Call Extended. The joint council of the Lexington charge of the Lutheran church has extended a unanimous call to the Rev. D. B. Groseclose, of Earhardt, S. C., to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of the Rey. B. W. Cronk. The charge embraces four charches?Sc TriKn'a PitrvfTi/lrtnno Picfruh anfl \a'/. %J vm* O) JL LVWUCUVV) A V.MV. %.areth, all of them strong congregations. The Rev. Mr. Groseclose was for several years pastor of Luther Chapel, k Leesville, and the effects of his zealous labors in that town and community will never fade away. It is hoped t^at he will accept the call. Pneumonia Follows A Cold * But never follows the use of Foley's Honey and Tar, which checks the cough and expe s the cold. M. Stock well, Hannibal, Mo., says>, "It beats all the i Temedies I ever used. "I contracted a "bad cold and cough and was threatened with pneumonia. One bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar comp e eiy cured me." Ho opiates, just a reliable hoa9tliolci medicine. Sold By All Druggists. Boat wrlght-J uiaper. Miss Marv Bouknieht. of Leesville, and Mr. Wade Jumper, of Springfield, ^ were quietly married in the city of Columbia on last Thursday evening. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Emelie Boatwright of near Leesvllle, and fs a yonng woman of many graces. Tho groom is a substantial planter of Springfield. Corgratulaticns! Speedy Belief From Kidney Trouble "I had an acute attnck of Bright's .disease with inflammation of the kidneys and bladder. and dizziness," says Mrs. Gora Thorp. Jackson, Mich. "A bottle of Foley's Kidney Remedy overcome the attack, reduced the inflam * mafcion, took away the pain and made the bladd-r action normal. I wish everyone could know of this wonderful remedy." Sold By All Druggists. m / m Barr-Mathis. Miss Daisy Barr, daughter of Mr. -and Mr>. T. B. Barr, of St^edmau, this county, and Mr. J. L. Mathis, of JRome, Ga.f were quietly married in a 4*1* a ^ ai ^rr /\?? 1 a of \a7ooo ^ r> ff Aim aa?i * uuauv^ii/j uu ucuucojdj aiuciuuuu. Miss Barr has been spending the last two years in Rome. The couple will reside at their country home eight miles from Rome. La Grippe Coughs Strain and weaken the system and if mot ehecked may develop into pneumonia. No danger of this w .ien Foley's r ^ Honey and Tar is taken promptly. It is a reliable family medicine for all -coughs and c jlds, and acts quickly and effectively in cases of croup. Refuse o _ ?J r> tv MlUBlilbUbOB. OU1U Dy .111 U.?K-L?W5. Howell Dies o! Wounds. T. M. Howell, the white farmer of the Gaston section who was shot in a negro house of ill fame in the .city of dolnmbia on Saturday night, died at the Columbia Hospital Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The shooting is said to have been done by Arthur * Ruff, a negro, who escaped soon afterwards and has not been captured. ? - ? Backache, Bheumatism, i Sleeplessness Result from disordered kidneys. Foley Kidney Pills have helped others, i they will help you. Mrs. J. B. Miller, T Syracuse, N. Y., says, "For a long time 1 I suffered with kidney trouble and rheu \ matism. 1 had severe backaches and felt all piayed out. After taking two bottles of Foley Kidney Pills my backache is gone and w here I used to lie awake with rneniautic pains I now sleep in comfort Foley Kidne? Pills did "wonderful things "for me." Try them now. Sold By All Druggists. I ? ? \ . * ' . v Vallentines. t A full line of both comic and sentimental vallentines just received for jour inspection at Trie Bazaar. Many | beautiful designs. Prices reasonable. > _ > Remember The Name Foley's Honey and Tar for ail cough8 and colds, for croup, bronchitis, hoars ness and for racking lagrippe coughs JNo opiates. JK-eiuse suostuutes. told > By All Druggists. P The hotels, boarding houses and f restaurants are preparing to entertain i the court week visitors. Foley Kiduey Pilfc are a reliable remedy for backache, rheumatism and i urinary irreeularities. They are tonic W in action, quick in results and ail', rl a j ^ prompt relief from all kidney disoraers. Sold By All Druggists. -/ - ? ?? ~ The Colombia Tbeatre is drawing large crowds of Lexingtonians at almost each and ever}- performance now-a-days. A piece of flannel dampened with 1 Chamberlain's Liniment and bound on to the affected parts is superior to any plaster. Wben troubled with lame back or pains in the side or chest give it a > trial and yon are certain i? be more than pleased with the prompt relief '/which it affords. Sold by All Dealers. ? The Steele bridge at Wyse's terry is rapidly going up and will be ready lor travel by the 1st of March, it is * thought. You are probably aware that pneui monia always results from a cold, but you never heard of a cold resulting in pneumonia wheD Chamberlain's Cou^h FJRev^edy was used. Why take the ris'-r when this remedy may be had for a ; Death of Jacob Wmgard.. This communioy was shocked late Thursday afternoon by the announcement of the sudden and unexpected death of Mr. Jacob Wingard, one of the county's oldest and most highly respected citizens. He had been as well as usual and his family was greatly shocked when they found him in an unconscious condition. , Mr. Wingard was a Confederate soldier, having fought gallantly for the cause he thought to be right during the War Between the States. He was a member of Company K. 20th Sjuth Carolina regiment. At the close of the strife he returned to his native county, locating near the Court House, where he married and reared a large and influential family of sons and daughters, most of whom survive to cherish his memory and follow in his worthy footsteps. His wife died sev- j eral years ago. Mr. Wingard wa9 a church worker, being for several years ameipberof Pilgrim Lutheran church. I Surviving are four sons and three daughters, as follows: H. M. Wingard, a leading merchant of this town; Sam H., Justus J., Matthew, and Mrs. Bachman Meetze, Mrs. Sim Gross and Mrs. Hendrix Roberts. The deceased j was in his 77th year. His remains were laid to rest in the Pilgrim churchyard Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the presence of a large congregation, the last sad rites being conducted by his late pastor, the Rev. J. A. Cromer. The pallbearers were all old soldiers, making an impressive scene. LAND SALE. On the first Monday in March, 1911, I will sell at public outcry before the court house door in Lexington, S. C., to the highest bidder for cash, the ft 1lowing described real estate to-wit: "All that piece, parcel or tract of land lying and being in Saluda Township, Lexineton County, South Carolina, containing fourteen (14) acres, more or less, and being bounded a.s follows, viz: By Calvin Slice, Noah Moots, S. A. Mont9and J. M. Bicklev." 4ivl(5 HENRY SHULL, All eyes are on the town of Ohapin, and it will pay prospective purchasers to attend the big Auction Sale of town lots Saturday Feb. 4th, at 11 o'clock. W. L. Bennett, Auctioneer. u | | Lexington Pec I A Car Load ^ I Of Horses And Mules ISuf ttable for allfpurpc make^your selecif on. S C os before you buy Wheeler j 1306 Assembly St. K T am nr^iv of \n ? JUU V? (t U ' ill Columbia, wit Horses and Mu Kentucky. My Lexington are r spect my stock I 113 Ml W. A. ft? WHEELER'S STABLES j When her ehiid is in danger a worn; 11 i will risk her life to protect it. No i great act of heroism or risk of life is n ^cessarv to protect a child from croup, i Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy i and all danger is avoided. For sale by I All Dealers. ' Sedentary habits, lack of outdoor I exercise, insufficient mastication o* I food, constipation, a torpid liver, worry 5 and anxiety, are the most common I | causes of stomach troubles. Correct your habits and take Chamberlain's I Strmach and Liver Tablets and you I will soon be well again. For sale by j All Dealers. \i \y - i i Special Price Paid For Coon , Minks and O'ter Skins i See Before You Sell. j B. BERRY, Boots, Shoes, Clothing and Cent's Furnishings Columbia, S. C. ' # # UOMEY TO LOAN J On Improved Farming Lance J I\ t Long Time. Easy Payments. p Borrower pays actcai cost of I J perfecting loans. No commis- J j 4 $ sion charged. * [ P J JOHN B. PALMER & SON J . P Sylvan Bldg. P. O. Boa 282 Columbia, S* C# 2 j P Wh? Suffer I< I ; From Eczema? J l Georgia Man Tells His Experience. \ I was afflicted with a very bad * case of Eczema for twenty-five years * which was in my feet, legs and hips. { Through all this *ime I tried different * remedies and Doctors'rrescriptions,. * obtaining no relief until I used your * HUNT'S CURE. One box (50c) cured me entirely, * and though two years have elapsed I 1 have had no return of the trouble. * Naturally I regard it as the great* ( est remedy in the world. Yours, ' J. P, Perkins, ( Atlanta, Ga. * For Sale by > J. R. LANGFORD, Swansea, S. C. ( W. A. OXNER, Gilber , S. C k KAUFMANN DRUG CO. J , | iples Friends 11 r I ffi a tses. Call quick and 9 Prices always right. H I ii ====== [v c Roberts. || f Columbia, S. C. || f horses] \ AND 11 i. inr1 j MULES II iHieelers Stable t' ,h a ear load of ;j les, fresh from r 2 friends from litlB riL equested to m- w jefore buying. t F IAL0NEY I i CCL11BIA, s. r. j pp - ! yE t O ^X2!D03?XZ3CKZ3^ra wr ^ j 19 * > m| EBB BSEflj SfflBk B ^hh nh B B B In ^ B2SBHB1BHHBHB I '+'\* f/'t It i " S3 * 4 m?A f M I i|< m V n IB< Uf I i[j 1 I S J; I CENERi : I LEXING' [1 WI1IIIIWBM \i J; ' . -4> ZmSS^ Sjfij mifllHl??M! kSS ^^ ^ dtfh dfri ?^ t*" * i i i i ' ' i i im -K.'" 11 ' '""i-i ' U I hmh? All the Leading Bran< jet Our Prices ^ j:_ iiore i > ******, jjiumummrg-yrgf' ^"' ^ " . ?y -^y- u) im.y * ?' lit f | j> . j l a t IFIBli nnr L:: 8 * * < i''f'r'm * 4 1 i *\ Is. B if] mi ?u 1 i!i H * " 4 SSSr ^ \ IDISE I - S.C. I j:;