatiyes and friends to mourn his departure. His remains were laid to rest in the Drafts cemetery, near his late home. Services by the writer. J. A. C. County Sunday School Convention. Annual Convention of Lexinzton County Sanday-school Assocition will be held at Hebron cbuich, March 18, 1911. Programme: Saturday morning March 18, 1911. 10 Opening exercises.10:30 The Power of the Trained Teacher, Prof. W. E. Black. 11:00 Practical plans for training: our country teachers. Prof. L. M. Boukniglit. 11:30 Enrollment of delegsftes, election of officers, appointment of committees. Saturday Afternoon. 1:00 Jesus, the Master teacher. F. F. Whilden. 1 30 The Primarydepartment. Mrs. E. C. Oronk. 2:00 The Sunday-school and Mis sionary. Dr. E. C. Ridgeii. 2:20 The organized S. S. Work. Rev. S. C. Ballentine. Rev. S, H. Booth. 2:40 Township organization. J. R. Lowe. Each Sunday school in the county i9 entitled to 9end two delegates, aud the superintendents are urged to give this matter attention. All persons in the county are urged to be present and help in every possible way. Delegates are reminded to bring pencils and note books. Notice should be seat at once to Mr R. N. Senn, New Brookland, S. C. The above call for the Annual Con vention of the Lexington County, S. 0. Association is made by: Rev. J. C. Counts, B. Heber Bar-e, Hayne Williams, J. J. Fox, W. P. Roof, R. L. Shuler, Rev. W. L. Keel, Rev. S. H. Booth, Rev. S. C. Ballentine. Dnno Vmin Dohir Cnffrm UUGD IUU1 uaujf OllliCl From SKin Disease ? He would be a heartless lathe* in. deed, who did not allay baby's suffering as did Mr E. M. Bogau of Enterprise, Miss. He says: "My baby was troubled with breaking out, something like seven-year itch. We used all ordinary remedies, but nothing seemed to do any good until I tried HUNT'S ftUPF anri In a few days all symptoms disappeared and now baby is enjoying the best of health." Price 50o per box. For Sale by J. R. I. C, : : : i icmomodafss I vice?. We cash out-of-town 1 nding money away. We are g ratters. Make your deposits w cf good treatment of its de- 3 ear interest at 5 per cent. || eil as the business men to do ? f. F. HONKYC UTT, Cashier Jl> 1 " i in i ^ _____ ff AX- BANK c. >rs D N. II. DRIGGERS E. G. COOK )D W. P HAMRICK C II. BARRON 0 lules! j rabham's! r Credit. J C I selling the best mule? . Have a fresh bunclf the best that can be you need to see me. ) everybody. When L call to see | ibham, . s. c. C% ~$L m Wing the best line of imer Shoes and Oxfords for id Children,- that we have 1 rr TYlolrna Oltrl Stvles to se ijj ?- ?J 30 prices are bound to please ;he famous Hunt Club Shoe :e an inspection today. v Sss, v, \ **