HBIMIHEflllBBI3E52R^B^3B9S?B3flEyHBXfi gg?BP?O??M3??aaa?e?BHWur mb PLOWS, I And Planre * Hard 1 Riding and Walking Twc 1 Harrows, Spike Tootli H; 1 ers, Corn and Cotton P! I Chilled, Stalk Cutters, Hi I You will not work y I buy from us light-runr \rr\ii noorl r?PW fhinCTS for jrvu. A-lVxVxVl any kind come to us. R' . deal. This is a hobby w: Lorick & iNCORPi COLUMBIA, ^ ' ?&* ,, t, W "We sell our g !' > and for Spot I ^ Buy- your Dry Men's and Boy L W and save moi ib New Fall Good I # j ^ day. i W I $ Jones Cash Br | E ISM Main Street, ? ? ? ? ^ V ^ ^ *i / II | The Caldv 5 1552 Corner Main and 2 * Columbia Bank. Central * H. W. WOODWARD, I 3 American and, * 3 Rates: American $2. and J 3 European, 75c and t Headquarters for the * flTTTCTrr TTl 1.9 Vf\J lOXM JU V J w * Proper and Careful Atfce 0 * Now Under New Management f The Or ^r- Rovs I Manufacturer above other c idea Twenty-: to-day; the n L factories to si F. NORFOLK,\ MACON. GA Bp; Kr MMH?wai ?W | HARROWS I irs General | j ware j ) Horse Cultivators, Disk arrows, Rollers-Pulveriz- | lanters, Plows-Steel and ? ay Presses, Garden Plows | our stock so hard if you | ling impliments. When | the farm, or hardware of | fe will give you a square I ifln nc IU1 UU? jH Lawrence, ? ORATED. I S C. g oods very close, w i w Cash only." ijj'/ vl> i pi yf uooas, onocs, s' wear from us W if ney. Sfy W s arriving every <#> r (inniis Store. Z ' w Gotumbifii S. C. |jjj| * well Hotel* I * Taylor Streets. Opposite t Ly located. Columbia, S. C. * >roprietor aDd Manager. J ft n European Plan. ? 52.50 per day. * $1.00. Large, Cool P ooms | TJ. C. T.'s and T. P. A.'s. ?" ^EXCELLED. ft ntioQ Given to All Guests. * ft Watch us Grow. * ft ft igjn of Roystcr h ter believed that succc of Fertilizers who wou :onsiderations. This wa seven years ago and BSult has been that it jpply the demand for Ro: S. ROYSTER GUANO COMP, FACTORIES AND SALES OFFICES. fA. TARBORO.N.C. COLUMBIA. S. C. 8PAR . COLUMBUS. GA. MONTGOMERY. ALA. E Foley'? Pills" I - r?i? ??<- rv , .. vvnai iney win uo icr you They will cure your backache, j strengthen your kidneys, correct urinary irregularities, build up the worn out tissues, and eliminate the excess uric acid that causes rheumatism. Prevent Bright's Disease and Diabates, and restore health and strength. Refuse substitutes. Governor Blease has commuted the aonf-pnp.p r>f John Henrv Anderson. colored, of Laurens, from hanging to life imprisonment. Anderson killed his father-in-law. When her child is in danger a woman will risk her life to protect it. No great act of heroism or risk of life is r?or?^?s^rv i o nroteot a child from cronD. Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and all danger is avoided. For sale by All Dealers. The new board of commissioners of the Confederate Home, in Columbia, met and elected F. M. ,Mixon of Columbia, superintendent, in place of W. D. Starling. Sedentary habits, lack of outdoor exercise, insufficient mastication of food, constipation, a torpid liver, worry and anxiety, are the most common causes of stomach troubits. Correct your habits and take Chamberlain's Stomaeh and Liver Tablets and you will soon be well again. For sale by All Dealers. A commission has been granted to the Southern Home Insurance company, of Charleston, with a capital stock of $150,000, with the privilege of increasing it to $500,000. Piedmont and Old Mill cigarette coupons wanted. I will redeem these in cash. Rice B. Harman. WOMEN'S WOES. Lexington Women Are Finding Relief At Last. It does seem that women nave more than ?, fair share of the aches and pains that afflict humanity; they must "keep up," mint attend to duties in. spite of constantly aching backs, or headaches, dizzy spells, bearing-down pains; they must stoop over, when to stoop means torture. They must walk and bend and work with racking pains and many aches from kidney ills. Kidneys cause more suffering than any other organ of the body. Keep the kidneys well and health is easily maintained. Read of a remedy for kidneys only that helps and cures the kidneys and is endorsed by people you know. Mrs. E. L. Corley of Lexington, S. C., says: 'T was a sufferer for several years from rheumatism and also had symptoms of kidney trouble. My head ached severely and I endured a great deal of misery from severe pains through the small of my back. I filially decided to try Loan's Kidney Pills and procured a box at the Kanffman Drug Co. -i tirirb thp di j 1 USCG LlluiJi iLi auMuuuwni.u i,..w ?_ rectious and C2n *ay that they helped me a great deal. I do not hesitate to recommend this remedy to other kidney sufferers." For sale by all dealers. Prioe 50 cents Foster-Mi)burn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remembpr the name?Dean's?and | take no other. < RAOrMAfiK fSJb4 REGISTERED. * " :rtil!zcrs. ?ss awaited the ild place quality s Mr. Royster's this is his idea' requires Eight r'ster Fertilizers v-xr % ' v \ u vtf> * "? * '?*<#. N TANBURG, S. C. IALTiMORE. WO. . mmEJZTZzzszxr v , Husband Sentenced By Wile. Mrs. Nathan Kirkwood, of 392 Kipka street, Philadelphia, eentene d her j husband to one year in t :e House of 1 Correction, according to a special dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. The woman appeared against her husband in the Manayunk Police Court. After hearing the testimony the magistrate called Mrs. ivirKwooa 10 tiie bench, and informed her that she would have to be the judge as to the length of time her husband would remain in jail. "You go to the House of Correction for one \ear," Mrs. Kirk wood snapped at her husband, without a second's | hesitation. Kirkwood pjeaded with the magistrate, but the pleading brought fortli the answer that the sentence was just and would stand. According to Mrs. Kirkwood, her husband imbibed too freely and sold all the shoes in the house in order to get money with wnieh to purchase liquor. He came home early one morning and staited to beat his wife and four children. Mrs. Kirkwood says she has ben forced to support the children and thought that a year in jail might make her husband a better provider Attack Like Tigers. In fighting to keep the blood pure the white corpuscles attack disease germs like tigers. But often germs multiply so fast the little lighters are overcome. Then see pimples, boils, eczema, saltrheum and sore9 multiply and strength and appetite fail. This condition demands Electric Bitters to regulate stomach, liver and'kidneys and to expel poisons from the blood. "They are the best blood purifier," writes C. T. Budahn, of Tracy, Calif., "I have ever found." They make rich, red | blood, strong nerves and build up your health. Try them, 50c at. All Druggists. Harcnan-Oxner. On Thursday evening, January 20, atS o'clock, at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Rxlella Harman, Miss Arah Estelle Harm an and Mr. Bennie Eugene Oxner were happily married, the Rev J. C. Cjnnts officiating. The wedding party included a |namber of intimate friends and relatives. The wedding march, "Hearts and Flowers," was rendered by Miss Pearle Taylor, with violin accompaniment by Mr. Gjor^e Harinan. The bridesmaids were: Misses Blanch Parrott, Mae Keisler, Trannie Black and Rose Ella Oxner. Toe groomsmen were: Silas Amick, Rudolph Harman, Wilbur Hirraan and Irenius Warner. The bride wore a gown of white batiste, trimmed with real lace. The bridesmaids were {gowned in cream chiffon panama with lace trimmings. After the ceremony a delicious supper was served. H. Notice of Teachers Examination. The teachers of the county will please nnt.if-o r.nnr. the Serine examina I tiou for 1911 will be held oil the first ! Friday in May, at Lexington, beginning at 9 o'clock a. m. Please be prompt. The examination will include subjects on 4'School Lessons on Corn'' and "School Exercises in Plant Production" It is important that all teachers should have certificates ?t m i? very aiuij, A. D. MARTIN1 ? Co. Supt. Ed. FOB SALE I offer for sale three small farms three miles from New Brookland. Good land for truck growing, etc. Apply to If. W. SHULL, R. F. D. 1. New Brookland, S. C ?3tf FABU LOANS Loans made 011 improved farms in tv- j, t?: | lucmana ami tuui;uro w sums of $300 and upwards, payable in installments, no commissions are charged, borrower paying for preparation of papers only. THOMAS & LUMPKIN, 1233 Washington St., Columbia, S. C Notice, Debtors and Creditors. This is to notify all persons holding claims against the estate of Su^an Lown, deceased, to present tue same, projjery at testeand tho^e indebted to said estate v. ill make payment to the undersignV. on or before March 2, Kill. J. F. LOWN, 4 to 14 Executor. LAND SALET I On the firs? Monday in March, 1911, I will sell at publi; outcry before the coart hoti-" dcor in Lexington, S. C , to the highest bidder for cash, the following demerit ed real estate to-wit: "All that p.ece, parcel or tract of land lying and be:ug in Saluda Township, Lexington O.mnty, [South Carolina, containing fourteen (14) acres, more or Ipss, ar d being bounded as follows, viz: Fy Calvin Slice, Noah Monte. S. A. Mcnts*nc3 J. M. Bick^v." 4wIG ' II EN FY SHCLL. Subscribe for The Dispatch. Frost-Proo? Standard We prow only guaranteed plants, true tc have used them. Our prices are as follow? thousand: 5,000 to 0,000 at si.00 per thons; f U A urn nfij/1 in trmm iiiisuatiduu.9. ,r\.v ** m v?vxj iw. w Varieties: EARLY JERSEY, known to all LESTOX WAKEFIELD, same type, hut 1 largest and earlier t ot' all flat varieties: FL bago and a leader. We guarantee lull eoun express office, and satisfaction or money re ed, no delay. Send money bv Registered 1( THE CARR-CARLTON CO., [BUY YOUR SI Harman's Shoe store a: plete stock to select from in A special invitation to my n Make my store your Columbia. Farmers heavy s The man that saves yo H A R MAN* 1 5 I U H 1735 Main Street. | W OR F j Can be equally at this, the Sot I and best : ji Him m 1 Any article yo I the furniture | found here at ti ! VANMETR] I IMFRT1KFRS 252 H 1 Vlill I 11A1MA1V Wt Mill J ajmmhBBBBB8Z5BBHBBSBH^B8T3F3W^W IJ. J. RIKAR Lexinc I Has one of the . State and is prepare* ENGINES, BOILERS a on short noti Can bore any size ton Gin Saws Filed perfect work. Fa Is* Full line of Mill < at reasonable prices. 1TT-11 _ T 1 _ Ivv ni answer an c< faction guarateed or j. j. & 0. BROW 1730 MAIN STREET, f: Is where von can find or ^PASf I OF ALL DOORS, SA BLINDS LIME AND J CABINET I < f!?n a* mrifp for Prices. J: vn ? ? v* n ? ?- ? ? Have You Subscrib patch and Home anc I Cabbage Plants. > liamo. and recommended by all who >: 1,0'iot ) UH)0 plants at $125 per and: 10,000 to 15,('GO, 90 cents per . Write for booklet on culture, etc. as the earliest pointed head: CHARager and little later: SUCCESSION, AT DUTCH", our large flat late cabt in every box, safe delivery to yGur ^funded. Plants shipped when order>tter, Express or P. O. Money Order. <7 M AfinoHc Q ^ DVA 1 ' J l,,viJiJv"w! wi HOES FROM I ad save money. A com- ^ all leathers and prices3 g J * I Lany .Lexington irienas: i headquarters while in I \ hoes a specialty. M iu money on shoes. M S SHOE I |RE 1 Columbia, S. C. J iiiNiuncr I JILL till 1 JUL WEST HOME j well served i ith's largest 1 | i' STORE.. I ! a require in I j line can be I te right price I 1 '? i. refill Gin Brushes. 8 Supplies,Piping, Fittings, etc., H Duntry calls promptly. Satis- B your money back. Phone 412. B RIKARD, I Lexington, S. C. I nVbro.i1 COLUMBIA, S. C. | ie of the best stocks of KINDS | JSH, I \ & GLASS (JuariUM T. | fiANTLES. | ed Yet? The DisI Farm Both $1.25.