The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, February 15, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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Iv Where the Money Goes, j Following is a synopsis of the general appropriation bill for the expenses of Sonth Carolina during the year 1911: Governor's office, ?17,083; secretary of state's office, $7,120; comptroller general's office, ?15,030; insurance I commissioner's office, ?10,000; State treasurer's office, ?7,600; State superintendent of education's office, $7,S00; afljutant general's office, $17,070; attorney general's office, $7,815; railroad commissioners' office, $11,570; chief game warden's office, $1,050; State librarian's office, $1,800; public buildings $02,755.83; State geologist's office, $2,250; department of agriculture,' ( commerce and industries, $22,920; ju.dicial department. $95,820; health department, 328,305.27; board of medieval examiners, $2,500; tax department, $31,833.14; University of South Carolina, $92,376.10; Winthrop Normal and Industrial college, $125,662 44; the Citadel, the Military college of South Carolina. ?55.009: institute for educa I^ion of deaf, dumb and blind, $33,046.98; State Colored Industrial and Mechanical collet, $29,500; other educational purposes, $148,420; State hospital for insane, $304,525; South Carolina Industrial school, $26,972; State penitentiary, $6,550; other charitable and penal purposes, $805; pensions, $265,000; historical commission, $3, I 800; interest on bonded debt, $295,886.22) elections, $23,050; miscellaneous, $76,752.43; the senate, $14,971.40; the house of representatives, $38,901.70; engrossing department, $5,808; expenses common to both houses, $320; total, $1,971,322.51. Devoe Saved Them 8140. I The Fair Ground buildings, Cofcleski!l>i N. Y., were painted Devoe last J ear. Two other-paint agents said the job woold take 150 gallons (their price was 15 cents less a gallon). Devoe agent said not over 125. * It took 115. Saved'em at least $140 fig paint and labor. ' The American House, Tannersville, Y., was painted two coats last year; not Devoe. Mr. Charles Hgner, across the street, put-on one coat Devoe. Mr. Wiltse (American House) is sor ryhe didn't paint Devoe. Haner's one coat was better than Wiltse's two. Depends on the paint. 28 The Kaufmann Drug Go. B Plant Gardens Now. Now is the time, do your gardening. , ^^HfDress asparagus beds, sow^articfaofce I Hand vegetable oysters late in month; Hnow tomato, egg plant and pepper unI Bis? glass, in gentle heat ; plant early B^^Korn; finish pruning, transplanting ^HHrines and trees. Plant strawberries, ^^^Hiorseradish, English peas, onions and I^Brisft potatoes, and bed yams for slips. IoW asparagna, cabbage, cauliflower, elery, carrots, turnips, radishes, arsnips, mustard, spinach, beets, arsley and cress. Pension For Jim Tillman. A special from Washington last reeksays: idol. James H. Tillman, nephew of enator Tillman of South Carolina, tho was recently reported to be alone nd penniless, and dying of tubercneis, is now drawing $30 a month penon from the United States for ser IUC6 itutucicu All vuv w^aui^u AA?. a?-war as colonel of the First Sooth irolina regiment. The pension bill B3 introduced in May, 1910, by Repsentative Patterson, of Sooth Carola. Eonday Last Day . ? , To Make Returns. &6it Monday, the 20th of February, the last day to make tax returns, d County Auditor Dent i6 very xious that ail those who have cot yet made their returns will do so at ce. returns have been good this vear nearly every section of the county, I the people are to be commended p their honesty. Make \ oar returns fnext Monday sure. Tome and Far.n, best agricultural, ipe- ever published, only 25c a 3 ear connecticn with The Dispatch. IHJTHFUL ADVERTISING THE BASIS OF SUCCESS. ice the Ingredients Entering Penma je Known, Its Power as a Catarrh Bemedy and Tonic is Understood. COLUMBUS, OHIO.?The ac? j jve ingredients entering the most epular household remedy in the rorld have been made known to public. This means a new era the advertising of popular fammedicines?Peruna leads. Peruna contains among other ^^HBhings, golden seal, powerful in its upon the mucous mem^^^HH>ranes. Cedron seed, a rare ^^^^Hneciicine and unsurpassed tonic, ^^^^fcubebs, valuable in nasal catarrh affections of the kidneys and j I ladder. Stone root, valuable for ie nerves, mucous membranes > well as In dropsy and indication. ? Notice. I want a shingle sawyer to operate a Gibbes Mill. Permanent job or as little as three months. Apply to P. C. SHEALY. 3wl6p Lexington R . F. D. 3. Special Price Paid For Coon Minks and Otter Skins See Before You Sell. B, BERRY, Boots, Shoes, Clothing and "Cent's Furnishings Columbia, - - S. C. A MOMEY TO LOAN f 5 On Improved Farming Lands J j ? Long Time. Easy Payments. j Borrower pays actuai cost of j ?n?(n/ifinn Inona Va Artmmia. ! ? lUUXiJ. XIV/ VUUiiJilO" ^ 9 sion charged. } JOHN B. PALMER & SON J ? Sylvan BJdg. P. O. Box 282 | ? Columbia, S. C. ? f * ! SHOES! SHC . SHUfrn We have fiPMW8Smt sell against fore you bu every Pair. SUMMER i HIUD NEW STORE CMPM, S. C. | Lexington re< I A Car Load Of Horses AC Imtu lviuica Suittable for all purp< make your selection. See us before you buy 1| Wheeler $ | 1306 Assembly St* r??? I We are here to serve you 1 may want, at right prices. See Us Befor ISwygert a LEESVILLE, West Andrews, a Saluda negio conI yieted in 1^04 or manslaughter for havi ing killed Willis Daniel, another ne! gro, and sentenced to serve seven I years, was pardoned by Governor I Blease on Monday, Why Suffer From Eezema? ! A Georgia Man Tells His Experience. I was afflicted with a very bad case of Eczema for twenty-five years | which was in my feet, legs and hips. Through all this time I tried different remedies and Doctors'orescriptions, obtaining no relief until I used your HUNT'S CURE. One box (50c) cured me entirely, and though two years have elapsed I have had no return ottne trouoie. Naturally I regard it as the greatest remedy in the world. Yours, J. P, Perkins, Atlanta, Ca. For Sale by J. R. UANGFORD, Swansea, S. C. W. A. OXNEfc, Gilber , S. C KAUFMANN DRUG CO. >ES! SHOES! i e Have Them! one of the Sweilest Lines of Sumin Chapin. All Brand New. is, Low Cuts, for Ladies and Gents. We Guarantee every Pair we ; Ripping cr Bursting. See us bey. We will save you money on >ples Friends 18 ?-II wUv5i rfM ml m yrvsui f'"* ,< v MBf >ses. Call quick and E aimbmmwm ?k? rncca iiyuu i i Roberts. | , a m m i I es. g iviuies.g sr I jg We have in our | |! Stables Horses, Mares | ? and Mules suitable fori ?| any and all purposes. | gj Come in and make | |j your Selection. I with just such stock as you | r* Vaii Rn\* 9 x-/ i wy u jL/U J nd Smith, I , . S. C. I BMBHMHHBMBI' - M-Utll -di^. ^TTii O rg-snnr^roi{xsni KT1 1C PTE az *n f Hf g^Lftte?t^fciaA^t^<^iTr^Ahr^h^w ||j a Aim J I - - < H t i .-ygmmmmmmmsmmmssmmei : I " < I / <' */'.' <*' f /'J*** k j 4 VvV//"!/?' - ;jj j 1 atom B ' I 8 I G II! | Bej 4 cSh I I ?]> < H r J" > ? M S ;;; I Wi I it | 1 CENERAI HI 1 LEXINGT ivnri ni * * 4 IP \ ? \ ? Li |ijlTCTicr^Tg?Tp?7F||fiijn \* ?i ^ >r > i yw* WWJ yi* yw"w yw"y A m ifrtrf* mJLmI AA ifr iflLA * mm m? w "" -^*?1"" i^HH BnBMMannnBfl XSgBMB?Bj-i*-?~ | !/^Sp IJ)^ Ml the i>adin(i Branc et Our Mces fore Yo Buy. k ftUiMW jSSR u. /BBSk I Hi ill PKssfmB3aBsamsamsa?smmBS9 L MERCHA* p\ < urM, - iBfflBMwmmaBZi iiftiFiiniiim 25 SSSSS SSSBSB ??nil I I 1 : 'y [, i'-'yt ' Bj J " < ? >'? 9 Is. I ii: SB ? iiRf' 14 " f < * i < > i 1 mmssmumoMB ^ | ; IDISE I | - S.C. I I':; f j: nmiiii?imaa:H[: