The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, February 15, 1911, Image 7

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. PS0FSSSX02TAL CARDS. DR. G. R. HARDING, THE OLD AND TRIED DENTIST, ; is at his office doing good worK at moderate prices. Call to see him don't wait. Near Hyatt's Park, COLUMBIA, S. C , .* *.*? / i -h y B. F. J6WES, H. D. V. Graduate Veterinarian. Out-of-town calls promptly .*. attended to v : COLUMBIA, S. CIIOBERT MOORMAN. W XJkVVVAMv j _ Admitted to Practice in all # Coarts in this State. Carolina National Bank Building, COLUMBIA, S. C. Wl?. W. HA WES, Attorney and Counselor at Law. NEW BROOXLAND.S. C. Practice in all Courts. Business solicited. November 1,1905. - ? F. K. DEEHIB. tpfird & dreher, u attorneys at law, LEXINGTON C. H.. S. C. Will practice in all the Courts. Business solicited. One member of the Arm will always be at office, Lexington. IS. C. t h. fricx, j . attorney at law. ch-iiTN, & U. Office: Hotel Marlon, 4th Boom. 8econd Floor. Will practice in all the Courts. ; V Thurmond & timmerman, attorneys at law, will practice in ALL courts, Citizens* Bank b'ld'g, Batesbnrg, s. c. We will be pleased to meet those having legal business to be attended to at our office to the Citizens' Bank Building at any time. Bespectfuily, Wm. THURMOND. G. BELL TIALMEBMAN, S Albert m. boozer, attorney at law, columbia, s. c. Office: 1836 Main Street, upstairs, opposite I , Tan Metre's Furniture Storesspeeial attention given to business entrust- i " ' *?1? U4~ Lexincton 93 co aim uy 'its wuwn v>w?v^ ? 3ountv. ! Law Offices, _ ( ) Residence, 1539 1309 Washington < > Pendle ton Street. Street. ( ) Office Telephone No. 1S73. Residence Telephone No. 1036. WBOYD EVANS, lawyer and counsellor. > columbia. s. c. " : I Dr. f. o. gilmore, DENTIST ' 1510 Main Street, COLUMBIA, S. 0. j Otfice Hocbs: a a. m. to 2 p. m., an horn s to 6 p.m. j DR. D. L. HALL, J dentist columbia, s. c. Lntbtran Publication Building:, 1626 Main St. * Office hours R a. m., to 5:30 p/m Doc* 23. 1007- -6m 1 i IT c- DUEHER, Agent, jl j FIRE INSURANCE. ; REPRESENTING HOME INSURANCE COM N. V. i INSURANCE CO OF N. A? PtttLA GERMAN-AMERICAN, N. Y. GLOBE AND RUTGERS, N. Y. ?? ? ab> raue 'I TEUTVNM, HKH VRu.M?* . | SOUTHERN STOCK FIRE, GREENS* | BOftO NORTH CAROLINA. 3 STRONGEST AND BEST OLD LINE [ INSURANCE COMPANIES LOCAL AGENCY LEXINGTON, S. C. NEW CROP GARDEN SEEDS May's and Ferry's ALL VARIETIES Oabba^o, Tomato, Beet, Bean, Pea?, Com, Radish, Squash, Cucumber, etc. KADFMANN DRUG ?9. LEXINGTON, S. C. ItMM PARKER'S ' HAIR BALSAM arSJ? Hytrin tod braotifles LV h*lr. FVcmolei ? Iaian*:it growth. ;%3- JQ Fftil* to Beetoro Grmy LWm Hair to its VoarthjTul Color. % j| writes Lola P. Roberts, o! || || Vienna, Mo., "I used to be 1| M sick most of the time and m i| suffered with backache and m \ |1 headache. My Mother, who || pi had been greatly helped by Sg fH the use of Cardui, got me || Htwo bottles, and I have gig been well ever since." H The Woman's Tonic ' ICardui is a gentle tonic |g for young and old women. || It relieves and prevents 1 pain. It builds strength. It ||f feeds the nerves. It helps g the whole system. || j%| iuaue irum narmiebs sg & roots and herbs, it has no Si ig bad after-effects, does not ii || Interfere with the use of || IB any other medicine and can M II do you nothing but good XI ?1 TryCarduL It will help gi |9 you. Your dealer sells it M Avery I THE JEWELER 1508 Main St., Colombia, S. C. j | *; ???? I REPAIRS j WATCHES AND JEWELRY lakes Them Good as New MEDALS AM) BADGES Manufactured in Our Own Shops for Schools and Other Purposes. AVERY, The Jeweler 1508 Main St., Columbia, S. C THE WORLDS GREATESTSEWHI3 MACHINE J-IGHT RUNNING ^ if r^r. :>t oi Ih sr a Vihrat 5rs? P,h n t tie, notary St.uiiloor a tStasrk; Thr?&d fChaing&itch] So whig Machice writt to Uil ?GW? SSWIW8 MA5HISE COMPASV Orange, Mass. hlrtvy ^\e'w 7 machines arft m?ric to Sell regar<?le?f cf quality, '>m t.:e Xow llomc is ir.ace lu wear. t>ur guaranty ucver rjirs o;:t. S?ii by authorized dealers only* I-OE SALK ?Y W. P. RD3F, L5t5^3,'!>i, S.C, C W IIMRI ED S3B ?11 I.BHIUC.I.IRR Chap in, S. C., * Has an up-to-date line of COFFINS AND CASKETS On hand, at prices to suit everybody. Prices range from $1.50 up to $50.00. OaU cm me find I will save you money. I am prepared tq furnish a hearse whenever desired in connection with my unertaking business Jan. X 8m The prohibition law of Georgia has -now been tested long enough to show its effects for good or bad. So far the results have been all good. It may be violated, and no doubt is, but even its partial enforcement is so beneficial j that its repeal can not be thought of. j Attack Like Tigers. In fighting to keep the blood pure the white co-puscles attack disease germs like tigers. But often germs multiply so fast the little fighters are overcome. Then see pimples, boils, eczema, saltrheum and sores multiply and strength and appetite fail. This condition demands Electric Bitters to regulate stomach, liver and'kidneys and to expel poisODs from the blood. "They are the best blood purifier,'' writes C. m t-? j_i? -f m ? .< r imvp 'JL'. JDUtltUUIl, Ui IXK^Y) * ClilI., J. ua?\ ever found." They make rich. red blood, strong nerves and build up your health. Try the50c at. All Drugj gists. The history of Maine's prohibition law is a very interesting one. In 1S51 it was first passed by the legislature. In 1856 it was repealed thru the energetic work of the liquorites. In 1358 it was re-enacted by a majority popular vote of 22,983. In 1884 the question was resubmitted to a popular vote and was carried by a majority of 46,972. Since then the law nas Deeu leu aione. ' 9 0 Thirty Years Together. Thirty years of association-think of it. How the merit, of a good thing stands ott in that time?or the worth lessness of a bad one. So there's nc guesswork in this evidence of Thos. Ariss, Concord, Mich., who writes: "I have used Dr. King's New Discovery for 3.0 years, and its the best congh and cold cure I ever used." Once it finds entrance in a home you can't try it out. Many families have used it forty vears. Tniocf infalliKlfk f.VlTYVJlt". llinC JlV o UX^ uivjv * a_j a ks a v avm.v wijv* -w.*#0 medicine on earth. Un equaled for lagrippe, asthma, hay-fever, croup, quinsy or sore lungs. Price 50c, $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by All Druggists. The people of Georgia are looking in Governor-elect Smith to depose from office any and all prosecuting attorneys or sheriffs who fail to do full duty in regard to the violations of the pro- j bibition law. j The death rate of Kansas is the low- j e9t in the world. It is only to 1,000 npranna. Those that govern most make least noise. j S100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dieaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive oure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tlie system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by bailding up the constitution ana assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have . so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure, Send ! for list of testimonials. i Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Tnlrn TTall'u T7oTnil\? Pillv t'n*" stipation. I WOOD'S SELECTED Seed Potatoes We are headquarters for | the best Maine-grown, Second Crop and Northerngrown Seed Potatoes; stocks selected and grown specially for seed purposes, and superior both in quality and productiveness. I Wood's New gives deSeed Catalog scriptions I and full information as to the best and most profitable kinds to plant, both for early and main crop. Write for prices and Descriptive Catalog, mailed free on request. T. W. WOOD 6 SONS rv a IF. - luuimuiiu, va. j | _ I DEALER IN ? General HerMise I Staple Line | ?- ?* JUMMi <p?tM A a *rvn V* M ICiitUUixKIito, L:Ai\ n B GOODS, HARDWARE, 1 ENAMEL WARE, TIN- 1 WARE, ETC. - - - - I Lexington, - S. C. 1 BMJyUI ??B?WPWH??D?M BlIIMW J A SAD LIVER robs yr ' ambition. To rid yours l S 3 M N I RE I 1 L1WEH RE ! (tiie powj Tt ic n -fino ctroncrtli^Tiincr rtif flici ff organ responds promptly to its pow< the stomach and digestion. Purifie: || out that languid lialf-sick feeling i|j and cheerful. Try it. i y j SOLD BY DEALERS. PRICI Si Ask for the eenuino with the Rod Z on the ftend l>y mill postpaid. Simmons Liver Regulator 1 i:. i'ricc, Si.00 per bottio. Look for the Red Z J. j J. H. ZEILIN 4. CO., P ?Mtsaary. Margaret E. Shall died February 3, 1911, aged 63 years, 4 months, and 19 days. She became the wife of Daniel E. Shull January 39, 1S63. He pre ceded her to the Spirit land. She leaves two sisters, one son, three daughters and seventeen grandchildren to mourn her departure. She was confirmed in St. Peter's (Meetze) E vangelical Lutheran church, and afterwards became a member of Mt. Hebron M. E church, and was ever faithful to the end. Her remains were laid to rest in the cemetery of her church in presence of many relatives and friends. J. A. C ?Remember that you can secure the Home and Farm, the yery best farm paper ever published, tor only 25 cents a year in connection with T'le Dispatch. Subscribe now. It is not right or manly to lie, even about Satan. ------- For Sale A vaiuaoie plantation or tzo acres 60 acres open; good for corn, cotton, etc., near Cross Roads, four miles west of Swansea; dwelling, out-buildngs, two good tenant houses and fine water. Address, D. H. Laws jn, Gas ton, S. C., Route Jaul8-2mll REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over SIXTY YEARS bv MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE TEETHING, with PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES the CHILD. SOFTENS the GUMS. ALLAYS all PAIN ; CURES WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy for DIARRHOEA. It is absolutely harmless. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-live cents a bottle. IT\ EFORE ordering Magazines get our K big clubbing catalogue and special R offers and save MONEY. S SOUTHERN SUBSCRIPTION AGENCY A Postal Card will do. RALEIGH, N. C. Columbia Junk Co., v vi cii9iciii| nvpi Pays the best Price for SCRAP IRON METALS, of all kinds,BONES,RACS, ETC. Remember the place: Look for sign. 805 Cervais St., Columbia, S. C. Opposite the Cibbes Machinery Co. Place what you have on your Wagons going to town or write, J. OREWSTEIN For Prices. MESTER SPiLLI CtAMOND BRAND l^^ll Sufr'ar CO" I t.tfr^u^Srutrr.M for CHI-CHES-TER'S A DIAMOND BKaND PILLS in Kf.d and/j\ -sold metallic b"xes, sealed with Blue\%#~ Ribbon. Take no other. boy of yonr\/ ?nd **k for CHI-CHKS-TLH 8 V DIAMOND EUAXtt PILLS, for twenty-five years regarded an Beet.Saie^i, / 'wavs Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DHUG6ISTS EVERYWHERE Ti?T??> | ^ Ik IK aumicj nam ^ # As Gdb ^ ? Also Good Shi ^ ^ Old Reliable Rock W=== V* RHEA LI v ^ 1109 Kamptcn i J ,! ?WV^WWWV m of energy, strength and j elf of the burden, take SONS | 3 2 QULATOR DEIi FORM) I ne for a tomid liver. The v/eakened El ' irful reviving influence. It corrects | 5 and regulates the bowels. Drives [ , makes you feel bright, vigorous LARGE PACKACC, 11.00. label. If yon cannot Ret it remit to a*. we will j ; 1 is put up also hi liquid form for Cboso who prefer j abel. ROPS.. ST. LOUIS. MO. I | ??L j A wise Chicago millionaire has re- j fused to buy a title for his daughter j because of what went with it. How to cure ? cold is a question in j wnien manv are iulwwicu nutv. i Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has won its great reputation and immense sale by its remarkable cure of colds. It can alwavs be depended upon. For sale by All Dealers. Most of the time a small boy isn't eating something lie is bnsy looking j for something to eat. A pound of pluck i9 worth a ton of luck. 1 I 1 - ! | ^ (?/ Monthlj H Door sc \ V mm/ Poverty \mam ?n w' \??SS ,. , . ?ily be al J. T. COLEMAN Mgr. Charleston, S. C. THE PRUDENTIAL INSURAW Incorporated as a slock compa John F. Dryden, President. ! FOR K (and DRESSE i Doors, Sash, Bl ! Etc., Write N. K. DR ; COLUMBIA. | ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FIGUR SHINGLES AND LUft I 'J'.J. 1 . -J ! _ . _ I i I Q UUOI HI! d as We Can Buy, For All pment of Columbus, and Rc Hill Buggies, "A Little Hig VE STOCK C< Street. - Columbia, *WWWW%VW* fcVWfcWVtWVtV IBmasBamMBBansaBH w Honesty 1 in Jewelry J I "If it came from Sentz's, you Sj know it's all right," is what one 1 of our customers remarked to ? another the other day. $ When yon bay Jewelry, you I generally have to take the "Jew- I gj. eler's word for it" whether it is j j? good or not. ? That's just where our reputa- | H tion for honesty and fair dealing | a counts. 3 |j And furthermore, we will [al- jS d ways give you your money back 9 9 and ask no questions any time 9 you are dissatisfied with a pur- a 3 chase. 3 9 Special attention to mail orders, 9 I CHARLES F, SENTZ, JEWELER, | 1439 Main, Columbia, S. C 5 ?1910? Land WINTER SHOES Lexington friends will find it to < r interest to see our large stock ) ices for "this fall" aswe bought c y in March to keep from paying j mce prices, so we can sell you at / years prices which will make J e a saving for you on your fami- 5 boo bill. We "do" give you the < "solid" shoes for the least J tey. Farmers strongwork shoes ? ecialty. J p. & F. A. DAVIS, | e Prudential f income Policy is the parting Comfort From f m ich side wil| your farnFter your death? ALFRED J. FOX, Special Agent, LEXINGTON, S. C. CE COMPANY OF AMERICA, ny by the State of New Jersey Home Office, Newark, N J touch :d lumber, linds, Shingles, > or call on 1CCERS, SOUTH CAROLINA. ED. MARKET PRICES PAID FOR rnnn An err TTTVno LXJXLiIV \JT AJuu rvi x/o. fieflcmt Armstrong Stocks aod Pies We Do Not Handle Imitations Six Assortments Carried in Stock Threading Pipe % in. to 4 in. inclusive Also Vises, Pipe Cutters, Wrenches, Bard Bushings Columbia Supply Co., Columbia, S C. iEHE=s| Purposes: ^ ^ \nh- Mill Unarcnos the ^ 5 her in Price, BUT?" ^ ^ OMPANY, \ I South Carolina. # \ ^vmwu5 J